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Aaron of Lincoln, ref 1
abbeys: built in Stephen’s reign, ref 1
Abergavenny, George Neville, 3rd Baron, ref 1
Ackroyd, Peter: Albion, ref 1
Adam (bastard son of Edward II), ref 1, ref 2
Adam of Usk, ref 1
Aelric (of Marsh Gibbon), ref 1
Aethelbert, King of Kent, ref 1, ref 2
Aethelfrith, King of Northumberland, ref 1
Aethelric, Bishop of Chichester, ref 1
Agincourt, battle of (1415), ref 1
Agricola, Julius, ref 1
agriculture see farming
ale, ref 1
Alexander III, Pope, ref 1
Alfred the Great, King of West Saxons, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6
almshouses, ref 1
Alnwick, Northumberland, ref 1
‘Amesbury archer, the’ (‘king of Stonehenge’), ref 1
‘Anarchy, the’ (under Stephen), ref 1
Andrew of Winton, ref 1
Aneirin: Gododdin (poem), ref 1
Angevin Empire: and divine kingship, ref 1
beginnings, ref 1
fiefdom, ref 1
collapses, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
John attempts to recover, ref 1
Henry III attempts to recover, ref 1
Henry II inherits territories, ref 1
Angles: colonize England, ref 1, ref 2
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5
Anne of Bohemia, first Queen of Richard II, ref 1, ref 2
Anne (Neville), Queen of Richard III: marriage to Prince Edward, ref 1, ref 2
marriage to Richard, ref 1
Clarence covets lands, ref 1
at Richard’s coronation, ref 1
death, ref 1
Anne, Queen: touches Samuel Johnson for scrofula, ref 1
Anselm, St, Archbishop of Canterbury, ref 1, ref 2
anti-Semitism, ref 1
Apollo (god), ref 1
apprenticeship, ref 1
Aquitaine (France), ref 1
archers see longbow
architecture: Perpendicular, ref 1
fifteenthcentury, ref 1
aristocracy: prehistoric beginnings, ref 1, ref 2
early poetry, ref 1
see also hierarchies (social)
Arthur of Brittany, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
Arthur, King, ref 1, ref 2
Arthur, Prince (Henry VII’s son): birth, ref 1
death, ref 1
Arundel, Richard FitzAlan, 11th Earl of, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Arundel, Thomas, Bishop of Ely, ref 1
Ashburnham, John, ref 1
Ashley, near Cirencester, ref 1
Athelney, Somerset, ref 1
Athelstan, King of West Saxons and Mercians, ref 1
Atrebates (tribe), ref 1
Augustine, St, Archbishop of Canterbury: mission to England, ref 1, ref 2
Augustine, St (of Hippo): Soliloquies, ref 1
Augustus, Roman Emperor, ref 1
Aurelianus, Ambrosius, ref 1
Avebury, Wiltshire, ref 1
Bacon, Francis: on Richard III’s laws, ref 1
on Lovel, ref 1
Bacon, Roger, ref 1
Bagot, Sir William, ref 1
Baldock, ref 1
Ball, John, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Balliol, Edward de, King of Scotland, ref 1
Balliol, John de, King of Scotland, ref 1
Bannockburn, battle of (1314), ref 1
baptism, ref 1
Barnet, battle of (1471), ref 1
barrows see burial
bathing and bathhouses, ref 1
‘Battle of Malden, The’ (poem), ref 1
Beaufort, Cardinal Henry, Bishop of Winchester: as chancellor, ref 1, ref 2
advises Henry VI, ref 1, ref 2
Beaufort, Lady Margaret, ref 1
Becket, St Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury: and church–state conflict, ref 1, ref 2
shrine and pilgrims, ref 1, ref 2
background and character, ref 1
relations and conflicts with Henry II, ref 1, ref 2
and crowning of Henry the Younger, ref 1
excommunicates Archbishop of York, ref 1
murdered in Canterbury Cathedral, ref 1
condemned by Lollards, ref 1
Bede, Venerable, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
Bedford, John of Lancaster, Duke of: in regency of Henry VI, ref 1, ref 2
and Joan of Arc, ref 1
death, ref 1
beer: trade, ref 1
Belers, Robert, ref 1
Belgae (tribe), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Belloc, Hilaire, ref 1
‘benefit of clergy’, ref 1
Beowulf, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Beresford (Esberfort), Lord Simon de, ref 1
Bernard of Clairvaux, St, ref 1
Berwick Field, battle of (1403), ref 1
Bible, Holy: English translations, ref 1
Bill of Rights (1689), ref 1
birth: conditions, ref 1
Black Death: outbreak in England (1348), ref 1
effects and mortality, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Blackheath: in Peasants’ Revolt, ref 1, ref 2
Jack Cade’s rebel camp at, ref 1
Blocking, John, ref 1
Blore Heath, battle of (1459), ref 1
Blount, Sir Thomas, ref 1
Bluestonehenge, ref 1
Bolingbroke see Henry IV, King
Bonefaunte, William, ref 1
Boniface of Savoy, Archbishop of Canterbury, ref 1
Bordeaux, ref 1
Borzeas (god), ref 1
Bosworth Field, battle of (1485), ref 1
Boudicca (or Boadicea), Queen of Iceni, ref 1, ref 2
Bouvines, battle of (1214), ref 1
Brackenbury, Sir Robert, ref 1
Bramwyk, Robert de, ref 1
Braose, Matilda de, ref 1
Braose, William de, ref 1
brigands and highwaymen, ref 1
Brigantes (tribe), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Bristol: merchants travel overseas, ref 1
Britain: origin of name, ref 1
Britons: defined, ref 1
Brittany and Bretons (France), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
bronze: manufacture, ref 1
Bronze Age, ref 1
customs, ref 1
Browne, Sir Thomas: Hydriotaphia, Urn Burial, ref 1
Bruce, David II, King of Scotland, ref 1
Bruce, Robert VIII, King of Scotland, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5
death, ref 1
Brunanburgh, battle of (937), ref 1
Buckingham, Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of, ref 1, ref 2
Buckingham, Humphrey Stafford, 1st Duke of, ref 1 bureaucracy: increase under Henry I, ref 1, ref 2
and Henry III, ref 1
Burgh, Hubert de, ref 1, ref 2
Burgundy: Charles the Bold, Duke of, Edward IV forms alliance with, ref 1, ref 2
marriage to Margaret of York, ref 1, ref 2
Burgundy, John II (the Fearless), Duke of, ref 1
Burgundy, Margaret of York, Duchess of, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6
Burgundy, Philip the Good, Duke of, ref 1, ref 2
burial: prehistoric, ref 1, ref 2
East Angles, ref 1
procedure, ref 1
Bury St Edmunds: parliament in (1447), ref 1
conflict between monks and citizenry, ref 1
Buxton: holy well of St Anne, ref 1
Byrhtferth (Benedictine monk), ref 1
Cabot, John, ref 1, ref 2
Cabot, Sebastian, ref 1
Cadbury (hill fort), ref 1
Cade, Jack, ref 1, ref 2
Caernarfon Castle, Wales, ref 1, ref 2
Caesar, Julius: invades England, ref 1, ref 2
on Druids, ref 1
Comentarii de Bello Gallico, ref 1
Calais: English capture, ref 1
Edward III in, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Thomas of Woodstock murdered at, ref 1, ref 2
Henry V marches on, ref 1, ref 2
Duke of Burgundy threatens, ref 1
remains in English hands, ref 1, ref 2
Duke of York protects, ref 1
Warwick in, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Calehill Heath, Kent, ref 1
calendar: and festivals, ref 1
see also space and time
Calvinists, ref 1
Cambridge University: founding and early development, ref 1
Cannynges, William, ref 1
canon law: Lanfranc introduces, ref 1
Canterbury: name, ref 1
archbishopric, ref 1
house density, ref 1
pilgrims, ref 1
Cathedral, ref 1
see also Becket, St Thomas
Cantii (tribe), ref 1
Canute, King of the English, Danes and Norwegians, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Caratacus, ref 1
Cartimandua, Queen of Brigantes, ref 1
Cassivellaunus, ref 1
Castillon, battle of (1453), ref 1
castles: Norman, ref 1, ref 2
in Wales, ref 1
Castor, Cambridgeshire, ref 1
cathedrals: built, ref 1
Catherine of Aragon, Queen of Henry VIII, ref 1
Catterick, ref 1
cattle: domesticated, ref 1
Caxton, William, ref 1, ref 2
The Game and the Playe of the Chesse, ref 1
Ceawlin (Saxon leader), ref 1
Cecilia (William the Conqueror’s daughter), ref 1
Celtic church, ref 1
Celtic languages, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Celts: origins, ref 1
cemeteries and churchyards, ref 1
Cernunnos (god), ref 1
chancery: developed under Henry I, ref 1
under Edward I, ref 1
Channel, English: formed, ref 1
Channel Islands: retained by King John, ref 1
Charlemagne, King of Frankish Empire, ref 1
Charles I, King: and Petition of Right, ref 1
Charles IV, King of France, ref 1
Charles V (the Wise), King of France, ref 1, ref 2
Charles VI, King of France, ref 1
Charles VII, King of France: crowned, ref 1
captures Paris, ref 1
reoccupies Normandy, ref 1
Charles VIII, King of France, ref 1
Chaucer, Geoffrey: writes in English, ref 1
Canterbury Tales, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5
‘The Miller’s Tale’, ref 1
‘Tale of Melibee’, ref 1
Troilus and Criseyde, ref 1
Cheddar Gorge, ref 1
Chester: footways, ref 1
childhood, ref 1, ref 2
see also education; schools
chivalry, ref 1
Christianity: introduced in Roman England, ref 1
under Anglo-Saxons, ref 1, ref 2
rich statues, ref 1
conversions under Augustine and Paulinus, ref 1
Roman Church prevails, ref 1
Church organization, ref 1
as unifying force, ref 1
Viking assault on, ref 1
prevails over Danish invaders, ref 1
Church reforms under Normans, ref 1
Church material wealth and landowning, ref 1
secular clergy, ref 1
practices and beliefs challenged by Lollards, ref 1
heretics burned at stake, ref 1
English saints, ref 1
tensions with sovereign, ref 1
Chronique de la Trahison et Mort de Richard II, ref 1
Church of England: in Henry V’s reign, ref 1
Church, the see Christianity
churches: design, ref 1
Perpendicular style, ref 1
see also cathedrals
churchyards see cemeteries
Cicero, ref 1
Cistercians, Order: settle in England, ref 1, ref 2
practise eviction, ref 1
Clarence, George, Duke of: and recognition of Elizabeth Woodville as queen, ref 1
Warwick promises crown to, ref 1, ref 2
proposed marriage to Warwick’s daughter, ref 1
Edward IV seeks friendship, ref 1
in Warwick’s rebellion, ref 1
deserts Warwick for Henry VI, ref 1
rivalry with Edward IV, ref 1, ref 2
murdered in Tower, ref 1, ref 2
Clarendon, Constitutions of (1164), ref 1
class (social): system develops, ref 1
see also hierarchies
Claudius, Roman Emperor, ref 1, ref 2
climate: variability, ref 1
human effect, ref 1
clocks, ref 1, ref 2
Clyn, John, ref 1
coal: Romans and, ref 1
Coelius (Coel Hen; ‘Old King Cole’), ref 1
coins and coinage: under Normans, ref 1
debased under Henry I, ref 1
Coke, Sir Edward, ref 1
Colchester (Camulodunum), ref 1
cloth manufacture, ref 1
Coleswain of Lincoln, ref 1
commerce see trade
common people: lives and conditions, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
effect of Black Death on, ref 1
dress and behaviour regulated by law, ref 1
Commons, House of see parliament
communitas (local self-rule), ref 1, ref 2
Commynes, Philippe de, ref 1, ref 2
Complaint of the Poor Commons of Kent, ref 1
Constantine the Great, Roman Emperor, ref 1
Conway Castle, Wales, ref 1, ref 2
Conyers, Sir John (‘Robin of Redesdale’; ‘Robin Mend-All’), ref 1
cooking see food and drink
Cornwall: Pytheas visits, ref 1
Celtic language, ref 1
coronations (royal), ref 1
see also individual monarchs
Cotton, Sir Robert, ref 1
Council Learned in the Law, ref 1
courtly love, ref 1
courts of law, ref 1
Coventry, ref 1
Crane, Matilda, ref 1
cranes (lifting), ref 1
Crécy, battle of (1346), ref 1, ref 2
