бюрократическая травля с целью оставить нас и далее бесправными, в неизвестности, в тупике ситуации социального,

финансового, профессионального, и юридического прозябания и бесправия недопустима.

Дополнительная информация 09 ноября 2000.

Ноябрь. 8 2000 к моей жене обратились двое людей (Вы может называть их моими потенциальными работодателями)

от них мы во многом зависим в меньшей или большей степени, они канадские граждане, один из них урожденный

канадец. Они сказали ей, что я должен закрыть мои Интернет сайты и прекратить критиковать нарушение прав

русскоговорящего меньшинств в Израиле. Мне также звонил анонимный человек и сказал, если я не прекращу мою

деятельность в области прав человека, медицинские обследования для Иммиграции могут оказаться для меня

смертными. L. G.

Дополнительная информация 23 ноября 2000.

Ноябрь. 23 2000 L. G. Удалось выяснить, кто мне написал письмо из Монреальского Института Грудной Клетки. Это

была Lucy Gefroy (Jefroi или Joyfroid?). Удалось также выяснить, что она никогда не видела моего рентгена, а только

была автором письма мне. Узнали ее телефон. Я позвонил мадам Lucy на работу по телефону 849-5201, коммутатор

2166, оставил ей сообщение на автоответчик, назвав свое полное имя и номер телефона. Когда я звонил ей, я не

набирал перед номером телефона *67, чтобы скрыть свой номер. Мадам же Люси, когда мне позвонила в два

пятнадцать, звонила анонимно, так, что на определителе номера телефона высвечивалось: анонимный звонок. Уже

это одно говорит о ее неискренности и вине. Она сама мне позвонила, однако, когда я стал говорить по-английски, она

упорно говорила только по-французски. Тогда я стал говорить по-французски. Она тут же перешла на такой ломаный

английский, что понять ее было невозможно. Я попросил ее говорить по-французски, и убедился, что она знает, кто я

такой, и помнит о том, что со мной произошло. Тогда я спросил у нее , видела ли она мой снимок. Она ответила, что мой

снимок смотрела именно она и помнит, что на нем было. Так как по моим сведениям она не видела моего снимка, я

спросил у нее, что она увидела на нем: слабое или сильное затемнение, с какой стороны, в каком именно месте. А, если

точно не помнит, то какая была общая картина. Она заявила, что не имеет права мне этого говорить. Чтобы прервать

мои вопросы, она сказала по-французски, что мое дело закрыто и что мне необязательно приходить.

Ниже вы найдете текст, который возник из обсуждений с моей матерью ее ситуации, и описывает то, что случалось с



Короткое описание развития основных последних событий в деле моей матери:

В ноябре 1998-го она вышла замуж за канадского гражданина. Это не имело никакого отношения к ее иммиграции или

просьбе о статусе беженца. Однако, должностные лица Иммиграции продолжали обращаться с нею, как будто она все

еще была беженцем - и рассматривали ее брак как расширение ее требования о статусе беженца (они были разъярены

тем, что не имелось никаких доказательств этого). Они так или иначе связали ее иммиграционное дело с делом ее

сына, когда в действительности, начиная с его гуманитарного обращения и ее брака, они не имеют больше общего


Вот что произошло:

В ноябре (23) 1999 года моя мать имела интервью по поводу ее брака в Иммиграции. Опустим описание всех

нарушенный и уловок, которые агент Иммиграции, Госпожа Helene ROY, совершила, чтобы отказать ей в признании ее

брака. Что случилось в течение интервью, было уже описано в жалобах в Иммиграцию и к Медицинской Комиссии

Иммиграции. Пристрастие мадам ROY было проявлено не только косвенно оно было визуально! Я хочу постановиться

на двух главных фактах:

1. На первоначальном отрицательном решении в письменной форме - которре M-me ROY позже заменила другим.

2. Вмешательство M-me ROY's в компетенцию Медицинской Комиссии, что и предрешило дальнейшие решения


Решение M-me ROY было следующим: она не признала брак моей матери из-за вопросов по поводу ее здоровья. (Копия

этого документа может бы быть приложена).

Когда я позвонил ей и сказал, что ее решение незаконно не только потому, что вопросы здоровья моей мамы не имеют

никакого отношения к признанию или непризнанию ее брака, но и потому, что в решении не предусмотрено обращение с

апелляцией в Федеральный суд, что является нарушением, m-me ROY быстро изменила свое решение и попросила,

чтобы мы пришли в Иммиграцию забрать другой документ. Она забрала у нас ее предыдущее решение (заверенную

копию которого я успел сделать) и дала нам другой документ, копия которого может быть приложена.

Мы также выяснили, что первое начальное (отрицательное) решение было основано на медицинском рапорте доктора

Wanda BRZEZINSKA, который m-me ROY у той затребовала. По запросу M-me ROY, доктор BRZEZINSKA, постоянный и

единственный "семейный" врач моей мамы с момента нашего прибытия в Монреаль до времени интервью, написала,

что моя мать имеет риск сердечной и почечной недостаточности.

По нашему мнению и согласно мнению наших консультантов любое решение, основанное на медицинских вопросах, не

было в полномочии m-me ROY, потому что она - не медицинский доктор и не имела никаких законных прав вмешаться в

медицинские вопросы. Доктор BRZEZINSKA сделала ложное утверждение в пользу M-me ROY, исказив факты. Факты

это то, что моя мать никогда не направлялась доктором BRZEZINSKA ни к какому кардиологу, а также никогда не

посылалась ей ни на какие серьезные кардиологические тесты, которые требовались бы в случае серьезных

кардиологических осложнений. Доктор BRZEZINSKA никогда не выписывала ей никаких лекарственных препаратов,

связанных с сердечной болезнью или ее предотвращением. Она никогда не говорила моей матери или мне, что моя

мать имеет слабое сердце. Тот же самое соответствует заявлению BRZEZINSKA относительно почечной

недостаточности. Когда моя мать спрашивала ее "Вы находите что-нибудь серьезное с моим здоровьем?", она имела

обыкновение сообщать, что здоровье моей мамы является нормальным для ее возраста ...

Согласно нашим консультантам, иммиграционные правила и инструкции говорят, что только фактические, а не

потенциальные, болезни могут быть приняты во внимание Иммиграцией. Теоретически у каждого человека, даже у

самого здорового, может развиться любая смертельная болезнь - и разовьется: потому что каждый умирает. Предлог

отказать в статусе иммигранта на основании "потенциальной опасности развития летальной болезни" является просто

смешным и становится основанием для дискриминации, пристрастия и злоупотребления.

Превышая свои полномочия, Госпожа Roy вмешалась в дела медицинского отделения Иммиграции (Иммиграция

Медицинские Услуги), искусственно сформировав почву для пристрастного отношения медицинского департамента


Моя мать знает, что она гипохонтрик (мнительна) и легко внушаема, но не в состоянии контролировать себя. И Госпожа

Brzezinska, и Госпожа Roy знали об этом и попыталась своими действиями подорвать здоровье моей матери. В

телефонной беседе с Госпожой Roy перед брачным интервью (она сама позвонила мне) я предупредил ее, что в случае

негативного решения "моя мать могла бы проявить гипер реакцию, переволноваться - и тогда у нее мог бы иметь место

инфаркт или инсульт в результате этого". Было ясно что Госпожа Roy преднамеренно и злонамеренно использовала

эту информацию для нанесения ущерба здоровью моей матери. Я полагаю, что она заранее планировала заменить

первоначальный документ с отрицательным решением - положительным. Это был только фарс, цель которого

состояла в том, чтобы поместить мою мать в стрессовую ситуацию и повредить ее здоровью сколько возможно.

Моя мать признавалась, когда мы готовили не посланную жалобу-апелляцию: "...когда мой сын объяснил мне значение

первой отрицательной бумаги Госпожи Roy, я начала кричать, мое сердце дико стучало в моей груди, я не могла

обрести дыхание. Я чувствовала себя раздавленной и больной. Нет никакого сомнения, что это нанесло большой

ущерб моему здоровью. Потребовалось некоторое время, чтобы я оправилась от шока и стресса. Потом я прошла

требуемые Иммиграцией медицинские обследования. Доктор Giannakis, который проводил обследование, сказал, что

мое здоровья не вызывает никаких опасений. Моча и анализ крови были в норме. Только когда я поехала делать

рентген грудной клетки, произошло нечто вроде недоразумения: потому что я не могла понять команды - когда я

должна была вдохнуть и не дышать. Мой сын попросил, чтобы повторили рентген. Тогда мы были окружены

враждебным отношением персонала - и моему сыну сказали, что Иммиграция уже итак вошла в контакт с ними от

нетерпения, что я до сих пор не сделала флюорографию".

В январе 2000 года из медицинской комиссии Иммиграции (Иммиграция Медицинские Услуги) прибыл приказ моей

матери сделать дополнительные обследования: анализ крови strum creatinine и эхо кардиограмму. Это было

совершенно ненужно, необоснованно - и даже преступно. " Strum creatinine " (тест почечной функции) был уже сделан в

процессе медицинского обследования, выполненного доктором Giannakis для Иммиграции. И результат той проверки

был в норме. Доктор Giannakis провел очень тщательное обследование - и не нашел никаких серьезных проблем с ее

здоровьем. Никто не мог бы дать иного объяснения, как то, что реальная цель иммиграционного решения состояла в

стремлении морально сломить и уничтожить мою мать, подорвать ее здоровье. Цель этого решения состояла в том,

чтобы подвергнуть ее дополнительным стрессам и суматохе.

Приостановка Иммиграцией процедурной работы с файлом моей матери оправдываемая "медицинскими проблемами"

помещала ее и далее в ситуации ожидания, неизвестности, в подвешенного состояния, разрушая ее финансовую,

социальную, и личную ситуацию, и требовала астрономических расходов, преодоления организационных и других

проблем. Это поставило ее в условия чрезвычайных затруднений.

Почти пять лет мы были под постоянной угрозой высылки. Наш страх быть депортированными назад, в страну (куда мы

никогда не хотели ехать и были доставлены силой, подвергаясь там самым серьезными преследованиям) последнего

места жительства был такой сильный, что у нас даже возникали мысли о самоубийстве. Тот ежедневный страх

разрушал наше здоровье и опустошил наши жизни. Из-за него и многих других ситуационных, административных,

психологических, и т.д. беспокойств и неудобств, связанных с более чем шестью годами в неизвестности и

интенсивного психологического давления Иммиграции с целью сломить нас, мы разрушены, наши жизни уже поломаны!

Имеется другое признание моей мамы: "Когда я получила первое силовое решение иммиграционной медицинской

комиссии (Иммиграция - Медицинские Услуги), я была потрясена. Я не могла спать две недели, мои руки дрожали, и я

была в панике. Возможно, что вместе с действиями Госпожи Roy's это несправедливое и необоснованное решение

нанесло непоправимый ущерб моему здоровью. Я полагаю, что это и была их цель. Не спрашивайте меня, почему. Если

это не было чистом садизмом, тогда они, значит, хотеть отомстить мне из-за моего обращения с просьбой статуса

беженца раньше, в 1994 году, или наказать меня за активизм моего сына в области прав человека и его журналистскую


Еще одним нарушением является то, что должностные лица Иммиграции, не подписываются под официальными

письмами, не дают своих имена, должностей, телефонов. На письмах нет никакой надлежащей эмблемы (лого)

Иммиграции, они не написаны на специальной бумаге, нет ничего, что позволило бы понять, что это - не мошенничество

и не чья-то шутка; когда Иммиграция звонит вам - высвечивается "частный звонок"! Использование решений секретных

анонимных судей / чиновников - особенность тоталитарных режимов. Это идет против всего, за что страны, подобные

Канаде, стоят. Люди должны иметь право знать, кто принимал решения против них и иметь возможность его оспорить.

Моя мать имела снова финансовые, административные, и другие затруднения и прессинг в процессе прохождения

несправедливо приказанных ей Иммиграцией обследований. Может быть, представители иммиграционных властей

были правы в своих предложениях относительно здоровья моей мамы, и тесты подтвердили это? Нет, результаты их

были противоположны! Strum creatinine был снова в норме, и эхо кардиограмма только отразила некоторые

анатомические особенности, известные прежде, но ничего чрезвычайно плохого или серьезного. Моей маме сказали

два врача, что она может даже работать с такой кардиограммой! Врач, кто делал испытание, сказал мне, что

кардиограмма показала некоторые особенности, но они имеют анатомическую, не патологическую, природу. Однако,

вместо того, чтобы наконец-то выдать моей матери документы, они подвергли ее (письмо от 30 июня, 2000 - но

приложение для доктора было датировано 28 июня) новым лишенным всякого здравого смысла и нелепым

издевательствам: потребовали послать им резюме ее "последнего" посещения кардиолога". Но она никогда не

посещала кардиолога! У нее не было ничто, чтобы послать им!

Она снова поехала к доктору Giannakis. Он послал ее к доктору Gordon Creenstein, известному авторитету в области

кардиологии, который обследовал мою мать и сказал ей то же самое: некоторое увеличение сердца имеет

анатомический, врожденный, характер и это - не патология. Он представил Иммиграции свое заключение 27 июля 2000.

Любой беспристрастный наблюдатель может видеть, что и почечные и сердечные "главы" медицинской эпопеи

закрыты, что вся история была теперь закрыта. Однако, это было недостаточно для Иммиграции. В сентябре 2000 года

медицинский отдел Иммиграции сделал другое решение. Они приказали, чтобы моя мать сделала новый анализ мочи и

затем посетила уролога. Она сделала анализ немедленно - и посещение уролога было намечено на ноябрь 2000.

Но даже это не удовлетворило Иммиграцию!

19 сентября 2000 она получила письмо от другого представителя иммиграционных властей, который потребовал от нее

отчета в том, как она повиновалась прошлому приказу Иммиграции, и обвинял ее в отсрочке и саботаже процедуры. Это

было подписано L. Cawchesne.

Тем временем Доктор Giannakis позвонил в Медицинский отдел Иммиграции, сообщив им, что у них не было никакой

причины для требования посещения уролога: потому что абсолютно никаких отклонений от нормы не имелось в

анализе мочи. Они вынуждены были с ним согласиться. Он позвонил моей маме и сказал, что он отменил назначение к

урологу, потому что медицинской отдел Иммиграции закончило работать с ее файлом и информировал представителя

иммиграционных властей, что не имеет больше никаких медицинских вопросов относительно нее.

Однако, Иммиграция все еще не принимала никакого решения, отказываясь закрывать файл моей матери представить

ей вид на жительство. Теперь они вообще не имеют никаких причин, даже извинений или оправданий. Они просто

молчат. Когда один из иммиграционных советников моей мамы позвонила в Иммиграцию, ей отвечали, что никакого

решения не будет сделано, пока не прибудет полицейский клиринг. Но моей маме никогда не говорили, чтобы она

обязана получить полицейский сертификат; кроме того, людей в ее возрасте никогда не просят представить

полицейский сертификат. Она также подписалась под ее формальной просьбой о полицейском клиринге, мы полагаем,

два года назад. Что с этим тогда было сделано?

Тогда ее другой адвокат вошла в контакт с иммиграцией. Они говорили с ней грубо, и отказались беседовать. Проходят

месяцы, в течении которых я и мои иммиграционные советники звоним в Иммиграцию, но неизменно получаем отказ в

обсуждении дел моей мамы.

Требования по делу в семьи GUNIN:

(Перечисляются требования)

Требования по делу Elisabetha GUNIN (Epstein):

Имеется только одно требование: ей должны дать статус иммигранта немедленно и безоговорочно.

Искренне Ваш,


26 ноября 2000

В Отдел Жалоб Иммиграции Канады - DOCUMENT NUMBER FOUR - копия

(faxes: (780) 632-8101 (514) 283-8237) December 1 2000

From Lev GUNIN


Письмо в Монреальский Институт Грудной Клетки

(Письмо было отправлено 09-го ноября в ответ на анонимное письмо из Монреальского Института Грудной Клетки

(МИГК), полученное 06 ноября 2000 года; ниже приведена модифицированная версия от 12-14, ноября, отправленная

15-го ноября)


Адрес, телефон

From Lev GUNIN to anonymous person, author of the letter (the copy of the letter is enclosed).

Montreal Chest Institute (MCI)

3666 St-Urbain

Montreal, QUEBEC H2X 2P4

Сэр или Леди! Пожалуйста, переправьте это письмо в соответствующий отдел Иммиграции, который Вы упомянули на

странице 1 вашего письма.

Прежде всего любые предложения, чтобы я могу быть инфицирован tuberculosis, просто нелепы. У меня были некоторые

другие предположения, но позже медицинский специалист, с которым я говорил, а также мои юрисконсульты, сказали

мне, что единственное объяснение тому, что произошло - это что Иммиграция просто сделала ложное сообщение о

снимке. Кроме того, в принципе по одному рентгеновскому снимку невозможно определить, является ли то или иное

затемнение tuberculosis, или это просто пневмония, бронхит, или комбинация (см. медицинские книги). Выводы,

основанные на только одном снимке, пристрастны и имеют целью нанести ущерб. В современных условиях, когда

имеются так много вирусов типа гриппа, сопровождаемых pneumonic side effects, такие выводы абсурдны. Очевидно, что

Ваше решение приписать меня к Больнице Инфекционных Болезней (IDU) прежде, чем у Вас имеется 100 процентное

доказательство какой-либо tuberculosis инфекции и начать соответствующую юридическую процедуру, было

должностным преступлением. Единственный допустимый способ разрешения этой ситуации был (до отправки меня в


1) запросить альтернативное мнение о существующем снимке

2) послать мне письмо для моего врача для прохождения повторного рентгена.

