Willie had never confessed her supernatural skill aloud. At least not to a Vic. Her mother and father had known of her time-tracing gift—albeit in its infancy. And of course Wesley knew, although since they’d never been close and did not, in fact, converse on a regular basis, he did not know how far her supernatural skills had advanced. Just as she was in the dark as to the progression of his gift.

In a moment of weakness, Willie had once described her powers to a trio of Freaks—fellow members of the Freak Fighters. She was hoping one of them shared the same skill, was hoping to garner some insight or advice and to feel a little less alone. Being one of a kind amongst a minority made her feel even more the outcast rather than special. Amongst her kind she had heard rumors of telepaths and accelerated healers. Of those who could teleport and those with enhanced strength. She had also heard of someone in America who had a modicum of control over the four elements—earth, water, air, and fire. A skill that mirrored her brother’s. But to her knowledge, Willie was the only Freak born with the unique skill of reliving other people’s memories.

In recent years there had been random abductions, where nefarious agencies had forced Freaks to use their gifts for the agency’s greater good, which was ultimately wicked in nature. Some Freaks had gone rogue, offering their services for hefty sums. The majority of Freaks, like Willie, simply longed to integrate their special skills into a normal life and daily job. But unfortunately, until the day they won certain rights, they were forced to live a lie.

Willie had never felt more alone or lost than the moment she’d connected with Filmore. Not once in all the instances where she had traced, and there had been many, had she ever bobbled her objective. In and out. She never lingered. She never interacted. She was the proverbial fly on the wall. Only this time she’d seen something that had caused her to connect with Filmore a second time. Something that had caused her to linger and search. She had seen her mother.

“Bloody hell, woman. Slow down. It’s black as night in this corridor. You could walk into wall or fall into a well.”

“I see fine.”

“How is that possible?” Simon asked. “I can’t see a bloody thing.”

“Enhanced night vision.”

“A Time Tracer, whatever that is, with enhanced night vision. Are you pished or delusional?”

“You know what I am, dammit. It was in the letter.” Her voice sounded brittle to her own ears and a little too loud, bouncing off the ancient stone walls. Why had her mother been part of Filmore’s memories? Why had they been arguing over whether to hide in the west, north, or south? Willie stopped cold at the junction of two corridors. They looked exactly the same. In his memory, had Filmore gone left or right? Willie had looked away, searching for her mother. She’d even called out her name and in doing so had summoned a whirlwind of memories from another time. Futuristic images from the 1960s, from her mother’s past. Filmore’s past. Willie had seen them embrace. Had seen them plotting. She’d sensed a deep bond and a strong attraction on Filmore’s part. Had Michelle Goodenough had an affair with Jefferson Filmore? Had she been in league with the Houdinians? Had she lied to her family all those years regarding the destruction of the clockwork propulsion engine? If so, how else had she deceived them?

Simon grasped Willie’s elbow, startling her out of her musing. “What letter?” he asked in a tight voice.

She whirled, her facade forgotten as years of angst welled and spewed. “The letter I wrote explaining why I couldn’t come. The letter stained with my tears in which I begged you to understand, which apparently you did not. Because instead of meeting me a month later as I asked, you stayed away! Now can we just get the bloody rebel engine and get out of here?”

“Jesus. Mina? I thought it was you. I sensed . . . Dammit, I can’t see you.”

But she could see him perfectly. His handsome face contorted in confusion and anger. And she could see the bulk of a man slipping out through a crevice and aiming a weapon directly at Simon’s back.

“No!” Willie shoved Simon with all her might, knocking him aside just as something sharp and hot slammed into her shoulder, propelling her backward. The back of her head hit stone and she cried out, pain shooting through her skull and blossoming throughout her shoulder and chest.

“Shite!” Simon scrambled and covered her body with his own just as another shot ricocheted off the walls, inciting sparks and a noxious smell.

Loud voices echoed down the hall and Willie heard their attacker fleeing. “Some sort of gas,” she said in a weak voice. “Get out, Simon.”

“Not without you.”

“Can’t move. Can’t . . .” Her words trailed off as Simon scooped her off the floor and into his arms.

“Who goes there?” someone yelled. “Police!”

“What’s that smell?” another called out. “Look! Smoke!”

Willie coughed as plumes of noxious fog welled.

“Eyes tearing,” Simon choked out, “and I’m blind as a bat in this dark. Moving toward the voices—”

“No. No, coppers.” She spied a distant splash of light and pointed down a corridor. “That way. Turn left. Walk. Keep walking.”

“I see it.” He picked up speed, rushing toward a gust of cool air. Moving quickly toward the sliver of light.

