Rick went to bed early, as was his custom ever since his mother had returned home from her honeymoon. Ever since that first terrible night, he had been unable to stay anywhere near the living room at night. Even so, during the week that had passed, he had discovered that grownups did not confine their lovemaking to night time. Over the weekend when Don was home from his job as a surveyor in Marin County, both he and MaryAnn had been startled… while they were having peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the dining nook, to hear the unmistakable sounds of their mother's sexual arousal… emanating from behind the closed bedroom door.

He and his sister had not been on the best of terms since that first night, but now they looked meaningfully at each other, and each recognized the expression of fright and distress mirrored in the other's eyes. A feeling of dependent kinship resprouted instantly between them.

Indignantly, MaryAnn had beckoned Rick from the house, and they'd gone bike riding until quite late that evening. Neither one of them saying a word to the other about what was uppermost on their minds.

But that had been days ago, and tonight Rick was particularly upset, the reason being that MaryAnn had gone out to a movie that afternoon straight from school, but had not yet returned home. Worried, Rick mentioned it to his mother, but she just shrugged her shoulders and replied that MaryAnn had probably stopped off for a soda the way she usually did after the movies.

He'd given his mother a dark look, hating the fact that she seemed to be getting prettier every day, hating the fact that she paid little attention to either of them any more. Every other word out of her mouth was Don this and Don that. He couldn't stand it! Slamming the door to his room behind him, he raced to his bed, and threw himself upon it, sobbing loudly. He was sure that MaryAnn was out doing it with some boy. Hadn't she said she had done it once? Why wouldn't she do it again then? Each night he had thought more deeply about her compelling confession, and each night he'd grown more curious about it. Alone in his bed with nothing but lascivious thoughts filling his young head, he'd had no choice but to take his thickly swollen penis consolingly in his hands. And the more vivid his imagination became, the more pleasure he found there was to be had in his solitary activity. Sometimes he would try to picture his young 14-year-old sister without any clothes on… but it was difficult. He knew that her breasts were already growing big like a woman's but it was clear from the way she filled out her dresses and blouses that she was not yet as big as Mother. He wondered if one day she would be! As for the way the rest of her looked, he knew that she had admirably long legs, and graceful calves and ankles. Her hips were slender, almost as slender as his, only her little behind was more full and curvy. And between her legs… well that was the hardest part to imagine. He knew that there was hair. All the boys at school said it was hairy and there was a little hole of some sort. But what else?

He himself was already sprouting some hairs around his penis, and at first he'd thought that there was something wrong… that men weren't supposed to have any. But later he'd seen some older boys in the swimming pool and they'd all had hair surrounding their adolescent groins.

Both he and MaryAnn were fair skinned with chestnut colored hair, unlike their dark-tressed mother and she'd always told them that they resembled their father to a tee… but they'd only seen one fading picture of him in his Air Force uniform, and they'd both been too young when his plane went down to remember anything about him.

Rick's nightly sessions beneath the covers were, he felt, the only thing that kept him going. The days were getting harder and harder as his resentment grew of his new father and his mother. He'd overheard them talking once… his ears had perked up when he realized they were talking about him and MaryAnn.

"They'll get used to you, Don," his mother had said, in an assuring tone of voice. "Give them a little time. They'll adjust!"

He'd felt like screaming out… "NO, I'll never adjust… never! And neither will MaryAnn!" He knew that MaryAnn felt the way he did, but he didn't know any of the details of her thinking. He was really afraid to ask her… and in a way he thought, they were both hoping it all might go away if they tried to ignore it.