14 ноября я по своей инициативе прошел другой рентген. Он показал, что нет НИ ОДНОГО затемнения, никаких

абсолютно явлений вне нормы и (как мне сказали мои медицинские консультанты) не могло быть на 2 недели раньше,

особенно tuberculosis-подобные тени. Был ли снимок моего рентгена (отрицательный) заменен другим или отдел IMS

(Медицинские Услуги Иммиграции) только фальсифицировал чтение моего снимка, - я не знаю. Это все - материал для

уголовного дела.

Потому, что я был в подавленном состоянии, я не обратил внимание на то, что (MCI) принадлежит Больнице Королевы

Виктории, учреждению, с которым у меня было несколько формальных конфликтов. Кто - то от имени администрации

больницы имел обыкновение посылать мне агрессивное по многочисленности множество писем-требований о

пожертвовании на больницу даже после того, как я в письменной форме заявил о том, что в то время жил на

социальное пособие. Администрация больницы также сделала попытку вымогать у меня деньги за услуги, которые были

покрыты Medicare. В той же больнице мне заявили несколько раз, что люди, такие, как я, "нелегально в Канаде, и не

должны получать медицинскую помощь "за счет канадцев". Имела место и небрежность (халатность) в отделении

скорой помощи, куда я обращался с травмами, и мелкое (медицинское) должностное преступление по моему

требованию по CSST. Секретарь доктора Evenson (Больница Королевы Виктории) полгода играла в игры со мной,

фактически блокируя мне доступ на прием к врачу с мая по ноябрь 2000 года. Ряд мелких юридических и медицинских

нарушений имел место в той же больнице. И во всех этих мелких инцидентах иммиграционные вопросы или даже сама

Иммиграция были вовлечены. Один из специалистов по иммиграции советовал мне не обращаться больше туда, потому

что эта больница находится под "чрезвычайным влиянием Иммиграции".

Вложение-страница с просьбой о пожертвовании на Больницу Королевы Виктории, которое я обнаружил в Вашем

письме, было очередным нарушением-злоупотреблением с Вашей стороны.

В конечном счете возможно, что доктор Giannakis послал меня для прохождения рентгена не в "Ла Сите", как мою маму

и жену, - или другое медицинское учреждение, но в MCI потому, что получил приказ (не просьбу, но приказ), которому не

мог бы не повиноваться (как представитель Иммиграции).

Этим письмом я объявляю, что я рассматриваю ваш способ разрешения возникшей ситуации нелегальным и

нарушением моих конституционных прав из-за вышеупомянутого, также как и по следующим причинам:

1) Эти и другие анонимные письма буду впредь игнорировать.

2) Процедурные требования были нарушены потому, что Иммиграция должна была прислать письмо мне (моему врачу),

но в больницу.

3) Нарушив их, Иммиграция лишила меня моего конституционного права выбрать учреждение, где пройти - если

потребуется - дополнительную проверку.

4) Вы не имели никакого права рассматривать меня как инфецированного вирусоносителя до того, как будут

неопровержимые доказательства этого.

5) Потому что больница от имени Иммиграции приказала, чтобы я подписал constat и явился в Инфекционное

Отделение, со мной незаконно обращаются как с носителем TB. Они не имели на то никакого юридического права до

тех пор, пока не представлены бесспорные медицинские доказательства.

6) Медицинская этика не должна была позволить никому обращаться со мной таким обюразом на основании только

заявления Иммиграции.

7) Единственный снимок не может определять, является ли затемнение (если оно есть) туберкулезным, или просто

пневмонией, бронхитом, или комбинацией (см. медицинские книги). Любые выводы, основанные на только одном

рентгене, смешны, пристрастны и незаконны.

8) 14 ноября я сделал другой рентген. Он показал, что нет никаких затемнений, никакие отклонений от нормы и (как мои

медицинские советники сказали) не могло быть 2 недели назад, особенно туберкулезноподобных.

9) Посылая меня в Инфекционное Отделение, меня могли подвергнуть контактам с реальными инфицированными.

10) Для выяснения ситуации мне просто должен был быть назначен другой рентген.

11) Я указал ряд причин, почему я не мог бы быть инфицирован TB и предложил, что a), инсинуации Иммиграции не

соответствовали снимку c) имелся дефект пленки, и т.д.

Yours truly,


November 2000 Montreal







www.total.net/~leog/Righs/LevGunin/inde xX.htm



1. End of 1999-beginning of 2000

2. Manipulation of medical data in political goals - end of 2000


(Lev Gunin is one of the most persecuted people in the world. His family - loving and devoted wife (a true hero), two wonderful

daughters (talented in art and music), and his old mother - became targets of outraged humiliations and abuses).

1. Granting GUNINS the landed immigrants (permanent residency) status, Immigration's officials in spite of that continued

persecutions. The proceeding of the landed immigrant status for Gunins is now frozen.

2. The devastating and tragic impact of Immigration's persecutions on family's social, financial, health, and legal situation.

3. The complete history of GUNINS tragedy: http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/LevGUNIN/appealX.htm

Short description of previous events:

A poet, writer and musical composer, Leo (Lev) GUNIN became a victim of communist authorities' persecutions

in his native Belarus. Even after he was considered as relatively famous and important for 3 cultures (Yiddish,

Polish, and Russian), persecutions never stopped. Because of them he started to be involved in human rights'

activity and became one of the most active dissidents in his native republic. Persecutions destroyed his family,

and his, life, and devastated his professional career. In 1991 the communist authorities forced GUNINS to

accept Israeli visas, abandoned their citizenship - and deported them to Warsaw. There GUNINS were

kidnapped by Israelis (which ruined their plans to move from Warsaw to Germany) - and taken to Israel by force.

Persecutions in Israel were as severe as in ex-USSR. Israeli authorities were refusing them a visa for exit during

3 and a half years. Only with indirect Amnesty International help GUNINS could get free - and left Israel in 1994

for Canada. Almost 6 years after their arrival they are still brutally persecuted by Immigration Canada on request

of Israel and also because of all governments' solidarity...


1. During several months after they were granted the landed immigrants status GUNINS were fighting for

extending their Israeli passports, which Federal Immigration requested (or, - in GUNINS' case - it could be an

alternative documents of citizenship cancellation). Instead of the requested documents they received another

document: a surrogate receipt that their expired passports were confiscated by the consulate and will never

been extended. In giving them such a paper the Israeli consulate demonstrated an unusual human approach

in spite of initiating persecutions in past. Formally such a document is normally accepted by Canadian

Immigration as a routine ground for proceeding landed immigrants papers. However, it is not known yet if it will

be accepted in GUNINS case... In spite of the human approach of Quebec's Immigration (Gunins were already

given Quebec's Certificat de selection du Quebec) Federal Immigration didn't stop humiliations yet. On April 19

Leo GUNIN called Federal Immigration because the money GUNINS ordered for the landed immigrants' status

were never removed. He was told that the procedure of the landed immigrants status for GUNINS was frozen

and in doubt because of Leo GUNIN's mother situation. It was clear now that Leo's suggestions that

Immigration's brutal humiliations over his old mother (see the page about a camouflaged attempt to kill his

mother and other outraged developments on Internet:

http://www.interlog.com/~syedma/dstand/leo_updte01.html ) were generated as a punishment for him! In reality

his mother's immigration file (she's a spouse of a Canadian citizen and she was also granted a landed

immigrant status and was already given the Certificat de selection du Quebec) has nothing to do with Leo and

his family's file: because they were granted the status in humanitarian appeal. The pretended dependence

between Elisabeth Epstein's (her maiden name) and Leo Gunin's files could sound as an April's joke if a joke

could be compatible with well-known black image of Canadian Immigration. In reality the immigration officer was

given the number of only Leo's file, and if through his file he could accent his mother's situation it means that

the two files were really combined together. If so, this is a violation of all procedural, juridical, immigration and

human rights laws and regulation. In Gunins case Immigration already violated all the most basic Canadian and

international rules. Their whole immigration history sounds as an Israeli and Canadian (Federal Immigration's)

vendetta. But even on top of all these violations and persecutions the sabotage of their landed immigrants status

even after granting it looks sinister and even more outraged. To know for what views and opinions Lev GUNIN

is suffering, go to http://www.total.net/~leog/ - and there choose Human Rights.

2. The devastating and tragic impact of Immigration's persecutions on family's social,

financial, health, and legal situation.

Content in brief:

A. Artificial employment prevention. Social and professional tragedy

B. Financial disaster

C. Health declining

D. Children's suffering

A. There are both objective and subjective reasons why both Leo Gunin and his wife are employed in

minimum wages works with no perspective and no chances to recover from incredible poverty.

Objective reasons are: 1) They have no status in Canada and because of that can not be employed as

professionals 2) Immigration's Canada persecutions require attention, time and excessive attempts to fix the

situation 3) By new and new persecutions Immigration Canada force Leo and Alla to spend the whole time on

paperwork, completing innumerous forms, writing answers, and so on; that is just one of thousands of obstacles

for better employment 4) Gunins are depressed by their immigration situation, they just can not think about

anything else 5) They are not eligible to attend any professional or language course until they have no status in

Canada 6) They are not eligible for any government and other employment assistance 7) Because of the

tremendous financial devastation they have no tools for a sophisticated job search 8) Leo's and Alla's real

employment history (curriculum vitae) in Israel and Canada reflects persecutions and rises potential employers'

questions, which can not be answered - because no employer will hire a persecuted person 9) Their health is

constantly declining; and so on... There are hundreds of other objective reasons.

Subjective reasons are: 1) Some suggestions could tell that Immigration intervenes in Leo's attempts to find a

better work, not recommending his potential employers to hire him 2) Without the status Leo can not get the

license to teach music, can not run his small busyness, can not be employed in his profession 3) When he

once received a request to compose music for a performance - and did it, - he was then rejected because "it is

not possible to have the name of somebody who's not accepted by the state on public place" 4) He once was

admitted to a Jewish choral, but later was refused "because if he could claim a refugee status from Israel, he's

an enemy of Israel"! 5) When the Russian school "Fillipok" (now renamed and called "Gramota") was in a

desperate need of a Russian speaking music teacher - even then Leo was refused on political ground 6)

Russian newspapers in Montreal refuse to publish not just his articles but even his adds; for example,

Info-Bulletin's editor/publisher told him that she lived many years in Israel, and Leo's articles published in

ex-USSR and in Israel with critics of the Israeli human rights situation abused her patriotism: that's why she

refused to place his adds! 7) All potential employers who could hire him as a musician used to say that they

knew or heard about his "anarchism" - and did not want to employ him because of that. When he responded

that he's not an anarchist or terrorist but a human rights activist they said that for them it is just the same 8) Leo

are refused even a voluntary performances, even without being paid. Rozhinsky, the organizer of the "Russian

Winter" musical festival, is permanently restricting Leo from the festival because of the political reasons 9) Leo

completed a course of security agents but was refused a license because of his immigration situation 10) Leo

was many times refused employment in computer technology, HTML programming, computer networks or

computer rooms maintenance, programs installation or software testing because he's "a kind of hacker or

terrorist". Nobody never told him where they obtained that referral from. Even such enterprises as Copie

Express refused to employ him! 11) Leo did thousands attempts to find a full time above minimum wage work

and was never hired. He believes that all such persecutions are somehow conducted from Immigration and

from Jewish environment 12) From all newspapers where Leo turned to as a journalist (such as Globe and Mail

- for example) he never received any answer or opinion about submitted articles; they just ignored him! Even

when he tried to reach the newspapers by telephone, he used to be disconnected! 13) Leo is one of probably

10 most important Russian vanguard poets in the world. However, an attempt to publish his book (for his own

money!) of poetry was turned away by a Russian publishing house. In the same time the above mentioned

Rozhinsky, who's not even a poet, rather an amateur on a primitively and law scale, published a book of his

"poetry" without any problem! 14) By suppressing and persecuting such a gifted, talented in many areas person

as Leo Gunin Canada lost an opportunity to use his talents, skills and abilities! Because Leo is a famous,

well-known personality, people will consider about Canada after attitude to him. Inhuman, cruel, humiliative

approach towards Leo and his family will speak by itself.

B. Financial disaster:

Because almost 6 years Gunins were refused the status in Canada, they had to pay more in taxes, pay for

various immigration programs, for employment and student authorization, for immigration lawyers, and so on.

They also were not receiving children allowances and other benefits, which landed immigrants and citizens are

receiving. Because Leo was in reality restricted from his profession (music), journalism and all areas, which

require professional skills, he could work for minimum wage only. The lack of status in Canada is also one of

the main factors in Gunins better employment attempts failure. The family's financial situation is devastating and


C. Health declining:

A number of descriptions of their health problems in result of persecutions can be found from the page

http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/LevGunin/appealX.htm Besides, both Leo and Alla have a kind of depression,

caused by the status in Canada denial and other persecutions. D. Children suffering: The children (13 and 14

years old) suffer from the same reasons as the adults. They afraid of their unstable situation, afraid of bringing in

the post because there could be a punishing message from Immigration. They are very suppressed or even

depressed. They feel like they are not like other children but excluded from the normal society. They also

complex and feel uneasy about their poverty. They feel deprived and discriminated because other children can

visit a cafe or McDonald, or a cinema, or their parents have cars, and so on. Because the children understand

that their poverty is much related to persecutions they feel unprotected and threatened. Several times

Immigration threatened the children that they will be expelled from school. Marta is a talented ballerina. She

participated in movies, in dozens of ballet and theatre performances, she also writes poetry and prose, and

she's a painter. She's also a gifted viola player. However, she has no rights to study, and her parents must pay

for any official ballet studies several times more then if they were landed immigrants or citizens, what is

impossible. No sponsor will give money for a child without the status. On television and in movies, where Marta

participated, she was always on the back - probably because of the same reason. Ina is a gifted piano player,

each year she's passing exams at university with the best remarks. She's also composes and arranges music,

she's a good music theoretician, a choral singer, plays also flute, writes poetry and prose. Ina has participated in

dozens of cultural events and performances as a member of one of the best tremble chorales in the world, as a

piano player, was on television and took one of the awards as a piano player on young piano players' festival. In

the same time she has no piano (!) - because Immigration is sacking all financial resources away from the

family! And because her parents are persecuted and deprived.

That text was prepared by Lushin Valery Stepanovich

From Lev GUNIN


3455 rue Aylmer, app. 201

Montreal, QUEBEC

H2X 2B5

Tel. (514) 499-1294 [leog@total.net] more details: http://www.interlog.com/~syedma/dstand/leo201127.html

Dear Sir, Lady!

We need an urgent help regarding incredible violations of our human rights. Please, inform us - if you can, - 1) what we can do, 2)

where to turn, 3) what tools we could use to fight this outrage injustice. Please, help! The most dangerous and alarming is the

manipulation of the medical data and medical personnel by Immigration. You'll find a short description of our tremendously huge

(long) story here below.

I am a human-rights activist, journalist and historian with numerous publications. My views and humanitarian activities made me a

target for persecutions in ex-USSR and - later (after deportation) - in another country, where I was taken together with my family

against our will. Our refugee claim was refused under exceptional circumstances and with a totally partial attitude. Decisions in our

case were unfair, inhuman and unjust. While hearing and proceeding our refugee claim Immigration officials have used illegal

methods, abuse of justice and human rights. On top of undeniable persecutions, an obvious fact that we had no place where to go

and tons of our documentary proof justice was denied to us in many outraged ways. We have appealed the decision, but the IRB's

(Immigration's) defender has emphasized security and other unconventional questions, and the Federal court closed our case.

During our refugee hearings the IRB's judge, Mr. Boiron said that we could face the same persecutions, which we had before, in

Canada as well. It was a threat.

Now we are more then 6 years in a limbo, administrative mayhem and ultra-vulnerable state. That is damaging our mental and

physical health, social and professional status, and chances to regain our professional domain and return to normal life. However, in

spite of human rights deniers in IRB and other departments, pro-Israeli lobby (with their people in Immigration), which goal is to keep

refugee claimants from Israel out of Canada, we received a positive decision. We highly appreciate that in spite of everything we

were granted the landed immigrant status in response to our humanitarian appeal 1 (one) year ago.

In the same time some opponents of this decision did not ceased their pressure. They did not want to allow us to receive the landed

immigrant's papers. In attempts to put us down they started to destroy me, my family, ours lives before we could receive the status in

Canada. Each routine immigration procedure - extension of the employment or student authorization, etc. - turned into a mockery

and humiliation. We must fight for every small thing, which has to be proceeded automatically! Especially after we were given the

Certificat de selectione du Quebec: more then eight (8) months ago. Unnecessary expensive medical exams (Immigration has

pretended that lost our medical data) and other innumerous humiliations made our life unbearable. They combined my mother's

and mine cases in Immigration's computer, when in reality my mother's case has nothing to do with our case. (She's a sponsored

spouse of a Canadian citizen - since November 1998, - and we were accepted by the humanitarian appeal). Immigration officer

Madam Helene ROY illegally intervened in the medical issues to torpid my mother's case, and on her request Mrs. W. BRZEZINSKA

(M.D.) made a false report before my mother's medical evaluation for Immigration took place. Madame ROY refused to recognize

my mother's marriage "because of the medical concerns" the next day suddenly replacing this negative decision by another one.

When I called Immigration about my case, I was told three times that our case is frozen because of my mother's situation.

