Rick woke up feeling very strange. He felt the way he usually felt when he'd had a nightmare, depressed and badly rested. Had he had a bad dream? Sleepily he shook his head, automatically reaching out to turn off his Big Ben alarm clock, trying desperately to remember what was wrong. It was only a matter of seconds before the whole thing flashed before his eyes, in one shattering image.

His sister, MaryAnn, writhing on her back, her levis hastily pulled off on the dark ground outside the house… his mouth upon her breasts, her hands tangled in his hair… just like Don and Mother! His tongue drifting down to the wide open tiny split, the faintly hair-lined triangle down between her young quivering thighs. His pause to inhale her girlish fragrance, his thoughts jumbled, imagining God knows what… imagining yes… that she was his mother! And then he'd plunged downward into the sweet mist of desire, the succulent, honeyed pit of his sister's cunt!

His tongue had wrapped luxuriously among her secret inner vaginal folds…had he learned so well from watching one performance? It had been sheer desire to please her that egged him on, making him experiment with his mouth upon her squirming pussy, nibbling with his lips, taking her smooth inner pussy walls gently between his teeth. How softly he'd breathed upon her private flesh, how lovingly he'd sucked her!

And when she'd started to cum, he'd thought he'd die, thought he'd be inundated by her flowing wetness, thought that he too would start to cum then and there… and he had! Just as the low grunting, rugging sound escaped from his sister's straining throat, and her pelvis arched impossibly up, her silken pussy thrusting itself hard into his hungrily licking tongue, he'd freed his boyishly thick cock from his pants. How it had felt hard and big in his hands! And giving the surging plane of her uptilted pussy one very special sucking lick with his tongue and mouth, he'd spewed forth his own soul racking orgasm, by slipping back his thick foreskin hard and fast. She'd bucked savagely beneath him for long moments, waves of passion whipping her young body this way and that, the clandestine nature of their lovemaking adding to her culminating pleasure, as she strained not to make too much noise. Silently, then, or at least with only low mewls and groans of delight, her body had twisted about in the grips of not one, but two, body wracking orgasms. Sweating and struggling her younger brother had kept up with her, pumping lewdly upon his long suffering but proud penis. MaryAnn gasped as she felt her brother's warm semen spurting against the naked flesh of her thigh, and then she bucked up again, so that her climaxing clitoris was rubbing insistently against his mouth, her supple back arched like a taut bow, the wet sensitive walls of her tight young cunt surrendering totally to her brother's lovemaking.

The memory in full bloom now, Rick jumped out of bed. He fully expected to be struck dead by a thunderbolt… or to have someone come in and take him away! What they had done the night before was something that was considered more than just wrong… that much he knew! He looked in the mirror, sure that some lasting mark upon his features would proclaim to everyone that he and his sister were lovers. But there was no discernible difference in the way he looked, save for the haunted expression on his face, and he went into the bathroom to brush his teeth, wondering if MaryAnn was up yet, and how he could manage to get through school that day with a night like that behind him.

He recalled as he reluctantly finished rinsing his sister's female taste from his mouth that MaryAnn and he had gone directly to bed after their oral lovemaking out back. She to her room and he to his. They hadn't even paused to kiss each other good night, so startled were they by their own actions. Rick had gotten into bed and fallen asleep instantly, and wondered now if MaryAnn had done the same.

In her own room, MaryAnn pulled up the covers over her head. She had already turned off her alarm, deciding that she couldn't possibly go to school that day. Now as she lurked moodily beneath her sheet, she heard Rick running the water in the bathroom, and trembled as her hitherto innocent young body, recalled the delights of the previous night. She felt just terrible. Hadn't it been her fault after all that the whole thing had happened? She had not only perverted herself but her little brother as well! It was only a minor relief to realize that they hadn't done anything more than exactly what they had seen through the lighted bedroom window, because MaryAnn knew that she had tossed and turned most of the night, her still stimulated body wanting more, craving the natural continuation of their actions. From the sounds they'd heard below the window, they each knew that their parents had moved on from the oral phase of their abandoned pleasure to wilder things. The real thing!

She shivered now and curled up in a tight ball, the tiny silk furrow between her teenaged legs quivering at the thought! It was awful to know so much about lovemaking, at least certain phases of it, and yet to have never done it! What Rick had done to her… putting his mouth on her, had felt so wonderful… but today she couldn't reconcile her feeling that they had done something evil, with her desire to do still more than that!

A soft knock at the connecting bathroom door startled her. Almost timidly, she called out, "Come in…"

Don left the house after having a big breakfast. Laura always insisted that she serve him huge cups of steaming coffee, piping hot rolls or buttered toast, and eggs with bacon or ham any way he wanted them. As he jumped into his Chevy, and started off for his job, he thought that he really couldn't complain about the way she treated him… it was a far cry from his bachelor life… and yet something was wrong and he couldn't quite put his finger on it as he recalled with a smile of pleasure their previous night's lovemaking. What a lovely body Laura had! He seemed to still be able to taste her womanly scent upon his lips, although he had showered twice since then.

