Wedding bells! The usual bustle and fuss. The usual ceremony. The usual lies on both sides. The usual hypocritical admiration of everybody for everything, and behold the day had come-in fact, had half gone-when I was made Countess of Endover.
The marriage was necessarily quite a quiet one. The ceremony was made as short as possible. A few intimate friends appeared at the church. The dear old Duchess of M insisted on being there. She was one of the few whose compliments were not all flattery.
Lord Endover really looked almost handsome in his uniform as Lord Lieutenant of the county. Papa and Percy paid him the honor of acknowledging his military standing as Lieutenant Colonel of militia by also arraying themselves in their state panoply of war.
The three sisters of my husband were present of course: the Honorable Maud, a confirmed old maid; the next a widow, Lady Tintackle; the youngest, plain, spiteful, and nine-and-twenty, yet a spinster, with every chance of remaining so, Margaret by name. She had begun life with one or two notorious escapades, from the result of which nothing but her brother's influence and position had saved her. The wave of disdain with which society overwhelms offenders flagrantly transgressing its unwritten laws and detected never quite ceased to ruffle her future. The men were shy. All three sisters regarded me with little favor, jealous already of a new influence asserting itself between their brother and themselves. I foresaw a great need for caution in my intercourse with my noble connections.
We were all relieved to get home. Lord Endover and papa were closeted in the latter's study with the family solicitors. The ladies were wiling away the half hour before breakfast in the drawing room. I had found an excuse to escape to my room. I bolted the door. I sat down in my favorite armchair before the glass. I was engaged in admiring myself in my beautiful wedding dress. I was so glad to be alone. I wanted to think. I had many ideas to arrange.
We were to spend the honeymoon-how I hated that word! — at Endover Towers. The state rooms had been specially prepared. The place was said to be arranging a festive reception for the Earl and his young bride. The village was en fete. It was all to be very gorgeous and gay.
I was still before the glass. Five minutes had not yet gone since my entry. Already there was a tap at the door. I rose and opened it. My brother Percy pushed his way in. He immediately closed and locked the door again.
"Now I shall have at least a private view."
"What do you mean, your naughty boy?"
"Oh, it's no use riding the high horse with me, little countess! Your ladyship will please descend to the level of ordinary life."
He had seized me by the wrist; his other arm was round my waist in an instant.
"Oh, Percy! Please leave me alone! Someone may come."
"I'm going to give the new Countess of Endover her first lesson in-Why! You have no drawers on! Fancy a countess without drawers?"
"You really must not tumble my skirt! Percy! For shame?"
He had put me before the large armchair. Before I could prevent him, I was made to kneel in it. He began raising my skirts from behind. All protestation were in vain. I was in horrible fear someone would want to come in. Still nothing was more natural than that my brother should come to offer me his private congratulations. He had only seen me before that day in the church. We had scarcely exchanged a word.
"Oh, Eve! Dear, Eve! I've sworn to have you first after your marriage. I will not be denied. You looked so divinely beautiful at the altar-like an innocent angel of light. I declare I could hardly keep the buttons on my trousers. Turn your head, dear Eve, and look!"
I did as I was bidden-all power of resistance seemed to pass away. What I saw fired my hot blood.
"Oh, Percy! You wicked boy! It is bigger and bigger! Make haste then! I shall have to go downstairs in a few minutes."
He pressed his belly to my bottom. My wedding dress and underskirts were thrown over my back. In another instant he was into me, up to the balls. There was no time to lose. He knew it. He worked fast to arrive at his climax. My own arrived. With a low groan I sank my head on the cushioned back. His weapon straightened-hardened. With a sigh of lustful frenzy Percy discharged.
Ten minutes later I entered the drawing room. Breakfast was announced. Lord Endover was complimented on all sides. He disposed my beautiful bouquet on a side table. There was no fuss- there were no speeches-only our health's in champagne. Then a retreat to the drawing room and conservatory. That evening at five- thirty we entered the village and drove straight to the Towers. The local volunteers with their band bade us welcome at the station. All was in readiness for our reception at Lord Endover's noble seat. It was a grand old pile. The family had bought it some two hundred years before from the original noble family who had held it since the time of the Conqueror.
I pass over that portion of my history which relates to my early married life. I am not a hypocrite from choice, but from the necessities of my position. Lord Endover never relaxed his fondness of reciprocating his passion; I sought a retreat in our beautiful country seat in Cumberland. The autumn session of Parliament had been summoned. There were weighty political issues in the balance; my husband had to be present.