Immigration was concerned about a possibility of eventual diseases, which my mother could develop. Theoretically every person,

even the most healthy, could develop any terminal disease - and will develop: because everybody dies. Immigration's demands on

ground of a "potential danger of developing a terminal disease" are ridiculous and became a ground of discrimination, partiality and

abuse. A number of facts revealed that one of their goals was to put my mother under a stress damaging her health as much as


They contacted the medical lab where my mother did a x-ray before she went there. Later confusion about that x-ray took place. In

January 2000 Immigration's medical committee ordered my mother to do additional tests: strum creatinine (blood test) and

echocardiogram. The "strum creatinine" test (testing the kidney function) was already done before and was in norm. Cardio function

was already tested - there were no concerns. There were no reasons for additional tests. The strum creatinine test was normal

again. The echocardiogram only reflected nothing but some anatomical abnormalities, known before. The doctor who did the test

told me that the abnormalities have anatomical, not pathological, nature. However, instead of proceeding my mother's documents

Immigration submitted her (June 28, 2000) another illogical demand: to send them a "resume" of her "last visit to cardiologist". She

never has visited a cardiologist and had nothing to send them! She went to Mr. Giannakis M.D. who was her physician for

Immigration. He sent her to Dr. Gordon Creenstein, a known authority in cardiology, who examined her and told her the same:

augmentation has the anatomical nature, it is not pathology. He submitted his rapport on 27 July 2000. Any impartial observer can

see that both kidney and heart "chapters" in that story were closed now. However, it was not enough for Immigration. On September

2000 Immigration's medical department made another ruling. They ordered my mom to have another urine test and then visit an

urologist. She did the test immediately - and the visit to urologist was scheduled for November. Even this did not satisfied

Immigration! On September 19 my mother received a letter from another Immigration officer, which demanded from her a statement

how she obeyed the last Immigration's order, and accused her of postponing and sabotaging the procedure. It was signed by L.

Cawchesne. Meanwhile Dr. Giannakis called Immigration and told that there was no reason for demanding a visit to an urologist:

because there was nothing abnormal in her urine test. They had no choice but to agree with him. He cancelled the appointment to

urologist because Immigration's medical division has finished working with her file - and informed the immigration officer that they

have no medical concerns about her any more. However, Immigration still did not make any decision, refusing to close my mother's

file and submit her the papers. Now they have no reasons at all, no excuses or explanations. One of my mother's immigration

counselors was refused a clear answer, another was refused a conversation. From my sources I know that her file is given to Rene

Jacque. There is no decision, no ruling. And my mother is in the limbo again. And I am told that my case is frozen because of my

mother's situation...

Another Immigration's excuse of tormenting us was the question of my wife's, and my police clearings. Because I am trying to keep

that letter in a reasonable length I'll skip the details, which I could provide later. I never got a clear answer if the police certificates for

us were received at Immigration - and attached to our file.

Immigration's officials stopped to sign their official letters to us or give their names. There is no proper Immigration's logo, any special

paper, anything to tell that this is not a fraud or joke... When Immigration calls us there is a "private call" indication! When I ask an

anonymous person to identify him/her, or tell me who is responsible for my file, I am always refused! If sometimes they sign their

letters, they sign them by names like Jeanne D'Arc, Honore de Balzak... They refuse to mention their position or rank. There is no

"immigration officer" indication or anything else. Just Jeanne D'Arc!

On October 26 by letter Immigration ordered my daughter Marta and me to undergo the medical examinations. Six (6!) months ago I

demanded in writing to allow me and my family members pass the medical examinations by initiating an appropriate decision with a

proper letter and forms (Med1A.doc) submission - and was denied it. By then Immigration argued that only my wife must undergo

medical examinations, and submitted a medical form (February 2000) for my wife only, omitting my daughters and me. Now again:

they did not send us the form for my older daughter's medical exams. This is obviously another tool for sabotaging our case in the

future. Knowing what my mother experienced with her "medical clearings" we could suggest that for us it would not be easy, too. By

then my wife's medical exams will expire, and she'll have to do them again! Then Immigration could tell that now my older daughter,

Ina, must undergo the medical exams. Theoretically, they can sabotage our case for eternity refusing us the landed immigrants'

papers forever; in the same time making our life vulnerable, unbearable and miserable.

My daughter and me - we went through the medical examination on October 31 2000. Doctor Giannakis told us that he found

nothing to be concerned about. Next day after 5 p.m. I received an anonymous call - as I was told - from Immigration. A man told me

that I might be punished for misconduct for not doing ordered by Immigration x-ray test and refusing the medical treatment. On

November the 1-st, I did a x-ray test at the Montreal Chest Institute. I was told that everything is in norm and there is nothing to worry

about. On November 2-nd 2000 - I received an anonymous ("private call" indication) telephone call from the Israeli consulate that our

police clearings came. Why then Immigration told us that they were received on October 17.

On November 6 2000, an anonymous (no names, telephones, signatures) letter from Montreal Chest Institute arrived. Addressing to

me the letter said that my chest x-ray shows signs of a tuberculosis infection. "The Canadian Department of Immigration - the letter

also said - has notified the Infectious Disease Unit..." - etc. It demanded to be prepared paying up to five hundreds dollars - and sign

special legal document: a constat for infected by infectious disease non-residents of Canada. On November 9/then 15 I have

submitted a letter in protest to the Montreal Chest Institute.

The main points of my letter were:

1) I will disregard this and other anonymous letters. 2) The procedural requirements were violated - because Immigration should

submit it to me (my physician) but not to the hospital. 3) Violating them Immigration deprived me of my constitutional right to choose

an institution where to do additional tests if required. 4) Because the hospital on behalf of Immigration ordered me to sign a constat

and appear in Infectious Disease Unit I was wrongly treated as a TB carrier. They had no legal rights to treat me as a contagious

carrier until an undeniable medical proof is established. 5) Medical ethics should not allow anybody to treat me that way before

making conclusions based not on Immigration's rapport. 6) A single x-ray could not determine whether or not any shadow (if any)

means tuberculosis, or simply any kind of pneumonia, bronchitis, or a combination (see medical books). Any conclusions based on

only one x-ray are ridiculous, partial, and prejudicial. 7) On November 14 I did another x-ray. It revealed that there were no any

suspicious shadow, no abnormalities - and (as my medical advisers told) could not be 2 weeks before, especially tuberculosis-like

shadows. 8) By sending me to the Infectious Disease Unit they might expose me to contacts with real infected carriers. 9) Merely

another x-ray should be initiated before doing anything else.

10) I gave a number of reasons why I could not be infected by TB and made a suggestion that a) my x-ray photo was replaced by

somebody else or b) Immigration's insinuations did not match the photo.

On November 17 CDL MED LAB submitted me a receipt by fax pretending that I must pay for a blood test for syphilis, which they

pretended I could do on October 31 2000 only at their site. However, I never did that test and even never was at CDL MED. On

November 20 I received an (anonymous) call from Immigration and was accused of conceiving the fact that I was infected by aids

when entered Canada! In response I have submitted a request by fax to the Reddy Memorial Hospital archive and telephoned there

many times to receive copies of my blood and x-ray tests but there is still no answer. On November 28, 2000 Immigration ruled that

there is a doubt that the x-ray from November 14 is mine. However, they received an original document from Clark LAB and had no

legal rights to doubt it! They also pretended that not me but another person did this x-ray instead of me. However, the x-ray was

covered by my medical card, which has my photo on it! Besides, Immigration is not a criminal court and has no power to make

criminal verdicts. They are in a pure rage! They demanded the original of the x-ray made in Clark LAB (meanwhile, it is possible that

Immigration informed MCI that the x-ray from November 1 was lost!). Further they insist that I must be referred to the chest specialist


Rights of our children are severely violated. This is the seventh year they live in Canada without the status of residents. Their very

basic, essential rights, and everyday life are affected! If what my advisors told me is true, this situation also violates international

standards and Canadian laws: because children should not be deprived the landed immigrants status after 5 years and should not

be left completely without any citizenship/residency papers. (Our children have no passports or even travel documents of any state).

Ungrounded and illegal bureaucratic policy to keep us further in a limbo, in the frames of social, financial, professional, and legal

devastation and deprivation is inadmissible. The everyday fear of deportation has already destroyed us. Because of that and many

other situational, administrative, psychological, and etc. troubles and inconveniences, and intensive Immigration's pressure, we are

destroyed, our lives are already ruined! Please, HELP!!!

Demands in family GUNINS case:

1. We need a clear answer in writing if Immigration received our police clearings. And if not - a) why; b) what must be done now.

2. If the medical exams were affirmatively required for all family members - why Immigration did not initiated them for all family

members six months ago? We also need an assurance in writing that Ina will not be required to do medical examination.

3. We would like any other artificial delays in our case proceeding to be stopped. We also have right to know who is in charge of our


4. If we will not be given the status of landed immigrants immediately, Immigration officials will completely destroy us.

5. A criminal investigation must be initiated on the manipulation of the medical data.

Demands in Elisabetha GUNIN (Epstein) case:

There is only one demand: she must be given her landed immigrant papers immediately and unconditionally.

Yours truly,

Lev GUNIN November 14 2000 Montreal



Manipulation of medical data for political persecutions is the end of the civilized society

- December 2000


1. Short descriptions of events - end of 1999 - beginning of 2000

2. Lev GUNIN - "The Source Of Our Problems"

2. List of documents

3. The whole immigration story

4. Other English publications on Internet about persecution of family GUNIN

To Human Rights Organizations

(AI, HRW, UNHRC, etc.)

December, 2000. Montreal, QUEBEC


From Lev GUNIN Full immigration story: http://www.total.net/~leog/Righs/LevGunin/indexX.htm

former refugee claimant

(address, tel. 514-49-1294, leog@total,net) December 6 2000

Dear Sir or Lady!

The most unpleasant thing is that in a country where there no concentration camps and common tortures nobody believes you.

Nobody believes that what happens to you - happens. That's why it's even harder to stand our troubles.

1. Let me mention briefly the source of our problems: I was a human-rights activist, former Soviet dissident (which led to deportation

from my native Belarus to Poland). From there my family and I were taken against our will to Israel. In Canada we filed a refugee

claim. Since 1994 we do not have normal life. We have problems.

Usage (against us) of contrived medical data to manipulate and prolong our vulnerable situation is one of them.

Theoretically falsification and manipulation of medical data can lead to a forcible treatment from diseases, which

we do not have (it could be lethal).

2. Now we are more then 6 years in a limbo, administrative mayhem and ultra-vulnerable state.

However, in spite of human rights deniers in IRB and other departments, pro-Israeli lobby (with their people in Immigration), personal

contribution of Immigration officer Mrs. Udith Malka in damaging our situation, we received a positive decision. (In response to our

humanitarian appeal 1+ (one+) year ago). Since then opponents to this decision made many attempts to reverse it and make our life

unbearable. We are still without any status, facing excessive hardship.

(a). Even at routine immigration procedures we are a target of mockery, stalling tactics and humiliation (see Document 8).

(b). Unnecessary personal expensive medical exams and blatant manipulation of medical data (Doc. 1-23), delays in issuing and

short terms of validity of employment and student authorizations, punitive and threatening anonymous calls and letters (Doc. 1-6,

specifically - 16). Excessive "totalitarian" secrecy and anonymity when Immigration is dealing with us (Doc. 10a, 13a, 1, 14, 15, etc.)

(c). After two (2) years we have no clear answer about our police certificate clearance in spite of confirmation from the Israeli


(d). More than half a year ago IMS officials refused us ruling and forms for medical examination for all family members assuring us

that only my wife must do them. Now in contradiction they ordered them for my younger daughter and me (omitting my older

daughter). When the last medical exams must finish, the validity of my wife's exams will expire (Doc. 2, 19, 20). Also my mother's file

was illegally attached to ours to put us in dependence of her situation (Doc. 1, 4, 6).

(e). My mother's case. 1994: W. Brzezinska, M.D. for Immigration, makes an insincere report (Doc. 7a, 4b, 7b) about my mother's

health (eventual (!) development of cardiac and kidney insufficiency). (My mother told her that she was born with heart

augmentation). Nov. 1999: an immigration officer (M-me Roy), not a M.D. illegally intervenes in evaluation of the medical matters,

makes a decision based on it (Doc. 7a,7b). However, she quickly replaces that decision - recognizing my mother's marriage. In

violation of the marriage interview stage requirements IMS release a negative decision before med. exams (Doc. 7a). 2000: an entire

year of mockery, ungrounded orders for innumerable additional tests and exams, punitive threatening letters and calls. Goals: a) to

damage my mother's heath, b) clear dr. Brzezinska and M-me Roy (Doc. 14 -17). For two months after her "medical saga"

Immigration was refusing to give any answer/explanation. Now (Dec.) IMS made a final negative ruling, based on Mrs. Bezezinska's

insinuation in spite of new contradicting to it results and medical opinions (anatomy, not pathology). (Also dr. Brzezinska never in 5

years sent my mother for cardiac or kidney tests, or to cardiologist/urologist, and never prescribed her any medication for

heart/kidney problems). It is outraged that the whole year IMS was evaluating not actual but eventual health problems - and

confirmed initial inhuman decision! (Doc. 25). If the horrible diagnosis (Doc. 25a), with which they crucified my mother, were correct,

how could she live a normal life all 6 years without medications and cardiologist? If my mother's heath declined after one year of

humiliations - Immigration officials must be fully responsible for that. This is what they did it to punish me!

Actions to influence or even administratively invade medical institutions and personnel for extorting false medical reports, creation of

false medical documents were committed in both my mother's and my cases. Tricks with my x-ray, delivery of receipts or calls for

tests I've never done, other manipulations are threat to my own heath or even life! (Doc. 1-7, 9-25). Our children are tremendously

suffering from that situation as well as from artificial delays in extension of their student authorizations and other essential papers.

My wife and my mother became suicidal, nervous and suffering from depression.

I never received any answer to my letter to the Minister of Immigration (Nov. 1-6 2000) and to Immigration Complain Board (Nov. 30).

4. In spite of persecutions we have contributed to Canadian society as much as we could. We had no conflicts in civil life. We

worked. We have accommodated in spite of artificial obstacles - thanks to ordinary Canadians. Even in Federal Immigration some

people tried to compensate the damage, done to us by others. I have participated in tenth of musical festivals and events. My wife is

a hard worker. Our children are recognized talented musician and ballerina (OTHER PUBLICATIONS








Manipulation of medical data for political persecutions is the end of the civilized society

- December 2000


1. List of documents

2. Complaint on Immigration actions and decisions

3. Complaint against refusal to allow medical examinations.

4. Disagreement with the decision of Imm.Med.Serv. from November 23, 2000.

5. Copy of a complaint made to Montreal Chest Institute.

6. Short descriptions of events - end of 1999 - beginning of 2000

7. Lev GUNIN - "The Source Of Our Problems"

8. Wider detailed description of events before December (Sept. - Nov. 2000)

9. Resume of the visit to MCI December 4 2000.

10. The whole immigration story

11. Other English publications on Internet about persecution of family GUNIN

To Human Rights Organizations

(AI, HRW, UNHRC, etc.)

December, 2000. Montreal, QUEBEC

- Introductory Document

From Lev GUNIN Full immigration story: {www.total.net/~leog/Righs/LevGunin/indexX.htm}

former refugee claimant

(tel. 514-49-1294) December 2 2000

Introductory Note

1. Because violations and injustice are so outraged and unbelievable that it is difficult to speak

about them without emotions, I decided not to write a special description of events. Instead I

am handing you over a number of documents, which will speak for themselves.

2. Below I am listing these documents with comments and explanations about each.

Manipulation and falsification of medical data is the most dangerous and tremendous violation

of human rights. Most letters from Immigration were anonymous, but only few marked here on

that regard as examples.

Document 1:

Complaint on Immigration actions and decisions submitted to Immigration Complain Board

(like attempts to cause damage to victim's heath). Theoretically falsification and blatant

manipulation of medical data can lead to a forcible treatment from diseases, which one do not

have (it could be lethal).

Document 2:

Complaint against refusal to allow all my family members medical examinations.

Document 3:

My disagreement with the decision of Imm.Med.Serv. from November 23, 2000.

Document 4-a:

A shortened description of events, which manifested abuse of power, ungrounded secrecy,

misconduct and criminal manipulation of medical data. Document 4-b is a supplementary

description about the source of my problems. It is crucial for understanding the mechanism

behind the persecutions.

Document 5:

Fifth is a copy of a complaint made to Montreal Chest Institute.

Document 6:

A wider description of events, with more astonishing and outraged details. This document is

not enclosed but available on Internet: {www.interlog.com/~syedma/dstand/leo201127.html}

Document 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d:

M-me Roy's rulings: illegal intervention into medical matters by non-medic, violation of the

procedural requirements of the marriage interview stage, prejudicial ruling of IMS before my

mother's medical exams for the landed immigrant status.

Document 8:

Complaint to Immigration about extension's of employment authorization sabotage from May

15 2000.

Document 9:

Resume of my visit to MCI December 4 2000.

Document 10-a

The anonymous letter from MCI mentioned in Documents 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Document 10-b:

another letter (one page) demanding a donation to the Royal Victoria Hospital was included in

the same envelope as the "TB letter".

Document 11

An order-receipt (payment) to pay for the blood test for syphilis, which was never done.

Another document (Document 12) shows that dr. Giannalis uses this laboratory to evaluate

test samples, taken at his office. The blood test for syphilis was not required by Immigration in

my case. It was also mentioned that a patient must only appear for this test in the CDL

Laboratories, in other words samples taken outside CDL Lab are not admitting for evaluation

for syphilis.

Document 12

Strum creatinine test's form from CDL Lab form for my mother. The test was ordered by dr.

Giannakis on Immigration's request and the result was: in norm.

Document 13-a

Front page of the IMS ruling from November 23 letter (received on November 28).

