Terminology and definitions exclusive to the Glorious Victorious Darcys (and related spin-offs)
aero-hangar—a cavernous shelter used for housing and repairing airships.
aeropark—a public or private airfield.
ALE—acronym for Air Law Enforcement. A legion of law enforcers who police the skies in airships.
Aquarian Cosmology Compendium—an elusive journal compiled by the scientific faction of the time-traveling Peace Rebels. According to legend, the ACC features designs and scientific data pertaining to twentieth-century technological wonders, as well as engineering details of a functioning time machine.
automocab—a hired road conveyance powered by steam or petrol (e.g., taxicab).
automocoaches—road vehicles of various size and construction, powered by steam or petrol. Often a cross between late-1800s mechanics and mid-to-late-1960s designs (e.g., steam-powered Beetle Bug).
Book of Mods—an extensive compilation of sketches, essays, and cautionary tales pertaining to culture, politics, technology, and significant events of the twentieth century. Written by a faction of the original Peace Rebels, this published journal was once widely read, but is now banned.
clockwork propulsion engine—a unique engine, originally designed by Briscoe Darcy, enabling a vehicle to travel through time.
corneatacts—cosmetic optical lenses utilized by Freaks to disguise their kaleidoscope (rainbow) irises. Constructed to fit over the cornea, corneatacts create the illusion of normal, unicolor irises.
Disrupter 29—a modified derringer (pocket pistol) enhanced by twentieth-century technology. An advanced weapon available for purchase only on the black market.
Flatliner—someone who cares only about his/her future and not the future or welfare of mankind.
Freak—the offspring of a Vic and a Mod. Cross-century humans with varied supernatural gifts. Freaks are born with kaleidoscope eyes (irises that swirl with a rainbow of colors) and a unique blood type. A powerful and unpredictable minority, Freaks are regarded as a curiosity and/or a threat. As such, their civil rights are restricted by law.
Freak Fighters—any person belonging to the underground organization fighting for the emancipation of Freaks.
Freak Rebellion—a brewing revolution intent on winning equal rights for Freaks.
Her Majesty’s Mechanics—highly trained, highly covert agents who “fix” sensitive and controversial matters for the British government and its sovereign.
Houdinians—a secret “security” team.
Mod—any person born of parents from the twentieth century.
Mod Tracker—similar to a bounty hunter. Someone who tracks and locates Mods for monetary gain.
ModVic—a cross-century clothing trend; 1960s Bohemian meets 1880s Victorian.
New Worlder—liberals who embrace advanced knowledge and technology in hope of creating a better tomorrow.
o’blaster—a black market weapon similar to a shotgun. Instead of pellets, the cartridge is packed with razor-sharp metal shards and heated by a core-propulsion blast.
Old Worlder—conservatives who shun radical change and fear divergence, preferring to move forward with the natural march of time.
Peabody 382—an enhanced gentlemen’s pistol. Pretty but deadly.
Peace Rebels—twentieth-century peace fanatics from the fields of the arts and sciences who traveled back to the nineteenth century, intent on altering history and circumventing future chaos and destruction . . . and ultimately Armageddon. As time went on, also a moniker for any Vic who joined their cause.
Peace War (1860–1864)—a four-year transcontinental war stemming from advanced twentieth-century knowledge that led to corruption on both sides of the Atlantic, infecting Americans and Europeans, Vics and Mods, blurring politics, culture, and beliefs. As a result, society divided into two factions—Old Worlders and New Worlders.
Remington Blaster—a nineteenth-century revolver enhanced with twentieth-century technology.
skytown—floating pleasure meccas composed of three to five airships. “Above the law,” these traveling hippie circuses offer illegal and outlawed entertainment and welcome equal fraternizing amongst Mods, Vics, and Freaks . . . and assorted criminals.
stun cuff—a common weapon of defense. A highly charged metal bracelet that “zaps” the attacker with a jolt of electricity. Works through the same concept as a twentieth-century stun gun.
telecommunicator—a handheld communication device that transmits coded messages.
tele-talkie—similar to a twentieth-century walkie-talkie; a personal two-way radio device.
Thera-Steam-Atic Brace—a steam-powered prosthesis.
Time Voyager—Briscoe Darcy, nineteenth-century engineer/visionary who invented a time machine and traveled into the future, ultimately enabling the twentieth-century Peace Rebels to travel back to the 1800s.
time-trace—a supernatural skill. The ability to experience another person’s memories.
torchlight—a battery-powered tube of light similar to a twentieth-century flashlight.
Vic—any person born of parents from the nineteenth century.