It was then I heard sad tidings from my old home in F Street, Mayfair. Lord L wrote often. In one of his letters he told me that John, the footman, having been sent to St. John's Wood on an important commission, had met with an accident. He had been run over by a cab. He was badly hurt. Conveyed to a hospital, he never quite recovered consciousness. All that could be made out was a ceaseless cry for "ginger nuts." Papa bought the poor fellow some pounds of them, but all they got from him still was "ginger nuts!" And so he died.
It was in the strong bracing air of the country that I reveled, until the obligations of my position necessitated my return to London. Lord Endover had gone to Scotland where he had taken a moor. I had decided not to accompany him. The weather had turned cold and wet. A week on a visit to my old home would be enjoyable. Papa received me with a transport of delight.
"My darling papa is always in the thoughts of his little girl."
"My sweet Eveline! You are more beautiful than ever. You have become rounded and fuller in the figure. The country air has been most beneficial to you. I have had no news from you lately of a private nature. Tell me, my darling, has Lord Endover any hopes that-"
"I know all you would say, dear papa. He has none, nor do I desire he should have. It is never likely to be as you suggest."
"I am not surprised, my dear Eveline; it is then as I thought."
"I am determined, papa, never to perpetuate the race of the Endovers. It is bad blood. If even I had a child, a son-my offspring should have a father capable of procreating a new and healthy race which should endure-otherwise I am content to remain as I am."
He took me in his arms. We mingled our kisses in tender dalliance. We were alone. The opportunity was propitious. It was not lost. Our gasping sighs of ineffable enjoyment alone broke the silence.
"Oh! My Eveline! What pleasure you give me!"
"My sweet papa! You drown me in ecstasy! I am yours-yours only! What sweet adultery!"
"Oh, Eveline, my child!"
In lascivious whispers we expanded the ideas which served to whet our ardent passion. Monstrous perceptions of enjoyment floated through our minds-they added poignancy to our lust-fuel to the fire of our already heated temperaments. We paused in our fierce and ravenous enjoyment. We lingered even as the epicure delays to complete his fill of a sumptuous repast that we might digest our luxurious piecemeal sensations. We worked ourselves almost to the point of consummation. Then we broke off only to recommence. I excited my darling papa with every lewd suggestion my prurient imagination could devise. He made such proposals under his bated breath that only demons could have prompted. We were both drunk with lust-overwhelmed with the intoxication of this renewal of our intimacy.
I made no secret of my discovery of his peephole. I went further-I asked him if he had enjoyed the exhibition; whether it had kindled his lust. Nay, whether he would like me to act the scene over again-or another, a more obscene and outrageous one in which there should be three actors. In this way we laid our schemes. Thus we invented plans of voluptuous gratification which we determined mutually to carry out. In the midst of our transports, while our imaginations ran riot in a red whirl of satanic excitement, we rushed together to the final spasmodic struggle. Hissing forth a volley of erotic expletives, papa drove in his swollen limb and flooded me with a volume of his seed. Exhaustion succeeded nature's overwrought efforts. A sweet, refreshing slumber in each other's arms restored the vigor we had so recently expended. Our fixed determination alone remained-we could indulge our voluptuous inclinations in the future as we had already proposed. We had invented a new pleasure-a lewd distraction of no ordinary kind.
Lord Endover had come up to town. It had no doubt strong inducements for him. I knew him too well to suppose he would be firm enough to free himself entirely from the meshes which the early allurements of fast life had woven about him. All I feared was some lasting taint, some loathsome encounter which might entail ruin upon myself as well as my husband.
He would return home very late, or rather very early in the morning-of course, from his club. Always the club! If not this club-then that club. It was so necessary he should show himself in the Lords too. I grew quite accustomed to these excuses. I received them all with imperturbable good humor. I only ventured to remark that I thought he worked too hard for an ungrateful country-but I took care to provide myself with a separate room-one which suited me well in every respect and communicated with a beautiful boudoir beyond.
There is no more ill-treated an institution in London than a man's club. The poor thing has to stand all the responsibility and receive all the vituperation of that large section of society women who suffer from the husband who returns with the milk in the early morning. It is certainly remarkable how many of them believe-or pretend to believe-in the power of that select circle of men of good standing, to spread its blandishments in the shape of whist, cigars, and brandies and sodas around them to the extinction of all natural desire to seek the warm and genuine embraces of the loving and still fresh wife at home. I drop a ready veil over the picture. It is all unreal. The awakening comes suddenly, and with it, in too many cases, the natural impulsive revenge of an angry woman, surrounded by temptations, to carry her neglected charms to a more profitable, if not more congenial, market.
Lord L was naturally a frequent visitor. I drove him in the park. He took me to the Opera during the season. When there was none, we visited the theatres. My husband was rarely of the party. Percy was quartered in Scotland.
"Tonight, Eveline, in accordance with your wish, I have arranged our little divertissement. We start at nine precisely. You are still determined on the attempt? Not afraid, eh, little woman, of this double encounter?"
