If Lady L- had no affection for her only daughter, she made up for it in the person of her second son. He was all in all to her. She had always spoiled him. His departure had ended what might have been a fatal obstacle to the formation of his character as a decent member of society and a soldier. My father saw the mischief in time. He interfered and separated them. Lady L never forgave him. Percy had left his mother a stout, strong woman. He returned to find a wreck. More than that, he could not feel other than shame at the state to which he saw her reduced by her own excesses.
"I have much work to do this morning, Eveline, my dear. I shall leave Percy to amuse you. He wants to drive you over to Lewes. The old town is well worth a visit.
"I shall be delighted to go, papa. We will take the phaeton. Percy, I hope you are a good whip and will not spill me?"
We started at eleven. We took the footman behind. He occupied the seat under the hood which was only partly thrown back. The morning was chilly for the time of year. The wind came over the Downs with a violence which made the fur rug very agreeable. Percy was in high spirits. He told me of Lord L 's intention to get him transferred to the Household Cavalry on the first available vacancy. I told him all about my engagement to Lord Endover. He had already been informed of it by papa.
"You will be a horrid little Countess. I don't like the idea at all. I wanted to be a long time at home with you. I hoped to be such chums."
"Why, Percy, so we can be. I am not to be a 'horrid little Countess' for some time yet, you bad boy."
"But it seems it is all settled. You are to be married and done for."
"Whatever do you mean? I am sure papa is pleased. You know, Percy, dear old boy, girls have to be married, or else become old maids."
Percy actually laughed.
"You'll never be an old maid, Eve dear. I don't like the idea of your going away from us-just when I've come back and am likely to stop in England. I had pictured up such jolly times. You don't know, Eve, how I've thought of you all the long years since we parted. Although I could not write my thoughts to you, yet nevertheless you were in them. I loved you better than any of the girls I met. None of them were a bit like you. When papa sent me your photo after you left school, I was told all round it was too beautiful to be true to life. They all said the photographer had touched it up-especially the women. Now I know that no photographer could produce so exquisite a picture as would give a just idea of the original. You have grown a splendid girl, Eve. Do you remember I used to call you 'Eve'?"
"Yes, and I used to call you Adam. But we must forget those times now, Percy."
"Why should I forget? Just when you are ten thousand times more winsome and lovely? Because I am a man with a man's strong passions? Eve, dear Eve, I am not likely to forget our frolics. I mean to renew them with you, I mean to repeat-"
"Oh, Percy-you must not talk like that! You must not refer to our old associations."
I laughed-I could not help it. In that laugh he saw the hollowness of my reserve. He became more confident-more passionate. He began in earnest to make love to me. He nestled close, put his arm round my waist and held the reins with the other hand.
"Percy! Percy! The horses will play tricks! For goodness' sake let go, and drive properly."
"Well, kiss me then, Eve-then I will."
I put my face up to his. I kissed him on the lips. He held me close.
"I was only a boy then, Eve, I am a man now. I only half had you in those days. I mean to have you in earnest now."
"Oh! Percy-if anybody were to hear you."
"The hood is up sufficiently to keep all to ourselves. He can neither hear nor see over it, and the noise prevents all chance."
"Percy, you frighten me. We cannot be too careful."
"Trust to me for that. I am caution itself. We will play at Adam and Eve once more. I cannot let you marry and go without having tasted a real man, little Eve. Do you agree, my beautiful one?"
"Oh, Percy, you are too bad; you are exciting me shockingly!"
"Do you hear, my sweet? We began early. We are going to complete the thing now. Oh, Eve! My blood boils-I long to begin!"
"Hush, Percy! Pray be careful!"
"If you knew how I long for you! How I pant to snatch off that pretty bodice and let loose those well-blown breasts. I want to kiss them, Eve. I want to riot in kisses all over your beautiful body. How red your cheeks are, my charming Eve. You know you are as bad as I am. You want to play again with Adam. I know you do."
I cannot repeat all the bold and lecherous things he whispered to me on the way. We arrived at Lewes all too soon for my part. Percy drove to the best hotel. We descended and entered. He ordered lunch in a private room. It all passed pleasantly. He had the good sense to calm himself, but I made no scruple in allowing him to see that my inclination was as strong as his own.
