Abakumov, Viktor Semyonovich
Acheson, Dean
and atomic weapons
and Berlin
and China
and defense spending
and European unity
and Germany
and Kennan’s career
and Kennan’s lectures
and Kennan’s views on foreign affairs
and Kennan’s writings
and Korea
lectures by
and Marshall Plan
and Policy Planning Staff
Present at the Creation
as secretary of state
and Titoism
and Truman Doctrine
working style of
Adams, Brooks
Adams, Henry
Adams, John
Adams, John Quincy
Adams, Sherman
Adams, Ware
Adenauer, Konrad
Afghanistan, Soviet invasion of
apartheid in
decolonization in
Kennans’ visit to
Air War College
Albert Einstein Peace Prize
Alexander I, Tsar
Alliluyeva, Svetlana Iosifovna
Allison, John
Alsop, Joseph
Alsop, Stewart
American Academy of Arts and Letters
American Council on Germany
Andropov, Yuri
Anglo-Portuguese treaty (1373)
Arab-Israeli war (1967)
Arbatov, Georgi
Armacost, Michael
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish
Aron, Raymond
Atlantic, The
Atlantic Charter
Atomic Energy Commission
Attlee, Clement
Augustine, Saint, Confessions
Austin, Warren
German annexation of
postwar occupation of
social systems in
Austro-Hungarian Empire
Bad Nauheim:
Kennan’s Russian history course in
U.S. embassy personnel interned in
Bakhmeteff, Boris
Balfour, Sir John “Jock,”
Ball, George
Ball, Lucille
Barghoorn, Frederick C.
Barnes, Joseph
Barrett, Betsy
Baruch Plan
Beard, Charles, The Open Door at Home
Belgium, German invasion of
Bellah, Robert
Bemis, Samuel Flagg
Beneš, Eduard
Benton, William
allied airlift of
Bristol Hotel in
Cold War tensions over
Kennan’s diary description of
Kennan’s language studies in
Kennan’s reports from
Kennan’s temporary posting (1931) to
Kennan’s transfer (1939) to
postwar occupation of
Soviet blockade of
in wartime
Berlin, Isaiah
Berlin Olympics (1936)
Berlin Wall
Bevin, Ernest
Bidault, Georges
Billington, James
Billington, Ray
Bismarck, Gottfried von
Bismarck, Otto von
Black, Cyril
Blok, Aleksandr
Bohlen, Avis
Bohlen, Charles E. “Chip,”
as ambassador to Soviet Union
and Cold War
death of
and espionage
and Kennan’s expulsion
and Kennan’s long telegram
Kennan’s reports to
and Marshall Plan
memoirs of
in Moscow
and national security
nomination fight of
and postwar Europe
and State Department
in Washington
Bohlen-Robinson report
Böhm, Charlotte
Bonesteel, Charles “Tick” III
Borah, William
Bowie, Robert R.
Bowles, Chester
Braden, Spruille
Brassard, Father Louis Robert
Bretton Woods conference
Brezhnev, Leonid
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Reith lectures
Brodie, Bernard
The Absolute Weapon
Brown, Neill S.
Brown, Philip M.
Bruce, David
Brussels Treaty (1948)
Bryant, Louise
Bryce, James
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Buchwald, Art
Buffett, Warren
Bulgakov, Valentin Fedorovich
Bulganin, Nikolay
Bull, Harold
Bullitt, William C.
as ambassador to France
as ambassador to Soviet Union
Kennan’s letters to
“swan song” dispatch of
Bundy, Mary Acheson
Bundy, McGeorge
Bundy, William P. “Bill,”
Burgard, Lavere
Burlingham, C. C.
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Butler, George
Butterfield, Herbert
Butterworth, W. Walton
Byrnes, James F.
Cabot, John Moors
Calvin, John
and atomic bomb
Kennan’s speeches in
and NATO
Canadian Geographical Journal
Carlson, Harry
Carnegie Corporation
Carr, Wilbur J.
Carter, Jimmy
Casablanca conference (1943)
Cassels, Louis
Castle, William R., Jr.
Castro, Fidel
Chamberlain, Neville
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Chekhov, Anton
The Cherry Orchard
The Steppe
Chekhov Publishing House
Chernenko, Konstantin
Chiang Kai-shek
Chicago Sun-Times
and atomic bomb
civil war in
Kennan’s writings on
and Korea
and McCarthyism
and Nixon
PPS reports on
and Soviet Union
and Taiwan
Tiananmen Square unrest
and Tito
and UN
White Paper on
China Aid Act (1948)
China hands
China Lobby
Christopher, Warren M.
Chuikov, V. I.
Churchill, Winston
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
covert activities of
cyanide pills from
formation of
Kennan as advisor to
and Russian exiles
Clausewitz, Carl von
Clay, Lucius D.
Clayton, William L.
