Most wickedly, no doubt, the thought of caning the adorable Jennifer thrilled me to the core. I, who have trained many a young lady since, knew this to be a prime occasion. A cane lay in my stepmother’s luggage. She was ever ready for all occasions. Taking it out, I fondled it lovingly and envisaged the proud bottom that was soon to receive it.
Pray do not think, however, that there was viciousness in my thoughts. I have never wielded the cane cruelly nor would ever do so. It urges, it impels, it conquers the proudest. When I re-entered the bedroom my stepmother had already rolled Jennifer over in the guise of “tidying” her underskirt beneath. Thus she was bared and, being in that frame of mind that young women are when they know not which road to take, permitted the fondest of kisses to fall on her sumptuous orb, deep cleft as it was and smooth as ivory.
She made to stir as I entered and would have glimpsed the cane before it seared her had not my stepmother deftly clambered on her back and held her down. A shriek rose: “What are you doing?”
“Oh, Jennifer how lovely you look,” I murmured, not sarcastically but with all sincerity, for such girls do when well put up to it. Her garters had been adjusted, her stockings made taut. The moist fur of her cleft showed well beneath her globe. I raised the cane and knew she sensed a danger.
“No! What are you at?” she cried and tried to heave.
SWEEE-ISSSH! The cane seared across her peach and brought a shrill cry from her of the uttermost dismay, leaving a thin pink line in its fiery wake.
“You will LEARN, Jennifer,” my stepmother murmured and with her knees full clamped against the young woman’s sides, held her firmly down. HOOOO-ITTTT! Ah, what a song the cane makes in the air! The tip was thin and caught her in its passing, bringing from her throat a horrified screech.
“STO-HO-OPPP IT!” she cried and then “Oh NO!” as again I swished it in. Her hips jerked violently, her bottom screwing all about and showing flares of red upon the creamy skin.
“You will take his prick tonight, my love, you will learn. Whose cock shall she then take, Clara?”
“Her Papa’s. I mean, her Papa-in-law’s,” I corrected myself quickly and awkwardly and covered up my foolishness in giving her another which brought a high-pitched scream from her.
“More slowly, Clara,” my stepmother admonished me, and I knew my impetuousness. There is a rhythm to the matter, as I have long since learned. Each stroke must be measured and absorbed.
“Why are you do-doing this? I can’t bear it! OH!”
“You will learn to obey your superiors in wisdom just as the males will learn to obey us all. Shall you take his cock tonight?”
“No! Yeeeee-eeeech-ow!”
I had accorded her another, sweeping it now up beneath her bulge and bringing her to strain her lovely legs. In utter anguish she shook her hips, my stepmother bouncing gently on her shoulders as she faced me. Upon Jennifer’s superb bottom was now a pink criss-cross of stripes.
“You will take his cock tonight, Jennifer.” My stepmother’s tone was implacable.
“I won’t, I won’t, I can’t I-Neeee-ynnnng! Ah, stop it, do! Mama!”
Thus do they all cry out, but it avails them nothing. I have known Mamas to listen and smile, knowing their pets to be receiving only what they themselves once needed to endure before the fleshy peg rammed in between their cheeks and brought them to a bubbling bliss.
“Doo-wah, Doo-wah! Dooo-wah!” I heard Jennifer sobbing incoherently, her bottom now aflame. One must be merciless. One judges well. Her cheeks perhaps had not yet been cleaved, but soon must be. Her cunny had not bubbled often enough on a prick. The waste of it was sad. She would make a superb mount as Clarissa had done, though I knew little enough of her developments save what my stepmother had told me and that she ruled the household now.
I raised the cane again, though loathe to stripe her hard. My stepmother motioned me. I let it sink.
“Give her a moment,” she murmured, “for I wish her every act to be voluntary. Do you hear me, Jennifer?”
Naught but heartbroken sobs answered her. Then came a noise that stilled me as a statue. The three had returned all too early and we were uncovered! Jennifer did not hear, so completely absorbed was she in the raging heat of her bottom and the long hot tongues of fire that licked all through her.
“Go! Go fetch them!” my stepmother hissed to my astonishment while I had expected panic to ensue. She, quicker than I, saw advantage to the matter. I ran to the door and encountered Millicent, Horace and Clive in the drawing room.
“Quickly!” I cried.
“What is to do?” exclaimed Millicent in alarm, but I wishing not to attempt explanations then turned about again and proceeded back upstairs with they scurrying in my train and expecting perhaps some fearful accident.
For Jennifer it was indeed an accident, though decidedly an ill wind that was to blow her good. I entering the bedroom anew and all seeing the pair upon the bed-Jennifer with her striped and wriggling bottom and my stepmother sitting astride her-stopped still in great amazement. Hearing their arrival, though unable to see them, Jennifer shrieked and sobbed at the same time.
