Simon G. Nationalism and Policy toward the Nationalities in the Soviet Union. Boulder; Colo: Westview, 1991. P. 297. Поэтому вопросу см.: Nove A., Newth J. A. The Soviet Middle East: A Model for Development & L.: Allen and Unwin, 1967; Bahry D. Outside Moscow: Power, Politics and Budgetary Policy in the Soviet Republics. N. Y.: Columbia University Press, 1987; Bahry D., Nechemias С Half Full or Half Empty? The Debate over Soviet Regional Equality // Slavic Review. 1981. 40. P. 366–383; Schroeder G. Nationalities and the Soviet Economy//The Nationalities Factor in Soviet Politics and Society / Ed. L. Hajda, M. Beissinger. Boulder; Colo.: Westview, 1990. P. 43–72; Koropeckij I. S. Location Problems in Soviet Industry before World War II. Chapel Hill; N. C: University of North Carolina Press, 1971.