Now surrounded by the familiar objects in his room, all his favorite things around him, Rick felt infinitely safer. His tears gradually abated and through blurry eyes he looked about him. The tree fringed window of his room admitted a dusky twilight. It was another beautiful California summer evening. He could see his baseball bat lying in the corner, his mitt, and lined up against the wall, the track trophies he'd earned last year. Somewhere in the house a door slammed, and Rick's ears strained to hear if it was his sister, or just Don, returning late from work. The sound of his mother's laughter echoing through the house told him it was his new stepfather. Where was she anyway? Was she right at this very moment spreading her legs… that was the way he'd heard it was done… and was some boy (WHO?) putting his thing between them? Was she crying out the way Mother did all the time? He began to sob again and turned over on the bed, kicking his long legs out behind him. His penis was once again hard and stiff between his legs, and as he lay on his belly, it pushed onto the mattress of his bed. By moving ever so slightly he would create greater sensations in that area, and soon, he was pushing and grinding his entire pelvis into the bed. Beneath him, the impersonal mattress took on new forms and shapes, and soon he could actually feel his sister writhing nakedly beneath him. She was calling his name, her arms holding him tight, as she raised her lips to kiss him, and he was loving it, loving her, feeling his cock upon her, feeling her tongue, her breasts beneath his chest. The fuzzy area between her legs was rubbing against his heated shaft and he was going to cum any minute. His sister, too, was going to cum. She was screaming and carrying on just like Mother and begging him to do it harder, never to stop!

"Nnnnnnnngh!" he groaned, muffling his anguished cries into the pillow… "Oh MaryAnn… ooooooooonnnnnngh!"

His cum felt like it was starting a long distance away from his corporeal body. It was flying toward him rapidly, and then it was there, MaryAnn beneath him accepted his sperm totally as it came spurting forward, traveling the entire length of his 13-year-old cock, spinning crazily out the opening, releasing the pent-up fever in his balls.

"Oh Jesus," he sighed, "Oh God, it's good!"

He groaned a bit as he felt the uncomfortable wetness in between his legs… and then suddenly he leapt up, for someone had entered his room and turned on the light!

"MaryAnn!" he cried, staring at her in disbelief. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought I heard you call my name," she said. "I was right next door in my room. You seemed to be making quite a racket in here… What are you doing?" She looked around the room suspiciously, and then back at her younger brother's face. Her gaze drifted idly downward toward his stained and still bulging trousers. Embarrassed, she turned her eyes away and Rick moved quickly toward the bathroom that connected their rooms.

"I've been in my room for hours," she called after him. "Came in through the window… I can't stand going through the house anymore… it's such a colossal bore, if you know what I mean. Besides, Mom could care less where I am!"

She heard the sound of running water coming from the bathroom, and not knowing whether Rick had heard her or not, decided to remain silently until he came out. After a few seconds, he reappeared, a tall, lanky boy, big for his age, wearing his terry wrap-around. MaryAnn tried to keep from looking toward her brother's groin, but she was curious to see if he was still big down there.

"Was the movie any good?" Rick asked, noting her eyes lingering just below his belt line. He tried to appear nonchalant as he moved away toward his bed, but his knees felt wobbly and weak, and he knew that MaryAnn would be able to tell that he was nervous.

"Oh the usual," she replied, not going into detail about the X rating movies she'd been sneaking in to see, using a fake ID card. She usually tried to go at least once a week, considering it an essential part of her education, and today's movie had been a humdinger. There had been detailed close-ups of everything, and she'd found it all particularly interesting in the light of recent developments at home.

Her clear, hazel eyes sparkled now at the thought of what Antoine, the hero of the movie had done to Carita beside the swimming pool of her estate. But right now she was wondering just what her brother had been up to, and why he had called her name if he'd thought she wasn't there!

She wondered too, if she should tell him of her new discovery. She decided to wait a while before telling him how she'd been passing her mother's bedroom window had discovered that one could see perfectly clearly into the room… right through the sheer curtains. She'd realized at the time that her mother would have no reason to pull down the shades since there were no neighbors behind them, and ordinarily no one was in the narrow area behind their house. It was a narrow alleyway, and nothing grew there but weeds, and behind that a large wooden fence divided their property from the vacant lot next door.

The small ranch style house was situated upon a medium sized lot in the dry flat area outside of San Francisco that spread out away from the city towards the airport. Even though the area had originally been designated as middle income, the property had been rapidly deteriorating around them since they'd been living there and MaryAnn had heard Don say to her mother that soon they would move to a more desirable place, maybe in Marin County where he usually worked, and where they would not have to listen to the sounds of the jets overhead night and day, or hear the whooshing traffic from the highway.

MaryAnn settled her small compact body into Rick's desk chair and picking up a comb from his desk, began to comb through her long straight hair. She was thinking about how much she hated the house, and although she was not really too fond of Don thus far, she nevertheless hoped that his promise that they would move would turn out to be a reality. She knew that in other, higher class houses you could not hear through the doors and walls, and she visualized this one fact as a possibility that all of their lives might one day return to normal.