"I am ready, dear papa. Indeed I long for the fun. We will do all we talked of. You will be near. You will look on and enjoy it too, will you not? Oh, it will be delicious if I only know you enjoy through me, that our ideas are so mixed and interchanged."
We drove to our quiet street. I wore a veil. Lord L was also unrecognizable. He took me from the cab. We walked a short way. We were absolutely alone. He turned a corner. We stood at the door of the same house. He turned a handle. We passed in. A tall, fair, young woman received us in the hall as if by appointment.
"The young men are here. Will you walk upstairs, please?"
I heard all she whispered.
"They quite understand everything-the lady will be pleased with them. I know they will amuse her-they are only too glad of such a chance."
We followed the loquacious woman up the stairs. She ushered us into the same room. The two carved brackets were in their places. On them stood the somewhat meaningless Chinese vases as on my last visit. Papa made haste to disappear. Presently the door opened again. Two young men entered. Then the door closed. We were all three alone.
My first inclination was to laugh. We must all have looked a little awkward. They were fine handsome young fellows, stout and broad- shouldered, with what Lord L would have called "plenty of grit" in them. They were evidently of the well-to-do artisan class, with healthy features, well-cleaned persons and supple limbs. Just the sort of young men that Eveline loved to enjoy. Appearance certainly promised well. She was not likely to be denied her pleasure, nor, to judge by their look of pleased excitement, were they in any danger of a disappointment. A few words, and we were soon on a social footing. They never took their eyes off my person. I sat on the sofa. They came uninvited and sat by me-one on either side.
"You are not afraid of me, are you? You can be quite at your ease. You both know what a young woman is, don't you?"
"Yes, of course we do! Don't we, Tom? But we don't often see one like you! You're a perfect beauty!"
"She's a lovely bit, Bill! She's-oh, my, I can't say any more! I'm longing for it already!"
"How nice you both look! What are you longing for? Give me a kiss!"
They vied with each other in snatching kisses from my hands-my lips-my cheeks. I let them pull me this way and that as they listed. I shut my eyes. I let my imagination wander. My attention was quickly recalled. One young fellow had insinuated his impatient hand under my clothes. His friend was kissing me on the mouth. I laid a hand on each side of me. I encountered their thighs. I had no difficulty in discovering the condition of their privates. Both were already violently erect. They moved excitedly under my touches which I made pointedly indecent. My right-hand neighbor put his arm round me. He pulled me towards him. I kissed him on the lips. The other man put his left hand on my bosom. I turned and kissed him also.
"Let us be at our ease. Take off your coats-take off everything that is in the way. I want to see you as you are."
They rose quickly. In an incredibly short time they stood before me stripped to their shirts-their trousers flung into a chair.
My spirits rose. I was consumed with longing for the game to begin.
I raised their shirts as they stood before me. I grasped their stiff hairy members in my little hands. I determined to be as plainly lewd as possible. I was well aware I was overheard. I desired to make rich amends to the listener for his sacrifice. I knew he would appreciate every indecency-every salacious incident of the performance.
"What sweet pricks you have!"
They were in reality both splendid specimens of vigorous manhood; broad-headed, red-capped, their members confronted me menacingly as I commenced to finger each in turn. I bent down my head. I tickled, I kissed them. I played round the soft warm things with my hot tongue. Both became furiously excited. They assisted me to undress. I slipped off my skirts-my bodice. I stood in my corset, chemise, and stockings. I retained my pretty kid boots. Then I threw off my corset and gave them my warm body with which to play.
"What a lovely girl you are! I am longing to get into you!"
"See, Tom, what a bottom she's got! Isn't she awfully well made?"
They felt me all over. Tom went on his knees. He divided my legs. He kissed my thighs all over. Then he pressed his face forward. He tried hard to arrive at my orbit. I put down my hand and shielded it. Resistance only made him more eager.
"We must both have you, my dear. How would you like us to do it?"
"Say which of us you will have first. I'm sure you're a randy one when you've got a man up your sweet little belly."
I delighted in their rough indecencies. I knew someone who would also be enjoying them, but of whose proximity my companions were both ignorant.
"Will you lie on your back, my girl, on the sofa first, and let me put it into you so? I'll be very gentle."
I pretended to become a little frightened.
"I don't know, I'm sure. Your things are both so dreadfully large and stiff."
In another second I was on my back on the sofa. It was exactly opposite the Chinese vase to the left of the door. I gave a despairing look in that direction as the young fellow his friend called Tom bent over me. He inserted his knees between my thighs, while the other, with the greatest good humor, arranged a soft pillow for my head. Tom lay prone on my body, his hairy chest pressing my soft breasts. My parts were in no condition to resist him, potent as was this monstrous rammer. I was actually swimming in the moist exudation which kindly nature provides in such an emergency. Already I felt the broad head of his instrument thrusting itself within my slit. With steady pressure he continued to penetrate.