crime: rises at times of harvest failure, ref 1
violent, ref 1, ref 2
and punishment, ref 1
prevalence under Henry VI, ref 1
Crowland Chronicle, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Crusade, Third, ref 1
Cunobelinus, ref 1
cursus monuments, ref 1
customs: prehistoric origins, ref 1
and continuity, ref 1, ref 2
customs duties: under Edward I, ref 1, ref 2
Cuthbert, St, ref 1
Danegeld (tax), ref 1
Danelaw, the, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Danes see Denmark
David I, King of Scotland, ref 1
‘Deadmen’s Den’ (Blore Heath battlefield), ref 1
death see burial; mortality
Deeds of Henry V, The, ref 1, ref 2
Deira, kingdom of, ref 1
Denmark: Viking raiders from, ref 1, ref 2
invasions and settlement in England, ref 1
subjects fight on English side at Hastings, ref 1
Despenser, Henry, Bishop of Norwich, ref 1
Despenser, Hugh le (father and son), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
diet see food and drink
doctors, ref 1
Domesday Book (‘The King’s Book’), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
domestic life: in Paston letters, ref 1
Dominican Order, ref 1
Dover: name, ref 1
dress: in Bronze Age, ref 1
under Romans, ref 1
Anglo-Saxon, ref 1, ref 2
legislation on, ref 1
drink see food and drink
Druids, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
drunkenness, ref 1
Dublin: as Norse trading centre, ref 1
Dudley, Edmund, ref 1
Dumnonii (tribe), ref 1
Dunstan, St, Archbishop of Canterbury, ref 1
Durham: Cathedral, ref 1
pilgrimages to, ref 1
Germanic structures, ref 1
Durotriges (tribe), ref 1, ref 2
East Anglia: settled, ref 1
Danes in, ref 1
East Saxons, ref 1, ref 2
East Stoke, battle of (1487), ref 1
economic activity: fifteenth century improvement, ref 1
see also trade; wool
Edgar Atheling, ref 1
Edgar, King of the English, ref 1
Edinburgh, ref 1
Edington, battle of (878), ref 1
Edith, Queen of Henry I, ref 1, ref 2
Edmund Ironside, King of the English, ref 1
education: children’s, ref 1
university, ref 1
see also schools
Edward I, King: captures Gwynedd, ref 1
wars against Scotland and Wales, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
and de Montfort’s war with Henry III, ref 1
imprisoned as hostage, ref 1
escapes and defeats de Montfort at Evesham, ref 1
on crusade, ref 1
accession and coronation, ref 1
attempted assassination, ref 1
interest in Gascony, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
soldierly qualities, ref 1
appearance and personality, ref 1
reclaims father’s lost lands, ref 1
taxes and customs, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
authority, ref 1, ref 2
and international finance, ref 1, ref 2
represses and expels Jews, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
law and administration reforms, ref 1
raises paid troops, ref 1
and death of first wife (Eleanor), ref 1
remarries (Margaret), ref 1
death, ref 1
Edward II, King: acclaimed Prince of Wales, ref 1
birth and upbringing, ref 1
character and tastes, ref 1
coronation, ref 1
marriage and children, ref 1
relations with Piers Gaveston, ref 1
baronial opposition to, ref 1
conflict with Scots, ref 1, ref 2
and execution of Gaveston, ref 1
disgraced by Bannockburn defeat, ref 1
appoints Despenser chamberlain, ref 1
provokes civil war and violence, ref 1
authority and tyrannical rule, ref 1, ref 2
calls parliament at York (1322), ref 1
dispute over Gascony, ref 1
Isabella rebels against, ref 1
deposed and killed, ref 1
supposed survival and peregrinations, ref 1
military ineptness, ref 1
Richard II and, ref 1
Edward III, King: father sends to France to do fealty for Gascony, ref 1
and rebellion against father, ref 1
character, ref 1, ref 2
crowned, ref 1
has Mortimer killed, ref 1
reign and administration, ref 1
wars with Scotland, ref 1, ref 2
claims throne of France, ref 1, ref 2
restores knightly virtues, ref 1
and conduct of Hundred Years War, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
as warrior, ref 1
taxation, ref 1
relations with parliament, ref 1
asserts authority, ref 1
invades Normandy, ref 1
and Black Death, ref 1
and capture of King John II of France, ref 1
accepts treaties and truces in France, ref 1
achievements, ref 1
death, ref 1
Edward IV, King (earlier Earl of March and Duke of York): Black Book, ref 1
in Wars of the Roses, ref 1
appearance and character, ref 1, ref 2
crowned, ref 1
extravagance and display, ref 1, ref 2
treatment of Lancastrians, ref 1
foreign policy, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
strong rule, ref 1
view of French, ref 1
marriage to commoner (Elizabeth Woodville), ref 1, ref 2
sociability, ref 1
and Robin of Redesdale rebellion, ref 1
captured, confined in Warwick Castle and released, ref 1
defeats Lincolnshire rebels (1470), ref 1
and Warwick’s 1470 invasion, ref 1
flees to Holland, ref 1
returns to England to counter Warwick, ref 1
defeats Warwick at Barnet, ref 1
participates in trade, ref 1
and succession, ref 1, ref 2
purges enemies, ref 1
treaty with Louis XI (1475), ref 1
has Clarence killed, ref 1, ref 2
arranges family marriages, ref 1
illness and death, ref 1
solvency, ref 1
Edward V, King (earlier Prince of Wales): marriage prospects, ref 1
accession and reign, ref 1, ref 2
confined in Tower and killed, ref 1, ref 2
and Richard III’s seizure of crown, ref 1
Edward the Confessor, King of the English, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7
Edward the Elder, King of the Angles and Saxons, ref 1
Edward, Prince (Richard III’s son): death, ref 1
Edward, Prince of Wales (Henry VI’s son): birth, ref 1
mother protects, ref 1
as claimant to throne, ref 1, ref 2
and Wars of the Roses, ref 1
betrothal and marriage to Warwick’s daughter, ref 1, ref 2
killed at Tewkesbury, ref 1
Edward of Woodstock, Prince of Wales (‘the Black Prince’): military activities, ref 1
health decline and death, ref 1
sets up court at Bordeaux, ref 1
Edwin, King of Northumberland, ref 1, ref 2
Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of Henry II, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Eleanor of Castile, Queen of Edward I: death, ref 1
Crosses, ref 1
and birth of Edward II, ref 1
Eleanor of Provence, Queen of Henry III, ref 1, ref 2
Elizabeth I, Queen: authority, ref 1
Elizabeth II, Queen: coronation, ref 1
Elizabeth (Woodville), Queen of Edward IV: marriage, ref 1
twice takes sanctuary in Westminster Abbey, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
children, ref 1
hostility to Clarence, ref 1
and son’s succession to throne, ref 1
surrenders son Richard to Richard III, ref 1
and Lady Margaret Beaufort, ref 1
supports Lambert Simnel, ref 1
sent to nunnery, ref 1
Elizabeth of York, Queen of Henry VII: marriage to Henry, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
Richard III’s supposed plan to marry, ref 1
death, ref 1
Elmet (kingdom), ref 1
Eltham palace, ref 1
Ely: as centre of Hereward’s resistance, ref 1
school, ref 1
Emma, Queen of Ethelred and of Canute, ref 1
Empson, Richard, ref 1
enclosures: in Bronze Age, ref 1
eighteenth-century Enclosure Acts, ref 1
and sheep breeding, ref 1
Engels, Friedrich, ref 1
England: early settlement, ref 1, ref 2
formed, ref 1
regional divisions, ref 1, ref 2
Romans invade and colonize, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
tribes, ref 1
government and social development under Romans, ref 1
early Christianity in, ref 1
incursion by northern tribes, ref 1
Roman rule ends, ref 1
post-Roman division and administration, ref 1
name, ref 1
under Anglo-Saxons, ref 1
converted to Christianity, ref 1
urbanization under Alfred the Great, ref 1
as Anglo-Saxon realm, ref 1
administrative units, ref 1
land ownership, ref 1
national identity formed, ref 1
involvement with France, ref 1
resistance to William the Conqueror, ref 1
under Norman rule, ref 1
frontier with Scotland defined, ref 1
development of bureaucracy, ref 1
Normans assimilated, ref 1
increased prosperity under Henry II, ref 1
archives and records develop, ref 1, ref 2
civil disorder under Edward II, ref 1
rivalry with France, ref 1
in Hundred Years War against France, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6
popular discontent (1377), ref 1
established as nation under Henry V, ref 1
foreigners’ views of, ref 1
loses possessions in France, ref 1, ref 2
economic fortunes in fifteenth century, ref 1, ref 2
prosperity under Edward IV, ref 1
historical change, ref 1
political and legal systems, ref 1
foreign-born monarchs, ref 1
English language: under Normans, ref 1
literary and official development, ref 1
prevalence under Henry V, ref 1
Epona (horse goddess), ref 1
Ermine Street, ref 1
esquires, ref 1
Essex: rebels in Peasants’ Revolt, ref 1, ref 2
estates (landed), ref 1
Ethelred II (‘the unready’), King of the English, ref 1, ref 2
Eton College, ref 1
Evesham, battle of (1265), ref 1
Evesham, monk of (chronicler), ref 1
Evreux, Louis, Count of, ref 1
exchequer: developed under Henry I, ref 1
fairs and markets, ref 1, ref 2
Falkirk, battle of (1298), ref 1
famines: (1086), ref 1
(1257), ref 1
(1314), ref 1
farming: beginnings, ref 1
Bronze Age, ref 1, ref 2
Iron Age, ref 1, ref 2
under Romans, ref 1
and climate change, ref 1
under Anglo-Saxons, ref 1
under Henry III, ref 1
and seasons, ref 1
regional diversity, ref 1
routines, ref 1
and a money economy, ref 1
see also harvest failures
Fastolf, Sir John, ref 1, ref 2
Faversham monastery, ref 1
fens: drained under Romans, ref 1
festivals and pastimes: seasonal, ref 1
feudalism, ref 1, ref 2
fields: formed, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
regional diversity and patterns, ref 1
Fieschi, Manuel di, ref 1
Fishbourne, Sussex, ref 1
Fitz-Osbert, William (or William the Beard), ref 1
Fitzstephen, William, ref 1, ref 2
fitz Walter, Robert, ref 1, ref 2
Flanders: rebellion (fourteenth century), ref 1
English campaign in (1383), ref 1
French hold, ref 1
Flemings: settle in Pembrokeshire, ref 1
flint: artefacts, ref 1
tools, ref 1, ref 2
mining, ref 1
Flint Castle, Wales, ref 1
Florence: revolt (fourteenth century), ref 1
Foliot, Gilbert, ref 1
Folville, Eustace de, ref 1
Folville, John de, ref 1
Folville, Richard de, ref 1
food and drink: Bronze Age, ref 1
medieval, ref 1
Forest of Dean, ref 1
forest law, ref 1
forests see woods and forests
Formby Point, ref 1
Forme of Cury, The (cookery book), ref 1
Fortescue, Sir John: De Laudibus Legum Angliae, ref 1
Foxe, John, ref 1
France: English involvement with, ref 1
King John loses empire in, ref 1
Henry III in, ref 1
in Hundred Years War against England, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8
power struggle with England, ref 1
Edward III claims throne, ref 1, ref 2
English depredations in, ref 1
Charles V’s forces raid south coast, ref 1
Jacquerie riots, ref 1
alliance with Scotland against England, ref 1
threatens England from Flanders, ref 1
Henry V’s campaigns in, ref 1, ref 2
Henry VI crowned king, ref 1
fleet sacks Sandwich (1457), ref 1
Edward IV’s view of, ref 1