Corresponds to Document 3. Also was mentioned in Documents 1, 4, 6. Document 13-b is the

text of the internal part of the same ruling, addressing to dr. Giannakis.

Document 14-a

Ruling from IMS to my mother, Elisabetha Epstein from January 17 2000. This document is

anonymous, no names, telephone numbers. Document 14-b is the text of the internal part of

the same ruling, addressing to dr. Giannakis.

Document 15-a

Ruling from IMS to my mother, Elisabetha Epstein from June 30 2000. This document is

anonymous, no names, telephone numbers. Document 15-b is the text of the internal part of

the same ruling, addressing to dr. Giannakis.

Document 15 plus

September 2000 - letter from IMS ordering another urine test and then a visit to an urologist.

Document 16

An offensive letter from my mother's new immigration officer from September 18 2000.

Document 17

My mother's, Elisabetha Epstein, response (September 20 2000) to an offensive letter from

Immigration (see Document 16).

Document 18

Copy of the positive response to our humanitarian appeal

Document 19

An order from January 11 2000 to my wife, Alla, to undergo the medical examination. Only my

wife's name mentioned in this letter. This letter is a proof that refusing to include all family

members Immigration stalling the completion of our file almost one year now.

Document 20

An order from October 26 2000 to me and my daughter Marta to undergo medical

examination. Was submitted in contradiction with the previous Immigration's assurance that

only my wife has to undergo medical examination.

Document 21-a

X-ray result from Le Centre Radiologique Clarke from November 14 2000, which tremendously

contradict the Immigration's x-ray from November 01 2000 evaluation. In response to TB

double-check request (see Document 21-b) it said "NIL ACTIVE". The film was evaluated by 3

medical doctors, which came to the same "nil active" conclusion. I was seen and evaluated by

2 medical doctors since October 29, who found the TB suspicion ridiculous.

Document 22

X-ray result from November 22 1994 from the Centre Hospitalier Reddy Memorial. On request

of W. Brzezinska, M.D. if there is recent pulmonary infiltrate it said "no recent pulmonary

infiltrate shown".

Document 23

Mr. Z. JAST's certificate for Immigration in relation to the x-ray dispute.

Document 24

Internet-links to two publications, which might accelerate persecutions.

Document 25-a,b

IMS final decision in my mother's case from Dec. 5 2000.

Document 26

Document 27

List of "civil" events. Relates to our will to contribute to the society.

Lev GUNIN December 2 2000 Montreal


To Immigration's Canada Complaint Board

(faxes: (780) 632-8101 (514) 283-8237) November 30 2000

From Lev GUNIN (514-499-1294)

This is the complaint on actions and decisions, which my advisers and I found inadmissible, like

attempts to cause damage to my mother's and my heath. Theoretically falsification and blatant

manipulation of medical data can lead to a forcible treatment from diseases, which one do not

have (it could be lethal).


I submit you 5 documents. The First is this one. Second is a complaint against refusal to allow

all my family members medical examinations half a year ago. Third is my disagreement with the

decision of Immigration Health Services from November 23, 2000. Fourth is a shortened

description of events, which manifested abuse of power, ungrounded secrecy, misconduct and

criminal manipulation of medical data. Fifth is a copy of a complaint made to Montreal Chest

Institute. Sixth is a wider description of events, with more astonishing and outraged details.

However, because of the length of the Sixth document its submission by fax could be found

offensive, so, please, tell me where to send it by post or e-mail.

I would like to know:

A) Who made all mentioned in six documents unjust decisions (names, position, what their role

in my file).

B) On what ground (law, paragraph, circumstances).

C) Who made a decision, based on a single x-ray: to consider me a potential TB carrier and

submitted it not to Mr. Giannakis, M.D. but to the Royal Victoria Hospital, depriving me and

doctor Giannakis of a minimal choice to choose where to turn for further evaluation. Is the MCI

radiology unit a part of IMS (ImmMedSrv)?

D) If the x-ray film (made at MCI) could be obtained for copying. My legal advisers and me - we

want to ask you to show it to us at 1010 St Antoine, Montreal. We want to check:

E) If a) there is any technical defect or underwear shadow, which was offensively interpreted

as "TB" b) this x-ray matches my body constitution c) an obviously normal result was blatantly

interpreted as "abnormal". We would like to be given a permission to take this film or its copy to

medical specialists to determine it.

F) How all contradictions, deceptions, violations can be explained (each event).

G) Examples: a) Half a year ago IMS officials refused to submit us ruling and forms for medical

examination for all family members assuring us that only my wife has to go through them. Now

in contradiction with what was said before they ordered my younger daughter and me (now

omitting my older daughter) to do examinations. B) Why my mother's file was illegally attached

to mine. c) How could so many ungrounded medical tests be ruled for my mother, keeping her

more then one year (!) in limbo, etc.

H) How all such decisions might be appealed?

I) Has my mother and me same IMS agents or agents of the same unit? Who are supervisors

of all agents, attached to our files (including Immigration Medical Services - IMS).

J) How to reach them?

K) If Immigration's agents (IMS included) are subjects of Criminal Code - or they are

completely uncontrolled and impunitive.

L) If they are not (impunitive) what is the way to complain about

1. Deliberate damage of my (my family's) financial, social, and psychological situation.

2. Criminal manipulation of the medical data

M) How could I know if W. Brzezinska's M.D. rapport with a "concern" about my health

presents not only in my mother's but in my file as well?

N) Why my file is proceeding not on Montreal - as normally - but in Ottawa?

I must warn you that I will contact police or RCMP in case of any further anonymous calls

("private call" indication) from Immigration and will disregard any letters, until they will not be

signed and carry the name and phone number of the person who is responsible for the

decision. All anonymous telephone calls, which accuse me of concealing a number of

infectious diseases, must be stopped. Anonymous letters from hospitals on behalf of

Immigration with same insinuations are unacceptable as well. I have also received a receipt for

a blood test for syphilis, which I never did, from a Lab, where I never went. I was also called by

two other laboratories, which pretend that I did tests for infectious diseases, and this is not

true. All such provocation must be stopped immediately!


All 5 (or 6) documents must be evaluated to consider and answer my complaint. Please,

answer all questions, which arise from the documents. I ask you to respond to this complaint in

writing. However, another solution is just to consider my case as "finished" with no further

demands. Will appreciate your cooperation.



November 30 2000

Chronology in GUNINS' case

November 1994

refugee claim

March 1997

refugee claim rejected.

(In the negative decision our refugee

claim description was severely

distorted; document includes such

direct and indirect statements as a)

nothing bad could happen in such a

beautiful country like Israel, b) people

who were taken to Israel for

Sochnut's expense are property of

Israel, c) people who refused to

change their believes and opinions

are guilty on persecutions themselves

because provoked them c) no

minimum of confidence). January


- Federal Court closing our case on a

ridiculous ground of Immigration's "no

minimal confidence" ruling.

January 2000

- positive decision in response to our

humanitarian appeal.

March 2000

an interview lead to the Certificat de

selectione du Quebec issuing by

Quebec's Immigration

March 2000

bureaucratic humiliation and blatant

manipulation of medical data by

Federal Immigration starts to torpid

the completion of the case

Chronology in

Elisabetha GUNIN (Epstein's)


refugee claim + Wanda Brzezinska,

M.D. makes a false report (see Doc.

4b, 7a, 7b).

March 1997

refugee claim rejected.

January 1998

- Federal Court closing our case on a

ridiculous ground of Immigration's "no

minimal confidence" ruling.

November 1998

marriages a Canadian citizen

November 22 1999

my mother's marriage interview.

Nov. 23, Madame Helene ROY

replaces the initiative negative

decision, based on "medical

concerns" (dr. Brzezinska's rapport),

by a positive one.

January 2000 - Certificat de

selectione du Quebec was issued for

my mother.

January 2000, a ruling from IMS

ordering my mother additional tests:

strum creatinine (blood test) and


June 30, 2000 - IMS ridiculous

demand of a resume from "the last

visit to cardiologist".

July 27 2000

- rapport of Dr. Gordon Creenstein

(anatomy, not pathology) was

submitted to Immigration.

September 2000

another letter from IMS ordering

another urine test and then a visit to

an urologist.

September 19 2000

offensive letter from Immigration

officer. December 2000

IMS final negative decision confirming

the illegal prejudicial decision from

Nov. 99.


To Immigration's Canada Complaint Board

(faxes: (780) 632-8101 (514) 283-8237)

From Lev GUNIN (514-499-1294)


ON MAY 15 2000

By this letter we ask Immigration's agent assigned to my file to make a special ruling to order medical examinations for all members

of our family, not only for Alla GUNIN, my wife. As we know from our legal advisers, this procedure is required for all family members

for the landed immigrant's status. If you insist that only my wife has to do the medical examination, please, send us a written warrant.

We have a well-grounded suspicion that somebody might use the delay in ordering the medical examination for all members of our

family for artificial sabotage of issuing us the landed immigrant's status. We will appreciate your cooperation.



in name of family GUNIN

The 15 of May 2000


To Immigration's Complaints Board

(faxes: (780) 632-8101 (514) 283-8237) December 1 2000

From Lev GUNIN (514-499-1294)

I disagree with the Immigration Medical Services decision "ev 7001-850497Z" (with date mentioned: November 23, 2000) from

Ottawa, received by me on November 29, 2000 (anonymous - no name or signature). The goal of this ruling is not to establish the

medical truth but to put a hardship on my family (and me).

My arguments.

(See the decision's text - as it was red to me by dr. Giannakis - in Document N4: on the bottom)

1. The decision ruled that Mr. Giannakis's respond should be submitted before November 30, 2000. Why then the letter arrived only

on November 29? Does it mean that the date in the letter - "November 23" - was incorrect? Or the letter has not been sent in 2-3 days? Or - if it is known that a letter from Ottawa to Montreal goes 5-6 days - why then I was not given more time? I ask you to submit me an explanation what November 30 means and why not December 10 or January 15? I want to know how the agent justified that particular date. Was that small misconduct planned in advance?

2. The suggestion that somebody else went and did the x-ray instead of me was another serious assault. That suggestion was made in ignorance of the fact that on Clark Lab's official (original!) paper IMS (Immigration Medical Service) officer could see my name, date of birth, telephone number, name of the ordering physician, and the number of my medical card (which - everybody knows - has my photo on it). Besides, it mentioned the "MILD PECTUS EXCAVATUM", a cosmetic defect, which I have since birth. Besides, it is known that the film itself has a negative image of the whole ID data! Then this ungrounded abuse was based on nothing and went far beyond any medical or even legal matter.

3. The demand to send an original film from the November 14 x-ray in the light of two above disputed demands might be ungrounded. This x-ray film was already seen by 3 medical doctors: the radiologist at the Clark Lab, dr. Jast (who referred me and evaluated the film), and dr. Giannakis. All three came to a conclusion that there is NOTHING abnormal, not a slightest possibility.

Both dr. Jast and Giannakis also examined me. The official conclusion is NIL ACTIVE. Besides, it was informally evaluated by a chest specialist: with the same conclusion. What else the IMS agent needs? I have a well-grounded concern that 1) he/she will find a black spot even on the whitest paper - because he/she is determined to; and 2) after he/she will find "a black spot" the film will vanish, but not the IMS's "evaluation". Immigration pretended already many times (dates, documents might be provided) that lost our applications, medical data, etc.

4. It was an abuse to mention that "After overview if necessary applicant may have to be referred to the chest specialist." It is a prejudgment and prejudice. "...if necessary", "may" are just a form. It is a very clear message that he/she will not let me alone! Why to speak about next medical procedure before seeing the x-ray?

Lev GUNIN Dec. 01 2000


From Lev GUNIN ( 514-499-1294)

Document 5


(The letter was submitted on November 09 in respond to an anonymous letter from the Montreal Chest Institute received on November 6 2000; below you can find a modified version (November 12-14), which was submitted to the same destination on November 15).





From Lev GUNIN to anonymous person, author of the letter (the copy of the letter is enclosed).

Montreal Chest Institute

3666 St-Urbain

Montreal, QUEBEC H2X 2P4

Sir or Lady! Please, forward this letter to an appropriate Immigration department, which you mentioned on page 1 of your letter.

First of all, any suggestions that I could be infected by tuberculosis were ridiculous. I had some other suggestions, but later a medical doctor I spoke to - as well as my legal advisers - told me that the only answer of what happened is that Immigration might just make a false report on my x-ray. Besides, a x-ray could not determine whether or not any of such shadow means tuberculosis, or simply any kind of pneumonia, bronchitis, or a combination (see medical books). Any conclusions based on only one x-ray are ridiculous, partial, and prejudicial. In modern time - when there are so many flu infections accompanied by pneumonic consequences (side effects) such conclusions are a complete nonsense. It is obvious that your decision to attach me to the Infectious Disease Unit (IDU) before you have a 100 percent proof of any tuberculosis infection and initiate an appropriate legal procedure was a drastic misconduct. The only admissible way to handle the situation was (before sending me to the Infectious Disease Unit)

1) to request a second opinion in existing x-ray

2) to send me a letter for my physician for another x-ray.

On November 14 I did another x-ray. It revealed that there is no any suspicious shadow, no abnormalities - and (as my medical advisers told) could not be 2 weeks before, especially tuberculosis-like shadows. Was my x-ray photo (a negative) replaced by somebody else's or IMS (Immigration Medical Services) just falsified the reading of my x-rays, - I do not know. That all is a subject of a criminal investigation.

Because I am depressed, I did not notice that the Montreal Chest Institute (MCI) belongs to Royal Victoria Hospital, an institution I had several formal conflicts with. Somebody from the hospital's administration used to submit me an offensive number of requests for donation to the hospital even after I have sent a note that by then was on welfare. The hospital's administration also did an attempt to extort money from me for services, which were covered by Medicare. In that hospital I heard several times that people like me are "illegal in Canada and should not be given medical help "for the cost of Canadians". Then I was treated by negligence at the emergency room, then - it was a medical misconduct over my CSST claim. Dr. Evenson's M.D. (Royal Victoria) secretary played games with me, actually denying an appointment from May till November 2000. A number of legal and medical violations used to take place there. And in all such minor incidents immigration matters or even Immigration itself were involved. One of immigration specialists advised me not to turn to Royal Victoria because that hospital is "enormously influenced by Immigration".

The fact that a page with a request for a donation to the Royal Victoria Hospital was included into your letter was another outraged abuse.

Eventually it is possible that doctor Giannakis had sent me for x-ray not to "La Cite" - as my mom and my wife, - or another medical institution but to Montreal Chest Institute because he received an order (not a request but an order, which he could not disobey as an Immigration representative) from Immigration to do so.

By this letter I declare that I am considering your way of handling the situation dangerously offensive and depriving me of my constitutional rights because of the above mentioned as well as the next reasons:

FIRST, I will DISREGARD any anonymous letters like your present one until a letter from you would be signed, addressed from a real person with his/her clear name and telephone number.

SECOND, you have no legal rights to treat me as a contagious carrier until an undeniable medical proof is established.

THIRD, by sending me to the IDU you may expose me to contacts with real infected carriers.

FOURTH, you are not a police, Immigration, secret police or death squads to a) act secretly-anonymously refusing to sign your letter,

b) to write me anything like "by Immigration law, you are requested (...)". Since you are not immigration layers or Immigration officials, you are forbidden to judge in a case like mine what Immigration law requires. Such a statement in a case like mine must be submitted only directly from Immigration. If you are part of Immigration (officially) - then my rights were violated when I wasn't informed about that before doing the x-ray at your unit.

FIFTH, my legal advisors, and me, we are confident that you have no legal rights to deprive me of choosing between medical institutions for medical tests or evaluation. You can not bring me to do a test or an evaluation exclusively in your institution by a forceful order. This will violate my basic human rigDocument 5hts. Even KGB had no official rights to oblige anybody who was not an imprisoned suspect or convinced criminal to do a medical evaluation without some sort of choice.

SIXTH, I would ask Immigration to allow me do another x-ray before doing anything else.

SEVENTH, evaluating my case, some human rights activists think that somebody at Immigration is so furious, so angry about me and that such an outraged misconduct was demonstrated in my case that Immigration is eventually ready to do any damage to my health through blood, e-ray tests or sadistic bureaucratic humiliations.

EIGHTH, I think that the most realistic explanations of an eventual abnormality, which could be seen on the x-ray picture, were:

1) eventual shadow from the underwear, which I did not remove from on beneath of the hospital robe, and the robe itself, which I've putted on in a wrong way

2) a dust spot or another kind of essence on the hospital robe

3) traces of somehow inhaled gas different from air

4) reading of a normal x-ray (with no abnormalities) was deliberately falsified by IMS

NINTH, before doing the e-ray I received a strange call from Immigration, through which I was accused of refusing a "medical treatment".

TENTH, your medical ethics should not allow you to send me to the IDU before making your own medical conclusions (decision) based not on Immigration's rapport but of your own evaluation of my x-ray test result.

ELEVENTH, my legal advisors have told me that I have rights to ask for a possibility to discuss my x-ray result with any of your medical institution specialists dedicated to such evaluations before going further. It is you (on behalf of Immigration or not - it is does not matter) who are sending me to Infectious Disease Unit. Because you are sending me to such a unit, you can not deny me such a discussion. I would like to see the x-ray original, which was made in your institution on November 1 2000 - and also show Document

5it to my medical advisors.

TWELVETH, I prefer not to go through further tests or evaluations in immigration matters (for medical purposes - it's different) at your institution.