“It’s a door,” Willie said, her vision fading, her voice weak. “Shove.”

“I see it, sweetheart. Hush.”

She felt him climbing steps and sucked in the fresh cold air even though it hurt like the devil to breathe. Her chest and head hurt and her eyes stung from the gas. Her corneatacts had been contaminated, making the throbbing worse.

Simon’s attention was riveted on the seemingly endless and steep stairwell.

Delirious with pain, Willie quickly removed the tinted lenses, letting them fall from her fingertips as she closed her eyes and dropped her head to Simon’s shoulder. Light exploded behind her closed lids as they breached the outdoors.

“St. Giles’,” he said. “We snaked around somehow. We’re at the cathedral.”

“Secret catacombs,” Willie managed.

She felt him opening her duster, heard him curse. “We need a doctor.”

“No doctor.”

“You’ve lost a lot of blood.”



“Get me to a skytown. Need special care.”

“Don’t be daft, Mina. There must be a hospital nearby.”

“Won’t treat my kind.” Barely conscious now, she looked up at Simon and for the first time in her life saw him in all his raw brilliance. “And if they do,” she whispered just before the brilliance faded to black, “they’ll botch it.”

• • •

It was as if his father had invented and gifted him with winged boots.

Simon fairly flew to the Squire’s Inn with the wounded Canary in his arms. A preposterous comparison, but he flashed back on the time his sister had brought home a hideously wounded falcon that had been shot from the sky. She’d believed their inventor father capable of anything and begged him to save the falcon. Indeed, Reginald Darcy had worked night and day and in tandem with a local veterinary to create and apply a false iron beak and talons to “Leo.” It had been a grand accomplishment, since the falcon had recovered and adjusted to his prosthetic attachments with astonishing skill. Yet no one, except Jules, Simon, and Amelia, who’d adopted Leo as her faithful companion, had applauded the miracle. Reginald Darcy had never been one to brag, and the world, including the woman in Simon’s arms and the newspaper she worked for, had seemed determined to focus on the eccentric man’s failures.

As someone who’d suffered his own recent public humiliation, Simon marveled that his father had continually weathered the snub with such grace. Like Amelia, Simon had believed the best in Reginald Darcy, and were the man still alive, Simon would be tempted to enlist his advice concerning the injured and endangered Wilhelmina Goodenough. Instead Simon would have to rely upon his own wits as well as his brother’s resources.

Cradling Willie tight in his arms, Simon breezed past the scowling innkeeper. He ascended the stairwell and bypassed Willie’s room in favor of his own. He laid her upon his bed and proceeded to peel away the layers. Scarves, duster, sack coat, waistcoat. Blimey. Her white shirt was soaked through with crimson blood. Damn! He cursed his shaking hands as he gently peeled away the ruined fabric. Briefly he noted her bound breasts and the milky white skin of her stomach, three shades lighter than the ruddy complexion of her face and hands. For the moment, Simon concentrated on the messy wound. He grabbed one of his clean shirts—Fletcher had packed an abundance—and soaked it with water, washing away the blood to examine the severity of the wound. It did not look to be a bullet hole; rather, a goodly portion of her shoulder looked ravaged by several searing and deep cuts. He’d never seen anything like it. Shredding another shirt, Simon devised a compress and bandage. Thank God she was unconscious. He imagined the injury hurt like hell. An injury she’d sustained by shoving Simon from harm’s way.

His gut twisted with guilt as he fumbled for the communications device Jules had given him in case of an emergency. The tele-talkie felt like a block of ice in his clammy palm. Perhaps he should have left it in his room instead of carrying it about in the wintry cold. Praying it worked, he thumbed the appropriate button and moved across the small room, whilst composing his thoughts. Since the device operated on limited energy, he was especially cognizant of time.

The tele-talkie squawked and Jules answered. “What’s wrong?”

“A mishap with a Houdinian. Why didn’t you tell me they were dangerous?”

“Are you hurt?”

“No, but my companion is.”

“What companion?”

“You need only know that she is . . . someone I care about and wish to protect.”

“Take her to a hospital—”

“She’s a Freak.” Simon absorbed the thoughtful silence. “Can you help? Do you know of a qualified physician? Someone nearby? Someone you trust?”

“Where are you?”

“Edinburgh, Scotland. High Street. The Squire’s Inn.”

“Sit tight.”

Jules disconnected and Simon glanced over his shoulder at the stricken Canary. He wasn’t going anywhere. She’d quite possibly saved his life. He owed her. He loved her. Or at least the memory of her.