We drove home to Eastbourne by Polegate. The air came fresher than even over the South Downs. I nestled under the furs. Percy drove carefully. We had the hood quite up now. He was warm with the lunch and the wine. I shared his exaltation. A very little coaxing on his part induced me to keep my hand under the warm wraps upon his left thigh as he held the reins. I think a tailor must be an artist by birth. He always seems intuitively to understand that a gentleman's "unspeakables" must be cut much more commodiously on the left thigh than on the right. No doubt they take their measures, but as their absurd tape can hardly be supposed to produce the same effect as the delicate fingers of Eveline, I am at a loss to know how, unless they are as I suggest, artist by intuition, they can allow such gigantic inflammation as took place in that region on the present occasion. In fact, this tailor had not done his work at all as he would no doubt have done, had he only had the foresight to have employed his young daughter to take the gentleman's measure "up to the crotch." In any case, I was obliged to make more room for the increasing growth under my hand. I opened a couple of buttons; another flew off all by itself-my fingers closed on his stiff limb.
"Oh, Percy! What a dreadful thing! Why it's more than twice the size it used to be."
"I believe it is, Eve; your little hand is making me furiously lustful."
I could not keep up even a semblance of propriety. With him I subsided into the position of the little sister of old. With others it was different. I had a reserve to maintain, a presence to be insisted upon- a certain imperative necessity for prudence and forethought. With Percy I felt myself free from all restraint. I took up the position as of old. It saved my modesty, or what answered for it: my awkwardness and nervous apprehension of inspiring any other sentiment than desire.
I nestled close down to him. The sweet odor of his manhood pervaded my nostrils-stole over my senses with irresistible impulse. I even furtively sucked my fingers when I could find a decent excuse for relaxing my grasp. He had certainly realized my hopes and expectations. The volume of his limb was undoubtedly doubled since the time when we made our pleasant investigations into the mysteries of the sexes.
"No, Eveline, you will never die an old maid. You are too wise, and you know too much for that. At the same time, my little Eve, you cannot make me believe you have not found, in all this time, a serpent to tempt you, though I really do think it might require a pair of apples to do that. Tell me-was it before you left school? Who was the lucky reptile? A music-master? A youth of subtle insinuations? A man-or a snake?
"How can you talk such nonsense, Percy? You are really too bad!"
"But I am right, little Eve. A girl of your temperament could not resist if she tried. I am not in the least jealous, you may be sure, dear girl, nor do I blame you for following a purely animal instinct. We men all do it, then why not the girls? Confess then, little Eve."
"It was not a serpent, and it was not an apple; nor even two apples, Percy, and I don't see why I should satisfy your inordinate and most improper curiosity even if I had anything to confess."
"Well, at any rate, the devil that tempted you had the best catch he ever made in the whole course of his administration. You must be a treat for the gods, and much too good for imps of the other persuasion."
"For shame, Percy! But tell me if you are serious. This wicked thing feels anxious to try its luck."
"Serious? Of course I am serious! I mean to have you, Eve dear. It will be no joke now. I am a man, and a strong man too. We will take all necessary precautions-but have you I must, and before we are many hours older."
"Well, Percy, what must be, must. But I hope you will be very prudent-very quiet and very cautious. You take matters too easily. You do not seem to see the risk we may run."
"Do I not though, my Eve? Indeed I do! Remember the more risk we run to obtain what we want, the sweeter is its possession. There is only one consideration which can make it sweeter."
"What is that, Percy?"
"The fact that it is dreadfully 'improper.' Therefore it is dreadfully nice. It is the extreme limit of the principle 'naughty but nice'-the very essence of it carried to its fullest excess. Therefore it will be divinely nice!"
"Oh, Percy! You make me horribly agitated. I already wish it was night."
"Why night, my sweet Eve?"
"Because I want you, Percy. Because I have a plan. Your room adjoins mine. I thought of that when we set out the apartments in the hotel. There is a door of communication from your chamber to mine. I have had portiers put up on both sides. Also across my door is the corridor. I hate these hotel doors of communication, you know, Percy. Do you not see I have only to turn my key and you are in my room. I will oil the lock, the key and the hinges."