Yours truly,


November 2000 Montreal

- Document Number Nine

RESUME of my visit to Montreal Chest Institute on December 2 2000

OBJECT Of the Visit:

1) to receive an official result (medical resume-evaluation) of my x-ray test done on November 1 2000

2) find out where is the original film and try to obtain it for making a copy


November 23 2000. I have managed to find out who sent me the anonymous letter (described in Documents 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6) from

Montreal Chest Institute (MCI). It was M-me Lucy Gefroy (Jefroi or Joyfroid?). According to the same sources: she's never seen that x-ray. I left her my message on 849-5211 (ex 2166). She called me at 2.15 p.m. anonymously ("private call" indication) - and asked me what I want. She confessed that she is M-me Lucy only when I told her that recognized her voice comparing it to her answering machine message. That only could tell about her insincerity and guilt. I spoke with her in French, but when I did not know some medical terminology in French, and used English, she pretended that does not speak English at all. However, when I switched to French again, she started to speak bad English, which I could not understand. It was difficult to get along with her, but finally I convinced her to speak French again - and asked her a couple of questions.

Here they are:

- Did you see the x-ray?

- Yes, I did.

- What kind of a shadow did you see, mild? bright? what its form? On the right or left side?

- I can not tell you.

- Where is this x-ray film now?

- I can not tell you.

- Is it at MCI?

- Immigration took it from us, and, I think, it was lost.

- What do you mean - lost?

- Vanished somewhere at Immigration.

- Can I obtain the result?

- Listen, your case here is closed. You don't have to come here. Not any more. We disabled our previous letter's order. Bye.

She disconnected.

RESULTS of the visit.

At MCI's medical archive employers did not find any records about my x-ray in the computer. They told me that a mistake might

occur - because if even I did the x-ray for Immigration, its data (result, date, etc.) since November 1 had to be entered into the


Before I could enter room number 28 a small blond man appeared and approached me as in espionage novels (how could he

react so quickly, who warned him during my descending from the second to the first floor?) "You will receive nothing here. And you will be prosecuted for refusing to see the doctor, - he shouted to me. "I was told that my x-ray has vanished, and came to check, and also to obtain the result". He became almost pale - so visually he was frightened, as if he lost a million of dollars. He disappeared behind the gray door and soon came out with an envelope (my name and photo on it) and signs of a deep relief. "Here it is, - he told.

- You must visit a doctor because you have tuberculosis". "Are you confident about TB you mentioned?" - "Yes, I am". - "I was told that my case here is cancelled - and I don't have to appear". - "Nobody could tell you that. You will be prosecuted for your refusal!"

"Your conclusions about the x-ray was a mistake, Sir, and the film reveals a technical defect or a shadow of underwear, which I did not remove. Take a look - and let me see". - "It is possible. But the law says that you must see a doctor anyway, if even this is our mistake". - "What law, what paragraph? Then - I have a constitutional right to choose another institution, not yours, to pay such a visit". Then he started screaming on me: "You don't want to pay, ah? You don't want to donate to our hospital? You came to Canada and want to enjoy our good life without giving anything back? If you don't pay by your fucken money - you'll pay by your fucken ass!" - I tried to say "This is not only because of money, this is because I can not trust you!" but he kept screaming on me - and I left him. Before I left the hospital I could find out that there is no official result in my case. No paper, no evaluation. Only a checkpoint on the envelope, in category "4". What if somebody just made a wrong hand movement - and checked a wrong place?

I did not go to MCI any more. Later I discovered through other ways that the category 4 means "pulmonary noodles", which was completely inapplicable to me!

RESUME: Anyone can see that drastic misconduct toward me (or in general), and hatred towards me (or towards all

immigration-seekers in general?) could explain what's going on in that institution and what happened around my x-ray.

REMARK: This is not a documentary story. To show the emotional impression I have distorted some small details. This is more like a literary piece. However, it is precise in revealing what we are dealing with. Also the words of Madam Lucy and Mister Doctor were cited with a precise accuracy.

Yours truly,


Лев Гунин. Приложения к работе "ГУЛАГ ПАЛЕСТИНЫ"




В своей статье в "CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS" "WHY I AM ANTI-ANTI-ZIONIST" (июнь, 2001) один из главных сионистских идеологов Канады, активист, журналист, постоянный корреспондент монреальской "THE GAZETTE", приравнял несогласие с идеологией современного сионизма

к антисемитизму, враждебному отношению к Израилю и даже терроризму. Подобная позиция высказывается с начала 1990-х годов израильскими лидерами и лидерами мирового еврейства, главными еврейскими газетами мира и наиболее влиятельными еврейскими экстремистами. В статье "Internet the New Domain of Middle East Conflict" в газете "Canadian Jewish news" (December, 2000) намеренно сваливаются в кучу какая бы то ни была критика Израиля в Интернет, подрывная деятельность и хакерские демарши. "Безобидные" взломы израильских вэб сайтов, в результате которых не пострадал ни один человек, идеологическая борьба с сионизмом в легальных рамках, частная критика государства Израиль в Интернет - все объявляется "сибер-терроризмом", приравнивается к терроризму уголовному (к взрыву бомб - и т.д.), вслед за чем следует обещание военного ответа Израиля. От имени еврейского государства статья в этом официальном органе еврейских властей Канады обещает военный ответ на любую критику государства Израиль. Еще более вопиющим звучит признание в том, что израильская военная машина стоит за "контрпропагандой" и за деятельностью про-израильских хакеров. При этом враждебные Израилю хакеры объявляются террористами, а израильские хакеры героями! Эта статья - открытое запугивание всех, кто осмеливается критиковать политику и идеологию государства Израиль в Интернет. Можно не сомневаться, что это официальная точка зрения как самих израильских властей, так и еврейских лидеров диаспоры на сегодняшний день.

Таким образом, ситуация менялась так: сначала (еще совсем недавно - в 1970-х) считалось "необязательным", чтобы все евреи поголовно были ярыми сионистами. Потом для того, чтобы оставаться в рамках еврейской общинной жизни, стало требоваться скрывать свое несогласие с сионистской идеологией или даже выражать свои сионистские взгляды. И, наконец, теперь быть сионистами обязательно не только для евреев, но и для не евреев тоже, в противном случае тебе грозят серьезные неприятности. Итак, еврейский тоталитаризм завершил свою эволюции, развившись к настоящему времени в свою крайнюю форму, с тенденцией к мировому контролю и тотальному промыванию мозгов. Наиболее символичный демарш еврейских экстремистов - суд и глумление над британским историком Дэйвидом Ирвингом.

В следующем тексте на английском языке речь идет о мировом заговоре еврейских экстремистов, охвативших тотальным контролем все средства массовой информации, академические учреждения, издательства, Интернет, и так далее, с целью не допустить ни появления ни одной книги, ни одной статьи, ни одного комментария, ни одного вэб сайта, расходящихся с официальной сионистской доктриной по любому ряду вопросов, представляющему для сионизма тот или иной интерес: по истории, религии, археологии, политологии, и так далее. Речь идет о мировой сионистской цензуре. Своих целей сионисты добиваются через суды, травлю авторов, избиения, убийства, запугивания, подкуп, преследования. Такие еврейские экстремистские организации как Анти-Дефамационная Лига, Лига Защиты Евреев, Бней Брит, Институт Против Терроризма, а также организации "общего" типа, такие, как Всемирный Еврейский Конгресс и другие, занимаются отслеживанием, выявлением всех, не согласных с современной официальной сионистской идеологией, составлением досье на этих людей, и в дальнейшем - преследованием последних. Те, кто открыто выражает свое несогласие с сионистской идеологией, сталкиваются с разными неприятностями: с объявлением их фашистами, с выдвинутыми против них еврейскими организациями судебными исками, с отстранением от работы (особенно в академических кругах), с запретом на их публикации, с депортацией из той или иной страны или с запретом на въезд в ту или иную страну, и так далее. Все это мы узнаем из следующего текста, помещенного про-демократическим сайтом Mowchuk, который принадлежит активисту Мани Саиду.

Помещение следующих материалов нами не означает, что мы согласны со всеми их взглядами и позициями, но ситуация настолько осложнилась и еврейский мировой тоталитаризм настолько укрепился, что любое, альтернативное ему, мнение, имеет право на то, чтобы быть узнанным. Из верности демократическим принципам мы также даем некоторые материалы, связанные с альтернативным нашему мнением. По ним читатель может составить свое впечатление об уровне и накале идеологической борьбы, какая может быть вполне сравнима с накалом холодной войны. Разница только в том, что в холодной войне друг другу противостояли государства. А в холодной войне, развязанной современным сионизмом, государства Запада стоят не на стороне своих граждан - жертв сионистской агрессии и цензуры, а на стороне злейшего врага европейской культуры: государства Израиль.


Jewish organization like Anti-Defamation Ligue, Bnei Brith, so-called Institute

Against Terrorism, Jewish Congress and others are censoring any material about Israel, Judaism, Holocaust, Jewish criminal activity, human rights violations by Israel and Diaspora Jewish groups, etc. It not only violates basic principles of democracy and free speech, but also gives the world Jewish extremists the total control over media and - indirectly governments of independent countries like USA, Canada, and others. Through an excuse of fighting anti-Semitism Jewish extremists actually controlling vide range of topics, practically any one, not only historical or political, but also cultural, religious, and any other. In many ways they for example suppressed and forbidden Christianity. There are no Christian signs, symbolic, ads, announcements, placards etc. in Canadian cities any more. In the same time there are lots of open Judaism propaganda and missionary placards, signs, ads, etc.

By forcing Immigration of the variety of countries to prevent people, whose ideas they don't tolerate, from traveling, or to persecute dissidents, Jewish extremists are executing functions of sovereign governments. In Canada they completely seized the control over Immigration Canada, which became a Jewish institution, and this institution is getting more and more power, replacing the government. In reality they control many of the governmental institutions. Little by little we became citizens of a new totalitarian colonial Jewish Empire, which is constantly expanding and already includes Canada, US, and a number of European countries.

Like any totalitarian colonial power Jewish Extremism is using (against dissidents) legal or conspiratory persecutions, lawsuits, administrative pressure, batteries, imprisonment, devastation of their victims' social, professional, or economic status. Jewish persecutors act very much as the "KGB of the modern western world". (MORE).


The whole military, political, police, intelligence and public machine of the State of Israel and the powerful Jewish lobbies is used not only against people who deny Jewish genocide of 1930-s-40-s, but against those who would like to discuss the correctness of numbers, facts, or attitude towards the history. Amorality of the Jewish "morality defenders" is first of all their conflict of interests. For the Jewish extremists Holocaust became a busyness, a carnage of vicious vultures on top of millions of dead. They are making a fantastic income on the bones of Auschwiz or Maidanek victims. Jewish writer and human rights activist Gregory SVIRSKY called this carnage the most amoral thing in Jewish history. The next amoral thing is that not the victims of Holocaust and their descendants are benefiting from the fantastic compensation provided by the Western world to the global Jewish community, but mostly Israeli government and the extremist Jewish organizations. There are thousands of financial violations in the process of transferring the contributed money from the Israeli government and "committees" to ordinary people. Here is just a small example. Elisabetha EPSTEIN (Montreal) was issued the German compensation as a person who flied from the German occupation zone. This compensation was frozen by the Israeli authorities because she was the mother of a dissident and a refugee claimant from Israel in Canada. Money, which she had to receive, was consumed by the Israeli government!

The State of Israel has no moral rights to be a representative of the former genocide (Holocaust) victims also because the Israeli regime itself is guilty in Palestinian and Russian genocide (see MORE).

Israel as a successor of the Jewish North American and Zionist Jewish politicians of the 1930-s must pay a huge contribution to the victims of Holocaust and their descendants because shares responsibility for the genocide of European Jews. Since the 30-s there was a tendency to wish elimination of European Ashkenazi Jews. North American Jews, Zionists and some Sephardic leaders treated European Jews as degraded and wanted them out of the picture. Zionist leaders did not hide their sympathy to the Nazis because they both ideologically were national socialists. Contacts between Palestinian Jewish "Ishuv" leaders - and the top nazi leaders, and between Zionist - and German leadership in 1930-s-40-s is a well-known historical fact. Actually, Zionists were fought on the German side, against Britain. Notes of loyalty of the Ishuv to German Nazis were also well known. By racism, hatred between different ethnical and sub ethnical groups, fascist ideology and nazi laws Israel is a sole political successor of the Nazi Germany. Zionist leaders did not care to hide their joy about the elimination of the "assimilated" European Jews and the conviction that the Zionist homeland must be rebuild, based on the Catastrophe of European Jews. Israeli orthodox religious leaders pointed many times that European Jews were "punished" by genocide "because of assimilation". Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" was translated to Hebrew and became the most popular among "sabras" (Israel-born natives) youths book. Watching movies like the "List of Schindler", young Israeli neo-nazis are applauding the fascist murderers because they adore Nazis for their "strong will" and "no sentiments". (see MORE).


The State of Israel has innumerous anti-Christian, anti-European, anti-Western and anti-capitalist laws and practices. A permanent anti-Christian propaganda presents on all levels of political and everyday life in Israel, and became a part of education, ideology, rules and even laws in Israel. New anti missionary (anti-Christian) legislation goes even further, threatening to punish people for possession of a Christian Bible, a picture of a church, a Christmas Tree or a tape of Christian religious music. Classical pieces with a Christian background like passions or messes were almost completely washed out of the repertoire of the Israeli symphonic orchestras. Composers like R. Wagner or R. Schtraus were actually forbidden in Israel because of the ideological reasons. Christians are severely persecuted in Israel, by the state as well as by the crowd - and have no real police protection. Classical music, European literature, any aspect of European culture became hardly accessible in Israel. The Israeli government initiated a grotesque and barbaric project to destroy all European architecture on Israel's territory. They destroyed and continue destroying old cities of Tel Aviv, Haifa, and other urban centers, where European architectural styles like Bauhaus, Ugendstill, neo-gothic, etc. were dominated or at least highly presented. There are legislation to forbid Christians and "assimilated" ("Russians") to reside in Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and other cities. Israeli solders were entering Armenian, Arab, and other churches - and used to open fire "to kill Christians". Israeli government is stalking Muslim and Christian communities by giving licenses to build new mosques beside the churches. Israeli official ideology prefers tolerance towards Islam, but not Christianity. Israel is ruled by so-called Jewish religious laws, a kind of an "iron curtain", which stops any information about the outside world, European culture, Christian traditions, values and historical background. Israeli political and religious circles are encouraging the puppet Palestinian authority to persecute Christians, close Christian churches and make access for holy Christian objects in Palestine difficult for Christian pilgrims. Christians are victims of various assaults in Israel. Israeli propaganda associates Christians with guilt, crimes, and evil. Ideology highly controls all sides of the social life in Israel, allowing "public watchdogs" monitoring what people eat, what they buy, what they read or cook. In Israel you can not open a restaurant, a store or another busyness without the meeting the requirement of the Jewish religion, what means that Christians are discriminated in theirs basic rights. Jewish Extremists are hypocrites when they talk about anti-Semitism because they know very well that Christians and other minorities are discriminated and persecuted in Israel. (see MORE)


Since 1960-s Israeli propaganda machine, Israeli embassy in Moscow,

Sochnut and intelligent services began to provoke Soviet citizens to

immigrate to Israel. Most of the Russian-speaking people were persecuted

and discriminated in Israel even by then. However, close to 1990-s this

tendency has developed in a real "small genocide". In the 1980-s 1990-s

almost 700 thousands people from USSR (and - later - post USSR) were

smartly pushed to Israel by deception, provocation, sometimes by force.

Israelis had plans to turn most of them into servants and slaves to

replace Arabs, who became too dangerous for "sabras" and "vatikim".

"Russians" were deprived of any social or translation assistance. Sochnut

and the Ministry of Absorption (Immigration) only pretended to provide

some assistance, in reality not giving any. "Russian" puppet organizations

like Sharansky's Zionist Forum, etc. were founded by the Israeli government

and provided no real help either. New "Russian" immigrants were left

one on one with the housing agents (mediators) or landlords, employers,

etc. Most of them became victims of indescribable frauds and cheating.

"Russian" immigrants were deprived of real welfare or financial assistance.

They were forced to pay $500 - 600 a months for 2-3 - room neglected,

non renovated apartments, and deprived of the social houses. When hundreds

of thousands of the government-subsidized fresh-constructed apartments

stood empty, thousands of "Russian" families found themselves on the

verge of evictions or homeless in the streets. Under International, Jewish

Diaspora's and internal criticism the Israeli government in a stubborn

intention not to give "Russians" social houses started to import astronomically

expensive one-room caravans, which price was higher then a construction

of a conventional apartment. Caravan villages, intentionally placed

in wilderness, far from cities, with no schools, cultural facilities

or clubs, surrounded by barbed wires like prisons, intentionally populated

not only by "Russians" but also by Hebrew speaking criminals, declassed

social elements, drug-users, alcoholics, and by new arrivals from underdeveloped

African countries, became artificially-created first "Russian" ghettoes.

At summer caravans inhabitants suffered from unbearable heat, at winter

- from cold. Each caravan was an overcrowded, miserable tiny place,

never designed as a habitation. Caravan villages were dirty, devastated

cloaks, where generations of undereducated, non cultural, futureless

"Russian" kids were raised. Arik SHARON, by then - Minister of Construction,

- was mostly responsible for that. Israeli media and state propaganda

was rousing hatred towards Russian speaking people by portraying them

as enemies, alcoholics, undeveloped, wild people. Crimes against "Russians"

like assaults, batteries, insults, rapes, fraud, racism, discrimination,

expropriation of property or vandalism against property, lawfulness

illegal evictions, and many others, were never stopped or prosecuted. "Russians"

had no police protection. "Russian" children were discriminated, abused,

beaten, killed at schools or even pre-schools, tens of thousands of

"Russian" women have been raped, "Russian" workers were not paid at

all or paid less then the minimum wage, abused, beaten, and injured

at work. Two sections of Israeli law - "Kablanut" and "Kviyut" codes

- enabled to turn many "Russians" into temporary or permanent slaves.

