Where but what

And that chair I had wasnt even comfy. To have tried telling her but. Honest, she wasnt fucking interested. She preferred no to hear. No to hear, that was her game. No to even listen. And she didnt even kid on she was listening. She didnt bother, she didnt even bother. I was fucking browned off I mean, worse; worse than that. I felt like — I dont know. I’m no sure, I’m no really sure. Something but; I felt like something, I’m no sure.

But I just carried right on sitting there, getting more and more uncomfortable. Sometimes I couldnt even be bothered going to the cludgie. I mean sitting there needing, just sitting there needing, saying Fuck it. Fuck the cludgie, I’m no going, cant be annoyed. So I dont know what like a state it is, my belly, inside it, I dont know.

Who cares.

She did in a way I suppose but was it genuine? Naw, I dont think so. I dont think you could really say it was, that it was genuine. It didnt worry me but; no really. It might’ve at one time but that was a long time ago. I’ll tell you something; there was this mate of mine Billy, Billy Adams. No a bad cunt. I’d known him for years. Years! me and him’d been mates for. As long as we knew each other, I would say, we’d been mates. So it was as long as that, but that was a while ago.

What was I on about? Fuck knows. That back of mine too, killing me. I used to say to her. That back of mine’s fucking killing me so it is — murder! All she did but, nodded her head, nodded her fucking head.

Another thing I did right enough I drank that tea; I drank that tea! Fucking stacks of the stuff. Till it was coming out my ears. I used to drink coffee but then I started getting this terrible heartburn so I stopped. Funny thing too about it, when I was smoking, I never used to get it; well I did right enough but it was from the actual smoking, the actual smoking I got it, no the coffee.

Yet how do I know. I dont really. Maybe it was the fucking coffee after all!

Who cares.

And you couldnt tell her anything either neither you could cause she wouldnt listen, she wouldnt listen, she wasnt interested. She could just walk past you sometimes as well, when you were talking; just fucking walk past you. You could hardly credit it. I would just sit there but, saying nothing. Say nothing, I’d say to myself, just sit there, dont fucking say a word, cause you’ll regret it, just fucking sit there. And she’d walk past, walk right past, where you were sitting.

Make you laugh so it would.

Then that fucking telly! She’d have it blaring! Fucking blaring. I never watched it. Never! I never fucking watched it. Load of shite. I just used to sit there.

Lassies right enough, sometimes I used to think of lassies. Couldnt help myself. I’d just be sitting there then all of a sudden I’m on a fucking beach! Or maybe just even walking down the road, a country lane, in the middle of summer. Anything. And there’s this lassie, what’s she doing? she’s just I dont know, just fucking walking maybe or something like that. And underneath her dress, a frock, underneath it, she’s no wearing fuck all — nothing, just her frock. And that’s no really got anything to do with it either because what I was thinking about I was just, it was the cloth, the way her skin just touched it, the actual cloth, the dress, you could just imagine it, the way her skin just touched it.

What I liked but was the minis. She used to get onto me about it, as if I was doing something. But I wasnt doing anything. I was just fucking looking. And even then sometimes you werent even fucking looking, cause you got used to it. You’d hardly credit that but it’s true; when you think back; the way the minis were, and now they’re gone, and you try and mind what like it was and you cant, no really, you cant. Sometimes as well you’re seeing them on the box, old news programmes or that, and you sit back on your seat, Fuck sake, but you still cant mind, no really, what like it was, the way they were, in real life, what they actually looked like, seeing a lassie walking down the street.

Where but what! I would just be sitting there, in a wee daze, a daydream. Where but what? Sudden, I would just think it.

Naw, me and Billy, we were mates for years. Anyhow, aye, I always liked his missus. Nice looking so she was. When the minis were in she used to wear hers halfway up her arse. It annoyed him as well, it was funny. He kidded on he didnt mind but he fucking did, he did mind, he just kidded on he didnt. Sitting in the boozer maybe and in she’d come looking for him. See his face! A fucking picture. Made you laugh so it did, just seeing him. A cracking looking wee bird but, his missus. I mind too this fellow telling him that. Heh Bill, he says, quite the thing, That missus of yours, cracking looking wee bird. And Billy’s face! A fucking picture. The thing about her too, his wife, she never took any fucking notice. I mean the boozer, it’d be full of cunts, all staring at her, drooling — she never fucking noticed. No like mine. She’d have fucking noticed. Nothing surer. Makes you fucking angry as well, you’ve got to admit it. It annoys you. I used to, get annoyed; I used to get fucking annoyed, with her, the wife, she made me fucking angry. I used to get really fucking browned off — worse, worse, I mean worse than that, really fucking angry, it fucking
