I contrived my expression well upon encountering Maude, affecting sorrow and amazement, but refusing to say anything, despite her questions, until some wine had slaked my thirst.

“What is to do? What is to do, Clara?” was constantly asked. I had slyly, though with apparent agitation, loosed my bodice while I drank, for it is ever a good thing to draw the eyes to that which might the better evoke visions such as words confirm.

“I will not bandy words, Maude. You are become a woman of the world now. You have spoken to me of sin. I will tell you what is sin. Do you know Edwin’s habits?”

“No, no, I do not. What do you speak of?” She wrung her hands and stared at me. Even in the moment I thought how fulsome her bottom would be to the birch, upon which my own surname is so well and truly founded, as it were.

“I passed by the church there to pray, Maude, and saw that-within a vestry or whatever it may be called-such as no eyes should ever see. Shall I tell you plain? There is no other way to it. Edwin had his prick full up a boy’s bottom-one of the choirboys I imagine,” I said almost languidly.

How she gaped! How she protested yet in vain that it could not be true! Yet such was the tenor of my voice, and so well modulated was it between sorrow and anger, that she could not help but bring herself to accept. Springing up, she paced back and forth, oftimes burying her face in her hands and declaring with many sobs that she knew not what to say, for all the world was topsy-turvy now and no greater sin had she ever heard of. Indeed I am quite certain, despite my titillation of her the day before, that she had no concept of a male weapon being inserted in the fundament and even endeavoured to say so, though in a long and rambling way.

“The Ecclesiastical Court will hear of it, I have no wonder,” I murmured as though in uttermost despair.

“What? Oh dear heavens, no! We shall all be ruined and turned out! We have no other place to go,” wailed she, and thus unknowingly handed me the key to her future pleasures and her fate.

I waited then until she had ceased sobbing.

“At the least there must be punishment, Maude.”

“Yes, but not that way, not that way. Oh, he will be unfrocked!”

“I, too, have thought of that, Maude, and would not have it so. Are you not angry-angry-that such a thing should occur and such a waste displayed?”

“A w… w… waste?” Her jaw gaped. She descended her bottom into her chair again. I pondered the moment, rose and went to her, accommodating myself upon the rolled arm of her seat. I stroked her hair.

“You know of what I speak, Maude-let us have no dissembling. The male should be put only to the female, in whatever wise. I will say of Edwin in his defence but solely this-that his cock has too often been deeply stirred by your voluptuous presence and so in this wicked way he sought to exercise it, or one might almost say exorcise it,” I murmured.

“You… you… you do not know what you are saying,” she mumbled, her face all red and fingers tight together.

“I know well of what I speak, Maude. Vivian will come to the same fate if it is not prevented. Even the rustling of your skirts makes their balls swell, as I have observed. You have never thought to look. Even so, Edwin must be punished and the matter covered up,” I said crisply, knowing well that she wished to be diverted from what I had said of herself and so she greedily seized the point.

“How, though-how? The youth will speak!”

“I will attend to the youth, Maude. There is but one way to deal with Edwin now, and that in secret that your future may remain secure. He must be humiliated beneath a woman in such wise as will never make him stray again. You alone can effect this and so save your heritage and your home.”

“I… I… I… would not know what to do. Edwin has always been master and…”

“Shush!” I interrupted her, “he will be no more so. You shall be the Mistress of your realm. I can but advise you what to do. Should you fail…”

“Oh-woh, Clara!” sobbed she.

“SHOULD you fail then he will be unfrocked,” I continued coldly. “Now I will tell you what to do, so listen carefully and interrupt me not or I shall go from hence, will say nothing to the youth, and all will be undone. Well, Maude?”

Her eyes, brimming with tears, came up to mine, but I marked not her sorrow for I knew how rapidly in such matters all moods change. Before the day was out her drawers would be down and she would be panting to the urging of the prick-though this I carefully did not explain to her. Her wonder at my instructions was such that she appeared dumbfounded, yet with the sword of Damocles above her very head she had no way to turn nor any other recourse to seek. Much further weeping and protests came, but I would have none of it, brought her wine and made her drink her fill, one glass, then two, then three that she might be merrier in the matter, as I said.

A trifle blurred by then she was induced to go upstairs while I waited for Edwin’s return. He was not too long about it, for which I was thankful. He paled upon seeing me and would have retreated, for I had kept myself quiet in the drawing room. Upon his entry, throwing down gloves and hat carelessly as he did upon a sofa, I sprang up and barred his way back to the door.

“We have much to speak of,” I said coldly.

“My God-Maude!” he choked, believing I had told her.

