Alphabetical Index of the Tales

Auntie Toothache

Bell, The

Bird Phoenix

Bog King’s Daughter, The

Bronze Pig, The

Butterfly, The

Clod Hans

Cripple, The

Darning Needle, The

Drop of Water, The

Dung Beetle, The

Emperor’s New Clothes, The

Everything in its Proper Place

Family of Hen-Grethe, The

Flea and the Professor, The

Flying Trunk, The

Galoshes of Fortune, The

Garden of Eden, The

Gardener and the Gentry, The

Girl Who Stepped on Bread, The

Hill of the Elves, The

Holger the Dane

Ib and Little Christine

Ice Maiden, The

In the Duckyard

It’s Perfectly True!

Jewish Maid, The

Little Claus and Big Claus

Little Match Girl, The

Little Mermaid, The

Most Incredible Thing, The

Mother Elderberry

Naughty Boy, The

Nightingale, The

Old House, The

Pixie and the Gardener’s Wife, The

Pixie at the Grocer’s, The

Princess on the Pea, The

Puppeteer, The

Rags, The

Red Shoes, The

Rose Elf, The


She Was No Good

Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep, The

Snow Queen, The

Snowdrop, The

Snowman, The


Spruce Tree, The

Steadfast Tin Soldier, The

Storks, The

Story Old Johanna Told, The

Sunshine’s Stories, The

Swineherd, The

Thorny Path to Glory, The


Tinderbox, The

Traveling Companion, The

Ugly Duckling, The

What Father Does Is Always Right

What One Can Think Up

Wild Swans, The

Will-o’-the-Wisps Are in Town, The