The flat land and track homes whizzed by him as he headed North on the highway, hundreds of other cars racing along beside him as he surged through the rush hour traffic. What was really bothering him, he realized, as he cut through the winding hilly slopes of San Francisco, was the kids. Laura kept telling him that they'd come around, but so far all efforts on his part to make friends with them had failed. And Laura wasn't really much help in that department. Several times he'd tried to persuade her to go on a family outing with them… but she always protested, saying how much more she preferred being alone with him! Even dinner now at the house usually meant just the two of them, for the children had taken to eating earlier and going off to their rooms. They seemed to feel ill at ease in their own house.

He had to do something about it. Even though Laura was a lovely, charming woman, he had to admit that she did not seem to be the best mother in the world at the moment. True the circumstances were extraordinary… a woman widowed for such a long time, was bound to respond with more fervor to a new marriage than others might. Yes, he figured, gazing at the Golden Gate bridge looming in the distance… it was up to him to make everything work out.

He decided to take them out to dinner. Laura had said something about the hairdresser's that evening. She'd recently gotten in the habit of going to a very chic coiffeur, Mr. Joseph, and as with most of his customers, she took an appointment whenever she could get one. That would be perfect, he thought, stepping on the gas and passing a dawdling VW… he'd take them out somewhere nice, talk to them, get to know them… make friends. This decision had the effect of removing a great weight from his shoulders, and he began to mentally try out some topics of conversation that the two teenagers might find interesting. He supposed the boy would be interested in sports… he'd seen some track trophies in his room… and the girl, MaryAnn… what on earth could he say to her? He visualized her now, a truly beautiful little girl, just teetering on the brink of womanhood… her complexion fair and clear, with long straight light brown hair, that he knew would get lighter as the summer progressed. He wondered if she had any boyfriends… a girl as bright and pretty as she ought to have many… and yet so far as he knew neither one of them had had any visitors at the house. Well, he'd just have to find out all these things tonight. If he was going to be a father, he was going to try his best to be a good one anyway!

Rick and MaryAnn took the same bus home from school together. MaryAnn walked slowly down the block toward their house, keeping in step with her brother. She was glad that he had persuaded her to go to school that morning. Something about the pure boring normality of school had made her feel a little better. Still, just walking beside Rick was enough to reawaken her dormant, secret desires. She turned toward him before they reached the house.

"We mustn't ever, ever do anything like that again," she said with a serious expression in her eyes.

Rick's eyes blazed into hers. His cock tingled madly and his blood was pumping wildly. "No," he answered, "I suppose not!"

"Friends?" MaryAnn asked, smiling.

Rick took her extended hand in his, feeling violent thrills race through every inch of his body. "Friends!" he replied solemnly.

When they entered the house they found a note from their mother.

Gone to town to do some shopping and then to Mr. Joseph. Don called and is taking you two out to dinner tonight. Wear your good clothes… MaryAnn, be sure to wear a dress!

Love, Mother

They looked at each other in mutual disgust, and then, retired to their rooms to rest up for what they knew would be a trying evening.

Don was wearing his best suit that night, and he'd even had the car washed on the way home from work. He was pleased to see that the kids were looking very spiffy too, having never seen them wearing much else but dungarees and sweat-shirts. MaryAnn was sitting beside him in the car and Rick was in the back seat. Surprisingly, a familiar scent was wafting toward him from his teenaged charge.

"What's that you're wearing, MaryAnn?" he asked, trying his best to sound genial and fatherly.

"Mom's Ma Griffe," she replied without hesitation.

"Oh…" he fell silent. "Does your mother know you use it?"

"No… she'd probably have kittens!" Rick piped up from the back.

Don thought it best to change the subject… but it was a little disturbing to him nonetheless to continue to sniff the perfume he had come to associate so closely with his wife, emanating so sexily from the presence of his fourteen-year-old stepdaughter!

"You both look awfully nice tonight…" he tried.

"This is Mom's dress too." MaryAnn offered, interrupting.

Don took his eyes away from the wheel a second, rapidly taking in MaryAnn's composed form beside him. She was wearing Laura's dress! One of Laura's tiniest mini-dresses fit MaryAnn like a normally hemmed dress, falling nevertheless way above her knees, although not up to her thighs the way it fit her mother. What Don couldn't believe (and he was noticing it now for the first time) was that MaryAnn was filling out the top of the low-cut crocheted dress almost as amply as her mother!

He gulped and returned his eyes to the wheel when he saw that MaryAnn was following his gaze down the cleavage of her bosom, and he sensed Rick observing from the back seat. Suddenly he knew that the evening was not going to be the simple, easy dinner he had planned, and that he might as well prepare himself for it now.

"Mom would have a baby, if she knew!" Rick volunteered.

Somehow Rick's reference to Laura having kittens, and then to her having a baby, had an unsettling effect on Don, and he started to wondering just how much the kids actually knew about life. He and Laura had never discussed it… but somehow he was sure that Laura was not the type to sit down and have a long talk with her children about sex.