Cleveland, Grover
Clifford, Clark
Clinton, Bill
Clubb, O. Edmund
Coffin, William Sloane
Colby, Bainbridge
Cold War:
and atomic bomb
beginning of
Berlin blockade
Berlin tensions in
Berlin Wall in
concept of
Cold War: (cont.)
and containment
and détente
and déterrence
and disengagement
and domino theory
and iron curtain
“liberation” in
and long telegram
and McCarthyism
and minimum deterrence
mutually assured destruction (MAD) in
“New Look” in
“no first use” strategy
and nuclear capability
and nuclear moratorium/control
revisionist histories of
and Task Force A
and U.S. national security
as war of attrition
world divided in
and “X” article
and zero option
Cole, Felix
Coleman, F. W. B.
Committee on East-West Accord
Committee on Present Danger
Conant, James B.
Congress for Cultural Freedom
Conrad, Joseph, Under Western Skies
Cooke, Alistair
Coolidge, Calvin
Corrigan, Frank P.
Cory, Thomas J.
Council of Economic Advisers
Council of Foreign Ministers
Council on Foreign Relations
Cousins, Norman
Craig, Gordon A.
Crawford, Angus MacDonald
Crawford, William A.
Crossman, Richard
Bay of Pigs
and Kennedy administration
Soviet missile crisis
Cumming, Hugh
Custine, Astolphe Louis Léonor, Marquis de
Bohemia and Moravia
founding of
and Germany
Kennan’s posting to Prague
resistance movements in
and Slovak independence
and Soviet Union
Sudetenland in
U.S. abandonment of
Czech Republic
Daladier, Édouard
Dartmouth College
Davies, John Paton
and China
and Cold War
investigations of
and Korea
and Policy Planning Staff
Davies, Joseph E.
Davies, Patricia
Davies, Richard
Dawson, William
Day After, The (TV)
Delany, Kevin
de Silva, Peer
De Stefano, Mario
Dillon, C. Douglas
Dilworth, Bunny
Dilworth, J. Richardson
Dixon, Sir Pierson
Dobrynin, Anatoly
Dodds, Harold
Domino theory: in Asia
Dönhoff, Marion
Donne, John, Satyre
Donnelly, J. C.
Doolittle, James
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Dulles, Allen
Dulles, John Foster
death of
disagreements with Kennan
and Eisenhower
and Kennan’s career
and Kennan’s writings
and “liberation,”
Dunn, James C.
Durante, Jimmy
Durbrow, Elbridge
and Kennan’s time in Moscow
and long telegram
in Washington
Dutton, Frederick G.
Earle, Edward Mead
Makers of Modern Strategy
East European Fund
Eastman Kodak Company
Eden, Anthony
Aswan Dam in
and Suez Canal
Einstein, Albert
Albert Einstein Peace Prize
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
and Bohlen
and Dulles
and elections
health problems of
and Kennan
and Marshall
Eisenhower administration:
and Cold War
and Kennan’s career
and Latin America
and McCarthyism
and Soviet Union
and Suez
Elbrick, C. Burke
Emmet, Christopher
and atomic bomb
balance of power in
collective security of see also NATO
communist parties in
and Latin America
and Marshall Plan, see Marshall Plan
postwar order evolving in
postwar recovery of
spheres of influence in
and Truman Doctrine, see Truman Doctrine
unification of
European Advisory Commission (EAC)
Far Eastern Commission (FEC)
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
Ferguson, Homer
Ferris, Walt
First Presbyterian Church, Princeton
Fischer, Louis
Fish, Bert
Fitzgerald, F. Scott:
The Great Gatsby
This Side of Paradise
Follmer, Cyrus
Ford, Gerald
Ford, Henry
Ford Foundation
Foreign Affairs:
Acheson article in
“America and the Russian Future,”
history of Soviet-American relations in
“Japanese Security and American Policy,”
Kennan’s response to Acheson in
“Nuclear Weapons and the Atlantic Alliance,”
updated “X” article for
“X” article in
Foreign Policy
Foreign Service, U.S.:
diplomacy as practiced in
formation of
Kennan’s application to
Kennan’s career in
Kennan’s generation of officers in
Kennan’s posts in, see specific venues
Kennan’s resignations from
salaries in
security breaches in
socializing in
training in
see also State Department, U.S.
Foreign Service School
Forrestal, James V.
and covert activities
death of
as Defense secretary
and Kennan’s writings
as Navy secretary
and “X” article
Fosdick, Dorothy
Communist Party in
and European defense/NATO
and European unity
German armies in
and German occupation
and Indochina
U.S. ambassador to
Francis, David R.
Franco, Francisco
François-Poncet, André
Franco-Russian alliance (1894)
Frankel, Max
Franklin, George S., Jr.
Franks, Sir Oliver
Free Russia Fund
Freud, Anna
Freud, Sigmund
Friendly, Fred W.
Frost, Edward and Ida
Frost, George A.
Fuchs, Klaus
Fulbright, J. William
Gaddis, John Lewis
Strategies of Containment
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Gascoigne, Sir Alvary
Gavin, James M.