"What a cultivated Eve! By Jove, you have well thought of all. Did you also provide a garland of fig leaves?"
"No, Adam, we haven't fallen yet. You might prefer me in my pristine innocence. I am worth a study."
"Good day, Mr. David Jones. Your boat does not look as if it has been launched today."
"So, miss-no more she ain't. I ain't got the strength of the young 'uns. My son's been telegraphed for to go back to Lunnon."
"What! Left you already! How is that?"
"Why, miss, yer see the owners of his ship-the one as he come 'ome aboard of-offered him a berth as third mate. He's gone up to Lunnon to school in the Minories and get book larnin' to pass the Board o' Trade. He'll do it, miss, no fear. He's a sure hand to push 'isself in anywhere, and he's strong and steady too."
"Yes, Mr. Jones, I am sure he's all that. What is the name of his ship?"
"They calls her the Priapus, or maybe it's the Priam, or the Pegasus, but I think it's the Priapus, miss. A fine four-masted, full- rigged ship she is too, and over five thousand ton o' cargo they stows away in her. I didn't know you, miss, up there, aboard o' that rampin' great 'orse."
"Oh, I'm very fond of horse exercise! The bumping up and down does me good. I'm off for a gallop on the South Downs before dinner."
"Well, miss, all I 'opes is you won't tumble overboard. Good day, miss, and thankee very much for this 'ere yellow boy."
"Good bye, Mr. Jones. I wish your son luck. Now, Johnson, I'm off! Follow me up close."
I gave Goorkha the rein. He got clear of the town and the houses. He flew up the chalky road to the Downs. My weight was as nothing to him. He seemed rather to like it. He was full of mettle. He appeared, however, as if he knew the fragile nature of his burden. Poor fellow, why had they robbed him of his horsehood? Why was he not a stallion? I really think I should have loved him even carnally had he only been one. As it was, he was in my estimation first cousin to the Centaur. We were soon on the open downs, heading away for Beachy Head. On the right was a large chalk pit with a road for carts into it. One could see all round for miles.
"Is there anyone in view, Johnson?"
"No one, miss, that I can see for over a mile round."
"Get down then and see to this girth."
We had pulled up a little out of the road and up the narrow cart track which led into the pit. Johnson got down and came to my side.
"Isn't it too slack, Jim? Don't touch my leg, you wicked man! Don't put your hand there. Do you hear? Oh, Jim! Let me alone. Take your hand away, I say!"
"No one can see us now. We are quite alone. Do let me lift you down, miss. We can go into the pit there quite easy."
"No, Jim. It won't do. How are you going to leave the horses? You know very well we cannot leave them. Besides-"
"Besides what, Miss Eveline? Don't be angry with me, I feel so awful randy. I can't help it."
I looked down at him. His buckskin breeches bulged out in front.
"I have reasons why I cannot allow you to repeat your outrageous violence, Jim. All the same, I should like to get off and stretch my legs a little."
Jim handed me down. We stood between the horses.
"Pull it out, Jim. I want to see it again."
The groom needed no coaxing. He unbuttoned and instantly let loose his monstrous limb, throbbing with desire and obstinately erect. I took it in my gloved hand. There was something ineffably indecent in the idea of this man's huge member clasped in the delicate white kid gauntlet glove of a little hand like mine. I skinned it back. I gazed on the big nut.
"What can we do, Jim! I dare not move away from here."
"Toss it off, miss. Oh do, miss! It's so awfully stiff, I shouldn't take a minute. We are quite alone. No one within miles of us now."
He held both horses by the bridles. I moved my hand up and down his big thing. It grew red and stiffer-harder than ever. My hand flew up and down the long shaft. Jim groaned and staggered. I abated my movement a moment.
"Is it so very nice, Jim?"
"Oh! Oh! Miss, it's lovely. Only I wish it was up your belly-like- like-last time. Oh, what a game we had-didn't we, miss?"
I pulled the loose skin of his tool down with a gentle jerk at each stroke, so that the delicate nut presented itself all shiny and bent forward to my eager gaze. I thought it could not last more than a few seconds more. Already a drop of pearly dew issued from the little opening. My gloves were evidently doomed. I should be smothered in another minute. Only one thing occurred to me as a natural resource. I stooped. I kissed the dewy tip. I opened my moistened lips. I rolled my tongue round the big nut.
