
IN A DIM CORNER of my mind, while I was still caught in the spell of weaving, I'd been vaguely aware of something moving into the room and settling itself near me. But I was oblivious to anything but the loom, and if I had any thought at all, it was that my dog, Snurri, had come to keep me company. Snurri was getting on in years and loved to lie beside me while I sewed or worked the household loom.

When I discovered that what I thought was Snurri was really the white bear, I jumped up from my stool, dropping the shuttle. It went skittering across the floor, unspooling the deep garnet-red yarn I had been using to create a sunset. The shuttle came to rest beside the bear, the yarn looking like a trail of blood from the loom to his gleaming white fur.

My fear turned quickly to anger, and foolishly forgetting the bear's enormous size and strength, I strode over to him and grabbed up the shuttle, my eyes blazing.

"How dare you sneak in here!" I said. "I have looked everywhere, through every corner of this place, and now you turn up and just sit there, as if ... as if..." I trailed off, not able to find the words. Then I began again, my voice shrill with frustration. "Where am I? Why have you brought me here?!"

The white bear rose slowly, almost apologetically, as if he did not want to remind me just how very big he was.

He was so overwhelming, so white and so large, that the room seemed to shrink. Whatever other words I had been about to say died on my lips.

"Come," the bear's voice rumbled.

And quietly I followed him back to the room where I had my meals; in my mind I called it the red-couch room. Another pot was bubbling on the fire, but I barely noticed. I sat on the couch. The white bear took a place by the hearth. He remained standing on his four paws.

"To talk ... is hard ... I can only do ... little." He paused, took a breath. "Your questions ... I cannot ... answer."

I sat still, mesmerized by his hollow voice and the blurred edges of the words. The sound came from deep down in his chest. His mouth moved but not the way people's lips move when they talk. I could see glimpses of his black tongue, rippling.

"Anything you need ... wool, color." He stopped again and breathed heavily. "Ask."

I nodded. "How long am I to stay here?" I could not help myself; I had to know.

"Cannot ... answer" was all he said. Then, "Stay ... with me."

"I cannot leave?"

"Stay ... no harm." It seemed to be getting more difficult for him, as though finding words was almost an impossible strain.

"But the woman in the kitchen, who is she? May I speak to her?"

The bear had begun to lumber toward the door. His steps were unsteady, his eyes clouded.

"Was there something you wanted me to make on the loom?" I asked.

The white bear kept moving, though just before going through the door, he turned his head sideways and the words "no harm"came again.

I sat for a moment, watching the now empty doorway.

I found myself wondering why he had brought me to this room to speak to me. Then my stomach rumbled and I realized I was starving.

I grinned. The white bear was making sure I ate.

It is difficult to explain, but after that interaction with the bear, I felt more at peace.

Nothing had changed, I didn't understand any more than I had before, and I was still a prisoner. And yet for some reason the words "no harm" comforted me and stayed in my head. For some reason I believed them.

I ate a nourishing meal from the stewpot, accompanied by dark bread and a cup of goat's milk. Then I returned to the loom and worked until I was sleepy. I had no idea whether it was day or night. I would have to make more of a routine for myself so that I would know when the day was done, although when I exited the weaving room, most of the lamps in the hall had been extinguished.

So it was nighttime—at least in the castle carved into the mountain.

A small lamp had been lit and left for me by the door. I picked it up and made my way down the darkened corridor. It was eerie, walking through the echoing halls of the castle, but I firmly repeated to myself the words "no harm."

I went to the room where my knapsack had been placed and unpacked the little I had brought with me. The bed looked a lot more comfortable than the red couch. And it was, far beyond anything I had ever slept on. It was large, so large I felt that my whole family might easily have fit in it.

Several oil lamps set in wall sconces lit the room. The oil in the lamps was different from any I had known in Njord. It smelled sweeter and burned cleaner and more slowly. But I had been unable to discover how to light the oil lamps myself. I looked for flints or some kind of striker but found none. In the castle there was no need to light a lamp myself, for each time I entered a room, lamps and candles were already burning.

When I was ready to sleep, I blew out all the lamps and candles but one, so the room wouldn't be completely dark.

As I lay there nestled in the softness of the mattress and comforters, I thought of my family. At home I was used to sleeping with at least my two sisters, and I felt lonely and strange, lying by myself in that large bed.

I slept. Sometime later I awoke, softly. My sister Sara had just climbed into bed and I pulled a little away, because her feet were always chilly and I was so warm and drowsily content in the soft...

Suddenly I came wide awake. I was not at home and it was not my sister who had climbed into bed beside me.
