Sarah was immured in her room when Papa returned. Robert was put to work in the scullery in cleaning all our shoes-a chore to which he gave himself devotedly. I had looked in on him once or twice and watched him in his kneeling and polishing. Raising his eyes to mine, he pleaded dumbly with me but I shook my head, though not unkindly. I believe he saw a promise in my gaze for a certain fleeting hope came over his features which he dutifully did his best to disguise. In turning away from him, I drew up my skirts a little, for I sensed that he liked my legs and the thought even then struck me that there might one day be a certain jealousy of possessiveness between Sarah and I. I took it then as a strong presentiment, though it was not in fact to be. As the choices became wider, so we ceased to differentiate, though would have protected our own from all.
Upon Papa asking after my sister and brother, my stepmama merely replied that Bertha wished to see him.
“Bertha?” he exclaimed in some astonishment, for he had naught to do with the comings and goings of servants. My stepmother had long seen to that.
“She is waiting in your room, William. Will you not go up? You may tell me of your affairs in Paris later. Sarah has been wilful, if you would know. I have smacked her bottom several times. What a pink glow it has offered up to my hand!”
“Really, Julia!”
“Go upstairs, William.”
I being present all the while made it plain-even though by my silence-that affairs were now shifted a little more into the open. The gauntlet was cast down. I felt uneasy, tremulous and yet expectant.
“If it is to see Bertha, of course,” he responded weakly, to which she gave a short, “Yes,” and moved away. I pretended to be much wrapped up in a novel by Mr. Thackeray.
More hesitations and clearings of throat and then Papa made his way upstairs. Why Bertha, though? I was puzzled. “A little strangeness comes well to such initial situations,” my stepmother said. “Sometimes people obey rather better those whom they know less well. It is a matter of the paramountcy of the spirit, or the yearnings of the soul,” she concluded mysteriously. Then, after a moment’s reflective silence, she added, “You may go and listen, if you wish. Go on-I know you are curious.”
My heart never beat so madly as it did then, for I knew it to be in its way as much of an order as a request and so I ventured up. The door to Papa’s room was closed. I pressed my ear to it and heard a scuffling.
“Now, sir, will you obey me?” came Bertha’s voice and then an exclamation of his own that yet was muffled. “A fine time you’ve had of it in Paris, sir, I has no doubt, but if you have eased your pecker of its longings there will be trouble with the Mistress, that I know. Come, do not struggle-let me get them off. Don’t you like a woman handling you? A nice strong woman?”
“My God, what are you at?”
“Just tying your arms to your sides, sir, so you’ll come to no mischief. I has to make my preparations, you see, being under orders, as we all are. Take that Miss Sarah now, she won’t obey, and has had her bottom well stung for it. Real lovely she looks waggling her hips and showing all.”
“I know not the like of this nor what has possessed you, Bertha. Ah! my trousers! I beg you not!”
“All comes off, sir, so as you are fit and ready. Rude, aren’t you, with it sticking up like this? Shows you’ve been a good boy, though, that it should stiffen so readily. Give it a kiss, shall I, for good luck?”
“My God! AH!”
I trembled violently. My moistening palms made marks upon the door.
“A little suck of it does no harm occasionally, sir, though Mistress don’t do that often to you, I wager. A fair knob you have and a good girth of it. There… isn’t it best to be in my hands rather than those of a stranger? Such wicked women there must be in Paris. I’ll have you on this chair now, sir, and if you don’t keep your legs apart so I can tie your ankles to the legs, I’ll pinch your balls and swear I will.”
A rustling, a scraping, a fervent gasp from Papa and then a smacking sound. He cried out.
“Your Mama will have spanked you thus, won’t she? Come, confess it, or I’ll have you sat on pins!”
“S… s… sometimes!”
I had expected his tone to be outraged. Instead it was sullen.
“Naughty boy, weren’t you? Making up for your sins now? Got you settled, ain’t we, nice and cosy. I let you keep your shirt on so you won’t shiver, but you’ll soon have a warm enough time of it. Mistress will want to see you now.”
These last words being spoken more loudly, Bertha must have guessed at a listener and could have thought it no other than myself.
“Bertha! I beg you!”
“No, I don’t think you will, sir. It’s your Mistress as you’ll beg. If we were on our own now I’d go down on your pecker as soon as look at it. Often wondered what a beauty it might be, and so it is.”
I fled to an adjoining cupboard where often I had hidden during games. Bertha tapped upon the door as she passed and must have laughed to herself. In a few moments I heard my stepmother ascending and crouched down, though it was then utterly foolish to do so for she immediately opened the cupboard door, knowing well enough I would be there.