Gellhorn, Martha
Gellman, Barton, Contending with Kennan: Toward a Philosophy of American Power
Geneva, Kennan as vice-consul in
George, Henry
anti-Semitism in
Austria annexed by
and balance of power
and Belgium
Berlin, see Berlin
covert operations in
and Czechoslovakia
and European unity
Gestapo in
and Holland
Kennan’s internment in
Kennan’s postings to
Kennan’s return visit (1949) to
and Marshall Plan
Nazi party in
Nazi-Soviet Pact
and Poland
postwar occupation of
Pour le Mérite in
and Program A
rise to power
Social Democrats in
Soviet sector (East)
Soviet Union invaded by
and spies
surrender of
unification of
and war, see World War II
West German government
Geyelin, Philip
Gibbon, Edward
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
on occupying territories
Gilmore, Eddy
Gleason, S. Everett
Gödel, Kurt
Goering, Hermann
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Gogol, Nicolay
Goldman, Eric
Goldwater, Barry M.
Gomulka, Wladyslaw
Goodman, Constance Moench
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gordievsky, Oleg
Great Britain:
and atomic bomb
and Azores
and balance of power
and covert operations
and European defense/NATO
and European unity
failing economy of
Greece and Turkey
Lend-Lease aid to
maritime strength of
and Marshall Plan
and Palestine
and postwar Germany
and postwar policies
and Soviet Union
U.S. ambassador to
and World War II
Great Depression
British withdrawal from
Communist Party in
and Truman Doctrine
Green, Joseph C.
Green, Marshall
Green, Theodore Francis
Greenbaum, Edward
Grew, Joseph C.
Griggs, Brandon
Griggs, Joan, see Kennan, Joan Elisabeth
Griggs, Larry
Gromyko, Andrey
Grow, Robert W.
Gruenther, Alfred M.
Gufler, Bernard
Hácha, Emil
Hagerty, James
Haig, Alexander
Hall, Walter P. “Buzzer,”
Halle, Louis J.
Kennan’s assignment in
wartime destruction of
Hamilton, Alexander
Hammarskjöld, Dag
Hammer, Armand
Hankey, R. M. A.
Hard, Anne
Hard, Eleanor Van Someren
Hard William
Harding, Warren G.
Harkins, Philip
Harriman, E. H.
Harriman, Kathleen
Harriman, Pamela Churchill
Harriman, W. Averell
as ambassador to Soviet Union
and Cold War
and end of World War II
and Kennan
and London conference (1945)
and Poland
and Roosevelt’s death
and Russian study center
Soviet investments of
and Stalin
and Truman
and Yalta conference
Harsch, Joseph C.
Harvard University
Hatzfeldt, Hermann
Hay, John
Healey, Denis
Hehir, Father J. Bryan
Hellman, Lillian
Helsinki, Kennan’s visits to
Helsinki accords
Hemingway, Ernest
Henderson, Loy
in Moscow
and Palestine
in Washington
Henlein, Konrad
Hersey, John
Herter, Christian A.
Herwarth von Bittenfeld, Hans-Heinrich “Johnnie,”
Hesse, Hermann
Hessman, Dorothy
Hickerson, John D.
Hill, Harry W.
Hilldring, John
Hillenkoetter, Roscoe
Hiss, Alger
Hitler, Adolf
and Chamberlain
German opponents of
and Holocaust
and Nazi-Soviet Pact
and Poland
and public opinion
rise to power
and succession
see also Germany
Ho Chi Minh
Hochschild, Harold
Hoffman, Paul G.
Hoffmann, Stanley
Holbrooke, Richard
Holland, German invasion of
Holmes, John
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
Holt, Henry
Hong Kong
Hook, Sidney
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hopkins, Harry
Horowitz, Vladimir
Hotchkiss, Eugene
House, Edward M.
Howard, Michael
Hoxha, Enver
Huddle, J. Klahr
Hughes, Emmet John
Hull, Cordell
Ickes, Harold L.
Institute for Advanced Russian Studies
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton:
founding of
governance of
and historical scholarship
Kennan as professor emeritus of
Kennan’s hundredth birthday celebrated in
Kennan’s office closed in
Kennan’s work with
and McCarthyism
Oppenheimer as director of
Soviet troops in
U.S. hostages in
Isaacson, Walter, and Evan Thomas, The Wise Men
Israel, establishment of
Communist Party in
postwar occupation of
war declared by
Ivan the Terrible
Jackson, Henry M. “Scoop,”
James, Alfred (grandfather)
James, Charlie (cousin)
childhood of
Kennan’s letters to
James family
Jameson, Donald “Jamie,”
atomic bombs dropped on
and balance of power
demilitarization of
Kennan’s visits to
and Korea
postwar occupation of
surrender of
in World War II
Jaruzelski, Wojciech
Jebb, Gladwyn
Jenkins, Peter
Jerusalem, U.S. consulate in
Jessup, Philip
and anti-Semitism
and Israel
rescue efforts for
and Zionism
John Paul II, Pope
Johnson, Joseph E.
Johnson, Lady Bird
Johnson, Louis A.
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Stuart H.
Johnson administration
Joint Chiefs of Staff:
and atomic weapons
and China
and Korea
and postwar Germany
Jomini, Antoine-Henri
Jones, Hilary P.
Jones, Owen T.
