Heh what d’you make of this man I’m standing in the betting shop and this guy comes over. Heh john, he says, you got a smoke?
A smoke. .
Aye, he says.
So okay I mean you dont like to see a cunt without a smoke. Okay, I says, here.
Puts it in his mouth while I’m clawing myself to find a match.
Naw, he’s saying, I dont like going to the begging games. .
Fair enough, I says, I’ve been skint myself.
Aw it’s no that, he says, I’m no skint.
And out comes this gold lighter man and he flicks it and that and the flame, straight away, no bother. Puffs out the smoke. I’m waiting for the bank to open at half one, he says, I’ve got a cheque to cash.
Good, I says, but I’m thinking well fuck you as well, that’s my last fag man I mean jesus christ almighty.