Captain Murray put down his mobile phone. ‘The terrorists have surrendered,’ he said. ‘They’re saying they acted under duress.’

‘Duress? How?’

‘They’re claiming that the vests can only be detonated by remote control. The triggers don’t work.’

‘Then we need to get the vests off them immediately,’ said Gillard. He looked up at the screen showing the feed from the hangar. The SAS men were taking the bombers and hostages off the bus. One of the troopers had a pair of bolt-cutters and was using it to sever the chains. ‘Alex, get the hostages and bombers separated straight away. The bombers can be kept in the hangar but our men can take care of the hostages right now.’ He nodded at Kamran. ‘Mo, can you talk to Silver and make that happen? And get him to send in bomb disposal to sort the vests out.’

‘Will do,’ said Kamran, heading for his desk.

‘What the hell is going on?’ asked Gillard, looking at the screen again.

‘We’ve won,’ said Murray. ‘We’ve released the hostages, the would-be bombers have surrendered and we still have the ISIS prisoners. It’s a win-win-win situation.’

‘But why?’ asked Gillard. ‘Why did Shahid just throw in the towel?’

‘Maybe something happened that we’re not aware of,’ said Kamran. ‘Maybe he thinks he’s won.’ He picked up his mobile phone and called Inspector Adams at Biggin Hill. ‘Ian, the ISIS prisoners. Where are they right now?’

‘Over at the RAF base.’

‘You’re sure?’

‘Last I heard, that’s where they were. Still under guard in the van.’

‘Okay. I need you to go over there right now and see for yourself. With your own eyes. Open the door and check that they’re all there.’

‘You think they’re not? You think they’ve gone?’

‘Ian, nothing would surprise me right now. All we know is that we haven’t heard from Shahid and the bombers have given up. If we still have the ISIS prisoners in custody then I don’t understand what has happened.’ Kamran ended the call. ‘Inspector Adams is going to check on the prisoners now,’ he said to Gillard.

‘Please God they’d better still be in the van,’ said Gillard.