His mind returned to the catacombs. To the moment before the attack. The revelation. Willie G. and Wilhelmina Goodenough were indeed one and the same. He’d suspected as much, but he had not guessed her a Freak. She thought he knew her race via some letter he’d never received. He had not put the pieces together until he’d looked down into those kaleidoscope eyes. Mesmerizing. Haunting. And filled with such pain.

The tele-talkie squawked. Simon answered.

“Dr. Bella Caro is en route,” Jules said. “She’s an associate. A friend. You can trust her with your companion’s life.”

“It looks bad, Jules. When should I expect—”

“Soon. Did you find the engine?”


“Perhaps you should give up the search. Leave things to me.”

Simon bristled. “We agreed to double our efforts. Where are you?”

“Closing in on Australia.”

Simon could scarcely believe that the tele-talkies transmitted over thousands of miles. The connection was weak and at times garbled, but by God, it functioned. Then again the device had been influenced by Mod technology and created by a Mechanic. What other wonders did Jules have up his sleeve? More than ever it chafed that his brother had withheld that part of his life. What’s more, why hadn’t he brought Simon into that world? Surely there was a place for Simon’s engineering skills within the agency. Did Jules doubt Simon’s talent? His courage? His wherewithal?

Needing to put them on even ground, Simon struck low. “What if Professor Merriweather slips your grip? Or what if he is unable to build a functioning time machine? From where I stand, your chances of winning the contest are no better than mine.”

“Since when have we been in direct competition?” Jules asked.

Since always, Simon thought, and Jules had always been ahead. “I’m not giving up on the Briscoe Bus’s engine. I was caught unaware. It won’t happen again.”

“If you need me—”

“Same here. I do have an area of expertise, you know.”

“Which is why I pointed you toward the Houdinians.”

With that, Jules disconnected and Simon pocketed the fantastic device. His brother’s parting words implied confidence, trust. Whereas Simon had been petty. Once again Jules had come out on top.

“Bloody hell.”

Someone knocked. Too soon for the doctor, although maybe not. Jules seemed prone to magic these days. Simon cracked open the door. A striking yet enigmatic woman stood on the threshold. Her ghostly pale complexion was offset by bold red-stained lips, dark purple–tinted glasses, and ebony hair sleeked back into a tight bun. Her attire was stark black—from her riding hat fitted with fur-rimmed goggles to her voluminous leather duster to her square-toed boots. She looked more like a mortician than a medical expert, but she did carry a physician’s bag. “Dr. Caro?”

Shoulders braced, she pushed her way inside. “Let’s get straight to it, shall we?” She swept off her hat, perching it on a table alongside her bag. Glancing toward the patient, she wrenched off her long coat, exposing a formfitting one-piece bodysuit and a utility belt rigged with various devices.

Simon tried not to gawk and failed. Mortician? Try dominatrix.


“Simon Darcy.”

“Not you,” she said with a raised brow and a tilt of her head. “Her.”

“Willie,” he blurted, not sure how much information he should share. Though this woman had Jules’s trust, Bella Caro was like no doctor Simon had ever seen.

She moved to examine Willie, glaring over her shoulder when Simon leaned in as well. “Stop hovering.”

He didn’t budge. “She was shot.”

“O’blasterated.” Caro’s hands moved gently and efficiently over Willie’s motionless body. “A sinister weapon that works on the same principle as a shotgun. Instead of pellets, the cartridge is packed with razor-sharp metal shards and heated by a core-propulsion blast. Imagine being pierced at a high-velocity impact by hundreds of searing hot blades.”

Bugger. “You sound so blasé.”

“I’ve seen worse.”

“I haven’t.”

She glanced over her shoulder. “Why don’t you take a walk? Get some air.”

“I’m staying.”

“Right, then. At least turn whilst I cut away this binding. I need full access to the wound.”

As if he would be aroused by the sight of Willie’s bare breasts at a time like this. Still, not wanting to anger the curt doctor, he did as she asked.

“From the chopped hair and mannish clothing, I take it Willie’s been masquerading as a boy. The dark discoloring of her face and hands suggests use of a tanning agent to further alter her appearance. Astounding what lengths a Freak must go to in order to lead a somewhat normal life.”

The bitter tone in her voice caused Simon to peer back around. Caro had already made quick work of the binding, discreetly placing a linen over Willie’s torso. She’d also fixed some sort of mask over Willie’s nose and mouth.

“To ensure she doesn’t awake whilst I work,” Caro said, as if reading his mind. “Stop fretting. She won’t feel a thing.”

Regardless, Simon’s shoulders tensed as Caro pulled a weapon from her medical bag—a gleaming pistol with a thick needle protruding from the muzzle. Simon watched, fascinated and wary, as she snapped what looked to be tubes of blood on each side of the barrel. “What the devil is that?”