treaty with Edward IV (1475), ref 1
finances Henry Tudor’s invasion against Richard III, ref 1
Franciscan Order, ref 1
Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, ref 1
Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor, ref 1
free men: in towns, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
legal rights, ref 1
French language: introduced by Normans, ref 1
Frisians: settle in England, ref 1
Froissart, Jean, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Fuller, Agnes, ref 1
Fuller, Thomas: The Holy State and the Profane State, ref 1
Galen, ref 1
games and sports, ref 1
Garter, Order of the: instituted (1348), ref 1
Gascony: Henry III in, ref 1
Edward I values and controls, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
status of merchants, ref 1
Edward III does fealty to French king for, ref 1, ref 2
in Hundred Years War, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
remains in English hands, ref 1
surrendered to French, ref 1
Gaul, Gauls, ref 1, ref 2
Gaveston, Piers, Earl of Cornwall, ref 1
gentlemen, ref 1
gentry, formed, ref 1, ref 2
Geoffrey of Anjou, ref 1, ref 2
Geoffrey, Prince (Henry II’s son), ref 1
George, St, ref 1, ref 2
Germanic languages, ref 1
Germanic settlers: in England, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre, ref 1
Geyser, William, ref 1
Gildas, ref 1, ref 2
Girton, Cambridgeshire, ref 1
Glanville, Ranulph de: tutors King John, ref 1
On the Laws and Customs of England, ref 1
Glastonbury, ref 1, ref 2
Glendower, Owen, ref 1
Gloucester Cathedral: Perpendicular style, ref 1
Gloucester, Gilbert de Clare, 10th Earl of, ref 1
Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of: as protector in Henry VI’s minority, ref 1
advises Henry VI on war with France, ref 1
arrest and death, ref 1
Gloucester, Richard, Duke of see Richard III, King
Gloucester, Thomas, Duke of (Thomas of Woodstock), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6
Godiva (or Godgifu) Lady, ref 1
Gododdin (kingdom), ref 1, ref 2
Godwin, Earl of Wessex, ref 1
Gordon, Katherine, ref 1, ref 2
Gornay, Lord Thomas de, ref 1
Gothic art, ref 1
‘Gough’ map, ref 1
Gower, John, ref 1, ref 2
Gower Peninsula, ref 1
Great Chronicle of London, ref 1
Gregory the Great, Pope, ref 1
Guildhall Library, London, ref 1
guilds, ref 1, ref 2
Guinevere, Queen, ref 1
Guthrum (Danish leader), ref 1
Gwynedd, ref 1
Gytha (Harold’s mother), ref 1
Hadrian, Roman Emperor, ref 1
Hadrian’s Wall, ref 1, ref 2
Hailes Abbey, Gloucestershire, ref 1
Hakluyt, Richard, ref 1
Halidon Hill, battle of (1333), ref 1
Hall, Edward, ref 1
hamlets, ref 1
handwriting: development of cursive script, ref 1
Happisburgh, Norfolk, ref 1
Harald Hardrada, King of Norway, ref 1
Hardy, Thomas, ref 1
Tess of the d’Urbervilles, ref 1
Harfleur: Henry V besieges and captures, ref 1, ref 2
Harold Godwinson, King of the English, ref 1
Harold Harefoot, King of the English, ref 1
‘harrowing of the north, the’, ref 1
Harthacanute, King of Denmark, ref 1
harvest failures: early fourteenth century, ref 1, ref 2
see also famines
Hastings: burnt by French, ref 1
Hastings, battle of (1066), ref 1
Hastings, William, Baron, ref 1, ref 2
Hazlitt, William, ref 1
Heahmund, Bishop of Sherborne, ref 1
Helmsley, Yorkshire, ref 1
henge monuments, ref 1
Hengist and Horsa, ref 1
Henry I, King: and yard (measurement), ref 1
inheritance, ref 1
reign, ref 1, ref 2
and succession, ref 1, ref 2
death, ref 1
marriage, ref 1
Henry II, King: and king’s touch, ref 1
administrative and judicial changes, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
succeeds Stephen, ref 1, ref 2
background and character, ref 1, ref 2
territorial victories, ref 1
expedition to Normandy, ref 1
relations and conflicts with Becket, ref 1, ref 2
assertion of authority, ref 1
temper, ref 1
speaks no English, ref 1
increases national prosperity, ref 1
and murder of Becket, ref 1
does penance for Becket’s death, ref 1
disputes with sons, ref 1
succession question, ref 1
death and burial, ref 1
forbids tournaments in England, ref 1
Henry III, King: crowned, ref 1
regency council as minor, ref 1
reign, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
character and appearance, ref 1
piety, ref 1
and European affairs, ref 1
marriage, ref 1, ref 2
and increase in national prosperity, ref 1
court and advisers, ref 1, ref 2
opposed by native barons, ref 1
financial difficulties, ref 1
resumes sovereignty, ref 1
Simon de Montfort confronts, ref 1
defeat at battle of Lewes, ref 1
summons parliament (1236), ref 1
administrative complexity, ref 1
as hostage at battle of Evesham, ref 1
death and burial, ref 1, ref 2
and continuity in law, ref 1
Henry IV (Bolingbroke), King (earlier 1st Duke of Hereford): conflicts with Richard II, ref 1
exiled, ref 1
returns to England to oppose Richard II, ref 1
claims throne, ref 1
negotiates with Richard, ref 1
accession, ref 1, ref 2
and rumoured survival of Richard II, ref 1
seen as usurper, ref 1
assassination attempts on, ref 1
Percy family rebels against, ref 1
revenue raising, ref 1
defeats Hotspur at Berwick Field, ref 1
illness, ref 1
Scrope rebels against, ref 1
rule and administration, ref 1
and son Henry’s ambitions for throne, ref 1
death and burial, ref 1
has Richard II killed, ref 1
Henry V (of Monmouth), King (earlier Prince of Wales): reburies Richard II at Westminster Abbey, ref 1
wounded at Berwick Field, ref 1
martial prowess, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
as successor to father, ref 1
appearance and character, ref 1, ref 2
coronation, ref 1
piety, ref 1
campaigns in France, ref 1, ref 2
Agincourt victory, ref 1
acclaimed in England, ref 1, ref 2
builds up navy, ref 1
marriage, ref 1
death, ref 1
treaty with Charles VI of France (1420), ref 1
Henry VI, King: peaceful nature, ref 1, ref 2
ratifies Magna Carta, ref 1
infancy at father’s death, ref 1, ref 2
minority, ref 1, ref 2
crowned as king of England and of France while boy, ref 1
character and appearance, ref 1, ref 2
piety, ref 1
seeks peace in war with France, ref 1
French demand renunciation of claim to crown, ref 1
marriage, ref 1, ref 2
bestows honours, ref 1
weak rule, ref 1, ref 2
loses Normandy to Charles VII, ref 1
debts, ref 1
and Jack Cade rebellion, ref 1
suffers stroke, ref 1
and York–Somerset enmity, ref 1
treatment and partial recovery, ref 1
wounded at St Albans, ref 1
suffers further malady, ref 1
in Wars of the Roses, ref 1, ref 2
captured at Northampton, ref 1
position challenged by York, ref 1
rescued at second battle of St Albans, ref 1
and crowning of Edward IV, ref 1
flees to Scotland, ref 1, ref 2
imprisoned in Tower, ref 1
released and reinstated, ref 1
Edward IV reconfines to Tower, ref 1
killed in Tower, ref 1, ref 2
marks out site of tomb, ref 1
Henry VII idealizes, ref 1
Henry VI, King of Germany, ref 1
Henry VII (Tudor), King (earlier Earl of Richmond): and murder of Princes in the Tower, ref 1
background, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
rebels against Richard III, ref 1, ref 2
in Brittany, ref 1
marriage to Elizabeth, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
claim to throne, ref 1, ref 2
invades (1485), ref 1
defeats Richard at Bosworth Field, ref 1
appearance and character, ref 1, ref 2
coronation, ref 1
royal bodyguard (yeomen), ref 1
rule, ref 1, ref 2
Yorkist opposition to, ref 1
and Lambert Simnel conspiracy, ref 1
son Arthur born, ref 1
victory at East Stoke (1487), ref 1
financial stringency, ref 1, ref 2
supports Brittany against France, ref 1
and Perkin Warbeck conspiracy, ref 1, ref 2
health decline, ref 1, ref 2
piety and superstiousness, ref 1
remains unmarried after death of Elizabeth, ref 1
death, ref 1, ref 2
encourages overseas trade, ref 1
court, ref 1
isolation, ref 1, ref 2
reputation, ref 1, ref 2
Henry VIII, King: authority, ref 1
marriage to Catherine of Aragon, ref 1
legacy from father, ref 1
Henry, Bishop of Winchester, ref 1
Henry of Huntingdon, ref 1
Henry the Younger (Henry II’s son): crowned as ‘joint king’, ref 1, ref 2
death, ref 1
heraldry, ref 1
herbs: medicinal, ref 1
Hereford, Henry Bolingbroke, 1st Duke of see Henry IV, King
heresy, ref 1, ref 2
Hereward the Wake, ref 1
hierarchies (social): prehistoric, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
under Romans, ref 1
Anglo-Saxon, ref 1
medieval, ref 1
development, ref 1
survival, ref 1
in towns, ref 1
see also class (social)
Higden, Ranulf, ref 1, ref 2
Polychronicon, ref 1, ref 2
highway robbery, ref 1
hill forts, ref 1, ref 2
history: nature of, ref 1
Hoccleve, Thomas, ref 1
Holinshed, Raphael, ref 1
Homer: Iliad, ref 1
Honorius, Roman Emperor, ref 1
horse: as means of travel, ref 1
Hospitallers, Order of, ref 1
hospitals, ref 1, ref 2
houses: medieval design and construction, ref 1
Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, ref 1, ref 2
Hugh de Neville, ref 1
Hull: brick wall, ref 1
wool exporters, ref 1
human sacrifice: in Iron Age, ref 1
humour: medieval, ref 1
humours, four, ref 1
Hundred Years War (1337): conduct and campaigns, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
origins, ref 1
and English claim to French sovereignty, ref 1
resumes under Henry V, ref 1, ref 2
continues, ref 1, ref 2
ends, ref 1
hundreds (administrative units), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
hunting: by kings, ref 1
Iceni (tribe), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Icknield Way (track), ref 1, ref 2
illness and ailments, ref 1
imports: luxury goods in fifteenth century, ref 1
industry: in fifteenth century, ref 1
Inglewood, Cumbria, ref 1
Innocent III, Pope, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
inns: roadside, ref 1
inns of court, ref 1
Ireland: raiders against Vortigern, ref 1
Richard II in, ref 1
Warbeck in, ref 1
iron: as new technology, ref 1
under Romans, ref 1
demand in fifteenth century, ref 1
Iron Age: development, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
religion, ref 1, ref 2
art, ref 1
Isabella of Angoulême, Queen of King John, ref 1, ref 2
Isabella of France, Queen of Edward II, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
Isabella of France, second Queen of Richard II, ref 1
Isabella, wife of Emperor Frederick II, ref 1
Jack Straw’s Castle, Hampstead Heath, ref 1
Jacquerie (France), ref 1
James IV, King of Scotland: shelters Perkin Warbeck, ref 1
marries Margaret Tudor, ref 1
James of St George, Master, ref 1
Jarrow, ref 1
jewellery: Bronze Age, ref 1
Jews: Edward I represses and expels, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
early settlement and legal status in England, ref 1
as moneylenders and moneychangers, ref 1
popular hostility to, ref 1
accused of ritual murder of Christian children, ref 1
census (1239), ref 1
Joan of Arc, ref 1
Joanna of Castile: Henry VII courts, ref 1
John II, King of France, ref 1
John of Arderne, ref 1
John, King: kingship, ref 1
as ‘Lackland’, ref 1
nominated as king of Ireland, ref 1, ref 2
and succession to Henry II, ref 1