“Come out, you sillikins,” she whispered.
“I want to stay here!” I begged.
“Do you? Very well, then, you may. I will leave the bedroom door a little open. You may peep within. Make not a sound.”
Pressing the cupboard door to then, but not completely closing it, she went into the bedroom. Not being able to hear what went on, I was desperate and would have ventured out save that now I heard other footsteps. I opened the door a chink. Gagged and with her wrists bound in front of her came Sarah, naked but for black stockings that were tightly gartered, and shoes. Her head swung this way and that wildly and her eyes stared. Leading her forward from behind with both hands on her elbows was Bertha.
Whether my sister glimpsed me or not I do not know. I believe not, for she was in that state of staring in which one sees nothing clearly. Seeing the door to Papa’s bedroom opening, she attempted to back away but received a resounding juicy smack on her naked bum as made her jerk. As they passed the cupboard I crept out just in time to see her being thrust within and a gurgling cry emit itself from beneath her gag. I did not know it then but Papa was also gagged. My stepmother had seen to that.
Ah, what violent struggles ensued as Sarah saw Papa, naked to his shirt upon a chair and prick uprearing plainly to her view! She twisted, she strove, but nothing would avail her as halting step by step she was urged towards him. My stepmother, having positioned herself directly behind him at the back of the plain wooden seat, then seized Sarah’s wrists and with quite lightning movements brought my sister’s arms in a loop over Papa’s neck and with a short length of cord secured her wrist-bonds to a bar at the lower rear of the chair so that Sarah hung haplessly over him with the swollen crest of his charger all but nudging her belly.
“Neee-eeeeeh!” came her screech thinly through her gag. Her hips jerked back exactly as if she were offering herself to the cane, her legs being forced to straighten on either side of his so that she effected a gap of some three inches between her belly and his cock.
My tummy churned. I thought her then to be put to him, but my stepmother’s ideas were other. Unable to kick or she would have fallen sideways and perhaps made more intimate contact with Papa’s pestle, Sarah could do naught in resistance now as Bertha forced her legs apart and fastened the sides of her ankles to the legs of the chair.
“Now, Miss, by bending your knees you will be able to sit upon his legs. I leave you to do that at your leisure. You will come to it eventually when your legs tire and must urge your belly then against his cock.”
Madly did my sister’s head shake then, but all was lost for her-or all perhaps was gained, in longer term. I, skipping quickly backwards lest Papa see me, was then confronted by my stepmother and Bertha who seemed to take little account of my presence and closed the door resoundingly.
“Half an hour should do,” my stepmother said, quite as if she were discussing the cooking of something or other. When I said this to her a few minutes later downstairs, she laughed and said, “Well-I am, am I not?”
Bertha absented herself, her duty done.
“What… what will happen?” I quavered, for all was so strange that I could not take account of it.
“That you will see for yourself, my pet, if you are minded to. I will have discipline, I will!” she said abruptly and left me then to my own devices which caused me to ever be glancing at the mantelpiece clock. No sound was to be heard from above save once a slight scraping sound as if the chairlegs had moved. I sucked my thumb and waited, being aware that it was a babyish thing to do, but I needed some comforting.
Precisely as the half hour passed, so my stepmother reappeared and extended her hand to me. Her calmness was in counterpoint to my own excitement.
“Come, then,” she murmured. I drew back. “You do not want to?” she laughed. “Very well. It is perhaps for the best. I will tell you all that happened.” She ascended slowly and many sounds then came to me. The door to the bedroom was re-opened and Sarah pushed along the hallway. I heard the sound of a smack and her muffled squeal. All was over sooner than I thought for then I was in company again with my stepmother who lit a Turkish cigarette and held a look of perfect victory on her face.
“To think that she might have done that voluntarily,” she sighed.
“Oh, what?” I could not help but exclaim.
“Have you not guessed? I am sure you have, but want me to describe it to you. Very well. In the end she sank down upon your Papa’s legs. Her own, being held wider than his, she settled her bottom nicely upon his thighs and so could not help-after the straining of her legs-from bringing her tummy in contact with his prick. Her head must have sunk forward then on to his shoulder, for so I found them, quivering together yet otherwise still as statues. He had come all up her belly, naturally,” she concluded and, throwing her head back, expelled a blue wisp of smoke.
“Wh… what did she say?” I asked stupidly.
“She must be pleasured herself, dear. That is requisite. And in particular while the memory of his throbbing, spouting organ is most vividly in her mind. Will you do it, Clara?” So asking she drew out of her bodice a long, pointed feather at which I stared. “You twirl it all around her spot. She will soon come. It is best that I let her. You hesitate, Clara. If you do not, I shall put you upon him in turn.”