Journal of American History
Joxe, Louis
Kaganovich, Lazar
Kalinin, Mikhail
Kallin, Anna
Kantorowicz, Ernst “Eka,”
Kaunda, Kenneth
Kaysen, Carl
Kelley, Robert F.
Kellogg, Frank B.
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)
Kennan, Annelise Sørensen (wife)
and aging
in Berlin
children of
death of
and the farm
and George’s career
and George’s health
and George’s personality
and George’s writings
letters between George and
in Lisbon
marriage of George and
and money matters
in Moscow
in Norway
in Oxford
in Prague
U.S. citizenship of
in Washington
in Yugoslavia
Kennan, Christopher James (son)
birth of
childhood of
in Moscow
schooling of
Kennan (Brandt), Constance (sister):
death of
recollections of
Kennan (Worobec), Florence James (mother)
bequest of
children of
death of
family background of
Kennan, Frances (sister):
death of
and money matters
recollections of
Kennan, George (1845–1924)
death of
meeting of George F. and
parallels with George F. Kennan
proposed biography of
reputation of
Siberia and Hard Labor
wife of
Kennan, George Frost:
adolescence of
aging of
awards and honors to
biographies of
birth of
and boats
career decisions of
childhood of
as color-blind
and covert activities
death of
dreams of
engagement to Annelise Sørensen
engagement to Eleanor Hard
entering politics
European trip (1924)
family background of
and the farm
and fatherhood
and finances
and foreign languages
and Foreign Service, see Foreign Service, U.S.; specific venues; State Department, U.S.
grandchildren of
and greatness
health problems of
as historian
influence of
internment in Nazi Germany
and Korean War
lectures and public speeches by
and loneliness
and marriage see also Kennan, Annelise Sørensen
and Marshall Plan, see Marshall Plan
media stories about
mood swings of
and mother’s death
and music
personal traits of
and political parties
and PPS, see Policy Planning Staff
and Princeton
professionalism of
and religion
reputation of
and retirement
schooling of
siblings of
solipsism of
on student protests
as teacher
Templehof statement of
and thoughts of death
waning influence of
and women
writings of, see Kennan, George Frost, diaries of; poems by; writings of
Kennan, George Frost, diaries of:
and Africa
on aging
complaints against civilization in
descriptive passages in
earliest entries in
on Foreign Service postings
gloomy passages in
on his family
on Korean War
and posterity
and return to Germany
on Russian history
self-absorption reflected in
self-examinations in
and Task Force A
on traveling
Kennan, George Frost, poems by
on European travel
“From out this world of stars,”
“From you, embattled comrades,”
“Frown not, fair pilgrim,”
on his diary
“How long before the unctuous fly,”
“My corporal’s lot,”
“My friends,”
“My Soldier,”
“Now student A has started,”
to PPS
“The steady flow of words,”
“When the step becomes slow,”
Kennan, George Frost, writings of:
ambitions for
“America and the Russian Future,”
American Diplomacy: 1900–1950,
An American Family: The Kennans; The First Three Generations
“Anton Chekhov and the Bolsheviks,”
Around the Cragged Hill: A Personal and Political Philosophy
Chichele lectures published
The Cloud of Danger: Current Realities of American Foreign Policy
competence of
on containment
The Decision to Intervene
The Decline of Bismarck’s European Order: Franco-Russian Relations, 1875–1890
Democracy and the Student Left
diary entries as practice for
“The International Control of Atomic Energy,”
“Is War with Russia Inevitable?,”
“Japanese Security and American Policy,”
long telegram (No. 511)
Memoirs: 1925–1950,
Memoirs: 1950–63,
On Dealing with the Communist World
on postwar U.S.
PPS papers, see Policy Planning Staff
“The Prerequisites,”
prolixity of
Realities of American Foreign Policy
Reith lectures
“Runo—An Island Relic of Medieval Sweden,”
Russia, the Atom, and the West
Russia and the West Under Lenin and Stalin
Russia Leaves the War
“Russia—Seven Years Later,”
“Russia’s International Position at the Close of the War with Germany,”
Sketches from a Life
“The Sources of Soviet Conduct” (“X” article)
White Paper on China
Kennan, Grace (daughter)
adolescence of
in Berlin
birth of
childhood of
marriage of (McClatchy)
in Moscow
in Prague
schooling of
Kennan (Hotchkiss), Jeanette (sister):
and biographies
childhood of
death of
and George’s career
and George’s children
George’s letters to
and George’s marriage
husband of (Hotchkiss)
and money matters
personal traits of
recollections of
schooling of
Kennan, Joan Elisabeth (daughter)
adolescence of
and Alliluyeva
birth of
childhood of
in college
engagement and marriage of (Griggs)
in Geneva
and her father’s travels
in Moscow
recollections of
Kennan, Kent (half-brother)
childhood of
death of
Kennan’s letters to
in Moscow
as musician
recollections of
studies of
Kennan, Kossuth Kent (father)
aging and death of
birth and background of
and first George Kennan
and George at Princeton
and George’s career
jobs of
and money matters
remarriage of
Kennan, Louise Wheeler (stepmother)
Kennan, Nellie McGregor Pierpont (father’s first wife)
Kennan, Thomas Lathrop (grandfather)
Kennan, Wendy (daughter):
birth of
childhood of
and son’s birth
Kennan family:
background of
common qualities in
reunions of
Kennedy, Jacqueline
Kennedy, John F.
assassination of
and Berlin Wall
and election
fact-finding mission of (1938)
and Kennan Foreign Affairs article
and Khrushchev
and Reith lectures
and Yugoslavia
Kennedy, Joseph P.