"Oh! Oh! I can't stand it! I'm coming! I'm coming! Oh!"
The next moment he discharged. The first outflow came in a great gush. It went straight down my throat. Then, responsive to my jerking tender movements, jet upon jet of thick sperm spouted from him. I continued as long as the spasms lasted. I only desisted when the source ran dry and the big limb fell away from my grasp.
Jim made haste to set himself to rights. The two horses had stood as quiet as the wooden ones at the coach maker's in Long Acre.
Jim asked me to kindly hold the reins a moment. The young fellow was awkwardly situated. But nature is nature everywhere, and after all, we have to be subservient to her dictates. Jim therefore wandered round the corner of the chalk pit at the entrance of which we stood. As he turned the angle of the cutting I noticed he stopped. A wild expression of astonishment spread suddenly over his face. He raised his hand and beckoned to me. I advanced with the horses a few paces. I could now see round the corner. I must have assumed the same look of blank amazement as he did.
Not twenty yards further and within the chalk pit, upon a little plateau of debris which had slipped down from the rim of the great cutting and still retained its verdant carpet of the fine grass of the Downs, were a man and a woman. They were lying upon this dainty spot. The woman on her back, the man on her body. They were evidently in the act of copulation. It was equally evident they had been too well occupied to have suspected our proximity. The woman had seized the shirt tails of her companion and had pulled them up to his waist in her excitement. The man was engaged in stabbing at the person of his friend beneath him and his posteriors were naked as the day, while his broad buttocks worked up and down with a velocity which promised to bring their pleasant pastime to a speedy issue.
"Oh, Lord, miss! Only look at that! Ain't he a ramming it in? Ain't she a-getting off it? Oh, my!"
The pair were too much occupied to heed anything or anybody. Jim was simply struck silly. He stared open-mouthed. He was immovably rooted to the spot. It remained for me to act.
"Oh, dear! How shocking! Johnson, come back! How dreadfully indecent! Do you hear, Johnson? Come here! Help me to mount. I feel ill-take me away! "
We withdrew quietly. I rode home slowly. I felt a little indigestion. I think it must have been the oeufs sur le plat I had at lunch. However, I didn't "tumble overboard" as Mr. David Jones had feared I might. I appeared in perfect health at dinner.
"Hush, Percy! Are you sure you have locked your door?"
It was midnight. The church clock had just struck. I had prepared everything. I had only a peignoir of blue, my favorite color, and my fine soft chemise. I retained my black silk stockings and my little bronze shoes. I had thrown a dressing gown over all.
For full a minute we stood listening. We looked at each other. My brother's gaze was penetrating in its fierce intensity of desire-in its audacious incentive to animal concupiscence. There was no attempt at disguise on either side. No other sentiment for the moment than acute desire. I longed for him. I had waited so long. I had thought of him- dreamed of him. Now I was to have him! He was to possess me-to revel in my embraces. To yield his manhood and his virility at my shrine. I was to know all the ecstatic emotion of his incestuous contact. To aid him to his enjoyment. To watch his contortions of voluptuous excitement. To participate in all.
"Where have you been, Eve, all the afternoon? I looked for you at tea time. You had flown."
"I galloped over the Downs on Goorkha. I wanted air. I thought it best to leave you to yourself. I wanted you to think. You were very silent at dinner, Percy."
"I was thinking of what was in store."
"Are you determined to go on? Don't you think it would be best to go back to your own room, Percy?"
He caught me in his strong arms. He covered my face with his kisses. His trembling hands invaded my bust. His lips settled upon mine in a lascivious kiss. I quivered with excitement. He did not utter a word, but he bore me gradually back towards the bed. I knew he was preparing himself for the fullness of his pleasure. He had only his dressing-gown over a foulard night-shirt. He slipped the cord. I beheld him almost naked within the wrapper.
"Oh! Percy-dear boy! Pray be cautious! I am so frightened!"
