Laura tried to control herself, but she just couldn't help quivering with anticipation. Don had gone around all day muttering darkly about some kind of punishment. The very word made her tremble with a masochistic kind of excitement. Her husband's actions puzzled her, but out of love for him, she had found she was quite capable of adapting to his new personality.

"It's only a passing phase, no doubt," she told herself while sitting under the drying machine at the hairdresser's.

She had read books about men who enjoyed brutality, who found a sexual thrill in being mean and domineering with their wives. And the more she thought about it, the more she could understand how it was possible to actually enjoy such treatment… as long as it didn't go too far, of course.

The more she thought about it, Laura decided that things weren't going so badly after all. Whatever Don had planned for her that evening, it was mysterious enough to make her day very interesting. In fact, she hadn't hardly had a dull day since their wedding! After twelve years of boredom and loneliness, Laura thought it was high time she had a little excitement in her life. She still felt the results of her long sexual deprivation during the years when she had been alone, raising the children. She had worked hard, getting sitters to watch the children during the day until she got home from one of her tedious secretarial jobs. That was why Don's remarks about her being a bad mother had hurt so much. Didn't she deserve to rest a little now!

She placed a cake pan in the self-timing oven. Beneath her sun-dress, she felt hot and prickly. Her breasts seemed unusually sensitive that day, where the nipples pushed against the fabric of her bra, and she felt very moist between her full soft thighs.

She decided to read a little bit before starting to fix supper, and reclined in the living room chair with a sexy novel she'd picked up that afternoon at the drugstore.

"Connie's breathing came heavily," she read with interest. "Her face tilted back on the sofa, wore an expression of the pain of waiting for the lovemaking that was to come."

Laura knew just how the girl felt. She herself had felt that way with Don many times.

Don drove back to the house with the children sitting squeezed in beside him on the front seat. He could feel their special warmth close to him, and he still smelled the salt air from the beach they had just visited. They had gone to the nude free beach and spent a gloriously innocent day in the sun and the water.

Tonight, however, was the night… of that he was painfully aware. He had tried to prepare both himself and his wife for an unusual event, but he felt dreadfully confused and apprehensive about it. However, he had a small package in his pocket which he hoped would make it all easier. Something for Laura… a small wedge of chocolate brown hashish. He no longer puzzled the rights and wrongs of what he planned… it now only seemed the logical, if bizarre sequel to the already strange events that had already taken place.

As they walked up to the house, he recalled that the friend who had given him the hash had suggested that it be eaten rather than smoked, and as the delicious odor of Laura's cake wafted to his nostrils, he proposed to MaryAnn that she devise a special chocolate sauce to go with it.

Rick went into the kitchen to help his sister, and he went to find Laura in the bedroom. To his amazement, he found her spread out upon the big double bed, sound asleep. An expression of bliss still lingered upon her lovely features, and her hand remained clutching the downy surface of her inundated cunt. She had obviously been playing with herself.

Immediately Don felt a longing welling up inside of him and for the first time in many days he remembered how much he really loved Laura. And the fact that she had obviously just finished indulging in solitary pleasure of her own making filled him with lascivious thoughts.

He bent to kiss her, planting a sensuous embrace upon the still trembling surface of her exposed pussy. Jerking to attention, she woke up instantly, and quickly smiled when she saw him.

"What's for dinner," he inquired, "Lemon cake?"

The candles flickered noiselessly, while MaryAnn's record player played soft music in the living room. The family of four sat dreamily around the dining room table and Laura felt unusually mellow. They had all had several slices of cake topped with thick chocolate sauce. She had been surprised that everyone found it so delicious, since she felt that the odd concoction that her daughter created was not the most fortunate of combinations with the lemon cake. However, encouraged by the extreme good humor of everyone around her, she consumed her fair share, carefully hiding her true opinion of MaryAnn's first culinary effort.

Now glancing around at her beautiful family, it seemed as though she had never been as happy as at that moment. The company of the children seemed to complement her relationship with Don, rather than distracting from it as she had often feared in the past.

Don phoned the liquor store and had several large jugs of Lancer's Sparkling Rose delivered, and soon the delicious liquid was tickling Laura's nose, and making her laugh. In fact, everything was making her laugh suddenly. They were all clearly in the midst of a big celebration, but she had no idea just what it was they were celebrating! But it really didn't matter… continuing the festive atmosphere was what was uppermost on her mind. She ran into the bedroom and returned wearing her sheer harem pants. They seemed perfect for the occasion, and satisfied a longing she seemed to feel for things mysterious and Eastern. As she reclined against the pillows on the living room couch, she felt just like Scheherezade. Don was sitting across from her, and Rick and MaryAnn were sitting on the rug in the middle of the floor.