Kennedy, Paul
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kennedy administration:
and Cuban missile crisis
and Kennan’s career
and Latin America
trade expansiion bill
and Yugoslavia
Kerr, Archibald Clark
Keynes, John Maynard
Khrushchev, Nikita
and Belgrade channel
and Berlin
and Cuban missile crisis
and Kennedy
and Stalin
and Tito
Kim Il-sung
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
King, William L. Mackenzie
Kirk, Alan G.
Kirk, Alexander
Kirk, Lydia Chapin
Kirov, Sergei
Kissinger, Henry A.
and China
and Nixon
on nuclear weapons
regard for Kennan
Klein, David
Klunk, Fred
Knowland, William
Knox, Frank
Kohl, Helmut
Kohler, Foy
Komer, Robert
postwar occupation of
38th parallel in
U.S. abandonment of
Korean War
Kossuth, Louis
Kosygin, Aleksey
Kozhenikov, Shura
Kozhenikov, Vladimir “Volodya,”
Kozhenikov family
Kreuger, Ivar
Kristiansand, see Norway
Krock, Arthur
Kropotkin, Pyotr
Kuhn, Ferdinand
Kuniholm, Bertel E.
Langer, William L.
Lansing, Robert
Latin America:
authoritarian regimes in
Kennan’s travel to
Lawrence, William H.
League of Nations
Leahy, William D.
Lenin, V. I.
Leopold, Richard W.
Lewis, Sinclair
Lilienthal, David E.
Limited Test Ban Treaty (1963)
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindbergh, Charles
Link, Arthur S.
Lippmann, Walter
and Cold War
on containment
death of
on Germany
Kennan’s letters to
and Marshall Plan
and “X” article
Litvinov, Maxim
Long, Huey
Lovett, Robert M.
Lowell, Robert
Luce, Henry
Lukacs, John
MacArthur, Douglas:
and China
and Japan
and Korean War
Truman’s firing of
MacDonald, Betty, The Egg and I,
Machiavelli, Niccolò
Machrowicz, Thaddeus
Maclean, Donald
MacMurray, John Van Antwerp
MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour (TV)
Mahan, Alfred Thayer
Makins, Roger
Malik, Jacob
Manhattan Project
Manila, Kennan’s “short telegram” from
Mann, Thomas
Mano, Tony and Ana
Mao Zedong
and civil war
and Korea
and Soviet Union
Marcy, Carl
Marder, Murrey
Marshall, Charles Burton
Marshall, George C.
and China
and European defense
and Japan
methods of
and Policy Planning Staff
as secretary of defense
as secretary of state
and Soviet Union
and Truman
and “X” article
Marshall Plan
administration of
Congressional approval of
costs of
and European division
and European recovery
expansion of
Kennan’s contributions to
and Lippmann
as PPS/1
roots of
and Soviet Union
success of
and Truman Doctrine
and “X” article
Marx, Harpo
Marx, Karl
Masarik, Hubert
Masaryk, Jan
Masaryk, Tomáš
Mason, Paul
Matlock, Jack
Matthews, H. Freeman “Doc,”
Maury, John
Mausolff, Paul
Mautner, Martha
McCarthy, Joseph
McClatchy, Charles K.
McCloy, John J.
McDermott, Michael
McFarlane, Robert
McGhee, George
McGovern, George S.
McGrory, Mary
McMillan, Priscilla
McNamara, Robert S.
McSweeney, John
Medal of Freedom
Meiklejohn, Robert
Melby, John
Merrill, Keith
Messersmith, George
Messolonghitis, Nick
Metternich, Klemens
Meyner, Robert
Middle East:
access to oil in
Kennan’s travel to
Soviet presence in
Mikolajczyk, Stanislaw
Mikoyan, Anastas
Millar, F.M. Hoyer
Miller, Edward G.
