‘What’s going on? Who told the SAS to go in?’ said Gillard. He turned to Murray. ‘What’s happening?’

‘I’ve no idea,’ said Murray, staring up at the large screen showing the feed from the Biggin Hill hangar. SAS troopers were at the back of the coach and the front. Two of the SAS men had gone inside, Jim Hawkins leading the way.

‘Were shots fired?’ asked Kamran. The feed was silent so he had no idea whether the troopers had used their weapons or not.

‘I don’t think so,’ said Murray.

‘They’ve opened the rear door,’ said Gillard. ‘What the hell is happening?’

Kamran frowned at the screen as the seconds ticked off. It didn’t make any sense. If the vests were going to detonate, what was taking so long? Were they trying to lure the SAS in so that they would be caught in the blast?

‘They shouldn’t have gone in without negotiating first,’ said Gillard.

‘Something must have happened,’ said Murray.

‘Then do us all a favour and find out what,’ said Gillard.