"Put your hand under her bottom, Bill. I'm half in already. She's- she-oh! She's awfully nice. It's heaven! That's it! So-raise her up!"
"Make haste and give it to her! I want my turn!"
Tom began a gentle undulation, supporting himself principally on his knees and hands. He raised his head. He looked me in the face."
"Oh, my! You're into me! Oh! Ah! Pray go gently-you're so strong! You're too bad! Oh! Ah! But it's nice now!"
Bill's broad palm was still under my buttocks which he raised up in unison with his friend's movements.
"Is that nice now, eh? Is he stroking you nicely? Hasn't he got a fine tool?"
It was impossible to answer. I stretched out my right arm. My hand encountered Bill's stiff weapon only waiting the other's vacation of my parts to be itself inserted in its place. I gasped with pleasure. Meanwhile the act was proceeding with the utmost vigor. The young fellow was up to his balls. His rough belly, covered with curly black hair, rubbed upon my satin skin with an exquisite sensation of lustful friction. I felt his limb vibrating with delight whenever he stopped for a moment the determined thrusts with which he belabored my poor body.
"I've got my finger on the line between his balls. I think he'll spend directly. You'll get a lot. He just can let it out!"
"Oh, Bill! He's up to my womb now! He's so long-so hard! It's awfully nice! Oh, my! Oh!"
Here were two men assisting in the single act! It was a new sensation. I found it delicious. My flexible parts were stretched round the stiff instrument like a glove. The other's finger seemed to act as a spur upon the man's genitals. He drove up and down furiously. He worked away with indescribable energy. I felt the short spasmodic thrusts which preceded the discharge. I came. He lay on me pouring out his rapture. His sperm burst from him. It deluged my longing parts in rapid jets. When all was done, he withdrew with reluctance, urged thereto by his friend. Before I could even rise, Bill sprang upon me. He get between my legs. He contemplated my naked body, red and bruised by the rough contact of his companion, as a hawk might gloat over its tender quarry. He lay down to his work, stretching my thighs open to receive his loins between. He pointed his strong limb to my already reeking slit. He drove it into me until I felt the crisp hairs on his belly chafe my mount. It was a new sensation for me. I found it exquisite. The heat, the slippery condition I was in, the knowledge that the young fellow would end by doubling the flood I had already received, wound up my imagination to fever heat.
"My God! Tom, she's heavenly nice! Put your finger down and tickle me between my balls. I'm up to her waist. Oh! My God-oh!"
The big member of my second ravisher seemed to swell to an enormous extent, caused probably by the fervent temperature of my own parts. He seemed very long in bringing the lewd business to a climax, though his limb hardened till it more resembled a truncheon of wood. He worked away with frenzy. At length, I felt him spend. He spouted a second emission into me. He was so long in doing it, I thought he would never finish. At last the final drops were expended. The human cascade ran dry. My chemise was saturated with their sperm. Even the holland cover of the sofa was marked by a big round patch. I hastily rose. I made my toilet behind the screen which covered the position of the necessary furniture. We all three then reposed upon the sofa, pressed together like sardines in a box. Each of my new friends vied with the other in their indecencies and their libidinous suggestions.
How I passed the entire hour during which these two delicious young men kept me wantonly at their service it is impossible to record. I only know I experienced a round of voluptuous sensations indulged in amid smothered cries of intense nervous exaltation. At last, I believe, I slept. I recollect indistinctly a quaint triangular adieu-a long silence. Then the voice of Lord L sounded in my ear and I threw my arms about papa's neck. He had been a witness of all that had passed. He explained the secret of the little cabinet. He showed me the interior. I looked through the opening. It could be effectually closed with a wine cork. There were two of these peepholes, arranged both for the eye and also for the transmission of sound. Securely screened among the carved foliage of the bracket and immediately under the shelf on which stood the large Chinese vase, no one could suspect their presence which was rendered doubly unlikely by the blackened corks when not in use. The partition between the two rooms was only a thin paneling of wood.
"I should like to be with you, dear papa, and share your curious pleasure by witnessing something also. Could we not see on another occasion just as today you have seen us?"
"I have no doubt it could be managed. I will make inquiries. Money, my dear Eveline, will buy anything in London."
"No, papa dear. No money could buy off the love-the wicked, willful, ardent love that Eveline has for you."
"Well spoken, my darling! However, it will serve our purpose in this matter. Next week, if you have time and opportunity, we may bring off an exhibition of a peculiarly interesting character."