“She’s lost a lot of blood. She needs a transfusion.”

He grasped the doctor’s wrist as she took aim. “Injecting her with Vic blood could kill her, or sicken her for life.”

“Which is why I’m using Freak blood,” Caro said, sounding vexed. “Step off, Darcy.”

His brother’s faith in this woman be damned. “How do I know those vials contain Freak blood? Why should I trust you?”

Caro gave a disgusted growl, then raised her tinted spectacles to her forehead.

Simon marveled at her direct and cutting gaze. A gaze that swirled with a rainbow of colors. “You’re a Freak.”

“I’m a Mechanic. I fix things. Except when waylaid by overbearing oafs. Do you want me to help your friend or not, Darcy?”

He nodded, chagrined. Confused.

Dr. Bella Caro turned back to her work. Injected blood into Willie’s arm via the transfusion gun. Simon had never seen anything like it. Then she traded her tinted glasses for bronze goggles that featured three different magnifying loupes and a tubular bulb that shot a fierce beam of direct light. She studied the multiple wounds to Willie’s shoulder and upper arm, then procured antiseptic and intricate forceps from her bag of medicinal wonders. “I’ll need to extract every piece of shrapnel. Missing one could be dire. Don’t worry,” she said with a smug smile. “I’m thorough. Although this could take some time. Do sit before your knees give way, Darcy. I’ve no time to attend to you as well.”

He was not, in fact, woozy. Just concerned. For Willie. “Your bedside manner leaves something to be desired, Dr. Caro.”

“I don’t need to be pleasant, Mr. Darcy. I’m brilliant.”

Her arrogance was grating yet inspiring. Though she looked all of twenty summers, surely she had the expertise to mend Willie. Jules would not have enlisted her otherwise. “How do you know my brother?” he couldn’t help asking as she pulled slivers of metal from Willie’s flesh.

“I fixed him.”


“When he got his legs blown off, I fixed him. Better than new.”

Simon frowned down at the woman. “Jules is in possession of both of his legs. They weren’t blown off. Just horribly mangled.”

She shrugged. “Figure of speech. Now do leave off. You’re a distraction, man. I abhor distractions.”

Simon couldn’t care less about Bella Caro’s comfort level. Damnation. Jules considered this shrew a friend? Mind reeling, Simon dragged a chair to the other side of the bed. Not knowing how else to help, he sat and held Willie’s hand. Though limp, her touch was familiar. This moment every bitter thought he’d hurled in her direction melted away until there was nothing left but their pure and youthful love. He chanced a look at the good doctor, who was, thank God, intently focused on Willie’s wounds. “Are you and my brother lovers?” he asked directly.

“Rude of you to ask, but no.”

“Were you ever—”

“We are associates. Doctor and patient. Acquaintances. Friends. Nothing more.”

Never once did she meet his gaze. He did not wholly believe her, but he did not press. He’d been too bold already. His only excuse was that he was now morbidly curious about his twin’s life as a Mechanic, as well as the intimate relationships between Freaks and Vics. Simon suppressed further questioning, allowing the doctor to focus on her work. He smoothed his thumbs over Willie’s knuckles and allowed his mind to wander. The nostalgic journey was both pleasing and troubling. A hundred questions welled.

“My work here is done.”

Simon blinked out of his musings. How much time had passed?

Caro stood abruptly, returned her instruments to her bag, and traded her surgical goggles for her tinted glasses. “Willie will be down and out for a while.”

“How long?”

“A week or two. Depends.”

“On what?”

“On her.” The good and arrogant doctor pulled on her coat and fastened each button with rigid focus. “There could be fever, delirium, but she will survive. Rest is of supreme importance. Do not allow her to move about too soon.”

“Anything else?” he asked as she pulled on her riding hat and leather gloves.

“She sustained severe nerve and muscle damage,” Caro said with a compassionate glance toward her patient. “Regaining full use of her right arm might prove an arduous and long process. See that she strengthens the muscles and advances flexibility no matter the difficulty or pain.”

“What if there are complications?” Simon asked as she marched toward the door. “How can I contact you?”

“You can’t. We never met, Mr. Darcy. I was never here.”

“Understood. Still.” Simon glanced toward Willie’s unconscious form. “Have a heart, Dr. Caro.”

“How flattering that you find me lacking in compassion,” she said with a sniff. “Oh, very well.” She slipped a calling card into his hand and glared. “Emergencies only. And that means someone had better be dying.”

Simon glanced down at the card as she bolted from the room. He wanted to thank her. He should have thanked her. A scant second later he followed the curious doctor into the hallway . . . into the lobby . . . into the street . . . but Dr. Bella Caro was gone.