“She is not your god, though she may yet become your goddess,” I replied, which of course cast him into full mystery so that he ever looked towards the door.

The Edwins of this world are many. Outwardly rumbustious in their ways, they seek to dominate the female kind and do so in multifarious ways, for they are the purseholders as a rule. Even so, it is a most curious phenomenon which I have now often observed whereby their eyes will glitter with a certain interest when they feel the tables might be reversed. Indeed, such is a moment they appear to hunger for and greet with all amazement and no concealed interest and arousal until they find themselves well put down by which time their fate is sealed.

Thus it was with Edwin, though as for myself I had him at a fair disadvantage. He had nowhere to look and nowhere to hide. I had seen all, even to the protrusion of his stiff penis between the youth’s cheeks. The name of the latter I quickly gained, Edwin stutteringly assuring me that he would reveal nothing for the boy had been well rewarded far his “efforts.”

This confession truly caused my lip to curl. I will not, however, burden the reader with the details of the conversation that followed. The form of it is something that may be guessed. Given a choice between facing an Ecclesiastical Court and my own judgement, I had him on the carpet in ten minutes, hands to his sides and lying on his back. Having effected this-to his great amazement at whatever was to occur-I fetched a length of rope with which I had armed myself from an old clothes line and, despite his shamed protests, slipped it beneath his back and wound his arms most tightly to his sides. Even the strongest man cannot rise to his feet thus, and so I had him. Passing quietly from the room, I then called Maude down. Ever flushed with the wine she had taken, she descended both nervously and cautiously, but I tugged at her sleeve impatiently, telling her that Edwin had accepted his punishment and that she must therefore give it.

As we then entered the room where he lay bound, his head jerked around and his eyes bulged. I had told him nothing of his stepsister’s role in this and his dismay was evident. A croaking sound came from his throat but died as I strode and straddled him, my feet on either side of his hips.

“Get down on him, Maude!” I instructed sharply, adding for good measure, “You know otherwise the penalty!” Her face was a picture, her legs visibly shaking as she advanced upon him, as I had previously told her to and stood nervously with her feet in line with mine and on either side of his shoulders. Edwin closed his eyes immediately, though he would have had a fine view up her skirts.

“Down, Maude!” I barked and at that she wavered, wilted and then drew up her dress so quickly that I scarce had time to see her knees before she plumped her knickered bottom on his face and enveloped him in the tentlike darkness of her skirt.

“Glump!” came from Edwin. Maude’s colour rose to her eyebrows. As usual she gaped.

“Firm down. Wriggle your bottom on his mouth and nose until the latter is up between your cheeks, Maude!”

She gulped, she would have whimpered had I not stared her out. Flexing her bent knees deeper, she settled herself more fully and thus gave her stepbrother more intimate acquaintance with her knickered parts. A gargling gasp came from him and then a muffled silence.

“He is not to work his tongue up you, Maude,” I murmured, the more to make her blush. His arms strove against their bonds, but that availed him naught. Squatting down myself across his thighs, I then held Maude’s eyes squarely while I tried the buttons of his trousers. They were not too tight, although already a firm projection rose beneath them. Maude shook her head wildly and would have moved had I not snapped my fingers. Her hand went to her mouth and she stared as then I loosed all, groped within his coverings and drew out his fine tool. In but seconds, ‘neath the warmth and weight of her resplendent bottom as his face was, it rose and quivered in the air, knob rubicond and large.

Maude whimpered, though whether from the sight of it or her sensations on his mouth and nose, I know not. Her eyes became anguished, though I knew not then the true cause of this extra agitation. Her teeth chattered and her arms wavered out to me uncertainly.

“It is nice, Maude. You are in full possession of him,” I murmured and toyed once with his monstrous weapon, then let it go. It stuck up straight as a ramrod and a full nine inches long.

“I w… w… w…” she stuttered, her hips working.

I guessed then for the first time at her agitations. The wine had filled her belly and she needed to pee. The anguish in her look grew more, filling me with vast amusement. Should I let her? Stepmama had said nothing of this and yet the punishment would then be dire. Maude squirmed and looked most desperate, which prompted me to rise. Curiously enough I had no interest in Edwin’s prick other than it should service her eventually. Before she could move more, for her feet were already shifting, I moved behind her and bore down with both hands on her shoulders.

“Nooo… noooo… NOOOO!” she whined.

“Yes, Maude, yes!”

“Haaar-aaaah! I c… c… can’t hold it!”

“You have the perfect receptacle beneath,” I chuckled the while that Edwin’s legs kicked up in vain. Had I but known it, the first trickling of her deliverance had already seeped through her drawers and wettened his face. I heard a choking sound from him, cupped fast her chin and drew her face back under mine.