What we see today as assaults on Arabs was in 1990-s "rehearsed" on

"Russians". Because there were no labor norms of exploiting "kablan"-hired

unprotected "Russians", thousands and thousands were injured, killed,

or became handicapped at work. Assaults on "Russians" and rapes of Russian

speaking women became a kind of a sport for Hebrew speaking neighbors,

employers, or supervisors, and the policemen. No killer or rapist was

never prosecuted! The main excuse for crimes against the Russian speaking

people in Israel was that Russians are hidden Christians. "Russians"

were forced to leave biggest Israeli cities, new legislation to restrict

them from residing in Haifa, Jerusalem, or Tel Aviv. They were moved

to "developing" cities with no work and law life standards like Afula,

Ashdod, Kiriat-Gat, Dimona, Beer-Sheva, etc. There artificial secondary

(after caravans) "Russian" ghettos were created, where new generations

of "Russians" are raised in poverty, discrimination, futureless and forced

to the criminal sphere of life. Hundreds of thousands of "Russians"

fled Israel. Israeli government and the local Jewish organizations like

Bnei Brith are responsible for persecuting these people in Canada, USA,

and Europe, influencing or invading immigration institutions in many

countries to force them back to Israel. (see More)

Resources about persecutions of the Russian-speaking people in Israel:

Gregory SVIRSKY, Efraim SEVELA, Efraim MELAMED, Michael DORFMAN,


ZIKOL, etc. Main works on "small" Russian genocide in Israel: Lev

GUNIN.GULAG of Palestine. (Editor - Svetlana EPIFANOVA). Lev GUNIN.



Let's imagine that lobbies of nation X around the world

made any discussions about X-ish genocide forbidden, and this is when

the leaders of X-s continue benefiting from enormous compensation almost

a century after the genocide. Using historically inevitable from time

to time unfriendly tendencies towards just any minority as an excuse,

nation's X leaders are using excessive force against any manifestation

of such unfriendly attitude or even what they wrongly interpreting as

"unfriendly". Consequently denouncing bloody crimes against

humanity of the regime of the State of X and local X-s councils (organizations)

in Diaspora is called "xenophobia". Anybody, who raised deep

questions about the human rights situation in the State of X and within

local X-s communities, is severely persecuted. Naturally, such a policy

would provoke spontaneous anti-X-ers feelings, and the denial of X-ish

genocide as the most natural automatic reaction. In the same way simple

as not very simple people will always test extremes of the "Jewish

power"; and "Jewish conspiracy" by denying Holocaust and

watching an expected Jewish excessive force in return. Blocking any

civilized discussion about any topic directly or indirectly involving

Jews (on historical, philosophical, ethical, religious level), Jewish

extremists will face more and more dangerous for innocent ordinary Jews

response on the primitive level. Jewish extremist organizations and

the government of Israel do not care about safety and wealth of ordinary

Jews. They represent a mighty totalitarian power, which exist in no

one interests. Only a small group of bastards benefits from this power.

This power became a modern inquisition, one of the modern Evils. However,

only one of Them. Communist regimes, eastern dictatorships, Indian-type

"democracies" (Israel is just one of them), anti-European

regimes like Pakistan, Afganistan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, etc.

they are the same. We (people who consider themselves as Europeans,

no matter what skin color or face they have) must understand who are

enemies and who are friends of Europe. We have already our culture half

destroyed, our leaders corrupted by the Eastern powers, our countries

in Northern hemisphere (plus Australia) have been already transformed

into a "transitional" (remember: Eastern block, Western

block?) between capitalism (democracy) - and Eastern-type tyranny-slavery.

Since 1980-s, by eliminating civil freedoms and privacy, Western governments

slowly but inevitably transforming their countries into societies of

the eastern type. Jewish extremism is an important player in this process

of blowing up the European civilization from within. Jewish extremists

are traditionally anti-democratic reactionaries, who's goals are to destroy

democracy and progressive thinking everywhere. Their doctrine is to

take just any rights from the people, turn majority into slaves, and

eliminate basic human rights and freedoms. Their main allay is not USA

or Canada - as most of us are thinking - but UK. How comes that Israel,

a country, where Christians are persecute, beaten and humiliated, became

the most important "friend" of the Christian world? How comes that the

most brutal regimes in the world - like India, Israel, Pakistan, or

Kazakstan, were called democracies? Why and by whom Saudi Arabia, Bahrain,

South Korea, Kazahstan, Israel and other countries with hatred to European

culture and anti-European propaganda were considered as allays - and

Iraq, Lebanon, Iran, or Serbia - not? Tyranny, starvation, exploitation

of children, numbers of repressed people, scale of poverty and homelessness

in Iraq, Iran, and some other anti-democracies are several times lower

then in "great democracies" like India or Israel, where wide number

of people are treated like cattle. How comes that Israel, a country,

where Christians are persecute, beaten and humiliated, became the most

important "friend" of the Christian world? How comes that the most brutal

regimes in the world - like India, Israel, Pakistan, or Kazakstan, were

called democracies? Why and by whom Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, South Korea,

Kazahstan, Israel and other countries with hatred to European culture

and anti-European propaganda were considered as allays - and Iraq, Lebanon,

Iran, or Serbia - not? Tyranny, starvation, exploitation of children,

numbers of repressed people, scale of poverty and homelessness in Iraq,

Iran, and some other anti-democracies are several times lower then in

"great democracies" like India or Israel, where wide number of people

are treated like cattle. Instead of supporting nations, which are historically,

traditionally, culturally closer to Europeans, our rulers, corrupted

or threatened by the Eastern regimes like Israel, are supporting our

most furious enemies. Support, which is given to the Jewish Extremists

by the governments of the Western world, is not popular. People are

not supporting it. Sooner or later this situation will resolve in pogroms

and insults against the ordinary Jews. We all must be awaken before

it not too late...

MORE (1)


1. Demonizing nations

(Jewish extremists' lie and columniation of the whole nations like Ukrainians and Polish)

2. Israel-Jewish Diaspora World-Wide criminal activity

(Jewish extremists lobbism is behind the cover up of the Israel-related criminal activity world wide and money laundering)

3. Dissidents - victims of the Jewish Extremists' global totalitarian power (Israeli military assault against Western democracy)

(Thousands or maybe millions of people are persecuted by Jewish totalitarian machine all over the world. Persecutions include kidnapping, executions, assassinations, batteries, and administrative, financial and other terror)

4. Politically and Criminally Motivated Jewish Medical Mafia

5. Victor Ostrovsky's "By Way of Deception" extracts

1. Demonizing nations

(Jewish extremists' lie and columniation of the whole nations like Ukrainians and Polish)



HOME DISINFORMATION 60 MINUTES 19628 hits since 26Jan98

We saw above that an entire Ukrainian family was shot by the Nazis for hiding a Jewish woman,

but can we find a single instance of an entire Jewish family being shot by the Bolsheviks for hiding

a Ukrainian woman? We saw above that the Ukrainian mayor of a town was shot by the Nazis for

helping Jews, but can we find a single instance of a Jewish mayor - and there were many

Jewish mayors in Ukraine - being shot by the Bolsheviks for helping Ukrainians? We saw above

Metropolitan Sheptytsky risking his life and the lives of other Ukrainians by hiding Jews on church

property, but can we find a single instance of a rabbi risking his life and the lives of other Jews by

hiding Ukrainians on synagogue property?

The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes

Lubomyr Prytulak

Last updated:

9Feb98 Rudolph Vrba Accusation added to the section on "Paralysis of the Comparative Function"

24Feb98 Einsatzgruppen quotes added to the section on "What Happened in Lviv?"

28Mar98 Himmler quote added toward the bottom of "Were Ukrainians Nazis?"

9Jun98 Link to Shapoval added toward the bottom of "What Happened in Lviv? During the preceding few days"

13Jun98 Link to Sion-Osnova Controversy added to the bottom of "Quality of Translation"

13Jun98 Link to discussion of Jewish Ghetto Police added to the bottom of "Collective Guilt"

24Feb99 Comparison of German SS and Ukrainian Waffen-SS oaths added to "The Galicia Division"

24Mar99 External link to Symon Petliura page at bottom of "Symon Petliura"

12Jun99 Elaboration with external link at bottom of "Sol Littman's Mengele Scare"

13Jun99 Comment on Jewish chain of command within CBS added to "Preface"

03Jul99 Nine quotes added near bottom of "What Happened in Lviv?"



The Galicia Division

Quality of Translation

Ukrainian Homogeneity

Were Ukrainians Nazis?

Simon Wiesenthal

What Happened in Lviv?

Nazi Propaganda Film

Collective Guilt

Paralysis of the Comparative


60 Minutes' Cheap Shots

Ukrainian Anti-Semitism

Jewish Ukrainophobia


A Sense of Responsibility

What 60 Minutes Should Do



On 23 Oct 1994, CBS television broadcast a twelve-minute segment on its weekly

investigative-journalism show 60 Minutes titled The Ugly Face of Freedom, produced by Jeffrey

Fager and hosted by Morley Safer. The program's goal was to indict Ukrainian society and

history and to discredit the legitimacy of the Ukrainian State. The program's method was to

pack the broadcast with what may be the most concentrated segment of disinformation, calumny,

and hatred ever to make its appearance in the mainstream media. The program had been ready for

over half a year, but was not broadcast until the first official visit to the United States of

Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma. Whether this timing was by coincidence or design became the

subject of comment among some program viewers.

From the beginning of the affair, it could not escape notice that this broadcast was not only an

attack upon Ukrainians and upon the nation of Ukraine, but that it was a Jewish attack, this

because every last person bearing responsibility for the broadcast, from the very top of the

chain of command to the very bottom, was Jewish:

Laurence Tisch, Chairman and CEO of CBS

Eric Ober, President of CBS News

Don Hewitt, Executive Producer of 60 Minutes

Jeffrey Fager, Producer of The Ugly Face of Freedom

Morley Safer, Program Host

Simon Wiesenthal, one of the two featured program witnesses

Yaakov Bleich, the other of the two featured program witnesses

That attacks upon Ukraine come overwhelmingly from Jews has been amply documented on the

Ukrainian Archive (UKAR), as for example in the discussion of Jerzy Kosinski, where it is noted

that ten out of ten of the leading calumniators of Ukraine are Jews. Possible reasons for this

phenomenon have been discussed throughout UKAR, with three of the chief reasons being: (1) the

acceleration of the brain drain from Ukraine to Israel with the help of a partly-magnified and

partly-incited resentment against Jews, (2) the heightening of Jewish cohesion through the

inculcation of fear and hatred of Gentiles, as by the Jewish keeping alive of a distorted memory

of the Khmelnytsky rebellion of 1648, and (3) the need to discredit the historical observation

that Jews typically victimize Ukrainians by inculcating the opposite image of Ukrainians

victimizing Jews.

On 15 Nov 1994, I mailed a letter to then CBS Chairman Laurence A. Tisch which consisted of a

lengthy critique of the 60 Minutes broadcast. I simultaneously mailed copies of this letter to

the host of the broadcast, Morley Safer, as well as the co-hosts Ed Bradley, Steve Kroft, Lesley

Stahl, and Mike Wallace. I received no reply from any of them. On 17 Dec 1994, I mailed a

covering letter to Laurence Tisch together with an expanded version of my critique (the critique

was now titled The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes, and was dated 11 Dec 1994), with copies to the same

host and co-hosts. I again received no reply.

In an attempt to clarify the accuracy of the 60 Minutes broadcast, other letters were sent,

among them letters to Michael Jordan, Chairman of Westinghouse, following the Westinghouse

purchase of CBS in 1995, letters to Simon Wiesenthal, star witness on The Ugly Face of Freedom,

and letters to Rabbi Yaakov Bleich, supporting witness on the same program. Nor were my letters

the only ones sent - in fact, CBS received some 16,000 pieces of mail protesting the 60 Minutes

broadcast. To my knowledge, not a single one of these letters has ever been answered, or even

acknowledged, the muteness of CBS and others involved leaving the impression that they are

unable to muster any defense for the 60 Minutes broadcast.

At that time, and since, I have circulated copies of my critique widely, and have received many

favorable comments. In a small number of instances, I was grateful for helpful suggestions as

to minor revisions; however, no one challenged any of my major criticisms or arguments,

encouraging me to believe that these were fundamentally correct.

Below you will find the latest version of this same critique, substantially longer and more

detailed than the original, but basically offering no more than an elaboration of the material

already long in the hands of CBS. I will not again waste postage mailing this critique to CBS

with the advent of the internet, there are less costly ways to disseminate information; if CBS

wants to see this latest version, it will have no trouble finding it.

The defects of the 60 Minutes broadcast as so multifarious, that it is difficult to capture them

in one brief statement. If one were to attempt to do so, then the statement might mention that

60 Minutes misrepresented the historical record, provided mistranslations of statements

originally made in Ukrainian, suppressed pertinent information concerning Ukrainian-Jewish

relations during World War II, encouraged retrogressive notions of collective guilt, altered the

dates on which events were supposed to have occurred, doctored the sound track, accepted dubious

and implausible statements from sources whose credibility had not been established or whose

credibility should have been suspect, and generally in numerous instances employed questionable

evidence to point to conclusions that were untrue, provocative, and inflammatory. There follows

below an outline of the chief defects of this 60 Minutes broadcast.



The Galicia Division

Quality of Translation

Ukrainian Homogeneity

Were Ukrainians Nazis?

Simon Wiesenthal

What Happened in Lviv?

Nazi Propaganda Film

Collective Guilt

Paralysis of the Comparative


60 Minutes' Cheap Shots

Ukrainian Anti-Semitism

Jewish Ukrainophobia


A Sense of Responsibility

What 60 Minutes Should Do


The Galicia Division

60 Minutes' chief piece of evidence for Ukrainian anti-Semitism and predilection for Naziism

seems to be the official celebrations commemorating the Galicia Division. Elderly men in

civilian dress are shown wearing military insignia in a recent reunion in the city of Lviv,

Ukraine (Lvov in Russian, Lwow in Polish, formerly Lemberg). Mr. Safer informs us that

"Thousands of Ukrainians joined the SS and marched off to fight for Naziism," and that "Nowhere,

not even in Germany, are the SS so openly celebrated," and that "Many of the Ukrainian men of

Lvov who marched off as members of the SS never returned - killed fighting for Hitler."

The impression created in the viewer's mind is that these veterans are unanimously guilty of war

crimes and crimes against humanity, that they were once supporters of and now continue to be

admirers of Hitler, that they sympathized with Nazi ambitions during World War II, that they are

the remnants of a much larger group of Ukrainians who shared a similar orientation, and that as

their reunion was sanctioned by the Lviv City Council and the Ukrainian Catholic Church, similar

charges must apply to Ukrainians generally. To all this, however, I must echo Cardinal

Lubachivsky's words: "It is not true!"

The Galicia Division was recruited by the Germans only well into the war, in the summer and fall

of 1943 when they were beginning to experience setbacks on their Eastern front. That the

Galicia Division was considered an "SS" division does not bear the significance given it by 60

Minutes - it was a Waffen SS division, which is quite a different thing: "Like other German

volunteer units, the Division Halychyna [Galicia] was included in the 14th Grenadier Division of

the SS-Waffen." (Ukraine: A Concise Encyclopaedia, Volume 2, p. 1088.)

Five qualities of the Galicia Division make it a most atypical component of the stereotype of

the SS: (1) it was strictly a combat unit and so played no role in the management of

concentration camps or death camps, (2) its Ukrainian members wore a lion rampant instead of an

"SS" on their right collars during most of the life of the division, (3) it was accompanied by

Ukrainian chaplains who attended to the spiritual needs of the troops, (4) it was kept separate

from other German forces, and (5) it was created with the proviso that it never be used against

the Western Allies, but only against Soviet forces on the Eastern front. These five qualities

alone render the Galicia Division an entity unlike any that was being conjured up in the minds

of 60 Minutes viewers.

Photographs contrasting different insignia of

German and Ukrainian members of the Galicia


Of course the members of any military unit will be required to swear oaths of obedience to the

Commander-in-Chief. No fighting force can function without such an oath, and the members of the

Galicia Division were unable to avoid swearing one. However, compare the differences in the

German SS oath and the Ukrainian Waffen-SS oath:

German SS Oath

"I swear to you Adolf Hitler, as Leader and Chancellor of the Reich, loyalty

and valor. I vow to you and all those you place over me obedience until

death, so help me God."

Ukrainian Waffen-SS Oath

"I swear by God this holy oath, that in the struggle against Bolshevism I will

give the Commander-in-Chief of the German Armed Forces, Adolf Hitler, absolute

obedience, and if it be his will, as a fearless soldier, I will always be

prepared to lay down my life for this oath." (Richard Landwehr, Fighting for

Freedom: The Ukrainian Volunteer Division of the Waffen-SS, Bibliophile Legion

Books, Silver Spring, Maryland, 1985, p. 45)

Here are three revealing differences between the above oaths: (1) The German SS oath swears to

Adolf Hitler who happens to be leader, whereas the Ukrainian Waffen-SS oath swears to the leader

who happens to be Adolf Hitler. (2) The German SS oath does not restrict the Germans to any

limited role, but the Ukrainian Waffen-SS oath does restrict the Ukrainian role to the "struggle

against Bolshevism." (3) In the words "obedience until death," the German SS oath appears to

imply obedience for the rest of one's life, whereas the Ukrainian Waffen-SS oath limits the

duration of the obedience to the period of service "as a fearless soldier." These are not

insignificant differences - they constitute an affirmation that the Ukrainians had their own

goals, and that these overlapped with German goals only on the matter of opposing the Soviet

re-occupation of Ukraine. For the Ukrainians to have won an even greater variance from the

fundamental German SS oath would have been for the Germans to accept into their armed forces

members who were openly declaring recalcitrance and insubordination.