barons’ rebellion against, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Richard pardons on return, ref 1
swears fealty to Philip II of France and usurps Richard’s throne, ref 1
reputation and character, ref 1, ref 2
succeeds Richard, ref 1
and death of Arthur of Brittany, ref 1
loses empire in France, ref 1, ref 2
raises revenues, ref 1
travels throughout England, ref 1
and administration of justice, ref 1
campaigning in Britain, ref 1, ref 2
dispute with pope over appointment of archbishops and bishops, ref 1
womanizing, ref 1
excommunicated, ref 1
accepts pope’s demands, ref 1
assumes cross of crusader, ref 1
seals Magna Carta, ref 1
defies Magna Carta, ref 1
death and burial, ref 1, ref 2
loses treasure in Wash, ref 1
calls parliament (1212), ref 1
protects Jews, ref 1
killings, ref 1
John, King of Bohemia, ref 1
John of Luxemburg, ref 1
John of Worcester, ref 1
Johnson, Samuel, ref 1
Joseph of Arimathea, ref 1
judges, ref 1
Julian, Roman Emperor, ref 1
Jurassic Way, ref 1
juries: origins, ref 1
Jutes: settle in England, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Katherine of Valois, Queen of Henry V: marriage to Henry, ref 1
remarries (Owen Tudor), ref 1
Kenilworth Castle: Edward II at, ref 1
John of Gaunt at, ref 1
Margaret of Anjou at, ref 1
Kent: settlers and administration, ref 1
popular revolts, ref 1
Danish invasion (1896), ref 1
condemns law under Henry VI, ref 1
coast attacked from France and Brittany, ref 1
and rebellion under Jack Cade, ref 1
Keston, Kent, ref 1
keyhold tenure, ref 1
King’s College, Cambridge, ref 1
king’s touch: as cure for scrofula, ref 1
kingship: origins and authority, ref 1
and divine right, ref 1
and hunting, ref 1
and lawlessness following death of, ref 1
Richard II and, ref 1, ref 2
tensions with nobility and Church, ref 1
Knighton, Henry, ref 1
knights: under Normans, ref 1
status, ref 1, ref 2
and chivalry, ref 1
and summoning of parliament, ref 1
‘distraint of’ (order), ref 1
labour: value following Black Death, ref 1, ref 2
Lambarde, William: The Perambulation of Kent, ref 1
Lancaster family: in Wars of Roses, ref 1, ref 2
extinguished, ref 1
Lancaster, John of Gaunt, Duke of: house burned by Tyler’s rebels, ref 1
governs during Edward III’s illness, ref 1
unpopularity, ref 1, ref 2
and John Wycliffe, ref 1
as Chaucer’s patron, ref 1
Richard II fears as rival, ref 1
presides at Arundel’s trial, ref 1
and son Bolingbroke’s conflict with Richard II, ref 1
death, ref 1
marriage to Katherine Swynford, ref 1
and house of Lancaster, ref 1
Lancaster, Thomas of see Thomas, Earl of Lancaster
land ownership: and lordship, ref 1
as cause of disputes, ref 1
and social standing, ref 1
and land shortage, ref 1
in Black Death, ref 1
landscape: formed by farming and field system, ref 1, ref 2
Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury, ref 1, ref 2
Langland, William: Piers Plowman, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7
Langton, Stephen, Archbishop of Canterbury, ref 1
languages: prehistoric, ref 1
see also English language
Laurence of St Martin, Sir, ref 1
law: under Normans, ref 1
reforms under Henry II, ref 1
under Edward I, ref 1
custom and precedent in, ref 1
ineffectiveness under Henry VI, ref 1
Edward IV intervenes in, ref 1
lawyers: origins, ref 1
lead mines, ref 1
Leeds: founded, ref 1
Leeds Castle, Kent, ref 1
legal rights of free men, ref 1
Leges Henrici Primi, ref 1
Leofric, Earl of Mercia, ref 1
Leopold, Duke of Austria, ref 1
le Toruk, Jacob, ref 1
Lewes, battle of (1264), ref 1
Leyburn, Roger, ref 1
life expectancy, ref 1, ref 2
Lincoln: population, ref 1
Lincoln, John de la, Earl of, ref 1
Lincolnshire: revolt (1470), ref 1
Lindisfarne, ref 1
Lindisfarne Gospels, ref 1
Lindley Hall Farm, Leicestershire, ref 1
literacy, ref 1, ref 2
Lithere, Benedict, ref 1
livestock: in medieval period, ref 1
living standards: improve in fifteenth century, ref 1
Lollards, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
London: Boudicca attacks, ref 1
as Roman capital of Britannia Superior, ref 1
population, ref 1, ref 2
burned by Danish raiders, ref 1
medieval house design, ref 1
road links, ref 1
mayor and aldermen established, ref 1
plan, ref 1
communal government, ref 1, ref 2
citizens rebel against Richard I’s taxes, ref 1
rebel barons occupy (1215), ref 1, ref 2
Prince Louis of France in, ref 1
supports de Montfort against Henry III, ref 1
Edward I imposes taxes on, ref 1
and rebellion against Edward II, ref 1
in Peasants’ Revolt (1381), ref 1
Jack Cade rebels in, ref 1
improvements and rebuilding, ref 1
longbow: English mastery of, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
Lords, House of see parliament
lordship: and land ownership, ref 1
and feudalism, ref 1
see also aristocracy Loudun Hill, battle of (1306), ref 1, ref 2
Louis VII, King of France, ref 1
Louis VIII (the Lion), King of France (earlier Prince), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Louis IX, King of France, ref 1 Louis XI, King of France, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5
Lovel, Francis, 1st Viscount, ref 1
Loveraz, Richard de, ref 1
Lud (or Nud; god), ref 1
Ludlow, Shropshire: in Wars of Roses, ref 1
Lutherans, ref 1
luxury goods: imported, ref 1
Lydgate, John, ref 1
Lynn (King’s Lynn), Norfolk, ref 1, ref 2
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Baron, ref 1
Maelbeath (or Macbeth), ref 1
Magna Carta (1215), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8, ref 9
Maiden Castle, Dorset, ref 1
Maidstone Prison: prisoners freed, ref 1
Maine, France, ref 1
Malcolm III (Canmore), King of Scotland, ref 1
Malcolm IV, King of Scotland, ref 1
Maldon, battle of (991), ref 1
Malory, Thomas: Le Morte Darthur, ref 1, ref 2
Manchester: name, ref 1
Mancini, Dominic, ref 1, ref 2
manor: as centre of agrarian life, ref 1
court records, ref 1
at Wharram Percy, ref 1
accounts, ref 1, ref 2
Map, Walter, ref 1
March, Edmund Mortimer, 3rd Earl of, ref 1
March, Roger Mortimer, 1st Earl of see Mortimer, Roger
Margaret of Anjou, Queen of Henry VI: marriage to Henry, ref 1, ref 2
birth of son, ref 1
opposes Richard of York, ref 1
and threat to son’s succession, ref 1, ref 2
in Wars of the Roses, ref 1, ref 2
shut out of London, ref 1
flees to Scotland, ref 1
takes refuge in Anjou, ref 1
forms alliance with Warwick against Edward IV, ref 1, ref 2
taken prisoner at Tewkesbury, ref 1
incarcerated in Tower and ransomed by Louis XI, ref 1
Louis XI supports, ref 1
Margaret, Queen of Edward I, ref 1
Margaret Tudor, Queen of James IV of Scotland, ref 1
Margaret of York see Burgundy, Margaret of York, Duchess of
Markeby, John de, ref 1
Martin, St, ref 1
Mase, Harry, ref 1
Mass, the, ref 1
Matilda (earlier Edith), Queen of Henry I, ref 1
Matilda (Maud), Empress (Henry I’s daughter): and succession to Henry, ref 1
conflict with Stephen over crown, ref 1
hailed as ‘lady of England’, ref 1
unpopularity, ref 1
retires to Rouen, ref 1
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, ref 1
measurement: inexactness, ref 1
see also yard
Meaux, siege of (1421), ref 1
medicine: practice of, ref 1
megaliths, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
see also Stonehenge
melancholy (humour), ref 1
merchant adventurers, ref 1
Mercia, kingdom of, ref 1, ref 2
Meredith, George, ref 1
Merfield, William, ref 1
Meriden, Warwickshire, ref 1
Mesolithic people, ref 1, ref 2
Middle Saxons, ref 1
Middleham, north Yorkshire, ref 1
Milton, John: Paradise Lost, ref 1
minsters (communities of priests and monks), ref 1
miracle and mystery plays, ref 1
monasteries: established by Normans, ref 1
children recruited to, ref 1
Mons Badonicus, battle of (490), ref 1
Montfort, Eleanor de, Countess of Leicester, ref 1
Montfort, Simon de, Earl of Leicester: opposes Henry III, ref 1
and summoning of parliament, ref 1
defeated at Evesham (1265), ref 1
death and burial, ref 1
Morast (fruit drink), ref 1
More, Sir Thomas: personal display, ref 1
on literacy in England, ref 1
on Edward IV, ref 1
on Richard III, ref 1, ref 2
on Henry VII, ref 1
mort d’ancestor (legal procedure), ref 1 mortality: age of, ref 1
infant, ref 1 Mortimer, Anne, ref 1 Mortimer, Roger, 1st Earl of March, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
Mortimer’s Cross, battle of (1461), ref 1
Morton, John, Archbishop of Canterbury (earlier Bishop of Ely), ref 1, ref 2
Motte, Agnes, ref 1
Mowbray, Thomas see Norfolk, 1st Duke of
murrain (disease), ref 1, ref 2
names: changes under Normans, ref 1
navy: King John constructs, ref 1
Henry V builds up, ref 1
Neckam, Alexander, ref 1
Nefyn, Wales, ref 1
Neolithic: as term, ref 1, ref 2
Neolithic period, ref 1, ref 2
Neville family: support Yorkists in Wars of Roses, ref 1, ref 2
Neville, George, Archbishop of York, ref 1, ref 2
Neville’s Cross, battle of (1346), ref 1
Newfoundland, ref 1
Norfolk, John Howard, 1st Duke of, ref 1, ref 2
Norfolk, Roger Bigod, 4th Earl of, ref 1, ref 2
Norfolk, Thomas Mowbray, 1st Duke of, ref 1
Normandy: Henry I invades and conquers, ref 1
Henry II’s expedition to, ref 1
King John loses to Philip Augustus, ref 1
Edward III invades, ref 1
Henry V in, ref 1, ref 2
France reclaims, ref 1, ref 2
Normans: and separation of Church and state, ref 1
Ethelred marries into, ref 1
Edward the Comfessor’s loyalty to, ref 1
under William, ref 1
invade and conquer England, ref 1
oppressive rule and occupation of England, ref 1
buildings, ref 1
introduce French language, ref 1
assimilated, ref 1, ref 2
names, ref 1
council, ref 1
wheat-growing and eating, ref 1
dynasty, ref 1
Norsemen see Vikings
North America: English exploration and settlement, ref 1
North Sea: formed, ref 1
Northampton: parliament (1380), ref 1
scholastic community, ref 1
Northampton, battle of (1460), ref 1
Northumberland, Henry Percy, 1st Earl of, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
Northumberland, Henry Percy, 2nd Earl of (Hotspur), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Northumberland, Henry Percy, 4th Earl of, ref 1
Northumberland, Henry Percy, 5th Earl of, ref 1
Northumberland, kingdom of: power, ref 1
Vikings conquer, ref 1
Malcolm IV surrenders to Henry II, ref 1
Norway: Viking raiders from, ref 1
Norwich: population, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
social divisions, ref 1
grammar school, ref 1
Noseles, Philip, ref 1
Noteman, Andrew, ref 1
Offa’s Dyke, ref 1
Oldcastle, Sir John, ref 1
Orderic Vitalis, ref 1, ref 2
Ordinance of Labourers (1349), ref 1
Orkney: surrendered to Scotland, ref 1
Orleans: Joan of Arc lifts siege, ref 1
Orleton, Adam, Bishop of Hereford, ref 1
Osborne, John, ref 1
Otto IV, Holy Roman Emperor, ref 1
Oxford, John de Vere, 12th Earl of, ref 1
Oxford, Provisions of (1258), ref 1
Oxford University: teaching of law, ref 1
origins, ref 1
student violence and misbehaviour, ref 1
learning, ref 1
‘oyer et terminer’ commission, ref 1
Page, John and Agnes, ref 1
Palaeolithic: as term, ref 1
Palfrey, William, ref 1
Pandulf (papal legate), ref 1
papacy: and appointment of archbishop of Canterbury, ref 1