“NA-HAAAAR!” gasped Maude, but all was now too late. Upside-down kissing is quite pleasant as I had discovered in games with Stepmama. My mouth fastened hungrily on Maude’s, her cries gurgled in my mouth, and then with a low gushing sound she pissed full merrily upon her Edwin’s face while he, spluttering and jerking, received the golden flood, strained as it was through the cotton of her drawers.

As she did so, I felt Maude’s mood change. Her tongue coiled out and answered mine and her bottom writhed. The release for her was delicious, as it ever is, and she could no longer contain her excitement at the brazenness of what she was doing. Gargling the more, Edwin kicked more fiercely but was held. He was all aflood as indeed the surrounding carpet was where it trickled down his chin and from his hair.

“Suck him!” I hissed, quite beside myself with glee.

“Wha… aaaaart!”

“Do it, Maude!” I, in the prime position, thrust her for-ward until her face was well down over his erection, seized her nose and so causing her mouth to open for air, plunged it upon his yearning cock. She snuffled-oh! I held her, though, and mouth filled as she was no protest came. Truly my stepmother would not have approved of it, I felt sure, yet such moments of inspiration come to all. Besides, Edwin was coming already. I knew that from Maude’s choking sounds and then the thick dribbling all about her lips. Seizing her hair, I drew her up again while yet he spouted twice and then once more. Frustration thus was served and I forgave myself. Maude panted, hung her head back and sobbed. I helped to raise her, legs tottering and stockings wet.

“Go upstairs, Maude, bathe and change,” I instructed crisply.

She was only too glad to escape, hot-rushing from the room and blundering into the side of the door while Edwin sneezed and shook the droplets from his face.

“You will STAY,” I told him firmly. He was too far gone in mad desire to speak. I could not leave Maude on her own-to do so would have been unwise-and followed up. In the bathroom she was already removing her dress and wrenching down her soaked drawers.

“I can’t believe…!” she moaned.

“Let us have no nonsense about it, Maude. Here, place this bowl beneath you so that the water will run into it. Edwin has learned his first lesson, but not his last.”

“The shame of it! I do not know what has come upon us-oh woe!”

“How ridiculous you sound! Do you know it? I would help lave you but I will not spoil my dress. All is not saved yet, Maude. I have yet to apprehend the youth and mend his ways. As for your part, you must keep Edwin well to heel.”

“I cannot, dare not, and besides Vivian will be home soon.”

“Your ‘besides’ interests me, Maude, for it reveals that you already have a mind to it.”

“Clara, you do not comprehend. Once you are gone Edwin will berate me somewhat terrible!”

“Will he indeed! Dry yourself, my dear. Let me powder your bottom. What a magnificent one you have! No-you do not need your clothes, not yet,” said I, grabbing up her things and casting them without, at which she waited, extending both hands in foolish pleading, though-as I noticed-she feared to say more then. “Stay, Maude,” I commanded, much as one might speak to a pet and with that I bounded out, locked the door to her faint cry and descended to release Edwin.

Trousers down, I led him up, he being then forced to stumbles for the wrapping of his garment around his boots caused him to.

“Speak not or all shall be revealed of your sins,” I told him, by which he could take to mean either what had occurred before his arrival or what was happening now. Maude let out a shriek as we entered and endeavoured to cover herself with a towel, but I snatched it from her.

“He will need it to dry himself,” said I blandly while Edwin, unable to keep his eyes from her large firm breasts, bared hips and bottom, was pushed roughly to the basin, there to sluice and wash as best he might, though splashing water all over his vestments as he did. I told him roughly to remove all, whereat both were naked as the day and, surveying one another with furtive and shameful eyes as they did, I distinctly saw his prick twitch. Indeed, to my profound irritation he did his best to conceal a nervous grin as, in endeavouring to hide her nubile charms from him by half turning away, Maude displayed to him the ample rondeurs of her well-cleft bottom. Thereupon to her vast relief and much cupping of her hands over her thick pubic bush, I opened the bathroom door and bid her follow me, snapping at Edwin to stay.

“Did you not see the look in his eyes when he perceived you naked?” I asked.

Maude put her hand to her mouth and stared. “He… he is hateful, oh hateful, and you made him put it in my mouth,” she blurted.

“There is still time enough to have him reported. Both of you,” I said carefully whereat she made to move past me and run into her bedroom, but I seized her arm.

“No, Maude, you will listen to me. Have you forgotten what is at stake? Have you?” I insisted.