Mills, Wilbur
Milwaukee Journal
Miscamble, Wilson D., George F. Kennan and the Making of American Foreign Policy, 1947–1950
Molotov, Vyacheslav
and international conferences
and Smith-Molotov exchange
and Truman
Moltke, Helmuth von
Mommsen, Theodor
Monroe Doctrine
Moore, R. Walton
Morgenthau, Hans
Politics Among Nations
Morris, Leland
Finnsky Dom in
Kennan’s assignment to
Kennan’s return to
life in
Mokhovaya in
progress in
socializing in
Spaso House in
spies in
U.S. embassy in
Mosely, Philip
Mountbatten, Louis, 1st Earl
Mumford, Lewis
Munich conference (1938)
Murphy, Robert
Mussolini, Benito
Nagawicka (boat)
Nagy, Imre
Napoleon Bonaparte
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
National Committee for a Free Europe
National Institute of Arts and Letters
National Security Council
and atomic weapons
and CIA
establishment of
and Germany
and Japan
NSC 1/1, “The Position of the U.S. with Respect to Italy,”
NSC 20/4, on Soviet Union
NSC 48/2 and Korea
NSC 68, on national security
NSDD-75, on Soviet-U.S. relations
and Project Solarium
National War College
Acheson’s lectures in
establishment of
Kennan’s assignment to
Kennan’s lectures in
Oppenheimer’s lecture in
purpose of
and Task Force A
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization):
and Able Archer maneuvers
and Berlin
and defense conferences
expansion of
functions of
and German unification
Kennan’s distaste for
and Kennan’s lectures
and Korea
membership in
nuclear doctrines of
and PPS papers
signing of
and Suez
Naval War College
Navy, U.S., in Taiwan Strait
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Nenni, Pietro
Neumann, John von
New Yorker, The
New York Herald Tribune
New York Times, The
Ngo Dinh Diem
Nguyen Cao Ky
Nicholas I, Tsar
Nicholas II, Tsar
Nichols, Lewis
Niebuhr, Reinhold
Nikezic, Marko
Nimitz, Chester W.
Nitze, Paul H.
and Committee on Present Danger
and Kennan
and Korea
and Policy Planning Staff
School of Advanced International Studies
Tension Between Opposites
and weapons of mass destruction
Nixon, Richard M.
and elections
and Kissinger
regard for Kennan
Nixon administration
North Haven, Maine
Northwind (boat)
Kennan family visits to
Nazi invasion of
Russia feared in
sailing in
wartime conditions in
Norweb, Henry
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (1968)
Oberdorfer, Don
O’Brian, Patrick
Oliver, Bill
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
death of
and ecological issues
and Institute for Advanced Study
and Kennan
security investigations of
War College lecture of
Orwell, George1984
O’Shaughnessy, Elim
All Souls College
Balliol College
Chichele lectures
Rhodes House lecture
Pahlavi, Shah Mohammad Reza
Palestine Mandate
Palmer, Paul
Pan American Airways Yankee Clipper
Panyushkin, Aleksandr
Paquet, Alfons
Paris Peace Conference
Parker, Ralph, Conspiracy Against Peace
Pash, Boris
Pasternak, Boris
Patzak, Valentin
Paul, Saint
Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on
Pearson, Lester
Perkins, Dexter
Perle, Richard
Perón, Juan
Pfaeffli, Claude
Pfaeffli, George Kennan
Pfaeffli, Wendy Kennan
Philby, Kim
Pierson, George
Pipes, Richard
Pius XII, Pope
Podhoretz, Norman
Podserob, Boris Fedorovich
German attack on
Katyn Forest massacre
Kennan’s visit to
and NATO
Poznan riots in
Solidarity in
Soviet occupation of
and U.S. aid
Warsaw Uprising
Policy Planning Staff
accomplishments of
and atomic weapons
and covert activities
defensive perimeter strategy of
formation of
functions of
in Kennan’s absence
and Kennan’s fading influence
Kennan’s poem to
Kennan’s resignation from
and Marshall
Nitze as director of
and Palestine
papers produced by
PPS/1, “Policy With Respect to American Aid to Western Europe,”
PPS/9 on Italy
PPS/13 on U.S. grand strategy
PPS/23, global survey
PPS/27, on European defense
PPS/35, “The Attitude of This Government Toward Events in Yugoslavia,” 322–24; updated
PPS/37, “Policy Questions Concerning a Possible German Settlement,”
PPS/38, “U.S. Objectives With Respect to Russia,”
PPS/39, “U.S. Policy Toward China,”
PPS/43, “Considerations Affecting the Conclusion of a North Atlantic Security Pact,”
PPS/55, and European unity
PPS/58, “Political Implications of Detonation of an Atomic Bomb by U.S.S.R.,”
and predictions
principles of
Program A
and State Department
Popov, Aleksandr
Popovič, Koča
Por, Frieda
emigration to U.S.
Kennans’ letters to
Port Huron Statement (SDS)
and Azores
Kennan’s report from
Kennan’s return visits to
neutrality of
U.S. legation in
Post, Marjorie Merriweather
Potsdam conference (1945)
Powell, Colin
German takeover of
Kennan’s dispatches from
Kennan’s posting to
see also Czechoslovakia
Princeton University:
eating clubs in
Firestone Library
function of
George F. Kennan Centennial Conference at
Kennan papers at
Kennan’s faculty appointment in
Kennan’s “long telegram” exhibited in
Kennan’s sermon in
Kennan as student in
reunions at
social class in
see also Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Program A
Project Solarium
Prokofiev, Sergey
Proxmire, William
Pskovo-Pechorsky monastery, Estonia
Pushkin, Aleksandr
Quainton, Anthony
Quayle, Dan
Radio Free Europe
Reader’s Digest
Reagan, Ronald
and elections
and Gorbachev
Kennan’s distrust of
on nuclear threat
on Soviet Union as evil
and Strategic Defense Initiative
Reagan administration
and Cold War
and Latin America
Reber, Samuel
Reed, John
Reedy, George
Reid, Escott
Reinhardt, G. Frederick
Reinstein, Jacques
Reischauer, Edwin B.
