Hawkins heard the coach in the distance. ‘Here we go,’ he said. He was standing behind a stack of sandbags arranged at the side of the hangar. There were four more troopers behind another sandbag wall to his left.
The negotiating team from Bromley were waiting in the main terminal with the Silver Commander, Ian Adams. They had seemed relieved when Hawkins had asked them to clear the area. He’d gained the impression they were more used to dealing with domestic disputes and weren’t at all comfortable with the idea of negotiating with nine jihadists prepared to kill themselves and their hostages.
‘Everybody stay behind the bags until I say otherwise,’ said Hawkins. ‘It could be they’re after the SAS so let’s not give them the satisfaction.’
The engine growl got louder and then there was a squeal of brakes. The coach reached the open hangar doors and turned in. Hawkins peered over the top of the sandbags and caught a glimpse of Terry McMullen at the wheel, wearing his lucky flat cap. The coach reached the centre of the hangar and stopped. There was a wheeze of the air brakes being applied and everything went quiet. After a few seconds the door opened, but then everything was quiet again.