“N… n… no, I haven’t! Oh, what to do?”

“You DO as I instruct, Maude, and take him first in hand. Your stepbrother’s virility is undoubted. He must be milked twice a day and given solace once a week.”

“M… m… milked? Given solace?” she stammered.

“By drawing the sperm from his stem, my dear, you will profoundly quieten his desires. By offering your own bottom to his cock you will divert him from less manly occupations and pursuits. As perhaps with another youth who will run immediately to the authorities and inform them of his wickedness.”

“Oh no, oh no!”

“What other response could you give? You will be the one who benefits from this, Maude, for have I not warned you that Vivian may go the same way? You, temptress, have disturbed them deeply. Nightly they dream of burying their burning, throbbing shafts in your quim or bottom, and thus do you betray them and drive them through the streets of fearful sin by not appeasing them.”

“I had never thought of it-never!”

“If you had not, then fate has ruled. Go, Maude, and bring him to me by his cock. I will show you what to do. Hasten now for I have not much patience left.”

“Oh-woh!” The same silly cry and she turned back-I hastening into her bedroom where I sat legs open on the side of the bed. At their entry, and each as redfaced as the other, I smiled at her.

“Bring him closer, Maude. Why, the devil of it, you naughty girl, you have his penis stiff again already! An excellent beginning. Fetch a clean towel and lay it across my lap. Hurry now! And you, sir, stand quite still in front of me.”

“If we…” he began feebly the moment that Maude had gone.

“No!” I replied sharply before he could finish. “Be still and be silent! You have no other means of comporting yourself now whether in her presence or mine. Your cock quivers lewdly, though it is scarce half an hour since you last spilled. Ah, Maude, how good you are,” I greeted her return. “Spread the towel across my thighs so. Good. Now stand behind him-closer-closer still! It matters not that he can feel your nipples at his back or your bush pressed to his buttocks. All the better, in fact, to bring on his excitement, for you are to deal with him thus each morning and each afternoon. Woe betide him should he disobey. Coil your arms around him now, one hand beneath his balls and the other at his cock.”

Maude grimaced, quivered and hid her face behind his back as she obeyed. His loins jerked-for which I had to admonish him-and his features twisted.

“Make him come, Maude,” I murmured as at my bidding her fingers began to move up and down his thick tool. “His sperm will fall upon the towel and there be safe.”

“Oh, Maude, your hand, your lovely hand!” groaned he. I let him have his say, his little say. It bided him no good, for a certain and sudden ferocity was to be observed in the faster movements of her fingers. Perhaps she wished to get it over or perhaps excitement had risen in her, for such a staff so swollen up and stiff is beautiful to feel in one’s warm clasp. A gritting sound came from him and he made to feel behind him with his hands to touch her thighs.

“No! No, Edwin, NO!” I barked at him whereat he wavered, ground his teeth anew, his legs trembling. “Your stepsister has your cock in her hand as she frequently will in order to quell your more libertine desires. For this you will afterwards kiss her feet and thank her. Your lips will then travel upwards to her knees and to her inner thigh, but not beyond. You will know her scent but not her compliance, unless she wishes it. Is that not so, Maude?”

“Yes,” came her breathless tone from his back where I suspected her of grinding her pubis to his buttocks. She had passed the bounds of modesty and was fair to be fucked or corked and did, I believe, know it. No female can withstand such temptations for long when the male becomes submissive.

“Stop, Maude!”

My cry was sudden and unexpected to myself. It had come upon me that he was too easily come by his pleasures. It was a practice my stepmama also followed. “See how haggard their eyes become when their sperm is not let loose. They are as ravenous dogs and should so be treated,” she told me several times when “withholding grace” from Robert, Tim, Papa or Charlie and sending them upstairs with cocks still stiff.

The look she described and which I had often seen was apparent to me in Edwin’s eyes. Maude’s hand seemed reluctant to cease its massaging, but she did, while he-uttering a moan-beseeched me silently, all in vain.

“It is too soon,” I declared simply.

“Ah, what agony you put me through between you! Have I then deserved so much?” groaned Edwin.

“Has not every male?” I responded sharply and to the surprised awe of Maude who I believe was becoming not unaccustomed to her state of nudity in his presence. I spied then upon a chest exactly what I wanted-a pair of long kid gloves and a kerchief. One of the gloves I seized, commanding Maude to hold Edwin tight which she did by winding her arms rather lovingly about him from the rear.

“My God, what are you at?” he gasped.