He pulled into the gravel of Faro's parking lot and came to a stop. Silently, the trio walked into the restaurant, MaryAnn teetering on chunky heels that nonetheless gave her young slender legs a very womanly look. Her mother had insisted she wear a dress out to this dumb dinner, she thought, instead of her favorite outfit, pants and sneakers… so it served her right that she was wearing one of hers!

They settled into a booth, and Don blushed to see that his wife's dress dipped far lower than he'd thought. Why he could almost see MaryAnn's nipples! He ordered a martini for himself immediately, and was glad when MaryAnn held the menu up in front of her to examine it. When the waiter came to get their order, he found himself becoming furious and embarrassed at the same time when the older man's eyes dwelled upon his stepdaughter's bosom for an unusually long time. Only by coughing and raising his voice did he manage to get the insolent waiter's attention.

As they were ordering, Rick smiled to himself at the scene. The least they could do was get a little fun out of the evening, he and MaryAnn had decided before leaving, and it looked like it was going to be a riot, judging from the events so far!

They all had antipasto and MaryAnn ordered eggplant parmesan, as well as veal scaloppini. Rick decided to try the stuffed clams. Don ordered spaghetti with white clam sauce.

The dinner was progressing without further incident, until Rick suddenly piped up, "clams are a sex food, I understand."

Don poured himself a glass from the carafe of wine he'd ordered.

"May I have some, Don?" MaryAnn asked, her eyes boldly examining her stepfather's face. She was recalling how he'd looked the night before, completely nude… his big thing bloated and thick between his legs.

"Uh… well, OK… but maybe you kids should cut it with a little water…" Don was still thinking about Rick's clam remark.

"Oh, Mother lets us drink wine," Rick said. "It's OK."

Don watched helplessly as the kids gulped down two glasses of red wine before he could do anything about it. Then he suddenly decided to take matters into his own hands. After all, he was a grown man… their new father in fact… he'd better take charge now or never!

"That was an interesting remark, you made, Rick," he began, wondering if he was making a mistake.

"What… which one?" Rick asked, beaming. The wine had made him giddy and he felt very pleased with himself for some reason.

"About the clams…" Don replied. "Do you know anymore about that fact?"

"Oh, I hear they make you hot!" Rick snickered.

MaryAnn giggled and poked him under the table.

"Oh?" Don blushed and decided to brazen it out. He'd read a book on child psychology once, but he couldn't seem to remember a thing about it. "Do you know what that means?" Don asked.

It means what you do to Mom every night! Rick thought, resentfully, but replied angelically, "No… I don't… what does it mean?"

"Yes, Don," MaryAnn spoke up, giving him the same burning look, "can you tell us what that means?" Don tried to focus his eyes so he would see as little of her yawning neckline as possible, but even looking directly at her eyes, his peripheral vision picked up a wide and smooth pink shaded area of naked young flesh. "I mean…" she continued, "we have a slight idea I think… don't we, Rick?" she turned to Rick for corroboration, and he grinningly nodded assent. "But I mean nobody has ever really told us what do you call it… the facts of life!"

"Well uh…" Don averted his eyes and looked down at the tablecloth. The waiter came and removed the dishes and they all sat in stunned silence until he had gone.

"Well… uh…" he began again. "We'll certainly have to rectify that! Uh!"

The waiter arrived again, bringing hot zabaglione and coffee, and as he set the last cup down, Don felt an unmistakable prod from beneath the table. He could swear that MaryAnn was playing with his knee! Quickly he moved his leg to one side as far away as he could.

"What we'll do is get some books from the library, and on the weekend we'll all have a long talk… OK?"

"Oh, can't you tell us anything right now?" MaryAnn asked, pleadingly.

"Well, it depends…" Don had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. "What is it that you want to know?"

"When a man puts his thing inside a woman, what does it feel like?" MaryAnn replied.

The ride home was made in complete silence. Don felt mortified. They'd made a complete fool out of him, and yet he kept on reminding himself that it really wasn't their fault. What they were saying was really true, they didn't know the things they ought to have been taught at their age. That was the reason for their disproportionate interest in such things. He intended to have a long talk with Laura… she was just going to have to start looking after her children's welfare… why they'd gotten completely out of hand!

He drove quickly and within minutes the car pulled into the driveway. Don stepped out and opened up the back door. Rick and MaryAnn had chosen to sit together in the back for the ride home.

Together, they walked silently to the door, MaryAnn praying that her mother would be in the bedroom and wouldn't see her wearing one of her best dresses.

Once inside, she was pleased to note that Laura was nowhere in sight, and jauntily she skipped back to her room, throwing a "Thanks, Don," over her shoulder. "Yeah, thanks Don," Rick added running down the hall after her.

Don looked after them and shook his head. Then he turned to go into the bedroom. Opening the door, he spied Laura in pink chiffon sitting up in bed reading. As he walked toward her he realized he had a raging hard-on, and he wondered why. But it hardly mattered as he sat down beside her and scooped her willing body into his arms.

"Oh, darling," she sighed, "I've missed you!"

His hands rummaged beneath the bed sheets, aiming for his wife's warm and tender, hidden pussy.

"I've missed you too," he breathed hotly into her ear.