see also Christianity
Paris: Treaty of (1259), ref 1
in Hundred Years War, ref 1
falls to Charles VII, ref 1
Paris, Matthew, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
parish: development, ref 1
numbers, ref 1
parish churches: as communal centres, ref 1
show evidence of affluence, ref 1
parish priests, ref 1, ref 2
Parisii (tribe), ref 1, ref 2
parliament: origins and development, ref 1, ref 2
Edward I summons, ref 1, ref 2
first records (1316), ref 1
Edward II summons, ref 1
and consent to taxation, ref 1
growing power during Hundred Years War, ref 1
relations with Edward III, ref 1, ref 2
‘Good’ (1376), ref 1
in Westminster Hall, ref 1
conflict with Richard II, ref 1, ref 2
‘Wonderful’ (1386), ref 1
‘Merciless’ (1389), ref 1
relations with Henry IV, ref 1
meets in Bury St Edmunds (1447), ref 1
Henry VII ignores, ref 1
pastimes see festivals and pastimes
Paston family: life and letters, ref 1, ref 2
Paston, Agnes, ref 1, ref 2
Paston, Clement, ref 1
Paston, Elizabeth, ref 1
Paston, John, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6
Paston, Margaret, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Paston, William, ref 1
Patrick, St: Confessions, ref 1
Paulinus (missionary), ref 1
peasantry: and village life, ref 1
houses, ref 1
condition improves in Black Death, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
see also serfs
Peasants’ Revolt (1381), ref 1, ref 2
Pembroke, Jasper Tudor, Earl of: commands Queen Margaret’s forces, ref 1
and Henry Tudor’s invasion, ref 1
sends Henry to Brittany, ref 1
Pembroke, William Marshal, 1st Earl of, ref 1
Pembrokeshire: Flemings in, ref 1
Penny, William, ref 1
Pepys, Samuel, ref 1
Percy family: rebels against Henry IV, ref 1
power in north, ref 1
Percy, Henry (Hotspur) see Northumberland, 2nd Earl of
Perpendicular style (architecture), ref 1
Perrers, Alice, ref 1
Peter de Blois, ref 1
Peter des Rivaux, ref 1, ref 2
Peter des Roches, Bishop of Winchester, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Peter of Savoy, Earl of Richmond, ref 1
Peter, St, ref 1
Peterborough: Bronze Age remains, ref 1
Peterborough Abbey: suffers under Henry I, ref 1
and warfare between Stephen and Matilda, ref 1
Petition of Right (seventeenth century), ref 1
Philip II (Philip Augustus), King of France, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
Philip VI of Valois, King of France, ref 1, ref 2
Philippa of Hainault, Queen of Edward III, ref 1
Pickering, Vale of, Yorkshire, ref 1
Picquigny, treaty of (1475), ref 1
Picts: land of (Prydyn), ref 1
harass Romans and English, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
pilgrims, ref 1
Pilgrims Way, The, ref 1, ref 2
Pistor, John, ref 1
Pius II, Pope, ref 1
plague: in 540s, ref 1
see also Black Death
Plantagenet dynasty: succession, ref 1
killings, ref 1
Plautius, Aulus, ref 1
Pliny the Elder, ref 1
poems, songs and tales: heroic, ref 1, ref 2
Poitiers, battle of (1356), ref 1
Poitou, ref 1
poll tax: introduced (1377), ref 1
(1380), ref 1
Poppelau, Nicholas von, ref 1
population: in Neolithic period, ref 1
increase in Bronze Age, ref 1
in Iron Age, ref 1, ref 2
reduced by plague (1540s), ref 1
towns, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
increase in Henry III’s reign, ref 1
falls in fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, ref 1
reduced by Black Death, ref 1, ref 2
portents: and civil unrest, ref 1
of two kings, ref 1, ref 2
Pounchon, William, ref 1
Poundbury, Dorset, ref 1
Prasutagus, King of Iceni, ref 1
Preseli Hills, southwest Wales, ref 1
prices: rise under King John, ref 1
increase under Henry III, ref 1
rise during harvest failures, ref 1, ref 2
priests see parish priests
Princes in the Tower see Tower of London
printing, ref 1, ref 2
Procopius of Caesarea, ref 1
property: inheritance under Normans, ref 1
legal disputes over, ref 1
Prophecies of Merlin, ref 1
proverbs, ref 1
public houses, ref 1
punishment: for crimes, ref 1
Puttock, Stephen, ref 1
Pytheas, ref 1
Quernbetere, Alice, ref 1
rabbit: introduced to England, ref 1
Radcot, battle of (1388), ref 1
Ralph de Crockerlane, ref 1
Ravenspur, Yorkshire, ref 1
Redwald, King of the East Angles, ref 1
Reformation, the, ref 1
Regenbald, chancellor, ref 1
Regnenses (tribe), ref 1
religion: Iron Age, ref 1
see also Christianity; Druids
Restitutus, Bishop of London, ref 1
Rheged (kingdom), ref 1
Riccardi bankers (of Lucca), ref 1, ref 2
Richard I (Lionheart), King: kingship, ref 1
and ‘legal memory’, ref 1
disputes with father and brothers, ref 1
background and character, ref 1
coronation, ref 1
on Third Crusade to Holy Land, ref 1
captured and ransomed, ref 1
returns to England and pardons John, ref 1
and succession, ref 1
troubled reign, ref 1
and Jews, ref 1
Richard II, King: authority, ref 1, ref 2
peaceful nature, ref 1, ref 2
crowned aged ten, ref 1
confronts Peasants’ Revolt, ref 1, ref 2
appearance and manner, ref 1, ref 2
first marriage (to Anne of Bohemia), ref 1
campaign against Scots, ref 1
court and favourites, ref 1
conflict with parliament, ref 1, ref 2
deposed and reinstated, ref 1
mediates between Lords and Commons, ref 1
piety, ref 1
purges lords, ref 1
exiles Bolingbroke, ref 1
halts Bolingbroke–Mowbray duel, ref 1
second marriage (to Isabella), ref 1
sails to Ireland, ref 1
returns to England to oppose Bolingbroke, ref 1
Bolingbroke negotiates with, ref 1
renounces throne in favour of Bolingbroke, ref 1
death and burial, ref 1, ref 2
rumoured survival, ref 1, ref 2
posthumous support for, ref 1
kills Thomas of Gloucester, ref 1
Richard III, King (earlier Duke of Gloucester): reputation, ref 1
and Princes in the Tower, ref 1, ref 2
as rumoured murderer of Henry VI, ref 1
background and service to Edward IV, ref 1
and succession to throne, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
power in north, ref 1
and Edward V’s accession, ref 1
seizes and confines Edward V, ref 1
appointed Protector, ref 1
deformed arm, ref 1
has Hastings executed, ref 1
claims crown, ref 1, ref 2
crowned, ref 1
makes circuit of kingdom, ref 1
appearance and character, ref 1
rebellions against, ref 1
rule, ref 1
piety, ref 1, ref 2
and threat of Henry Tudor, ref 1
and Henry Tudor’s invasion and campaign, ref 1
killed at Bosworth Field and bones scattered, ref 1
Richard of Crudwell, ref 1
Richard, Duke of York: confined in Tower and murdered, ref 1, ref 2
Perkin Warbeck impersonates, ref 1
Richard, Earl of Cornwall and King of the Romans (Henry III’s brother), ref 1, ref 2
Richard le Brewer, ref 1
Riche, Geoffrey, ref 1
Rivers, Anthony Woodville, 2nd Earl, ref 1, ref 2
roads and trackways: prehistoric, ref 1
pilgrim routes, ref 1, ref 2
development and maintenance, ref 1
continuity, ref 1
Robert, Duke of Normandy, ref 1, ref 2
Robert, Earl of Gloucester, ref 1
Robert of Reading, ref 1
Robert of Wetherby, ref 1
Robin Hood, ref 1, ref 2
Robin of Redesdale see Conyers, Sir John, ref 1
Rochester castle, ref 1
Roger of Hoveden, ref 1
Roger of Portland, ref 1
Roger of Wendover, ref 1
Roland the Farter (jester), ref 1
Roman Catholicism: Church prevails in England, ref 1
Rome (ancient): invades and occupies England, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
imperial frontiers, ref 1, ref 2
social and cultural influence in England, ref 1, ref 2
taxation, ref 1
Christianity in, ref 1
disputes over imperial power, ref 1
rule in England ends, ref 1
Rouen: Henry V besieges, ref 1
Rous, John: Historia Regum Angliae, ref 1
Rudton, East Yorkshire, ref 1, ref 2
Runnymede, Surrey: Magna Carta signed at, ref 1
Rye: plundered by French, ref 1
Saffron Walden, ref 1
St Albans: first battle of (1455), ref 1
second battle of (1461), ref 1
cloister school, ref 1
saints: and medical cures, ref 1
English, ref 1
Saladin, Sultan, ref 1
Salisbury: scholastic community, ref 1
Salisbury, John Montague, 3rd Earl of, ref 1
Salisbury Plain: prehistoric, ref 1, ref 2
under Romans, ref 1
Salisbury, Richard Neville, 1st Earl of: killed at Wakefield, ref 1
supports Richard of York in Wars of the Roses, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
invades England with Warwick, ref 1
Salisbury, Thomas Montague, 4th Earl of, ref 1
salt: trade in, ref 1
Samain (festival), ref 1
sanctuary, ref 1
Sandwich, Kent: raided by French (1457), ref 1
Savoy Palace, London: burned in Peasants’ Revolt, ref 1
Savoyards: at Henry III’s court, ref 1, ref 2
Sawtré, William, ref 1
Saxon Shore, ref 1, ref 2
Saxons: early settlers, ref 1
recruited as mercenaries, ref 1
spread and colonization, ref 1
Scarborough, ref 1
schools, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Scone Palace, Scotland, ref 1
Scot, John, ref 1
Scotland: Romans reach, ref 1
Athelstan subdues, ref 1
border with England, ref 1, ref 2
Stephen defeats (1138), ref 1
war with Henry II, ref 1
Edward I’s wars with, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
conflict with Edward II, ref 1, ref 2
Edward III’s wars with, ref 1, ref 2
alliance with France against England, ref 1
Edward IV negotiates peace with, ref 1
Perkin Warbeck in, ref 1
union with England (1707), ref 1
Scots: harass Romans, ref 1
Scrope, Richard, Archbishop of York, ref 1
seasons, ref 1
serfs, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
see also peasantry
Shakespeare, William: depicts King John, ref 1
on Tudors, ref 1
Henry IV, Pt.2, ref 1
Henry V, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
The Merry Wives of Windsor, ref 1
Richard II, ref 1
Richard III, ref 1
The Tempest, ref 1
Shaw, Ralph, ref 1
sheep: domesticated, ref 1, ref 2
introduced, ref 1
numbers in Bronze Age, ref 1
numbers in Henry III’s reign, ref 1
and enclosures, ref 1
see also wool
Sheppey, isle of, ref 1
sheriffs, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Sherwood forest, ref 1
Shetland: surrendered to Scotland, ref 1
shires, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Shore, Elizabeth (‘Jane’), ref 1
Shrewsbury, John Talbot, 1st Earl of, ref 1
Sigeberht, King of Kent, ref 1
Silbury Hill, ref 1
Silchester, ref 1, ref 2
Silures (tribe), ref 1
silver: imported, ref 1, ref 2
mines in west country, ref 1
Simeon of Durham, ref 1
Simnel, Lambert (‘Edward VI’), ref 1
slaves: in Iron Age, ref 1
under Anglo-Saxons, ref 1, ref 2
in Domesday Book, ref 1
Sluys: English naval victory over French (1340), ref 1, ref 2
Smith, William (of Leicester), ref 1
Somerset, Edmund Beaufort, 2nd Duke of, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Somerset, John Beaufort, 1st Duke of, ref 1
Song of the Husbandman, ref 1
Song of Lewes, The (poem), ref 1, ref 2
South Saxons, ref 1, ref 2
space and time: loosely defined, ref 1
sports see games and sports
Stafford, Edmund, 3rd Earl of, ref 1
Stafford, Sir Humphrey, ref 1
Stafford, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, ref 1
Stafford, Sir William, ref 1
Stamford Bridge, battle of (1066), ref 1
Standard, battle of the (1138), ref 1
standing stones see megaliths
Stanley, Thomas, Baron (later 1st Earl of Derby, ref 1
Stanley, Sir William, ref 1, ref 2