"There is no cause for fear, Eve; we are absolutely isolated at this end of the corridor. My room is the last. All the lights are out. All the servants have gone to bed. Only a night watchman down below. Let me see your beautiful legs, dear-let me feel your satin thighs. Oh, my God! How lovely! How plump! How luscious! What beautiful bosoms! How firm! I must kiss those strawberry titties. Dear little darlings! Let down your hair, Eve! What luxuriant locks-how glossy! What perfume! How sweet you smell! Your skin is like ivory with a touch of carmine in it. Your are a beauty all over-and now- my Eve-my darling Eve!"
He put me gently on the side of the bed. He parted my willing thighs. Instantly he glued his eager lips to the center of my desires. His hot tongue worked around my clitoris. It rose to meet his salacious caresses. My hands toyed with his hair-my head fell back in the sensuous enjoyment he was giving me. He groaned in his delight.
I rose panting from his luxurious embrace. His face, flushed with longing and excitement, looked more radiant than ever.
"Now I must look at you, Percy! How you have altered."
I twisted myself from his grasp. I turned swiftly and dropped my peignoir. I slipped into bed. He followed me. His strong arms encircled my light form. His kisses covered my face-my bosom-my shoulders. His body lay on mine. His warmth thrilled me through all my being. His touches conveyed a magnetic sympathy I was unable to resist. I suffered all. He mounted upon my body.
"Oh! Percy! We were so innocent then-now-Oh! Oh! Pray not now! Oh! Percy! Oh! Oh!"
It was already too late-our bodies were in closest conjunction. I felt the penetration of his limb. It slipped impatiently up my vagina. The throbs of the solid shaft of muscular manhood secretly delighted me. We writhed-we struggled in our agony of sensuous enjoyment. His thrusts were violent. I felt them to my very womb. He was in my body to his utmost extent, yet he set his teeth and pushed. He groaned and slobbered in his pleasure. It was my paradise to witness his transports. My parts were swimming. My own spasms were almost continuous.
"Oh! My darling Eve! I never knew pleasure till now. You make me thrill all over! You drive me mad! Take that, you little devil! I love you! I have you! Oh! How I wish I could finish so! I dare not! My sister-my beautiful-darling sister!"
"Why not? My dearest boy-why not? Finish me-finish your Eve. She loves you-she has no fear. All will be safe-give me all! I want it-all! Oh! Oh!"
The response came all too soon to my supplication; involuntarily I arched up my loins. I spread my limbs, my thighs clung to his hips- my whole being was at his disposal in expectancy. It came. He sunk upon me with a groan of blissful rapture. A torrent shot from his bursting member. It invaded my vagina-my womb. It came from him with a force I could feel in my vitals. We clung together with convulsive shudders until he had expended all his pent-up manhood.
During the half hour which followed, we lay locked in each other's arms, forgetful of all the world beyond ourselves. Percy exploited me from head to foot. He praised all he found in extravagant terms. We had no reserve now. We were boy and girl again together. We exercised the greatest caution-we spoke in whispers; these again so subdued that they were inaudible half across the bedroom. Our faces were close together. We conversed of all we would be to one another.
"You will have to carry out your engagement, Eve. I see that of course. You will marry Endover. They say he has led a tolerably fast life. His name is associated with more than one of the actresses. Well, what of that? Whose is not, nowadays? But he looks older than he is, they say. I have never met him; some of our mess know him though. He's good across country, they say. He has looked well after the family possessions. No doubt he is well off."
I held my peace.
"You will have more liberty when you are married, Eve. You will have your house in town-your carriages. You will have Normanstoke Towers for a country residence, and above all, to my mind, 'Chitterlings,' which I hear is lovely."
"Will you come and see me there, Percy?"
"Won't I, little Eve! But turn over, get on your back. I want it again-feel that! Stiff! So-I want to put it in all by myself. You beauty, how lovely and soft you are! Oh! Oh! Ugh! There it goes. It's in!"
"Ah, Percy, not so hard! The bed creaks. Take care! You are strong! Oh, my goodness! How big it is! Oh! Oh, my dear boy! it's-it's lovely! Ah! Quick, I'm coming!"
He thrust his limb into me to the fullest extent. He discharged a volume of his sperm. We swam in voluptuous delight. At the first appearance of daylight, Percy returned to his own room. I closed the intervening door. I slept soundly far into the morning.