"You all look so beautiful! So very beautiful!" she declared, raising her glass.

Don sat heavily in the easy chair. "Boy," he thought. "This is the real stuff!" The hashish made him feel drowsy at first, but underneath the drowsiness, he could feel a subdued excitement a marvelous feeling of anticipation… the feeling that something wonderful was going to happen any minute. And in a few seconds it did.

MaryAnn got up to dance. She was wearing a short, cream colored shift that swirled outward as she began to turn exposing the upper region of her thighs and the tender mounds of her naked buttocks. She wasn't wearing any panties! Her young body swayed to the music in a delight dance that grew more erotic by the moment. As Don watched her, it was all he could do to keep from attacking her right then and there. He grinned lecherously to himself, surreptitiously feeling his cock hardening, and crossed the room, taking in the luscious sight of his wife in her transparent trousers. She sat up to make room for him, but he insisted upon lying stretched out beside her… behind her on the couch, and when she had snuggled herself back down against him, he whispered, "MaryAnn's lovely, isn't she?" He slipped his hand over Laura's palpitating breast and felt the peaked globe of her velvety orbs respond instantly to his touch as she melted backwards against him.

A feeling of great well-being pervaded her. She felt loved, wanted… taken care of!

"Yesss…" she replied, wondering why the sight of her daughter's dance should be causing her to feel such unusual sensations. But Don soon began to squeeze and massage the ripe firmness of her nipples beneath her flimsy halter top, and she squealed a little from time to time from the mixture of pleasure and pain. Suddenly she was aware of her husband's hardened penis, pushing against her buttocks, the huge bulge of it filling the crack between the unconsciously quivering mounds. The material of her pants was so thin that she could feel him almost as though she were naked. She wanted to feel him… needed him inside her desperately… instantly! Her hand snaked around behind her and she groped blindly for the erect shaft of his penis.

"Darling!" she whispered.

Just then, Rick got up to dance with his sister.

Don and Laura watched while mutually caressing each other as the young handsome boy took MaryAnn into his arms, pulling her close to him as they continued to circle the floor. They were seemingly molded together as one body, complete unto itself, and Laura relayed this thought to her husband while she fondled his big prick.

"Yes," she thought, dreamily, "They look so natural… so perfect together!"

She continued looking at them as she unzipped Don's fly, seemingly unaware and uncaring that their own children were in the same room. Quickly, she searched out the length of his burning cock, and clung to it, feeling it like a wonderful prize as it jumped in her hand.

MaryAnn and Rick were kissing. How odd, she thought, that they would be kissing… but again, how natural in a loving family! Everything had a strange quality about it, she thought, but it was like a carnival. She felt as though she could do no wrong… and that went for all of the others too. The night was filled with love and understanding… that was it… for the first time, she felt that everyone understood everything! She felt a closeness to them and a tenderness for them all, and she knew it was reciprocal. Don's long hard body, his breath in her ear, his cock oh, God, his wonderful cock… in her hand!

She had been watching it for sometime before she realized it. How long had it been going on? Rick and MaryAnn nude in the middle of the floor. Her young son's penis… his dear little penis… it had been so long since she'd seen it! It was just about to enter… Why what were they doing! There was something she wanted to do… to say… But Don's hands kneaded again hard against her breasts, and she forgot; wriggling back, she felt herself being forced downward onto his cock. The soft ripping of material met her ears… framed by the sighs from her children on the floor.

Rick was fucking MaryAnn! She could see his cock entering and exciting her daughter's excited little pussy…

"No!" she said suddenly, but just then Don cried out, "This… all this is your punishment!"

"Aaaaaaaargh!" she screamed, as her husband's enormous cock entered her savagely from behind, his rigid pole finding the hairy slit of her vagina, where it nestled in silken folds between her thighs.

She was left utterly breathless! Stunned by its sudden entry into her unexpecting depths, her vagina began to pulse sensuously around his violently hard cock. She could feel his breath harsh in her ear, his lips forming sounds, words that she didn't understand. Her buttocks pressed against his loins, the full resiliency of her breasts enveloped by his arms as they wrapped around her from behind.

"Oh, yes," she sighed, "Oh, yes, Don… punish me… fuck me… Oh, yes, I need it!"