Reith lectures
Reston, James “Scotty,”
Reykjavik summit meeting
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Rice, Condoleezza
Ridgway, Matthew B.
Riga, Latvia
Riley, Bill and Laura
Roberts, Frank
Robins, Raymond
Robinson, Geroid T.
Rockefeller Foundation
Rogers Act (1924)
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
adaptable politics of
and Atlantic Charter
Bullitt’s reports to
death of
and elections
New Deal
political appointments by
and postwar Germany
and Soviet Union
and unconditional surrender
and World War II
and Yalta
Roosevelt, Theodore
Roosevelt administration
and postwar Europe
and Soviet Union
Rosenfeld, Stephen
Rostow, Eugene V.
Rothfels, Hans
Rovere, Richard
Rusk, Dean
and China
and covert action
and Germany
and Kennedy administration
and Rockefeller Foundation
Russell, Bertrand
Russell, Donald
and balance of power
Bolshevik Revolution in
dissidents and Jews persecuted in
Kennan on the history of
and NATO
in 1917–1991, see Soviet Union
Russian-American Telegraph Expedition (1865)
Russo-Japanese War
Sacco and Vanzetti, execution of
Safire, William
St. John’s Military Academy, Wisconsin
Sakharov, Andrey
Salazar, António
Salisbury, Harrison
SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks)
Sandburg, Carl, “Cornhuskers,”
Savage, Carlton
Schell, Jonathan
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.
Schuman, Robert
Schuschnigg, Kurt
Schuyler, Cortlandt Van Rensselaer
Scowcroft, Brent
Second World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies
Seiberling, John F.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Service, John Stewart
Seymour, Charles, Woodrow Wilson and the World War
Shakespeare, William
Shapiro, Henry
Shostakovich, Dimitri, Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk
Shultz, George P.
Shvernik, Nikolay
Skinner, Robert P.
Slavic Review
Slessor, Sir John
Smirnovsky, Mikhail
Smith, Courtney C.
Smith, Janet
Smith, Gerard C.
Smith, Margaret Chase
Smith, Walter Bedell
and CIA
Smith-Molotov exchange
as U.S. ambassador in Moscow
Smythe, Sidney T.
Snyder, John W.
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
Gulag Archipelago
Sontag, Raymond J.
Sørensen, Einar Haakon
Sorensen, Theodore
Sørensen family
Soviet Union:
Afghanistan invaded by
and atomic bomb
before 1917 and after 1991, see Russia
and Berlin blockade
Bullitt’s “swan song” report on
bureaucracy in
changes in
and China
and Cold War, see Cold War
collapse of
Communist Party in
containment of
Cuban missile crisis
“cult of the past” in
and Czechoslovakia
dialectic materialism in
dissidents in
and Eastern Europe
evil reflected in
expatriates from
external enemies needed by
and Far Eastern Commission
German invasion of
hegemony of
hostility toward U.S. in
and human rights
and Hungary
Kennan as ambassador to
Kennan as counselor to
Kennan in Moscow, see Moscow
Kennan’s early judgments on
Kennan’s expulsion from
Kennan’s reports on
Kennan’s studies of
Kennan’s travels within
and Korea
and Marshall Plan
Nazi-Soviet Pact
and nuclear capability
people of
and Poland
and postwar Germany
postwar life in
and postwar power vacuums
predictions about
purges in
refugees and exiles from
secret police (GPU) in
spies of
and Sputnik
and State Department
summit meetings
territorial expansion of
Third International in
U-2 flights over
unilateral security measures of
U.S. aid to
U.S. ambassadors to
U.S. diplomatic relations with
U.S. investments in
and U.S. national security
U.S. spying in
and Warsaw Pact
and “X” article
Spaatz, Carl
Spanish-American War
Spellman, Francis Cardinal
Stählin, Karl
Stalin, Josef
and atomic bomb
and Berlin blockade
and Comintern/Cominform
daughter of
death of
enemies perceived by
February 1946 speech by
and Harriman
and ignorance of outside world
and Kennan
Khrushchev’s denunciation of
and Korea
and Marshall Plan
and Nazi-Soviet Pact
and Poland
at Potsdam
and power
purges ordered by
and Smith-Molotov exchange
successors to
territorial ambitions of
and Tito
and Truman administration
at Yalta
Stalin Peace Prize
Starr, S. Frederick
START (Strategic Arms Reduction Talks)
State Department, U.S.:
and Communist Party
and covert operations
Eastern European Affairs in
economy measures in
European Affairs Division
and European defense
and European unity
as Foggy Bottom
and Foreign Service, see Foreign Service
graduate study financed by
Kennan’s departure from
Kennan’s evaluations by
Kennan’s reports to
Kennan’s resignations from
Kennan’s return to
and Marshall Plan, see Marshall Plan
and McCarthyism
and Middle East
minimal instructions given by
and NSC
and Pentagon
Policy Planning Staff
and politics
and Rogers Act
shifting functions of
and Soviet Union
and Task Force A
and “X” article
Stenard, Elizabeth
Stephanson, Anders, Kennan and the Art of American Foreign Policy
Stettinius, Edward R., Jr.