Stapledon, Walter le, Bishop of Exeter, ref 1
Stapleford Park, Leicestershire, ref 1
Star Carr, Yorkshire, ref 1
Star Chamber, ref 1
Statute of Jewry (1253), ref 1
‘Statute of Westminster the First’ (1275), ref 1, ref 2
Statute of Winchester, ref 1
Stephen, King: succeeds to throne, ref 1, ref 2
conflict with Matilda, ref 1
financial problems, ref 1
captured and imprisoned, ref 1
mistrusts centralized bureaucracy and devolves power, ref 1
succeeded by Henry II, ref 1
Stirling Bridge, battle of (1297), ref 1
stone of destiny (Lia Fáil; stone of Scone), ref 1
Stonehenge, ref 1, ref 2
Stony Stratford, ref 1
Stowe, John, ref 1
Strabo, ref 1
Stratford, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, ref 1
Stratford-upon-Avon: plan, ref 1
Strathclyde (kingdom), ref 1
Stratton, Adam de, ref 1
Suetonius, ref 1, ref 2
Suffolk, John de la Pole, 2nd Duke of, ref 1
Suffolk, Michael de la Pole, 1st Earl of, ref 1
Suffolk, William de la Pole, 1st Duke of, ref 1, ref 2
Sully, John de, ref 1
surnames: introduced by Normans, ref 1
Sutton Hoo, ref 1
Sutton, Robert, ref 1
Swein Forkbeard, King of Denmark, ref 1
Swynford, Katherine, ref 1
Tacitus, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
Tailboys, William, ref 1, ref 2
taxation: Roman, ref 1
and kingship, ref 1
under William the Conqueror, ref 1, ref 2
under Henry I, ref 1
under King John, ref 1
in Magna Carta, ref 1
under Edward I, ref 1, ref 2
raised during Great Famine (1313), ref 1
Edward III’s, ref 1
and Peasants’ Revolt (1381), ref 1, ref 2
Templars, Order of, ref 1
Tewkesbury Abbey, ref 1
Tewkesbury, battle of (1471), ref 1
Thame, Oxfordshire, ref 1
Thames, river: Bronze Age weapons and artefacts in, ref 1
prehistoric skulls in, ref 1
freezes (1309), ref 1
Thanet, Kent, ref 1
Thatcham, Berkshire, ref 1, ref 2 thegns, ref 1, ref 2
Theobald, Archbishop of Canterbury, ref 1
Theobald of Etampes, ref 1
Thirwell, John de, ref 1
Thomas, Earl of Lancaster: as rival to Edward II, ref 1, ref 2
executed, ref 1, ref 2
posthumous miracles, ref 1
on Richard II, ref 1
Thomas of Eldersfield, ref 1
Thomas of Woodstock see Gloucester, Thomas, Duke of
Thorpe, Norfolk, ref 1
Thurkill of Arden, ref 1
time see space and time
tin, ref 1
Tinchebray, battle of (1106), ref 1
Tiptoft, Sir John, ref 1
Tirel, Walter, ref 1
tithings, ref 1, ref 2
tombs: prehistoric, ref 1
see also burial
Tostig, Earl of the Northumbrians, ref 1
tournaments, ref 1
Tower of London: in Peasants’ Revolt, ref 1
Edward V and Richard of York confined and murdered in (‘Princes in the Tower’), ref 1, ref 2
towns: Anglo-Saxon development, ref 1
populations, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
free men in, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
fortified, ref 1, ref 2
grow under Plantagenets, ref 1
trade and manufacture, ref 1
communal government, ref 1, ref 2
character and conditions, ref 1
crafts and businesses, ref 1
civic rituals and routines, ref 1
literacy levels, ref 1
origins, ref 1
post-Roman, ref 1
see also villages
Towton, battle of (1461), ref 1
toys (children’s), ref 1
trade: Bronze Age, ref 1
in iron, ref 1, ref 2
with Vikings, ref 1, ref 2
wool, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
fifteenth century, ref 1, ref 2
trailbaston (courts), ref 1
travel: in medieval period, ref 1
Tresilian, Robert, ref 1
Trevelyan, George Macaulay, ref 1
Trevet, Nicholas, ref 1
trial by ordeal, ref 1
Trinovantes (tribe), ref 1, ref 2
troubadours, ref 1
Tudor family, ref 1
Tudor, Jasper see Pembroke, Earl of
Tudor, Owen, ref 1
Tusser, Thomas, ref 1
Twynyho, Ankarette, ref 1
Tyler, Wat, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
umbrella: introduced, ref 1
universities, ref 1
urn fields, ref 1
Usamah ibn Munqidh, ref 1
Varausius, ref 1
Vergil, Polydore, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
Verulamium, ref 1
Vespasian, Roman Emperor, ref 1
Vikings (Norsemen): raids, ref 1, ref 2
villages: beginnings, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
Iron Age, ref 1
regional variations, ref 1
Anglo-Saxon, ref 1
thrive under Henry II, ref 1
customs and traditions, ref 1
deserted, ref 1, ref 2
see also towns
villeins, ref 1, ref 2
violence: prevalence in medieval times, ref 1
Visigoths, ref 1
Vita Edwardi Secundi, ref 1
Vortigern (or Wyrtgeorn), ref 1
Voxe, John, ref 1
Wakefield, battle of (1460), ref 1
Wales: Agricola conquers, ref 1
name, ref 1
subdued by Harold and Tostig, ref 1
William Rufus moves against, ref 1
Henry I’s settlements in, ref 1
King John subdues, ref 1
Edward I campaigns against, ref 1, ref 2
castles, ref 1
Edward II born in, ref 1
supports Henry VI, ref 1
and Henry Tudor’s bid for throne, ref 1
and English monarchy, ref 1
union with England (1536), ref 1
Wallace, William, ref 1, ref 2
Walsingham, ref 1
Walsingham, Thomas, ref 1
Walter of Maidstone, ref 1
Walworth, William, ref 1
Wansdyke, ref 1
Warbeck, Perkin (‘Richard IV’), ref 1, ref 2
warrior aristocracy: in Bronze Age, ref 1
Wars of the Roses: origins, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
outbreak, ref 1, ref 2
conduct of, ref 1, ref 2
effect on English noble families, ref 1
end, ref 1
and claims to throne, ref 1
Warwick, Edward, Earl of (Clarence’s son), ref 1, ref 2
Warwick, Richard Neville, Earl of (‘the kingmaker’): supports Richard of York in Wars of the Roses, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
commands forces in Calais, ref 1, ref 2
invades England with Salisbury, ref 1
and Edward IV’s marriage, ref 1
alliance with Margaret of Anjou, ref 1
seeks alliance with France, ref 1
instigates rebellion of Robin of Redesdale, ref 1
as effective ruler after capture of Edward IV, ref 1
and Lincolnshire rebellion (1470), ref 1
lands at Exmouth with Clarence (1470), ref 1
rules after release of Henry VI, ref 1
and Edward IV’s return from continent, ref 1
killed at Barnet (1471), ref 1
character and achievements, ref 1
Louis XI supports, ref 1
Warwick, Thomas de Beauchamp, Earl of, ref 1, ref 2
water: significance in Bronze Age, ref 1
Watling Street, ref 1
Watton, Yorkshire, ref 1
Waurin, Jean de, ref 1
Wessex (and West Saxons): settled, ref 1
power, ref 1
threatened by Vikings, ref 1
Westminster Abbey: Henry III rebuilds, ref 1, ref 2
Richard II reburied in, ref 1
Elizabeth Woodville takes sanctuary in, ref 1, ref 2
Westminster Hall: parliament in, ref 1
Wharram Percy, Yorkshire, ref 1
wheat: cultivation, ref 1
White Ship: sunk (1120), ref 1
Whittlesford, Cambridgeshire, ref 1
William I (the Conqueror), King: relations with pope, ref 1
employs Breton forces, ref 1
oath of loyalty to, ref 1
kingship, ref 1
claims English crown, ref 1
background and character, ref 1, ref 2
invades and conquers England, ref 1
rule in England, ref 1, ref 2
and English rebellions, ref 1
hunting, ref 1
commissions Domesday Book, ref 1
death, ref 1
brings Jews to England, ref 1
William I (the Lion), King of Scotland (1209), ref 1
William II (Rufus), King of England: reign, ref 1
death, ref 1
achievements, ref 1
calls assembly, ref 1
policy on Jews, ref 1
William Adeline, Prince (son of Henry I), ref 1, ref 2
William of Norwich, ref 1
William of Savoy, ref 1
William of Wakeham, ref 1
Wilton Diptych, ref 1
Winchester: Roman name (Venta Belgarum), ref 1
as Camelot, ref 1
pilgrimages to, ref 1
street plan, ref 1
windmills: first constructed, ref 1
Windsor Castle: Edward III rebuilds, ref 1
wine: imported by Normans, ref 1
witenagemot, ref 1, ref 2
Wolsey, Cardinal Thomas: relations with monarch, ref 1
on Richard III as usurper, ref 1
wolves: in England, ref 1
women: dress legislation, ref 1
woods and forests, ref 1
Woodville family, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
wool: products under Romans, ref 1
exports under Henry III, ref 1
taxed, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
exports maintained during Black Death, ref 1
English exporters exceed foreign, ref 1
cloth exports increase in fifteenth century, ref 1
economic importance, ref 1
Wroxeter, ref 1
Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester (and Archbishop of York), ref 1, ref 2
Wycliffe, John, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
yard: as unit of measurement, ref 1
Yeavering, Northumberland, ref 1
yeomen of the guard, ref 1
Yevele, Henry, ref 1
York (city): as Roman capital of Britannia Inferior, ref 1
Constantine appointed emperor at (306), ref 1
archbishopric, ref 1
Athelstan conquers, ref 1
Danish Vikings capture, ref 1
wealth and power under Danes, ref 1, ref 2
population, ref 1, ref 2
William the Conqueror attacks, ref 1
self-immolation of Jews, ref 1
guildhall rebuilt, ref 1
York family: in Wars of Roses, ref 1, ref 2
York, Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of, ref 1, ref 2
York, Richard, Duke of: commands English forces, ref 1, ref 2
as heir to throne, ref 1
protects John Paston, ref 1
return from Ireland and conflict with Somerset, ref 1
claim on throne, ref 1, ref 2
in Wars of Roses, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3
and protection of Calais, ref 1
reigns, ref 1
killed at Wakefield, ref 1
Zosimus, ref 1
By the same author
London: The Biography
Albion: The Origins of the English Imagination
The Collection: Journalism, Reviews, Essays, Short Stories
Lectures Edited by Thomas Wright
Thames: Sacred River
Venice: Pure City
The Great Fire of London
The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde
First Light
English Music
The House of Doctor Dee
Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem
Milton in America
The Plato Papers
The Clerkenwell Tales
The Lambs of London
The Fall of Troy
The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein
Ezra Pound and his World
T.S. Eliot
The Life of Thomas More
Shakespeare: The Biography
Brief Lives
J.M.W. Turner
Poe: A Life Cut Short
List of Illustrations
1. The building of Stonehenge, from an illuminated manuscript. It was the largest programme of public works in English history.
2. A silver relief of Cernunnos, the horned god of Iron Age worship. It may have been a god of fertility.
3. A mosaic from the Roman villa at Bignor in West Sussex; the residence itself dates from the third century AD.
4. A stylized depiction of some protagonists in the Roman conquest of Britain, from a late eighteenth-century history.
5. The helmet of a great Germanic overlord, presumed to be Redwald, buried at Sutton Hoo in the early seventh century.
6. A nineteenth-century print of a Saxon manor. In reality it was a wooden halled residence with several outbuildings, forming a small community.
7. Saxon soldiers about to engage in battle. A Roman chronicler of the fifth century declared that ‘the Saxon surpasses all others in brutality’.
8. ‘Alfred in the Danish Camp.’ In legend, the king infiltrated the Danish camp in the disguise of a minstrel, where he sang to Guthrum.
9. Aethelbert, the great king of Kent, is here depicted at his baptism by Saint Augustine in AD 597. It was the beginning of the saint’s mission to convert the Germanic settlers.