His cock began a slow motion fucking, pulling out of her clinging pussy, milking her cunt for what seemed to be hours of exquisite pleasure. She could feel every ripple, every pore of the massive instrument… her vagina was endowed with such acute sensitivity that she could control every tiny inch of it. What a wonderful plaything!

Through dull, hashish-drugged eyes, she was sure she could see that her son and daughter were going through a similar feeling, and it seemed a fine thing that they too could experience such joy. She wanted suddenly to be able to share it with the world! Even when Rick and MaryAnn stood and came closer to their coupling parents, Laura observed their bodies with a new interest. How they had grown… why they were almost adults! But she couldn't fully concentrate on them because of the fiery pole of hardened flesh that intruded far up into her voraciously flaring cunt.

She was sure that the children couldn't tell what was going on, but it hardly mattered. She saw no reason to stop the joy that was spreading like a beautiful sleep throughout her whole being… it never occurred to her to stop it! She panted a little as the smooth blood-filled head of her husband's cock pulsed and prodded at the oversensitive tip of her cervix.


She heard her son mumble something, and she was sure that Don replied, "Now… Now…!" but then she was lost again in a wonder-world of lust. She was nothing but one big cunt… and Don was one big cock… together they could do anything! Gradually she became aware of an added sensation. Something crawling along her thigh. Fingers moved slowly upward along the gauzy material of her pants… they teased at the junction of her legs, at the sprinkling of pubic hair that grazed her upper thighs, and as she ground her exposed vaginal slit backwards onto her husband's raging cock, her pelvis rotated hard against the fingers, making them slip against the passion-moistened mound of her pussy. A warm flood of fluids surrounded Don's thick pole, and now this strange and new invasion from the front served to increase her desire.

Her startled clitoris jumped about, hoping for renewed contact with the fingers, and then in answer to her silent thoughts, a hand was slipping beneath the elastic of her harem pants, pulling them downward, exposing the front of her belly, her pussy… whereas the back was already exposed by the gaping hole rent by her husband's impatient cock.

Rick's fingers worked firmly at his mother's excitedly slippery cunt now, separating the soft hair-lined flesh that surrounded the wet slit between. He watched her close her eyes tightly and let the rolling sensations of pleasure course through her tingling body.

"Oh… aaaaaa… oh, oh, oh!" she began to chant as the dual manipulations started a double triggering spark inside her womb. Then she was gasping in surprise. The cock was gone… gone from her aching cunt, leaving it open and bare, leaving it alone and unwanted. Desperately, she clawed behind her. "OH! Please, PLEASE!" But Don slid his cock down and back until it reached the hidden entrance of his wife's tightly puckered anus. His hands guided his cock toward it, and then the large head began its attempt to bore inside the tiny hairless opening. Once well-aimed, he grasped his wife firmly around the breasts against him and ground his pelvis upward.

"Nnnnnnnngh! Aaarrgh!" she cried.

Don felt it slowly slipping in… it was easier now that he had stretched it several times before. His cock was being unmercifully manipulated by Laura's tight rectal sphincter. He rolled over so that he was on his back and she was lying out flat on her back on his stomach, speared from behind by his prick in her anus.

After conferring with his sister from his position midway upon the couch, Rick, trembling like the child he was, climbed up. His knees slid between his mother's widespread and flailing legs, and he gazed mesmerized at her beauty. Her eyes were still tightly closed as she responded to the ecstatic ravagement of her anal channel. Her hair fell in delightful black curls that framed her lovely features. Images of such joy and love filled him that he thought he might burst with pride and longing. His young cock ached for her, trembled in his hands as his eyes swept over her partially exposed figure, gyrating lewdly beneath him.

"Oh, God; She's beautiful!"

He could smell the sweet pungent odor of her aroused and naked vagina rising to meet his nostrils as he hesitated above her. Her lovely pussy seemed to be calling out to him, and his cock wavered forward as if drawn by a magnet.

"Oh, Mom," he groaned, "Oh, Mom!"

Then with infinite care, the head of his thick thirteen-year-old cock was suddenly touching at the softness of his mother's black hair-fringed cunt lips. Wetness surrounded the excitedly twitching tip. He could see her belly white and glistening above the black triangular "vee" of her pussy… see the red interior of her cunt… see everything as his cock slid miraculously and wonderfully into her trembling orifice!

Slithering upward, his cock was met by a tight incredible friction… his father's penis, ramming up into his mother's rectum from below… just a thin fleshy partition away!