“A simple sheath to tame your impetuousity,” I said and with that slipped the sleeve of the glove down over his rampant cock which, to my satisfaction, it covered fully. Then, gripping it tightly about his unbending stem, I wound the kerchief fast about and tied it in a knot. How comical and how absurd he looked thus with the fingers of the glove dangling limp! Despite my suppressed hilarity at the spectacle, I saw a purpose in such binding and covering of the erect organ and quickly determined to use it in future.

“Turn him and stand him in the corner, Maude. He will pay a penance thus,” said I.

“I beg you no! Let me dress and have an end to it!” came from Edwin, but I would have none of that. He was a strong enough man and did he not have some semblance of a gentleman in him still could have pushed us both aside and made his retreat then, scorning my threats perhaps to expose him.

All was too late for that, however. He had tasted Maude, had seen her, had been fondled by us both. He was as a youth whose Mama and sister play naughtily with him and then spank him and make him hope for more.

“Half an hour and then you will be seen to, Edwin,” I said not ungently as he was urged somewhat like a recalcitrant schoolboy indeed into a corner by the wardrobe and there made to face the wall, head bowed and penis bobbing stiffly in its sheath. “Put a robe on, Maude,” I then instructed and she, glad to be able to cover herself at last, obeyed.

“Maude!” came Edwin’s frantic cry as we went out, but I would not let her turn back.

“I want to dress,” moaned she while I bustled her downstairs.

“You have to see to him, do you not?” I replied crisply, whereat she did her best to hide a nervous grin.

“I did not know he was so bad,” she murmured foolishly. “Oh, but do not go, Clara, for I will not know what to do.”

“You fool! He has you in his very balls by now. When I have departed, there is no need to tell him so. Keep him standing as he is, remove his sheath and with quick fingers bring him off. Let his sperm bubble over your fingers, Maude, and you will hear his groans of satisfaction well enough. Aye, and devotion!”

“You think so? But what of Vivian? He may come upon us at any moment.”

“Then you must treat him equally so. Do you wish ever to remain a simpleton and for me to read you all your lessons?”

“V… V… Vivian is my brother, though!”

“His prick will throb no less stiffly for that, my dear. Set him to housework-make him do your bidding. Have Edwin ever empty his purse before you. Keep them in control. This is the way of modern Woman with her males.”

“Do… do… do you do so, then?”

“It is not for you, Maude, to question my ways. Perhaps it were best that you saw to Edwin now while I am here. I shall not accompany you. Go-do it!”

“But, Clara, will you not…”

“Go, Maude, upon this instant!”

Robe floating all about her she was gone. Positioning myself at the foot of the staircase I listened. In her fervour or her nervousness, she was quick enough about the matter. Edwin’s groans and cries came clear to me. In a moment Maude descended again, her expression a daze, her hand exceedingly sticky.

“What a lot he comes!” she murmured as though to herself.

“Are you not Mistress of your domain?” I laughed and, drawing her to me, tied her robe about. Even so a sense of douleur seized me. I could no more control affairs in the next twenty-four hours than I could fly to the moon. For all I knew she might confess her own actions as sins to Edwin and be berated by him. In her then tearful state she would be fit prey for his wicked tool and would no doubt have him well sheathed up her that very night while Vivian palely loitered, as it were, and would never be seen to.

To be “seen to,” I might say, was a phrase well beloved of my stepmother and later by myself. It was understood that if a girl had been “seen to,” she had been put under. Few others understood the phrase in its inner meaning and so it could be used in company.

“You will attend to all that I have told you, Maude,” said I now in departing. She would have clung to me if she could.

“I shall do as you say, yes,” she said dolefully, for she wanted me much to stay. The moment must be taken on the instant, however, or all is lost. Even as I made my exit, Vivian was to be seen approaching on his horse across the field.

“Oh, I have only my robe on!” she exclaimed so foolishly that I could have whipped her there and then.

“Do you need to have more in order to receive your younger brother?” I asked coldly and then was gone even while her hand reached out to me and one bare thigh showed out between the folds of her peignoir.

“But Clara!” came her cry whereat I retreated swiftly down the drive where she could not follow and waited patiently the reining-in of Vivian’s steed, he gazing down at me uncertainly, then doffing his hat before he dismounted. Maude stared at us both like a wraith from a distance, peering foolishly from behind the Vicarage door.

“Your sister waits upon you, Vivian. See to her every need-obey her in all respects,” said I to his great and gaping wonder and then mounted my pony. I had no intention of seeking out the youth in the matter. He would be one of several in any event. Taking up the reins, I regarded Maude steadily, daring her to move ere her brother approached. Upon his reaching the threshhold, he stared back at me and then entered while Maude held the door.

I had much to tell my stepmother, but also much to berate myself with.