“She… she… she will not let me, though,” I stammered.
“Hah! Do you imagine I have left her wandering about? She is well secured and legs apart. Her poor cunny must be longing for fulfilment, even though she would deny it. Pleasure her, Clara. Bring her on!”
“Yes!” The sudden exclamation leapt from me. It would be cruel to Sarah otherwise, as I told myself, and so took the feather and hastened to my task. In her room she lay bound upon her bed, naked as she had been and I saw a splash of come upon one stocking top. Thankfully she was gagged still. Her eyes literally spat at me and her straddled legs, which so revealed the hairy pouting of her quim, strained at the ropes, yet I knew I dare not hesitate. Seeing the feather, she made the most agitated movements of her head, then arched her back as I sat beside her and carefully twiddled the feather tip about her spot. How moist she was and the lips of her quim gleaming’ Muffled shrieks came from her as the feather swept about her darling place-for indeed I thought of it so and wished devoutly that it had been watered for her.
The bedsprings jolted and sang with every stroke, her thighs quivering madly and her bottom bouncing. The breath hissed hotly through her nostrils. I dearly wished her then not to be gagged, but as so often it was as if our stepmama had read my thoughts, for upon the instant she swept within and sat upon the other side of Sarah, motioning me to stop. When I did, Sarah’s eyes closed, opened, and then closed again. Her belly rippled. She had come and I knew it.
“Darling, I am going to remove your gag now,” our stepmother told her, brushing strands of hair away from Sarah’s moist forehead. “Listen carefully my sweet, for if you scream or utter any untoward sounds, I shall have you put again upon him, though this time in a firmer manner. Mark my words well, for I mean it. Was he not naughty to let himself be bound and gagged for it? Well?”
Opening her eyes, Sarah stared straight up at her, and I saw the wicked skill of our stepmother’s words.
“Nod if you agree, Sarah,” was said gently opposite me. “He was naughty, was he not-hard his cock at the thought of you.”
Sarah nodded. Reaching carefully under her head, our stepmother then slowly loosed the gag, though pausing halfway to put her finger to her lips exactly as though all three of us were at simple play. The cloth being drawn aside, Sarah uttered a shuddering sigh. Her head went limp and she rolled her face away from Stepmama who however took her chin and brought their noses to touch.
“D… d… don’t want the feather!” Sarah moaned.
“Of course you don’t. You are not a bad girl, are you? Are you not my treasure? Give me your lips, your tongue now. Be good, be good.”
“Glug!” sounded from Sarah but as her lips were submerged so her shoulders relaxed and with infinite tenderness I began to stroke her wet pussy with my fingertips and felt her ardent quivering. Little sobbing cries came from her which echoed into the mouth whose scented lips were splurged upon her own. Receiving a blind gesture from my stepmother who waggled her hand at me, I quickened my motions and with devious changes of hand managed to loose Sarah’s ankle bonds, as I thought was requisite. At that she rolled upon her hip and clung to our stepmother so that my hand was removed from her quim but in a second was replaced by the rubbing, stockinged knee of her tormenter who quickly hoisted her skirt for the purpose.
A soft, rounded knee is delicious against the quim, as well I know, and Sarah came again quickly, clawing at our stepmother’s shoulders while their mouths remained enmeshed. Then, as if she knew not where she was, she flung herself of a sudden on her back and stared blindly at the ceiling, her legs straightening and the dried sheen of Papa’s sperm showing plainly on her belly.
“Naughty… he was naughty,” she murmured, speaking as though to herself.
“Are they all not so, Sarah? Have I not tried to teach you? Will you not take example from Clarissa? She is Mistress now of her guardian’s ways. Cease to deny yourself the pleasures that await you.”
“I d… d… do not know what to do,” Sarah whimpered. “Oh, the things you do to me and what you make me feel.”
“Better now than later when you are ensnared in some useless marriage and regretting it,” said our stepmother in a practical tone. Sarah was half won over and she knew it even as I myself did. Once again Stepmama drew my sister into her arms and stroked her hair. “Will you not take the cock now even as Clara must?” she asked softly, smiling at me over Sarah’s head.
Sarah shook her head, her face submerged between two thrusting breasts.
“Must I cane you then? Must I, Sarah?”
“Neee-oh!” A little whimpered cry and Sarah clung to her.
“Do you want it in your bottom or in your cunny, darling? You see-I give you a choice!”
Again a shake of the head from Sarah and a deeper huddling. Then, smiling ever blandly at me over Sarah’s curled-up form, my stepmother murmured to me, “Go and see if his prick is up again and then call Bertha.”