He was soaring… flying up into her, his head in the clouds somewhere, but with his hardened young cock, buried deep within the velvet snugness of his mother's passionate cunt! His rigid penis surged inward making his mother like a wild woman beneath him. He clung onto her firm, full breasts to keep from falling off, his belly pressing hard into hers while she writhed uncontrollably beneath him, bucking upward at each thrust of her husband's cock behind her, and downward when Rick pushed forward!

Rick thought he might die right there on top of her. Never had any boy been so blessed, he thought as to fuck such a wonderful mother! Tears streamed down both their faces, as Rick sobbed, watching her become delirious, slipping into a far distant world of blissful eroticism.

"Uuuuuu…aaaaa!" Laura groaned, her body turning voluptuously from side to side, her back arching upward, her tender genitals jerking spasmodically at the long smooth strokes that filled both her rectum and her aching pussy.

"Oh, Mother! Oh, Mom!" Rick shouted. He wanted her to open her eyes… to acknowledge that it was he fucking her, his cock making her cry out with such pleasure. Falling upon her, her breasts bumping up against his small boy's chest, he kissed her passionately on the mouth, his penis burrowing to the farthest height it could attain in her streaming cunt.

Laura was dimly aware that her son was calling her name. Awareness reached her, dimly, and opening her eyes, she saw him through a blurry haze. Her own darling baby boy clinging to her naked flesh, his driving penis sinking blissfully into her open cunt.

"Oh, God… it can't be! It just can't be!" she cried before the gigantic climax struck. Her son's penis flexed hard against her cervix, and her husband rammed simultaneously high into her tormented bowels. She groaned as the lightening struck, closing her eyes again and keening, "Yes… little Rickie! Oh, yes, my baby!!! Fuck your mother! Make me cum… oh I'm cumming right now… riiiiiiiight nooooooowwwww!"

Rick didn't know how many times he fucked his mother, or how many times she screamed out for mercy beneath his wonderfully potent penis.

It seemed hours… maybe days later that they were all rolling nakedly about on the floor, his mother frantically sucking at his jerking cock, while her own daughter sucked blissfully upon her pink-flanged pussy… MaryAnn herself feeling her tiny cunt being restretched from behind to its ultimate proportions by her stepfather's enormous cock.

MaryAnn's excited cries rebounded through the room joined by the moans of her parents and her brother, and soon they were all whining and wailing together as the ragged edges of Laura's pussy were wedged together with those of her daughter while Don and Rick took long satisfying turns at fucking them from behind, plowing deep into their tenderly entwined cunts.

Laura looked at them all and thought, "Oh, God, I'm happy! Oh, how I love you all!" Again and again she opened her legs wide to accept her son's white gushing semen, and each time she seemed to feel a greater desire for him. Willingly, she tried position after position, showing him everything she knew, and learning a few new things herself. Don watched them with a perpetual smile, while MaryAnn pumped her fourteen-year-old loins lewdly up and down upon his inflated cock.

From time to time, Laura would take her son's tired young cock in her mouth, soothing it into a lulling state of sensual suspension until they both felt rested enough to start again. Nothing seemed wrong or alien to her now, and even as the effects of the drug wore off, she began to feel an inner peace she'd never known… as though she'd been waiting for this to happen all of her life.

Toward morning, she led Rick into the bathroom with her, and while there, allowed him to wash her curvaceous skin in the big tub, and once he'd finished, she pulled him into the water with her, and hungrily spread her legs beneath the warm liquid while his slender penis filled her convulsing pussy and his arms wound lovingly around her graceful neck.

In the living room in the sixty-nine position, MaryAnn slid her arms beneath her new father's buttocks, and opening her red lips wide, began to nibble at the base of his hardened man-sized cock, flicking her tongue up and down the long throbbing shaft. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmm! Oooooooh!" she cried, as Don reciprocated by shooting his tongue high into her baby-tight vagina, where it lay pulsing hungrily above his face.

"oh, Daddy, Daddy!" she sighed at the wet contact of his tongue. New thrills of lust sparked through her pubescent body, as suddenly she giggled, and lifting her mouth from his glistening cock, murmured, "But Daddy, darling… you never did teach us about the facts of life!"

Without waiting for a reply, she let her mouth fall upon the rock-hardness of her father's penis, swallowing it to the hilt. Don groaned and gave himself up to the delightful decadence of his new family as in the distance he could hear his wife screaming out yet another climax beneath the wildly pounding body of her son…

"God, what a night," flickered crazily through his dazed mind…