Millicent and her son filled the doorway. Horace was a step ahead of them into the room and so enjoyed a prime view. My stepmother did not hesitate and neither, thankfully, upon her words did I. Jennifer’s cleft orb, so adorably pink and pale and red and cream all at the same time, was lifted sufficiently to offer her pouting quim as well to his astonished eyes.
“Come-quickly-service her, you fool!” was said to him by my stepmama. Her eyes seemed to sparkle with fire, conveying their messages of demand to me. No sound came from Millicent or Clive who were clearly too petrified with surprise to speak.
“No-wooooh!” Jennifer moaned, bucked violently, but was held down by her rider whose upraised skirt revealed her own lush thighs and stocking tops.
“You must! Come!” said I to Mr de Vere Lacey and upon that, and with a daring I scarce thought I possessed in another household, placed my hand upon the front of his trousers, felt there an unrising and nipped my fingers onto his swelling stem.
“Oh!” Millicent moaned, and then to him, “Do not look!” So saying, and being stood beside him, she covered his eyes with one gloved hand, the token of her words being to give permission to her husband to do what we intended. The unexpected clasp of my fingers in his most intimate region in any event stirred him almost as much as the wanton sight of his daughter-in-law. Meekly, as it seemed, he permitted himself to be drawn towards her, I then more boldly fumbling with his buttons.
“Ah, the poor girl, how she needs it!” declared my stepmother whose own enticing presentation of part of her nether charms added to the voluptuousness of the scene. She was forced meanwhile to clamp her knees more tightly to Jennifer’s sides and indeed while I was bringing Mr de Vere Lacey’s long, thick weapon into view was forced to smack her bottom hard, producing sobs and cries that resounded everywhere and brought small answering noises as if of both sympathy and excitement from her mother-in-law.
Our male-for such I thought of him then with my fingers encircling his stout tool-breathed heavily as well he might, my stepmother modulating her expression beautifully so that it came somewhere between command and invitation.
“Ah, my heavens!” groaned he.
“Do it!” I demanded and drew his cock closer to Jennifer’s rosy orb, pressing the springy monstrosity down a little so that its rubicond helmet then encountered the pleading of her lovelips.
“Nee-ooooh!” squealed she at that first tentative touch of it.
“IN! In her!” my stepmother said, her nostrils flaring. I sought his heavy buttocks with my free hand, felt beneath and pressed his balls with my fingertips. He jerked and sank his knob within his daughter-in-law’s offered maw.
“Ho-ho-ho!” came simultaneously then from the young woman and her mother-in-law. Indeed their rising tones quavered and warbled together like those of wild doves. Horace’s eyes were glazed, his mouth open. The oily lips of Jennifer’s quim appeared to sink back on to his stave, absorbing all but half of it, though in reality he was pushing and I was assisting.
“Ah-hoooo! No-woh!” gabbled she, “he mustn’t, he Mustn’t! Whoooo!”
“Ah, my delicious one!” croaked he, his face appearing to shine with glory as inch by inch the peg secured itself and brought her blazing bottom full against his belly where it stirred and wriggled violently.
“Be quiet, sir!” then spat my stepmother at him, no doubt to his profound astonishment, though such fleshly thrills were escalating through him that he might have forgiven anything said to him. The trilling sobs and moans of Jennifer were music to our ears, for as he now began slewing his cock in and out of her so she bucked deliciously and thereby served to further his lewd efforts.
Millicent, meanwhile, retaining one gloved hand to hide the libertine view from her son’s eyes, passed the other down around his prick. “Ah, you bad boy!” she murmured quite illogically, feeling the risen stem through the cloth of his trousers and he managing a peep now and then at the astonishing sight upon the bed whence the juicy slap and smack of flesh to flesh now came.
“Blub-blub-blub!” Jennifer now sobbed, but the nature of her excited squirming, which restrained itself to lewd contortions of her hips, was evident to one’s seeking eyes. In all truth she was enjoying the lusty poke despite herself, and panted in between her cries.
“Hoo-hoo-hooo! — you bad boy!” came Millicent’s moan, for she could think of nothing else to utter to hide the indiscretion of the moment. With a tremoring excitement which indicated that she was perhaps not fully aware of her actions in such open circumstances, she loosed Clive’s trousers and brought to view his own eager prong which throbbed and quivered in her gloved hand.
“Your skirt, my dear-conceal his view!” my stepmother cried helpfully, whereat taking the hint as an instruction, Millicent pressed upon her son’s cock and brought him groaning to his knees. Leaning against the doorjamb now she moved him in his kneeling position towards her, raised her skirt and looped it over his head. His shoulders, too, disappeared. He was truly in a tent of darkness and feminine mystery, his stiff stem, waggling, pleading. Millicent’s eyes then opened wide. Her jaw sagged. Her expression to say the least was bleary, her eyes never leaving her husband’s sturdy, shunting buttocks. A faint guzzling sound was heard. Clive, it seemed, was at the fount of Venus-though through her drawers.