10. The Venerable Bede in his scriptorium. His most famous work, The Ecclesiastical History of the English People, earned him the title of ‘The Father of English History’.
11. The incipit of the Gospel of Saint Matthew from the Lindisfarne Gospels. The richly illuminated manuscript was fashioned at Lindisfarne, in Northumbria, in the late seventh or early eighth century.
12. A Viking ship, suitably stylized as an engine of the invasion that began in AD 790. ‘Never before’, one chronicler wrote, ‘has such a terror appeared in Britain.’
13. An image of Ethelred, commonly known as ‘the unready’ or ‘the ill-advised’, who was king of England in the late tenth and early eleventh centuries. The great sword is no doubt intended to emphasize his prowess or masculinity.
14. Edward the Confessor, king of England from 1042 to 1066. He was known as ‘the Confessor’ because he was deemed to have borne witness to the Christian faith, but in truth he was not especially pious.
15. The Normans crossing the Channel for the invasion of 1066. Fourteen thousand men were summoned by William for the onslaught against England.
16. The death of Harold in battle, from the Bayeux Tapestry. Once the king had been slain, all was lost.
17. A man wielding an axe, taken from Topographia Hibernica. The work was written by Gerald of Wales in 1188, and includes the remark that the native Irish allow ‘their hair and beards to grow enormously in an uncouth manner’.
18. An image of man and dogs from the Luttrell Psalter, an illuminated manuscript that was written and illustrated at Lincoln at some point in the decade after 1325.
19. A nineteenth-century woodcut of a medieval manor, with the lord’s demesne, the village and the church all neatly outlined. Note the areas of ‘waste’ just beyond the fields.
20. An image of Matilda, de facto queen of England from March to November 1141, holding a charter. The illumination comes from The Golden Book of Saint Albans by Thomas Walsingham, circa 1380.
21. Henry II confronting Thomas Becket. The soldiers beside them are an apt reminder of those who killed the archbishop on 29 December 1170.
22. Richard I, more commonly known as ‘Richard the Lionheart’, watching the execution of the 3,000 prisoners, whom he had captured at the siege of Acre in the Gulf of Haifa during the Third Crusade.
23. ‘John Lackland’ (otherwise known as King John) on horseback. He is here seen riding out against a castle with sword in hand. He was also known as ‘John Softsword’.
24. The season of March as seen in The Bedford Book of Hours, an exquisite and lavish manuscript dating from the early fifteenth century. The farm animals of the medieval period were smaller, and the productivity of the soil inferior, to their modern counterparts.
25. The varied labours of the agricultural year. The scythe and the sickle, the flail and the winnowing fan and the plough, are to be seen in many medieval illuminations.
26. The abbots, and monks, of a medieval monastery. The monks of England were the historians and illuminators who helped to preserve the continuities of the country.
27. The building of a monastery, taken from a miniature of the fourteenth century.
28. Edward I addressing one of his parliaments. The first parliament of his reign, assembled in 1275, had some 800 representatives. Once they had obeyed his will, he dismissed them.
29. A view of Harlech Castle, one of the Welsh castles created for Edward I by Master James of St George; he was the master-builder of the age. The castle itself might seem to have been fashioned out of the rock on which it sits.
30. Queen Isabella, errant wife of Edward II, being received by her brother Charles le Bel in France.
31. The Black Death, reaching England in the autumn of 1348, killed approximately 2 million people. There had never been mortality on such a scale, nor has there been since.
32. A woman who has contracted leprosy. The leper would carry a clapper and bell to warn of her approach.
33. A bloodletting. The doctor would taste the blood of his patient. Healthy blood was slightly sweet.
34. The Battle of Crécy, which took place on 26 August 1346, was one of the most important engagements of the Hundred Years War, when the army of Edward III effectively crushed the French. This was the battle in which gunpowder cannon were first employed.
35. The tomb of the Black Prince behind the quire of Canterbury Cathedral. Its epitaph begins, ‘Such as thou art, sometime was I. Such as I am, such shalt thou be.’
36. The image of Richard II from the ‘Wilton Diptych’. Standing around him are King Edmund (saint and martyr), Edward the Confessor (saint), and John the Baptist (saint). He considered these to be his forebears and protectors.
37. A page from Wycliffe’s Bible. This translation into Middle English is not the work of Wycliffe himself, but of several authors inspired by Wycliffe’s example.
38. The cloisters of Gloucester Cathedral, with the earliest and perhaps the best fan-vaulted roof in England, were built in the latter half of the fourteenth century. The cathedral itself is of Norman origin based on an Anglo-Saxon original. In this, it does not differ from many other English cathedrals.
39. A scene from the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381. It marked the greatest rebellion of the people against their masters in English history.
40. The coronation of Henry IV in Westminster Abbey, October 1399. Since he had gained the crown by conquest, it always lay uneasily upon his head.
41. The Battle of Agincourt, fought in the autumn of 1415, was an overwhelming victory for Henry V against the French. On his return from the field he was hailed by the English as ‘lord of England, flower of the world, soldier of Christ’.
42. The wedding of Henry V and Katherine of Valois, daughter of the King of France, in the summer of 1420 at Troyes Cathedral. Henry died a little over two years later, but Katherine had given birth to a male heir.
43. An image of Joan of Arc, or ‘the Maid of Orleans’, whose victories in 1429 anticipated the English expulsion from the towns and cities of France two decades later.
44. Henry VI in full martial array. In truth he was not a very good soldier, and not a very able king.
45. The Warwick family tree, from John Rous of Warwick’s De Regius Angliae, showing Richard Neville, 16th Earl, his wife Anne Beauchamp, their daughter Isabel Spencer and her husband George, Duke of Clarence.
46. An image of Edward IV, whose greatest achievement was to consolidate royal authority after the weak and vacillating rule of Henry VI.
47. Elizabeth Woodville, wife of Edward IV. Unlike most royal brides she was English and, at the time of her marriage, already a widow with two children.
48. Edward V, the unfortunate boy-king who reigned for just two months before being murdered in the Tower of London. He was never crowned.
49. Richard III standing on a white boar; the white boar was his personal badge or ‘livery badge’. It may derive from the Latin name of York, Eboracum, since he was known as Richard of York.
50. Elizabeth of York and Henry VII, from a nineteenth-century illustration. From their union the rest of the Tudor dynasty sprang.
51. An allegory of the Tudor dynasty. The red dragon on the left represents the Welsh ancestry of Henry VII, for example, while the white greyhound on the right is taken from his father’s coat of arms as first earl of Richmond. Surmounting all is the Rose of Tudor, incorporating the white rose of Yorkshire within the red rose of Lancashire.
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Copyright © Peter Ackroyd 2011
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List of illustrations
1. Hallelujah
2. All in scarlet
3. Heretic!
4. The woes of marriage
5. Into court
6. Old authentic histories
7. The king’s pleasure
8. A little neck
9. The great revolt
10. The confiscation
11. The old fashion
12. The body of Christ
13. The fall
14. War games
15. A family portrait
16. The last days
17. The breaking of the altars
18. Have at all papists!
19. The barns of Crediton
20. The lord of misrule
21. The nine-day queen
22. In the ascendant
23. Faith of our fathers
24. An age of anxiety
25. Nunc Dimittis
26. A virgin queen
27. Two queens
28. The thirty-nine steps
29. The rivals
30. The rites of spring
31. Plots and factions
32. The revels now are ended
33. The frog
34. The great plot
35. The dead cannot bite
36. Armada
37. Repent! Repent!
38. The setting sun
39. A disobedient servant
40. The end of days
41. Reformation
Further reading
List of illustrations
1 Portrait of Henry VIII, c.1509 (© The Berger Collection at the Denver Art Museum, USA / The Bridgeman Art Library)
2 Portrait of Katherine of Aragon, sixteenth century (© Philip Mould Ltd, London / The Bridgeman Art Library)
3 A woodcut showing King Henry’s knights after the English victory over the Scots at Flodden Field, 1513 (© Private Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library)
4 Detail from a depiction of the Field of the Cloth of Gold, c.1545 (The Royal Collection © 2011 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II / The Bridgeman Art Library)
5 Letter from King Henry VIII to Cardinal Wolsey (‘Mine own good cardinal’), thanking him for his hard work and urging him to take some ‘pastime and comfort’, c.1518 (© Private Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library)
6 Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, c.1520 (© Hulton Archive / Getty Images)
7 Chalk drawing of Thomas More by Hans Holbein the Younger, c.1527 (The Royal Collection © 2011 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II / The Bridgeman Art Library)
8 Engraving of the pope being suppressed by King Henry VIII, 1534 (© Private Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library)
9 Portrait of Anne Boleyn, 1534 (© Hever Castle, Kent / The Bridgeman Art Library)
10 Sixteenth-century portrait of Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, by Hans Holbein the Younger (© Arundel Castle / The Bridgeman Art Library)
11 Detail from a contemporary engraving depicting the martyrdom of the Carthusians (© Private Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library)
12 Engraving showing the Pilgrimage of Grace, nineteenth century (© The Stapleton Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library)
13 Portrait of Jane Seymour by Hans Holbein the Younger, 1536 (© Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna / The Bridgeman Art Library)
14 Bishop Latimer’s arguments against the Catholic doctrine of Purgatory, with marginal notes by Henry, c.1538 (© Private Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library)
15 Sixteenth-century portrait of Lord Cromwell by Hans Holbein the Younger (© The Trustees of the Weston Park Foundation / The Bridgeman Art Library)
16 Portrait of Anne of Cleves by Hans Holbein the Younger (© Hever Castle, Kent / The Bridgeman Art Library)
17 The title page of the Great Bible, 1539 (© Universal History Archive / Getty Images)
18 Engraving after Holbein portrait of Katherine Howard, 1796 (© The Stapleton Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library)
19 Contemporary portrait of Katherine Parr (© National Portrait Gallery, London Roger-Viollet, Paris The Bridgeman Art Library)
20 Allegory of the Tudor succession by Lucas de Heere, c.1570–75 (© Sudeley Castle, Gloucestershire / The Bridgeman Art Library)
21 Portrait of Edward VI at the time of his accession (© Boltin Picture Library / The Bridgeman Art Library)
22 Portrait of Lady Jane Grey, c.1547 (© Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection, USA / The Bridgeman Art Library)
23 Queen Mary I, 1554 (© Society of Antiquaries of London / The Bridgeman Art Library)
24 Sixteenth-century portrait of Philip II of Spain (© Philip Mould Ltd, London / The Bridgeman Art Library)
25 Anti-Catholic allegory depicting Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, 1556 (© Christie’s Images / The Bridgeman Art Library)
26 Woodcut illustration of the burning of Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, taken from Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, pub. 1563 (© Lambeth Palace Library, London / The Bridgeman Art Library)
27 Elizabeth I as a young princess, c.1546 (The Royal Collection © 2011 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II / The Bridgeman Art Library)
28 Page of a manuscript showing the signature of Queen Elizabeth I (© Private Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library)
29 Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I in coronation robes (© National Portrait Gallery, London / The Bridgeman Art Library)
30 Robert Dudley, first earl of Leicester, c.1560s (© Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection, USA / The Bridgeman Art Library)
31 Thomas Howard, fourth duke of Norfolk, 1562 (© His Grace The Duke of Norfolk, Arundel Castle / The Bridgeman Art Library)
32 Contemporary engraving of Queen Elizabeth I and Parliament (© Private Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library)
33 Mary Queen of Scots in white mourning (© Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh / The Bridgeman Art Library)
34 The Execution of Mary Queen of Scots, painted after her death c.1613 (© Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh / The Bridgeman Art Library)
35 Engraving depicting the pope’s bull against the Queen in 1570 (© Private Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library)
36 Hand-coloured copper engraving of the arrival of Queen Elizabeth I at Nonesuch Palace, 1582 (© Private Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library)
37 Map showing the route of the Armada fleet, 1588 (© Private Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library)
38 Portrait of Sir Francis Drake by Nicholas Hilliard, 1581 (© Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna / The Bridgeman Art Library)
39 Illustration of the Ark Royal, the English fleet’s flagship against the Spanish Armada (© Mansell / Time & Life Pictures / Getty Images)
40 Sixteenth-century portrait of William Cecil, first baron Burghley (© Burghley House Collection, Lincolnshire / The Bridgeman Art Library)
41 Engraving of Sir Francis Walsingham (© Private Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library)
42 Contemporary portrait of Sir Robert Cecil (© Bonhams, London / The Bridgeman Art Library)
43 Portrait of James VI of Scotland, later James I of England, 1586 (© Falkland Palace, Fife Mark Fiennes The Bridgeman Art Library)
The land was flowing with milk and honey. On 21 April 1509 the old king, having grown ever more harsh and rapacious, died in his palace at Richmond on the south bank of the Thames. The fact was kept secret for two days, so that the realm would not tremble. Yet the new Henry had already been proclaimed king.