But what normal meant, she was no longer sure. Normal was supposed to be having both a mother and a father. The mother stays home and takes care of the house and children while the father goes out to work. She was glad that her mother no longer had to go and sit typing in an office in the city every day, returning home late each night pale and haggard, but somehow now that she was home when she and Rick returned from school, it was more of an annoyance than anything else. She was almost like a stranger to them now, wearing her hair in odd new styles, constantly rearranging the living room furniture… experimenting with weird recipes that usually didn't turn out too well. When they got home she'd most often be bustling nervously about the kitchen, on the verge of tears because she'd misgauged still another Julia Child recipe, and Don's dinner was not going to be what she had hoped.

Then, when and if the kitchen situation ever got under control, they would see her rush into the bedroom to change into one of her new outfits before Don got home. She'd return, flushed and made up, looking beautiful but a little out of place in the Early American style living room, in a flowing gown of diaphanous chiffon, or see-through culottes that started at her navel, topped with a light revealing blouse.

"It's funny," MaryAnn suddenly said, breaking the long silence between her and her brother, "how we were so glad in the beginning that Mom was going to get married… and now it's turned out to be so awful!" She continued absentmindedly combing her hair, unaware of her brother's curious looks from the bed.

"Yeah," he replied. He was watching the curve of his sister's young breasts, beneath her blouse as she raised her arm in the easy combing motion. She didn't seem to be wearing a bra, because he could see the firm round protrusion of her nipples, tight and small, pressing against the white cotton fabric of her clothing.

"Would you like to see what they are really doing in there?" MaryAnn suddenly asked. She hadn't intended to, but somehow it had just slipped out. She couldn't keep it to herself any longer. What good was a secret anyway if you didn't tell someone?

Rick felt his recently satiated young penis leap to attention beneath the soft blue terry-cloth of his wrap-around. What did she mean by that? His eyes never left the button-like tips of his sister's breasts as his mind began rapidly working.

"Sure," he replied casually. "Why not?"

Whose hands had caressed his sister's teenaged bosom, he wondered, mentally running through the boys he knew were in her class at school. Technically, he knew that she was not yet allowed to go out on dates alone… only group gatherings. But knowing MaryAnn, he was sure she could have easily gotten around that. Oh, she was full of surprises, his older sister!

"Well, I haven't tried it yet," MaryAnn continued, at last replacing the comb to her brother's desk. "But…" she stood up, and Rick saw that the crotch of her denim shorts had gotten caught between her thighs. He gulped as she wriggled a bit and pulled down the fabric. How did it feel there between her young, luscious white thighs when the material got bunched up there? he wondered. It must feel good, he thought, trying to put himself in her place.

"But…" MaryAnn continued after a dramatic pause, "tonight we can go see for ourselves!"

"Go see… but where? What do you mean!?"

"Out back!" MaryAnn replied impatiently, with a sharp gesture toward the window, as though Rick were addle-brained for not understanding immediately. "You can see right in their window!" she finally added, seeing that her little brother's face did not yet appear enlightened.

"B… bbb… should… I mean… do you think we ought…?"

"Well," MaryAnn bristled, having already thought it out in her mind, "we can hear everything, can't we? What's the difference if we see it too?"

There was no moon at all, it not having risen yet, when MaryAnn entered Rick's room through the bathroom. They were usually not in the habit of knocking before entering each other's rooms, but tonight, MaryAnn tapped lightly before entering. She was very excited about what they were going to do, but decided to hide as much of her nervousness as possible from her brother. She had never for a moment faltered in her determination to spy on Don and her mother. It served them right! But she knew that Rick was not quite as enthusiastic about the whole thing as she was. Therefore, the more natural she acted, the better.

She was wearing her dungarees and sneakers… (for climbing) and one of her favorite sweatshirts. Rick was sitting up in bed, also fully clothed, but wearing a light T-shirt over his levis. It had only been an hour since MaryAnn had left his room, promising to return at the right moment for their adventure, but it had seemed like ages to him. The waiting had been sheer torture, and he'd found himself hoping that his sister would change her mind about the whole thing! It just seemed too daring… and he was not at all sure that he really wanted to see them! How would he react? He was afraid of doing some stupid thing in front of his sister, something that would forever cast him out of her good graces.