“Haaaar!” Millicent moaned, though her febrile cry was somewhat lost in the cacophony of groans now echoed by the pair who were cock to cunt. Occasionally and with mischief I would smack her father-in-law’s buttocks as they pressed out momentarily-a salute he did not seem to resent for it appeared to make him work her faster. His teeth gritted, his face suffused, a tendon strained upon his neck.
“I c… c… cannot but help myself-I must come!” he blurted.
“Come, then, you may-full in her and give the girl the benefit of your dose. Do not withdraw, sir, until I so instruct you!”
I wondered whether Mr de Vere Lacey thought himself in heaven or in a dream. His expression was that of a man who is utterly lost in pleasure. Rotating her hips, Jennifer appeared to urge him on. Meanwhile, Millicent had curiously, though praiseworthily, recovered herself a little. Placing one hand behind her neck in a langourous pose, as though she wished to make up for her untoward wildness, she extended down her other arm and pressed her hand imperiously against the back of Clive’s head which showed as a bulge ‘neath her skirt and so held him. Her thighs moved inwards. A moan escaped him. She was evidently clipping his ears tightly ‘twixt her garters. It could do him naught but good.
Such reflections and observations distracted me momentarily, for Mr de Vere Lacey was coming. His puffing cries announced it, his emerging and dipping cock gleaming brightly where Jennifer had lubricated him with her own spendings.
“Theee-eeeeh!” I heard her cry, and not unjoyously as his thick jets of sperm spattered her within, the veins around his tool pulsing visibly. The succulent sound of their parts thus merging in such liquid fashion was a perfect pleasure to hear. His buttocks tightened, as did his balls which I held upon my palm by delving under him and guarding his retreat.
“Hold in-hold in!” my stepmother spat at him and with a lightning movement of her hand-full facing him as she was and the crotch of her knickers showing now-grasped his hair, which brought a yelp from him. I simultaneously squeezed his balls and thus produced another. He trembled violently, hung his head back and was still, with Jennifer’s hot bottom tightly balled into his belly and-I felt sure-her succulent cunt drawing upon him still until the last pearls of his sperm were spilled.
Perhaps remorse or dire embarrassment then overcame him for he would have withdrawn, but caught between us as he was his options were indeed few.
“Not yet, not yet! Hold him in, Jennifer-oh, the wicked man! Squeeze on him tight,” my stepmother exhorted, thus making Jennifer accomplice to her will.
Jennifer stirred not nor uttered then a sound. All sensations being so vibrant in her, she was absorbed by them, her lovelips gripped around the root of him.
“M… M… Madam…!” croaked Horace feebly.
“Dooo-dooo-DOOO!” stuttered Millicent in the background. She was coming, I believe.
“We have him, Jennifer. We will take him out. Lie down, curl up, you need have no fear of him. The raging bull is weakened; he will be spermed again later,” my stepmother ordained. I seized then the back of Mr de Vere Lacey’s hair and gripped it tight as I did his balls. He uttered a wild “YEEEEK!” but in that moment also my stepmother dismounted from Jennifer’s back and took his cock as it withdrew. Slimed with love’s spendings as it was, it retained a girth and length that was still admirable, though growing limp.
A pleasurable murmur escaped Jennifer’s lips, though I did not then look back to watch her subside. With a kick from my stepmother’s toe-as the older of the males was spun round helpless in our grasps-Clive was pushed to one side. Millicent’s flushed face met ours.
“Put him to his room-a small one beside my own. You will not handle him, Millicent, until I tell you.”
“N… no!” stammered his mother in assent. In passing by her at the doorway, her husband could not bring himself to look at her, of course. With the subsidence of his wild passion his strength had weakened sufficiently for us to hold him so. Never was one man more bewildered, I am sure, finding himself led by two females into one of the smaller, unused bedrooms where a thrust from both of us pushed him on the bed from whence he stared up at us wildly.
“Your virility, sir, appears to be in little doubt. It will be put to use again before the dawn has broken. As to your daughter-in-law, you have offended her deeply. Such steps as she may take will have my full consent. Be dutiful and no scandal will befall you. You will know better than to defy me soon, or Jennifer. Some cord, Clara, bind his wrists and ankles!”
“Madam…!” began he wildly but like a tigress she was upon him while I-having had a drawer indicated to me-took out the waiting cord and was soon at work on him. That Jennifer had sucked on him divinely I had no doubt, for his cock was of a sudden smaller and flaccid, and grunting sounds of dismay-though mingled with awe and not a little fear-came from beneath my stepmother’s majestic bottom that was plumped upon his face. Her knees pinned his biceps-a trifle painfully, I felt sure, but for the moment that was to the good. It weakened further his resistance to the cause. In a trice I had trussed him as she wished. We had him prone. With a sigh of satisfaction, my stepmother rolled from him heavily, much squashing his florid visage further in the process, but stayed not to gloat.
My arm was taken. I was urged without, his faint cries following.
“He will be seen to again,” she said, loud enough for him to hear.