Stevenson, Adlai E.
Stimson, Henry L.
Strauss, Lewis L.
Strayer, Joseph
Stresemann, Gustav
Strong, Emily
Strunsky, Robert
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
Suez Canal
Sulzberger, C. L.
Sun Tzu
Switzerland, neutrality of
Talbott, Strobe
Talinn, Estonia
Taplin, Frank
Task Force A
Thayer, Charles W.
Third World
Thompson, Kenneth W.
Thompson, Llewellyn
Thoreau, Henry David
Thurmer, Angus
Tierney, Harriet
Tito, Josef Broz:
and Albania
and Communist Party
and conference of nonaligned states
and Kennan
and Kennedy administration
and Khrushchev
and “Titoism,”
and Truman administration
U.S. visit of
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Tolson, Clyde
Tolstoy, Leo
Anna Karenina
Tolstoy Foundation
Toon, Malcolm
Toynbee, Arnold
Trans-Siberian Railway
Trotsky, Leon
Troyanovsky, Aleksandr
Truman, Harry S.
and defense spending
and election
and European defense
and Korea
and long telegram
and MacArthur
and Marshall
and McCarthy
and Policy Planning Staff
and postwar conferences
and Soviet Union
Truman administration:
and atomic weapons
changes in
and China
and Cold War
and communism
and European economy
and Italy
Kennan’s differences with
and Marshall Plan
and Palestine
and postwar Germany
and Soviet Union
and Suez
and Tito
Truman Doctrine:
and Acheson
and anticommunism
and Kennan’s views
and Marshall Plan
and Soviet Union
and “X” article
Tsarapkin, Semyon K.
Tucker, Robert C.
Tufts, Robert
Turgenev, Aleksandr
British withdrawal from
Soviet interest in
and Truman Doctrine
Turkish Straits
Tyerman, Donald
Tyler, William
Ulam, Adam
Ulbricht, Walter
Ullman, Richard H.
Ullman, Yoma
United Nations
and atomic bomb
and China
establishment of
Kennan’s opposition to
and Korea
and Palestine
and Soviet Union
and Suez
and Tito
United States:
and atomic weapons
and balance of power
and Berlin airlift
and Cold War, see Cold War
communists from
consumerism in
defense spending in
and democracy
Founding Fathers
grand strategy lacking in
hegemony of
interagency miscommunications in
Kennan’s criticisms of
Kennan’s misunderstandings about
Kennan’s patriotism for
Kennan’s return to
military personnel
national interest of
and NATO, see NATO
Open Door policy of
and Pearl Harbor attack
and postwar Germany
public opinion shaped in academia
racial tensions in
and Soviet relations
and weapons of mass destruction
University of Chicago
Urban, George
USA and Canada Institute
U.S.S.R., see Soviet Union
Vandenberg, Arthur H.
Vandenberg, Hoyt
Varga, Yevgeny
Vassiltchikov, Marie
Anschluss in
Kennan’s assignment in
Sanatorium Gutenbrunn in
Vietnam War
antiwar protests
Vlasik, Nikolay
Vyshinsky, Andrey
Wallace, Henry A.
Walsh, Father Edmund A.
Warnke, Paul
Warsaw Pact
Washington Post, The
Wasson, R. Gordon
Watson, Adam
Webb, James E.
Wedemeyer, Albert C.
Weeks, Edward A. “Ted,”
Wei, Fong
Weizmann, Chaim
Welles, Sumner
Wells, Grace (cousin)
Whitman, Walt
Whitney, Thomas P.
Wiley, John C.
Wilgress, Dana
Willett, Edward F.
Williams, William Appleman
Wilson, Woodrow
Wilson administration
Winant, John G.
Wisner, Frank
Wolfe, Thomas
Wolfers, Arnold
Woodrow Wilson Foundation
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Woodward, Sir Llewellyn
Woolf, Harry
World War I
and Kennan’s early years
and Paris Peace Conference
World War II
allied success in
anniversaries of
and appeasement
Britain’s declaration of war
destruction of
end of
German surrender in
Germany’s declaration of war against U.S.
Japanese surrender in
military life in
and Munich
Nazi takeovers in
onset of
Pearl Harbor attacked in
preliminaries to
strategic bombing capabilities of
U.S. entry into
U.S. neutrality in
U.S. productivity in
U.S. veterans returning home from
Wright, C. Ben
Wright, Frank Lloyd
Yakovlev, Nikolay Nikolayevich
Yale Review, The
Yale University
Yasnaya Polyana (Tolstoy’s home)
Yepishev, Aleksey Alekseyevich
and Belgrade channel
Communist Party in
and Cuban missile crisis
Kennan as ambassador to
Kennan’s visit to
and Kennedy administration
and most-favored-nation status
Skopje earthquake
Tito in, see Tito, Josef Broz
Yusupov, Prince
Zapolskaya, Juli
Zhdanov, Andrey
Ziegler, Philip