But now it was too late, and MaryAnn had arrived as promised. She told him of how she'd listened in the hall as Don and their mother ate a late supper. They'd had lots of wine, and after dinner drinks, she confided, and then giggling, they'd turned out all the lights in the house and gone into the bedroom. Now was the time to go out back, and there wasn't a second to lose!

Rick had felt his anger rising at the very story of their intimate supper and the part about the giggling had him fit to be tied. Feeling feverish and on edge, he stealthily followed his sister out his window, jumping softly to the ground beside her on the outside. The sweet scent of Eucalyptus trees greeted them as they made their way around the other side of the house where they could already see a yellow patch of light shining from their mother's bedroom.

When each of them had finally reached the window, and were standing directly outside, MaryAnn was the first to look in. She saw her mother's big double bed in the center of the room, bathed in the lamplight from the dresser. MaryAnn's heart skipped a beat, and she drew her brother closer so he could see. Just a few feet away lay their beautiful, young mother, completely nude, stretched out on the bed. They both gulped and stared, bug-eyed as they saw the entire scene in its minutest details.

Laura's head was lolling back and forth, her normally composed angelic features, contorted in a mask of ecstasy. The children might not have recognized her if they didn't know better! Don was kneeling between her naked legs, as they spread widely apart on the bed, and he was running his lips moistly up and down her exquisitely proportioned body. They could see wet traces along her cream-like skin, where his tongue had lovingly passed. Her large heaving breasts trembled and the nipples stood up high and hard as his mouth sucked upon them, then he began to move downwards along the gentle slopes of her torso and quivering belly. Hotly, his tongue flicked out along her stomach, and then down toward her inner thighs. Laura writhed beneath his caresses with mindless passion as her hands clung tightly to his sandy colored hair, pulling him hungrily forward toward her soft glistening pussy.

Both Rick and MaryAnn leaned forward, holding on the window pane for dear life. MaryAnn felt her knuckles aching from the pressure she was exerting to keep herself raised on tip-toes in order to see in the window. Beside her she heard her brother's breath coming in harsh gasps. She could not move. She wanted to run away screaming, but she could not. It wasn't a movie she was watching now… it was real life! It was her mother and new father! She tried to blot out the lewd sight before her, but couldn't. She had to watch. She was hypnotized by this obscene performance, yet she knew she ought to leave… and her younger brother… what must Rick be thinking? She wished desperately that she had never proposed this horrid idea. But it was too late now! She remained glued to the spot.

Beside her, Rick trembled and bit his lips. The nude body of his mother was presented to his wondering eyes in all its glory. Never again would he have trouble imagining a woman's body! His mother was absolutely beautiful, he thought as he gazed admiringly at the enchanting figure spread out on the bed before him. It was like watching some strange pagan ritual in the adventure stories he read… where they sacrificed the beautiful woman on an altar. Only this was of course different. His mother's torment, he knew was acutely pleasurable to her, despite her pained expression… and somehow even though he felt a distinct feeling of hatred toward Don, his mind was able to detach itself from these feelings and to concentrate solely upon his mother and upon her rapture.

Don had gotten his new wife so excited that she lay back, her mouth wide open, her lust glazed eyes staring into the void. Now Don positioned himself between her lovely thighs, his face within moments of touching her soft curling pubic hair. Laura's belly rose rapidly up and down, trembling slightly in anticipation, as Don's hands pressed outward against her belly, the thumbs dropping below into the moist area of her already wet pussy.

MaryAnn and Rick jumped slightly, and then clung to each other, as they watched Don's fingers separate the outer lips of their mother's moistly shining cunt. The soft and cushiony hair-lined flesh spread slowly apart, exposing the moist coral pink interior of their mother's sensitive pussy, from the small budding nib of her clitoris to the throbbing entrance of her seeping vagina.

Brother and sister felt a tremor of disbelief racing between them, when their stepfather's head dropped down and his long pushing tongue slipped out to graze against the upright little nub of nerves at the very top of their mother's warm wet cunt. Laura's whole body executed a little jerky motion as she felt this searing contact at her most vulnerable place. Her long legs flexed upward and she clamped them together around her husband's head, letting the soft inner flesh of her full thighs imprison his face in a soft trap. Her hips started a slow up-and-down motion to meet his flicking tongue. Tiny groans of pleasure escaped her parted lips as she began to rock herself up and down in a startling fit of sexual agony.