The Ukrainian motivation for permitting the formation of the Galicia Division was threefold: (1)

the existence of the division would serve to improve German treatment of Ukrainians in the

occupied territories, (2) the Division would form the nucleus of a national army which might

promote Ukrainian aspirations to statehood, and (3) the Division would be thrown into the fight

to oppose the Soviet re-occupation of Ukraine.

Even though both Canada and the U.S. have Nazi-hunting units within their respective Justice

Departments, not a single member of the Division has ever been convicted of any war crime and

none has ever been charged. The absence of evidence of any wrongdoing not only of the Division

as a whole, but also of any member of the Division, during his membership in the Division or

before or after, is widely recognized. Judge Jules Deschenes, heading Canada's Commission of

Inquiry on War Criminals, concluded that:

The members of the Galicia Division were individually screened for security

purposes before admission to Canada. Charges of war crimes against members of

the Galicia Division have never been substantiated, neither in 1950 when they

were first preferred, nor in 1984 when they were renewed, nor before this

Commission. ... In the absence of evidence of participation in or knowledge of

specific war crimes, mere membership in the Galicia Division is insufficient to

justify prosecution. (Jules Deschenes, Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals,

1986, p. 12)

Judge Deschenes cites a 1947 report of a British Screening Commission which was filed just prior

to the Galicia Division being moved from Italy to Britain (note that these are the words of the

1947 British Screening Commission, not of Judge Deschenes):

They probably were not, and certainly do not now seem to be at heart

pro-German, and the fact that they did give aid and comfort to the Germans can

fairly be considered to have been incidental and not fundamental. (in Jules

Deschenes, Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals, 1986, p. 253)

A 1950 British Foreign Office report to the Canadian Department of External Affairs concerning

the Galicia Division was also cited by Judge Deschenes (note that these are the words of the

1950 British Foreign Office, not of Judge Deschenes):

While in Italy these men were screened by Soviet and British missions and

neither then nor subsequently has any evidence been brought to light which

would suggest that any of them fought against the Western Allies or engaged in

crimes against humanity. Their behaviour since they came to this country has

been good and they have never indicated in any way that they are infected with

any trace of Nazi ideology. ... From the reports of the special mission set

up by the War Office to screen these men, it seems clear that they volunteered

to fight against the Red Army from nationalistic motives which were given

greater impetus by the behaviour of the Soviet authorities during their earlier

occupation of the Western Ukraine after the Nazi-Soviet Pact. Although

Communist propaganda has constantly attempted to depict these, like so many

other refugees, as "quislings" and "war criminals" it is interesting to note

that no specific charges of war crimes have been made by the Soviet or any

other Government against any members of this group. (in Jules Deschenes,

Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals, 1986, p. 252)

Judge Deschenes concludes:

It is an acknowledged fact that the members of the Division were volunteers who

had enlisted in the spring and summer of 1943, essentially to combat the

"Bolsheviks"; indeed, they were never used against Western allies. (Jules

Deschenes, Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals, 1986, p. 255)

Although as we have just seen "no specific charges of war crimes have been made by the Soviet or

any other Government against any members of this group," Mr. Safer ventures to do what no one

has done before - where angels fear to tread, Mr. Safer rushes in to lay a specific crime at the

feet of the Galicia Division:

SAFER: Thousands of Ukrainians joined the SS and marched off to fight for

Naziism. In the process, they helped round up Lvov's Jews, helped march more

than 140,000 of them to extinction - virtually every Jew in Lvov.

However, the rounding up of Lviv's Jews was begun in 1941 and was largely completed in 1942, so

that by 1943 when the Galicia Division was formed, there were not 140,000 Jews left in Lviv to

round up. In truth, the Galicia Division never participated in the rounding up of Jews in Lviv

or anywhere else. To repeat: the Galicia Division was a combat unit. More particularly, the

Galicia Division saw action on only a single occasion - in facing the Soviets in the Battle of

Brody in July 1944.

Talk of the Galicia Division Induces Paralysis of the Comparative Function

The broad topic of "Paralysis of the Comparative Function" is discussed within its own larger

section below, but such a paralysis becomes evident in other places throughout this essay, as

for example in discussions of the Galicia Division. In such discussions, the comparison - the

elementary and obvious comparison - that is not made is that between the Ukrainian contribution

to German armed forces of Waffen SS troops and the similar contribution made by other peoples.

Below, I reproduce a quote from an interview by Slavko Nowytski of Professor Norman Davies,

historian at the University of London, and author of the recent Europe: A History, published by

Oxford University Press:

In discussing the question of collaborating with Germany Prof. Davies noted

that, "A large number of the volunteers for the Waffen SS came from Western

Europe. The nation which supplied it the largest number of divisions was the

Netherlands [four]. There were two Belgian divisions, there was a French

Waffen SS. To my mind, it's rather surprising that Ukraine, which is a much

larger country [than the Netherlands or Belgium] supplied only one Waffen SS

Division.... It's surprising that there were so few Ukrainians [in the German

Army]. Many people don't know, for example, that there were far more Russians

fighting alongside the Wehrmacht or in the various German armies than there

were Ukrainians.... Thanks to Soviet propaganda, the Russian contribution to

the Nazi war effort has been forgotten, whereas the Ukrainian contribution has

been remembered, I think, too strongly." (Andrew Gregorovich, Forum, No. 95,

Spring, 1997, p. 34)

And so the information in the above quotation leads to several questions:

(1) As the population of The Netherlands is small, and as The Netherlands contributed the

largest number of Waffen SS divisions, this gives The Netherlands the largest per capita

contribution to the Waffen SS of any country. Would Mr. Safer conclude from this that the

people of The Netherlands are the most anti-Semitic in the world? And following the same line

of reasoning, would he conclude that the people of Belgium are the next most anti-Semitic? And

also that as the population of France is approximately equal to the population of Ukraine, and

as each of these contributed one Waffen SS division, that the French are approximately as

anti-Semitic as the Ukrainians?

(2) As Mr. Safer attacks the former members of the Galicia Division as war criminals, I wonder

why he does not attack former members of The Netherlands, Belgium, and French Waffen SS

divisions in the same way? Why does he single out the Galicia Division? How is the Galicia

Division different from the other Waffen SS divisions?

(3) If in comparison to several other countries, Ukraine contributed proportionately fewer

numbers to the Waffen SS, or to any of the German armed forces, then why didn't Mr. Safer

commend Ukrainians for their relatively small contribution to the German war effort?

(4) It would have been instructive of Mr. Safer to inform 60 Minutes viewers whether the Waffen

SS divisions of other countries were created under the same proviso that they not be used

against the Western Allies, but only against the Soviets on the Eastern Front? Perhaps

Ukrainians are to be commended again for limiting the role that their Waffen SS troops played

within the German military.

(5) Finally, given that Canada's Deschenes Commission on War Criminals failed to identify even a

single member of the Galicia Division as calling for further investigation; and given that not a

single member of the Division has ever been convicted of any crime, or even tried for any crime;

and, most importantly, given that nobody has ever specified any crime of which the Galicia

Division as a whole, or any member of the Galicia Division, might have been guilty - given all

this, it would have been instructive of Mr. Safer to inform 60 Minutes viewers whether the

Waffen SS divisions of The Netherlands, Belgium, and France have proven to be as free from blame

as has the Ukrainian Galicia Division.

Why Did Himmler Want a Waffen SS?

If the Wehrmacht was the combat arm of the German forces, and Himmler's SS was dedicated to

running the concentration camps, then why were there combat units within the SS? Why weren't

non-German combat units such as the Galicia Division considered to be part of the Wehrmacht

rather than part of the SS? The suspicion in the mind of the impartial observer might readily

be that any unit that was considered part of the SS may in fact have performed some duties that

were uniquely SS, and thus was more likely to be guilty of war crimes than a Wehrmacht unit.

Israeli historian Leni Yahil provides an answer - the war effort had taken center stage; Himmler

wanted to remain on center stage; and it is for that reason that Himmler defined certain combat

units as falling within the SS:

The very fact that Himmler and his executors became the central force

directing the implacable war against the Jews accorded them, and primarily

Himmler as their leader, a crucial position in the hierarchy of Nazi rule

wherever it extended. Hitler's hatred of the Jews and the importance he

ascribed to solving the Jewish problem according to his concept were among the

factors that ensured Himmler's status as the man who carried out the fuhrer's


It might have been assumed that in wartime, when stress is necessarily laid

on the military struggle, the influence of the SS would have declined, since it

no longer held the center stage. If Hitler had lost interest in Himmler's

activities, the latter's own political career would have come to an end. He

forestalled the danger in two ways: one was by associating the SS with the war

effort through the establishment of the armed or Waffen SS while being careful

to prevent the army's influence over these corps from overriding his own.

(Leni Yahil, The Holocaust: The fate of European Jewry, 1932-1945, Oxford, New

York, 1990, p. 145)

The Nightingale Unit

60 Minutes also mentioned the Nightingale Unit, otherwise known as the Nachtigall Unit. The

Nachtigall Unit was eventually merged with the Ukrainian Roland Unit, some 600 Ukrainian

soldiers in all. These two units were formed on German territory prior to the outbreak of World

War II by Ukrainians who had either not fallen within the Soviet zone of occupation, or who had

escaped from it, and who anticipated German assistance in liberating Ukraine from Soviet rule.

These units too, however, fail to support the picture of Ukrainians "marching off to fight for


Specifically, shortly after the entry of the Germans into Lviv, Stepan Bandera, "(supported by

members of the Nachtigall Unit) decided - without consulting the Germans - to proclaim on 30

June 1941, the establishment of a Ukrainian state in recently conquered Lviv. ... Within days

of the proclamation, Bandera and his associates were arrested by the Gestapo and incarcerated"

(Orest Subtelny, Ukraine: A History, 1994, pp. 463-464). Refusing to rescind the proclamation,

Bandera spent July 1941 to September 1944 in German prisons and concentration camps. (Stepan

Bandera is mentioned at this point because he was supported by the Nachtigall Unit; Bandera was

not a member of the Nachtigall Unit.) "Because of their opposition to German policies in

Ukraine, the units were recalled from the front and interned. ... Toward the end of 1942, the

battalion was disbanded because of the soldiers' refusal to take an oath of loyalty to Hitler"

(Ukraine: A Concise Encyclopaedia, Volume 2, p. 1088). "The battalion was disarmed and

demobilized, and its officers were arrested in January 1943. Shukhevych, however, managed to

escape and join the UPA" (Encyclopaedia of Ukraine, Volume 4, p. 680). Roman Shukhevych who had

been the highest-ranking Ukrainian officer of the Nachtigall unit went on to became

commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), a partisan group opposing all foreign

occupation, and which during the Nazi occupation was directed primarily against the Nazis.

Ukrainians in the Nachtigall and Roland Units, then, were also not Ukrainians marching off to

fight for Hitler, but rather they were Ukrainians calculating that an alliance with German

forces would promote their national interests, they were Ukrainians whose willingness to fight

for Hitler or to promote Nazi interests proved to be close to non-existent, and they were

Ukrainians who fell out with their Nazi sponsors in the early stages of the war.

It must be noted also that unlike the Galicia Division, the Nachtigall and Roland Units were not

part of the SS, and so that Mr. Safer was in error when he stated that "Roman Shukhevych ... was

deputy commander of the SS Division Nightingale."

It is another mark of 60 Minutes' biased coverage that in objecting to streets being named after

the above-mentioned Stepan Bandera, it did not mention that he spent most of the war in German

captivity, nor that he lost two brothers at Auschwitz; and in objecting to the commemoration of

the above-mentioned Roman Shukhevych, it did not mention that he escaped from German captivity

and commanded the Ukrainian guerrilla war against the German occupation. These omissions are

part of a pattern of distortions and misrepresentations used by 60 Minutes to create the false

impression of undeviating commitment to Naziism on the part of Ukrainians. Take Ukraine's

staunchest opponents of Naziism, let 60 Minutes' makeup crew touch them up for the camera, and

somehow they appear on the air with swastikas smeared on their foreheads.

And so 60 Minutes has painted a picture entirely at variance with the historical record. The

idea of Ukrainians en masse unselfconsciously celebrating the SS is preposterous and on a par

with the image of Jews sacrificing Christian children to drink their blood. These sorts of

fantastic and inflammatory charges are leveled by the more hysterical elements within each

community, are passed along by the more irresponsible members of the mass media, and are aimed

at consumption by the more naive and gullible members of their respective groups. 60 Minutes'

allegations have smeared members of the Galicia Division and Ukrainians generally with a

reckless disregard of evidence that is readily available to any researcher who is interested in

presenting an impartial picture. It is a blatant calumny for 60 Minutes to hold out any of the

above-mentioned units as evidence that Ukrainians "marched off to fight for Hitler" and it

overlooks also that on the Soviet side fighting the Nazis were about two million Ukrainians

which in view of their much larger number, 60 Minutes could have taken as evidence of Ukrainians

"marching off to fight against Hitler" and it overlooks as well the large number of Ukrainians

fighting against Hitler in the various national armies of the Allied forces.

Morley Safer's Contempt for the Intelligence of his Viewers.

Morley Safer states that "Nowhere, not even in Germany, are the SS so openly celebrated," and

while he is saying this, we might rightly expect that the scenes presented will be supportive of

his statement. What we do see is elderly veterans of the Galicia Division at a reunion in

Lviv. What details of these scenes support Morley Safer's strong conclusion? Let us consider

ten possibilities.

(1) Perhaps Mr. Safer counted swastikas, and their large number supported his strong

conclusion? But no, that can't be it - for there is not a single swastika to be seen anywhere.

Not one! But how is it possible to hold the world's most open celebration of the SS without a

single swastika? Mr. Safer's conclusion does not seem to be supported by the scene presented

in fact, his conclusion seems to be contradicted by the scene presented. Well, but perhaps

there were other clues?

(2) Surely at the world's most open celebration of the SS, one would find the "SS" insignia in

plentiful supply? But no, there is not a single "SS" visible anywhere. The camera scans the

veterans, we can see their medals and decorations, but we cannot see a single "SS." So far,

then, we have the world's most open celebration of the SS, but without a single swastika and

without a single "SS." But let us move ahead more quickly.

(3) The number of portraits of Hitler, commander-in-chief of all the German armed forces, and so

commander-in-chief of the SS? Zero!

(4) The number of portraits of Himmler, head of the SS? Zero!

(5) The number of portraits of any member of the Nazi hierarchy, or indeed of any German? Zero!

(6) Any Nazi salutes being made? No, not one!

(7) Any Nazi songs being sung? None!

(8) A single word of German spoken? No, not one!

(9) Perhaps there was literature circulated during the reunion which revealed Nazi sympathies?

But no such literature was shown. How about at any time prior to the reunion - even during the

entire 50 or so years following the formation of the Division and up until the reunion? 60

Minutes does not appear to have discovered any such Nazi literature.

(10) As these veterans have been living for more than 50 years predominantly in Canada, the

United States, and Australia, then they can readily be interviewed, and so perhaps 60 Minutes

interviewers managed to elicit pro-Nazi statements from them? No, this golden opportunity too

was passed over, not a single question was asked, not a single word spoken, and not a single

pro-Nazi statement was to be heard.

What then are we left with? We seem to be left with Morley Safer making a fantastic claim while

presenting as evidence images devoid of the slightest detail supporting that claim. We are

left, in short, with Morley Safer revealing his contempt for the intelligence of the 60 Minutes




The Galicia Division

Quality of Translation

Ukrainian Homogeneity

Were Ukrainians Nazis?

Simon Wiesenthal

What Happened in Lviv?

Nazi Propaganda Film

Collective Guilt

Paralysis of the Comparative


60 Minutes' Cheap Shots

Ukrainian Anti-Semitism

Jewish Ukrainophobia


A Sense of Responsibility

What 60 Minutes Should Do


Quality of Translation

Were all those Ukrainians really saying "kike" and "yid"?

In one instance, I could make out the Ukrainian word "zhyd." Following conventions of Ukrainian

transliteration into English, by the way, the "zh" in "zhyd" is pronounced approximately like

the "z" in "azure," and the "y" in "zhyd" is pronounced like the "y" in "myth." Quite true, to

continue, that in Russian "zhyd" is derogatory for "Jew" and "yevrei" is neutral. In Ukrainian,

the same is true in heavily Russified Eastern Ukraine, and even in Central Ukraine. But in the

less Russified Western Ukraine old habits persist, and here especially among the common people

- "zhyd" continues to be as it always has been the neutral term for "Jew," and "yevrei" sounds


Thus, in non-Russified Ukrainian, the "Jewish Battalion" of the Ukrainian Galician Army formed

in 1919 was the "zhydivskyi kurin". "Judaism" is "zhydivstvo." A "learned Jew" is "zhydovyn."