MaryAnn's mouth dropped open. Never in her fourteen years had she even dreamed of such a thing, nor had anything like that been hinted at thus far in any of the movies she had seen. She became more and more disturbed as she watched her mother's body twisting lewdly beneath the prolonged sucking down between her widespread legs. The whole scene took on an aura of unreality, and although she knew that she and her brother were there… standing outside the bedroom window, she seemed to lose all sense of time and space, as weird images danced in her head and strange sensations traversed her youthful body. For some reason, she began to identify with her mother… hadn't they been so close for so many years…? Right up until the time she had met and decided to marry Don? Everything that was happening to her mother seemed, mysteriously, to be happening to her, as though she were connected to her mother by an invisible bond.

Involuntarily, her own young torso began to sway rhythmically against her brother's, in rhythm to her mother's squirming underneath Don's lewdly positioned tongue. She seemed to feel in her own untested pussy, the same nerve shattering lickings that her mother was experiencing.

Unconsciously, Rick was swaying with her, his thirteen-year-old mind and body seething with desire. His sister's warmth inflamed him and as she pushed softly against him, his penis rose slowly in his pants, and he felt ripples of pleasure wherever his body touched hers. Almost without thinking, he moved a little bit behind her, still watching the depraved bedroom scene over her shoulder… for although he was younger, he was already taller than MaryAnn. He could feel the length of his sister's back against his body, the soft bulge of her firm round young buttocks pushing against his hardening penis. He rubbed up against her, letting the hard rod press between her dungaree clad thighs from behind. When she did not move to stop him, he continued, too lust ridden by now to stop. His arms went around her waist, and he pulled her a little backwards toward his young lean body. He felt a shiver pass through her body, and encouraged, he boldly passed his hand upward toward her breasts, cupping them and squeezing them and holding them hard beneath his trembling fingers.

Surprisingly, MaryAnn squirmed backwards, smashing her small pliant buttocks against his cock with a hard urgent motion. He heard her gasp as the full stiffness of his cock jerked against her.

MaryAnn felt she was in a dream. The imperative messages of pleasure she was getting from her body were impossible to ignore. Her brother's touches had only seemed the fulfillment of her subconscious wishes… and now all remnants of her earlier desire to run away had faded. Impulsively, she turned from the window and threw her arms around her brother's neck, pulling him toward her trembling body, as she sought out his moist and frightened lips. They kissed passionately, each feeling that the other represented at once salvation and downfall.

Tears were streaming down both their faces, as they clung helplessly together, feeling the tingling sparks fly between them, as their young bodies pressed hard into each other.

"Oh, Rick! Oh, Rick," she cried softly, kissing his cheek. She could feel his young cock pulsing harder against her belly now and she felt a little faint.

"MaryAnn…" Rick replied, his voice a tremulous whisper. He could hardly believe that his dream was coming true. "Let's get down on the grass!"

In the softness of the summer night the two young children lowered themselves slowly to the slightly moist earth below the bedroom window… no longer interested in the events taking place between their mother and her new, virile husband, they found a new interest… themselves. At first they lay for a long while hugging side by side, and then listening to the sounds from the window above them, they began once more to fondle each other. Tentatively and inexpertly, Rick insinuated his fingers beneath his sister's blouse, feeling her warm skin naked to his touch. Her breasts slid beneath his hand, soft, high mountains of young flesh that trembled at his investigation. MaryAnn sighed, and he heard her say… "Oh, Rick we mustn't… we really mustn't!"

"I know," Rick answered, nudging his swollen groin into her gently rounded hip. "I know!" But still he continued, and then imitating what he had just seen, he lowered his mouth to kiss his sister's still growing breasts.

Her whole body seemed to gyrate as he took the pointed little nipples into his mouth. Hungrily, he sucked upon them, one at a time, until they became like sharp, little points in his mouth.

"Oh Rick," she sighed over and over, "… oooooh… no!"

And, then, later, "We can't do this here… we just can't!"