"Judophobe" is "zhydofob" and "Jodophile" is "zhydofil." The adjective "zhydivskyi" meaning

"Jewish" was used by Ukrainians and Jews alike in naming Jewish orchestras and theater groups

and clubs and schools and government departments. The Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971, Volume 11,

p. 616) shows the May 18, 1939 masthead and headlines of the Lviv Jewish newspaper which was

published in Polish. The Polish language is similar to Ukrainian, but uses the Roman rather

than the Cyrillic alphabet. The headline read "Strejk generalny Zydow w Palestynie" which means

"General strike of Jews in Palestine." The third word "Zydow" meaning "of Jews" is similar to

the Ukrainian word that would have been used in this context, and again serves to illustrate

that the Jews of this region did not view the word "zhyd" or its derivatives as derogatory.

We find this same conclusion in the recollections of Nikita Khrushchev (in the following

quotation, I have replaced the original translator's "yid" which rendered the passage confusing,

with the more accurate "zhyd"):

I remember that once we invited Ukrainians, Jews, and Poles ... to a meeting at

the Lvov opera house. It struck me as very strange to hear the Jewish speakers

at the meeting refer to themselves as "zhyds." "We zhyds hereby declare

ourselves in favour of such-and-such." Out in the lobby after the meeting I

stopped some of these men and demanded, "How dare you use the word "zhyd"?

Don't you know it's a very offensive term, an insult to the Jewish nation?"

... "Here in the Western Ukraine it's just the opposite," they explained. "We

call ourselves zhyds...." Apparently what they said was true. If you go back

to Ukrainian literature ... you'll see that "zhyd" isn't used derisively or

insultingly. (Nikita Khrushchev, Khrushchev Remembers, 1971, p. 145)

But 60 Minutes' mistranslation went even further than that - upon listening to the broadcast

more carefully, it is possible to hear that where the editor of the Lviv newspaper For a Free

Ukraine was translated as saying in connection with a joke circulated among the common people

"In terms of the Soviet Union which is abbreviated SSSR, that stands for three kikes and a

Russian," - in fact he was using the unarguably neutral term "yevrei" which it is obligatory to

translate not as "kike" but as "Jew" not only in Russian, but in Eastern and Western Ukrainian

as well.

Thus, in at least two instances, and possibly in all, the 60 Minutes' translator was translating

incorrectly, and in such a manner as to make the Ukrainian speakers appear to be speaking with

an unrestrained anti-Semitism, when in fact they were not. On top of that, the translator

gratuitously spit out his words and gave them a venomous intonation which was not present in the

original Ukrainian. And then too, where the speaker spoke in grammatical Ukrainian, the

translator on one occasion at least, offered a translation in ungrammatical English, making the

Ukrainian appear uneducated or unintelligent - specifically, the Ukrainian "We Ukrainians do not

have to rely on..." was rendered into the English "We Ukrainians not have to rely on...."

Since "zhyd" is currently held to be derogatory in much of Ukraine, any speaker of contemporary

Ukrainian who wishes to give no offense may choose to view it as derogatory in all of Ukraine,

and switch to "yevrei" in all contexts and in all parts of the country. The fact that a Western

Ukrainian old enough to have escaped thorough Russification has not as yet made this switch,

however, is not evidence of his anti-Semitism, and his use of "zhyd" cannot rightly be taken to

be derogatory. In non-Russified Western Ukrainian, there is only one word for Jew, and that is

"zhyd," and there is no word corresponding to the derogatory "kike" or "yid" or "hebe" of


A further discussion of the use of "zhyd" vs "yevrei" can be found within the Ukrainian Archive

in a discussion of the Sion-Osnova Controversy.



The Galicia Division

Quality of Translation

Ukrainian Homogeneity

Were Ukrainians Nazis?

Simon Wiesenthal

What Happened in Lviv?

Nazi Propaganda Film

Collective Guilt

Paralysis of the Comparative


60 Minutes' Cheap Shots

Ukrainian Anti-Semitism

Jewish Ukrainophobia


A Sense of Responsibility

What 60 Minutes Should Do


Ukrainian Homogeneity

In his every statement, Mr. Safer reveals that he starts from the assumption that Ukrainians are

homogeneously anti-Semitic and Nazi in their inclinations. In doing so, Mr. Safer does not stop

to wonder how it is that Ukrainians can be so entirely different in this respect from all other

peoples. Take Americans, for instance. Surely we all agree that among Americans, there are

some who would pitch in and help if they saw Nazis killing Jews, and others who would risk their

lives - and give their lives - to stop that very same killing, and of course the great bulk in

the middle who would consider immediate self-interest first, and look the other way and pretend

to see nothing. But Ukrainians, if we are to believe Mr. Safer, are a people apart - exhibiting

no such heterogeneity, clones one of another, genetically programmed to hate Jews.

To suggest such a thing is, of course, preposterous. The obvious reality is that Ukrainians do

exhibit a normal degree of heterogeneity. Had 60 Minutes wanted to, it could have found plenty

of evidence of this: (1) Since the city of Lviv was featured in the 60 Minutes broadcast, 60

Minutes could have mentioned - in fact, it was duty-bound to mention the heroism of

Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky's effort on behalf of Jews. (2) Since 60 Minutes was throwing

blanket condemnations over Ukrainians collectively not only for being the world's greatest

anti-Semites, but for the most extreme war crimes and crimes against humanity, it was incumbent

on 60 Minutes to notice the vast number of instances that can be found of Ukrainian sacrifices

to save Jews. (3) Since the city of Lviv was featured on the 60 Minutes broadcast, as were

Ukrainian auxiliary police units, as was Simon Wiesenthal, 60 Minutes should have mentioned that

in the city of Lviv, just such a Ukrainian police auxiliary by the name of Bodnar risked his

life - possibly sacrificed his life - to save the life of Simon Wiesenthal himself.

Let us consider each of these points in turn.

Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky

There is little doubt as to the almost saintly role of Ukrainian (Greek)

Catholic Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky. Sheptytsky, Archbishop of L'viv and

head of the church, was widely known as being sympathetic to the Jews. ...

The elderly metropolitan wrote directly to SS commander Heinrich Himmler in the

winter of 1942 demanding an end to the final solution and, equally important to

him, an end to the use of Ukrainian militia and police in anti-Jewish action.

His letter elicited a sharp rebuke, but Sheptytsky persisted even though the

death penalty was threatened to those who gave comfort to Jews. In November

1942 he issued a pastoral letter to be read in all churches under his

authority. It condemned murder. Although Jews were not specifically

mentioned, his intent was crystal clear.

We can never know how many Ukrainians were moved by Sheptytsky's appeal.

Certainly the church set an example. With Sheptytsky's tacit approval, his

church hid a number of Jews throughout western Ukraine, 150 Jews alone in and

around his L'viv headquarters. Perhaps some of his parishioners were among

those brave and precious few "righteous gentiles" who risked an automatic death

penalty for themselves and their families by harbouring a Jew under their roof.

The towering humanity of Sheptytsky remains an inspiration today. (Harold

Troper Morton Weinfeld, Old Wounds, 1988, pp. 17-18)

Raul Hilberg adds concerning Sheptytsky:

He dispatched a lengthy handwritten letter dated August 29-31, 1942 to the

Pope, in which he referred to the government of the German occupants as a

regime of terror and corruption, more diabolical than that of the Bolsheviks.

(Perpetrators, Victims, Bystanders, 1992, p. 267)

Unbiased reporting might have mentioned such details as the following:

One of those saved by Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky was Lviv's Rabbi Kahane

whose son is currently the marshal commander of the Israeli Air Force.

(Ukrainian Weekly, June 21, 1992, p. 9)

Sheptitsky himself hid fifteen Jews, including Rabbi Kahane, in his own

residence in Lvov, a building frequently visited by German officials. (Martin

Gilbert, The Holocaust, 1986, p. 410)

Vast Ukrainian Sacrifices to Save Jews

And Sheptytsky's actions are not unique - Ukrainians risking their lives and giving their lives

to save Jews was not a rare occurrence. In the first Jewish Congress of Ukraine held in Kiev in

1992, "48 awards were handed out to Ukrainians and people of other nationalities who had rescued

Jews during the second world war" (Ukrainian Weekly, November 8, 1992, p. 2). References to

specific cases are not hard to find:

Prof. Weiss [head of the Israeli Knesset] reminisced about Ukraine, the country

of his childhood, and gratefully acknowledged he owed his life to two Ukrainian

women who hid him from the Nazis during World War II. (Ukrainian Weekly,

December 13, 1992, p. 8)

In the Volhynian town of Hoszcza a Ukrainian farmer, Fiodor Kalenczuk, hid a

Jewish grain merchant, Pessah Kranzberg, his wife, their ten-year-old daughter

and their daughter's young friend, for seventeen months, refusing to deny them

refuge even when his wife protested that their presence, in the stable, was

endangering a Christian household. (Martin Gilbert, The Holocaust, 1986, p.


Help was given even though the probability of detection was substantial and the penalties were


Sonderkommando 4b reported that it had shot the mayor of Kremenchug, Senitsa

Vershovsky, because he had "tried to protect the Jews." (Raul Hilberg, The

Destruction of the European Jews, 1985, p. 308)

Consulting the original Einsatzgruppe report reveals that a Catholic priest, Protyorey Romansky,

was involved in the above plot to save Jews, though Romansky's punishment is not specified:

The fact that Senitsa, the mayor of Kremenchug, was arrested for sabotaging

orders, demonstrates that responsible officials are not always selected with

the necessary care and attention. Only after the Einsatzkommandos had

interrogated the official could it be established that he had purposely

sabotaged the handling of the Jewish problem. He used false data and

authorized the chief priest Protyorey Romansky to baptize the Jews whom he

himself had selected, giving them Christian or Russian first names. His

immediate arrest prevented a larger number of Jews from evading German

control. Senitsa was executed. (Einsatzgruppe C, Kiev, Operational Situation

Report USSR No. 177, March 6, 1942, in Yitzhak Arad, Shmuel Krakowski, and

Shmuel Spector, editors, The Einsatzgruppen Reports: Selections From the

Dispatches of the Nazi Death Squads' Campaign Against the Jews July

1941-January 1943, 1989, p. 304)

Similarly illustrative of help being given despite severe penalties is the following:

A German police company in the village of Samary, Volhynia, shot an entire

Ukrainian family, including a man, two women, and three children, for harboring

a Jewish woman. (Raul Hilberg, Perpetrators, Victims, Bystanders, 1992, p.


This is not to say that all or most Jews found refuge with Ukrainians, nor that all or most

Ukrainians offered refuge to Jews. Far from it. Many stories can be found of Jews being

refused refuge or even being betrayed - but what else could anyone expect? To expect more from

Ukrainians would be to expect them to be saints and martyrs, which would be setting a very high


Whoever attempted to help Jews acted alone and exposed himself as well as his

family to the possibility of a death sentence from a German Kommando. (Raul

Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews, 1985, p. 308)

But despite the severity of the punishment, Ukrainians did help. Andrew Gregorovich (Forum, No.

92, Spring 1995, p. 24) reproduces a public announcement issued by the "SS and Head of Police

for the District of Galicia" in Sambir, Ukraine, March 1, 1944. The announcement lists ten

Ukrainians who have been sentenced to death by the Germans. Number 7 is Stefan Zubovych,

Ukrainian, married - for the crime of helping Jews. One wonders what Stefan Zubovych might have

thought had he been told just prior to his execution that in decades to come, some among the

people that he was giving his life for would attempt to obliterate his memory and the memory of

other Ukrainians like him, and would attempt instead to depict Ukrainians as irredeemable

anti-Semites. One wonders what the surviving family of Stefan Zubovych, if any did survive,

think today of the thanks that they receive from Morley Safer for the sacrifice that they have


Given the severity and the imminence of the punishment, it is a wonder that Ukrainians offered

any help at all. Jews who had been saved by Ukrainians have subsequently admitted that in view

of the extreme danger, had their roles been reversed they would not have extended the same help

to the Ukrainians.

Ukrainian help was not limited to a few isolated cases, but rather was widely given:

"It is unfortunate," declared a German proclamation issued in Lvov on April 11

[1942], "that the rural population continues - nowadays furtively - to assist

Jews, thus doing harm to the community, and hence to themselves, by this

disloyal attitude." (Martin Gilbert, The Holocaust, 1986, p. 319)

[In 1943] tens of thousands of Jews were still in hiding throughout the General

Government, the Eastern Territories and the Ukraine. But German searches for

them were continuous. (Martin Gilbert, The Holocaust, 1986, p. 553)

It would be incorrect to imagine the Germans rounding up and executing all the Jews within a

region, with only a few of the Jews being saved; rather, in Ukrainian cities - which offered

more avenues of escape and concealment than did villages and towns the Jews repeatedly receded

before the advancing German killing units and then flowed back in again after the killing units

had passed - something that would have been possible only with the knowledge and the cooperation

of the indigenous Ukrainians:

Although we succeeded in particular, in smaller towns and also in villages in

accomplishing a complete liquidation of the Jewish problem, again and again it

is, however, observed in larger cities that, after such an execution, all Jews

have indeed disappeared. But, when, after a certain period of time, a Kommando

returns again, the number of Jews still found in the city always considerably

surpasses the number of the executed Jews. (Erwin Schulz, commander of

Einsatzkommando 5 of Einsatzgruppe C, in John Mendelsohn, Editor, The

Holocaust, Volume 18, 1982, p. 98)

Whenever the Einsatzgruppe had left a town, it returned to find more Jews than

had already been killed there. (Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the European

Jews, 1985, p. 342)

Olena Melnyczuk in a Courage to Care Award ceremony (sponsored by the Jewish Foundation for

Christian Rescuers/Anti-Defamation League) in which she and other members of her family were

honored for having hidden a Jewish couple during World War II in Ukraine made the following

remarks, the concluding sentence of which bears a particular relevance to our present discussion

of 60 Minutes:

"At the time we were fully aware of consequences that might expect us. We were

aware that our family were doomed to perish together with the people we

sheltered if detected. But sometimes people ask 'would you do it again?' And

the answer is short. Yes. We tell them point blank that our Christian

religion taught us to love your neighbor as yourself, be your brother's

keeper," she stated.

"Sometimes," she continued, "we hear the people asking why so few did what

we did. Ladies and gentlemen, I am sure there were many, many people like us

risking their lives while hiding Jews, but how many of those rescued had the

courage to report the names of their rescuers to Yad Vashem? Somehow being

free of danger they have forgotten what risk those people took." (Ukrainian

Weekly, June 21, 1992, p. 9, emphasis added)

The Forgotten Bodnar

Yes, how some of them do seem to have forgotten. Take Simon Wiesenthal, for example. The chief

focus of discussion between him and Morley Safer seems to have been whether Ukrainians are all

genetically programmed to be worse anti-Semites than the Nazis (Mr. Morley's position), or

whether it was just Ukrainian police units that deserve this description (Mr. Wiesenthal's

position). Now to balance this image of unrelieved Ukrainian anti-Semitism, Mr. Wiesenthal

could have mentioned that on numerous occasions Ukrainians risked their lives, perhaps even gave

their lives, to save his (Mr. Wiesenthal's) life - and not only civilians, but the very same

Ukrainian police auxiliaries whom both Mr. Safer and Mr. Wiesenthal agree were uniformly

sub-human brutes. Here, for example, is Mr. Wiesenthal's own story (as told to Peter Michael

Lingens) concerning a member of a Ukrainian police auxiliary who is identified by the Ukrainian

surname "Bodnar." The story is that Mr. Wiesenthal is about to be executed, but:

The shooting stopped. Ten yards from Wiesenthal.

The next thing he remembers was a brilliant cone of light and behind it a

Polish voice: "But Mr. Wiesenthal, what are you doing here?" Wiesenthal

recognized a foreman he used to know, by the name of Bodnar. He was wearing

civilian clothes with the armband of a Ukrainian police auxiliary. "I've got

to get you out of here tonight."

Bodnar told the [other] Ukrainians that among the captured Jews he had

discovered a Soviet spy and that he was taking him to the district police

commissar. In actual fact he took Wiesenthal back to his own flat, on the

grounds that it was unlikely to be searched so soon again. This was the first

time Wiesenthal survived. (Peter Michael Lingens, in Simon Wiesenthal, Justice

Not Vengeance, 1989, p. 8)

Bodnar must have known that the punishment for saving a Jew from execution and then helping him

escape would be death. And how could he get away with it? In fact, we might ask Mr. Wiesenthal

whether Bodnar did get away with it, or whether he paid for it with his life, for as the

escapees were tiptoeing out, they were stopped, they offered their fabricated story, and then:

The German sergeant, already a little drunk, slapped Bodnar's face and said:

"Then what are you standing around for? If this is what you people are like,

then later we'll all have troubles. Report back to me as soon as you deliver

them [Wiesenthal along with a fellow prisoner]." (Alan Levy, The Wiesenthal

File, 1993, p. 37)

These passages invite several pertinent conclusions. First, we see a Ukrainian police auxiliary

having his face slapped by a German sergeant, which serves to remind us that Ukraine is under

occupation, to show us who is really in charge, to suggest that the German attitude toward

Ukrainians is one of contempt and that the expression of this contempt is unrestrained. We see

also that Bodnar's flat is subject to searches, indicating that although he is a participant in

the anti-Jewish actions, he is a distrusted participant, and a participant who might feel

intimidated by the hostile scrutiny of the occupying Nazis. But most important of all, we see

that the German sergeant is waiting for Bodnar to report back. Alan Levy writes that "Bodnar

was ... concerned ... that now he had to account, verbally at least, for his two prisoners" (p.

37). If Bodnar reports back with the news that Wiesenthal and the other prisoner escaped, then

how might Bodnar expect the face-slapping German sergeant to respond? For Bodnar at this point

in the story to actually allow Wiesenthal and the other prisoner to escape is heroic, it is

self-sacrificing, it is suicidal. And yet Bodnar does go ahead and effect Wiesenthal's escape,