On 9 May the body of Henry VII was taken in a black chariot from Richmond Palace to St Paul’s Cathedral; the funeral car was attended by 1,400 formal mourners and 700 torch-bearers. But few, if any, grieved; the courtiers and household servants were already awaiting the son and heir. When the body, having been taken to the abbey of Westminster, after the funeral service was over, was lowered into its vault the heralds announced ‘le noble roy, Henri le Septième, est mort’. Then at once they cried out with one voice, ‘Vive le noble roy, Henri le Huitième’. His title was undisputed, the first such easy succession in a century. The new king was in his seventeenth year.
Midsummer Day, 24 June, was chosen as the day of coronation. The sun in its splendour would herald the rising of another sun. It was just four days before his eighteenth birthday. The ceremony of the coronation was considered to be the eighth sacrament of the Church, in which Henry was anointed with chrism or holy oil as a token of sacred kingship. His robes were stiff with jewels, diamonds and rubies and emeralds and pearls, so that a glow or light hovered about him. He now radiated the power and the glory. He may have acted and dressed under advice, but he soon came to understand the theatre of magnificence.
Henry had taken the precaution, thirteen days before the coronation, of marrying his intended bride so that a king would be accompanied by a queen; it was thereby to be understood that he was an adult rather than a minor. Katherine of Aragon was the child of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon, in whose reign Spain was united. She had come from that country in order to marry Prince Arthur, Henry’s older brother, but events conspired against her. Arthur died less than six months after their wedding, of consumption or the sweating sickness, and Katherine was left at the English court in the unenviable position of a widow whose usefulness had gone. It was said that the king himself, Henry VII, might wish to marry her. But this was unthinkable. Instead she was betrothed to Prince Henry, and was consigned to some years of relative penury and privation at the hands of a difficult father-in-law who was in any case pursuing a better match for his son and heir. Yet, after seven years of waiting, her moment of apotheosis had come. On the day before the coronation she was taken in a litter from the Tower of London to Westminster, passing through streets draped in rich tapestry and cloth of gold. A contemporary woodcut depicts Henry and Katherine being crowned at the same time, surrounded by rank upon rank of bishops and senior clergy.
Henry’s early years had been spent in the shadow of an anxious and overprotective father, intent before anything else on securing the dynasty. The young prince never spoke in public, except in reply to questions from the king. He could leave the palace at Greenwich or at Eltham only under careful supervision, and then venture into the palace’s park through a private door. Much care was bestowed on his early education, so that he acquired the reputation of being the most learned of princes. Throughout his life he considered himself to be a great debater in matters of theology, fully steeped in the scholarship of Thomas Aquinas. He took an early delight in music, and composed Masses as well as songs and motets; he sang, and played both lute and keyboard. He had his own company of musicians who followed him wherever he walked, and by the time of his death he owned seventy-two flutes. He was the harmonious prince. Thomas More, in a poem celebrating the coronation, described him as the glory of the era. Surely he would inaugurate a new golden age in which all men of goodwill would flourish?
Henry was himself a golden youth, robust and good-looking. He was a little over 6 feet in height and, literally, towered over most of his subjects. It was written that ‘when he moves the ground shakes under him’. He excelled in wrestling and archery, hawking and jousting. Nine months after the coronation, he organized a tournament in which the feats of chivalry could be celebrated. He rode out in disguise, but his identity was soon discovered. He had read Malory as well as Aquinas, and knew well enough that a good king was a brave and aggressive king. You had to strike down your opponent with a lance or sword. You must not hesitate or draw back. It was a question of honour. The joust offered a taste of warfare, also, and the new king surrounded himself with young lords who enjoyed a good fight. The noblemen of England were eager to stiffen the sinews and summon up the blood.
When he was not master of the joust, he was leader of the hunt. He spoke of his hunting expeditions for days afterwards, and he would eventually own a stable of 200 horses. Hunting was, and still is, the sport of kings. It was a form of war against an enemy, a battleground upon which speed and accuracy were essential. Henry would call out ‘Holla! Holla! So boy! There boy!’ When the stag was down, he would slit its throat and cut open its belly before thrusting his hands into its entrails; he would then daub his companions with its blood.
Older and more sedate men were also by his side. These were the royal councillors, the majority of whom had served under the previous king. The archbishop of Canterbury, William Warham, remained as chancellor. The bishop of Winchester, Richard Foxe, continued to serve as lord privy seal. The other senior bishops – of Durham, of Rochester and of Norwich – were also in place. The young king had to be advised and guided if the kingdom were to continue on its settled course. Whether he would accept that advice, and follow that guidance, was another matter.
The surviving members of the House of York were restored to favour, after they had endured the indifference and even hostility of the previous king. Henry VII had identified himself as the Lancastrian claimant to the throne. Even though he had married Elizabeth of York after his coronation, he was suspicious and resentful of the rival royal family. The essential unity of the realm was now being proclaimed after the dynastic struggles of the previous century.
The older councillors now took the opportunity of destroying some of the ‘new men’ whom Henry VII had promoted. His two most trusted advisers, or confidential clerks, were arrested and imprisoned. Sir Richard Empson and Sir Edmund Dudley had been associated with the previous king’s financial exactions, but they were in general resented and distrusted by the bishops and older nobility. They were charged with the unlikely crime of ‘constructive treason’ against the young king, and were duly executed. It is not at all clear that Henry played any part in what was essentially judicial murder, but his formal approval was still necessary. He would employ the same methods, for removing his enemies, in another period of his reign.
Henry was in any case of uncertain temper. He had the disposition of a king. He could be generous and magnanimous, but he was also self-willed and capricious. The Spanish ambassador had intimated to his master that ‘speaking frankly, the prince is not considered to be a genial person’. The French ambassador, at a later date, revealed that he could not enter the king’s presence without fear of personal violence.
An early outbreak of royal temper is suggestive. In the summer of 1509 a letter arrived from the French king, Louis XII, in reply to one purportedly sent by Henry in which the new king had requested peace and friendship. But Henry had not written it. It had been sent by the king’s council in his name. The youthful monarch then grew furious. ‘Who wrote this letter?’ he demanded. ‘I ask peace of the king of France, who dare not look me in the face, still less make war on me!’ His pride had been touched. He looked upon France as an ancient enemy. Only Calais remained of the dominion that the English kings had once enjoyed across the Channel. Henry was eager to claim back his ancient rights and, from the time of his coronation, he looked upon France as a prize to be taken. War was not only a pleasure; it was a dynastic duty.
Yet the pleasures of peace were still to be tasted. He had inherited a tranquil kingdom, as well as the store of treasure that his father had amassed. Henry VII bequeathed to him something in excess of £1,250,000, which may plausibly be translated to a contemporary fortune of approximately £380,000,000. It would soon all be dissipated, if not exactly squandered. It was rumoured that the young king was spending too much time on sports and entertainments, and was as a result neglecting the business of the realm. This need not be taken at face value. As the letter to the French king demonstrated, the learned bishops preferred their master to stay away from their serious deliberations.
There were in any case more immediate concerns. Katherine of Aragon had at the end of January 1510 gone into painful labour. The result was a girl, stillborn. Yet Katherine remained evidently pregnant with another child, and the preparations for a royal birth were continued. They were unnecessary. The swelling of her belly subsided, caused by infection rather than fruitfulness. It was announced that the queen had suffered a miscarriage, but it was rumoured that she was perhaps infertile. No greater doom could be delivered upon an English queen. She disproved the rumours when she gave birth to a son on the first day of 1511, but the infant died two months later. Katherine may have been deemed to be unlucky, but the king would eventually suspect something much worse than misfortune.
Henry had already strayed from the marriage bed. While Katherine was enduring the strains of her phantom pregnancy in the early months of 1510, he took comfort from the attentions of Anne Stafford. She was one of the queen’s ladies-in-waiting, and was already married. She was also a sister of the duke of Buckingham, and this great lord was sensitive of his family’s honour. Anne Stafford was sent to a nunnery, and Buckingham removed himself from court after an angry confrontation with the king. Katherine of Aragon was apprised of the affair and, naturally enough, took Buckingham’s part. She had been shamed by her husband’s infidelity with one of her own servants. The household was already full of deception and division. Other royal liaisons may have gone unrecorded. Mistress Amadas, the wife of the court goldsmith, later announced the fact that the king had come secretly to her in a Thames Street house owned by one of his principal courtiers.
Yet all sins of lust could be absolved. In the early days of 1511 Henry went on pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham in Norfolk. It was reported that he trod, barefoot and in secret, along the pilgrims’ road in order to pray for the life of his struggling infant boy. In the summer of the same year he made a pilgrimage to the shrine of Master John Schorne at North Marston in Buckinghamshire. Master Schorne was the rector of that village who had acquired a reputation for saintliness and whose shrine became a centre of miraculous healing. He was said to have conjured the devil into a boot.
In all matters of faith, therefore, Henry was a loyal son of the Church. In that respect, at least, he resembled the overwhelming majority of his subjects. The Venetian ambassador reported that ‘they all attend Mass every day and say many paternosters in public – the women carrying long rosaries in their hands’. At the beginning of Henry’s reign the Catholic Church in England was flourishing. It had recovered its vigour and purpose. In the southwest, for example, there was a rapid increase in church building and reconstruction. More attention was paid to the standards of preaching. Where before the congregation knelt on rush-covered floors, benches were now being set up in front of the pulpits.
It was the Church of ancient custom and of traditional ceremony. On Good Friday, for example, the ‘creeping to the cross’ took place. The crucifix was veiled and held up behind the high altar by two priests while the responses to the versicles were chanted; it was then uncovered and placed on the third step in front of the altar, to which the clergy now would crawl on their hands and knees before kissing it. Hymns were sung as the crucifix was then carried down to the congregation, who would genuflect before it and kiss it. The crucifix was then wreathed in linen and placed in a ‘sepulchre’ until it re-emerged in triumph on the morning of Easter Sunday. This was an age of carols and of holy days, of relics and pilgrimages and miracles.
The old faith was established upon communal ritual as much as theology. The defining moment of devotion was the miracle of transubstantiation at the Mass, when the bread and wine were transformed into the body and blood of Christ. The religious life was nourished by the sacraments, which were in turn administered by a duly ordained body of priests who owed their primary allegiance to the pope. The faithful were obliged to attend Mass on Sundays and holy days, to fast on appointed days, to make confession and receive communion at least once a year. The most powerful of all beliefs was that in purgatory, whereby the living made intercession for the souls of the dead to bring a quicker end to their suffering; the old Church itself represented the communion of the living and the dead.
The saints were powerful intercessors, too, and were venerated as guardians and benefactors. St Barbara protected her votaries against thunder and lightning, and St Gertrude kept away the mice and the rats; St Dorothy protected herbs, while St Apolline healed the toothache; St Nicholas saved the faithful from drowning, while St Anthony guarded the swine. The supreme intercessor was the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, whose image was to be found everywhere surrounded by candles and incense.
The churches were therefore filled with images and lights. Those of London, for example, were treasure-chests of silver candlesticks and censers, silver crucifixes and chalices and patens. The high altar and the rood screen, separating the priest from the congregation, were miracles of art and workmanship. Images of Jesus and of the Holy Virgin, of patron saints and local saints, adorned every available space. They wore coronets and necklaces of precious stones; rings were set upon their fingers and they were clothed in garments of gold. Some churches even exhibited the horns of unicorns or the eggs of ostriches in order to elicit admiration.
The human representatives of the Church were perhaps more frail. Yet the condition of the clergy was sound, as far as the laws of human nature allowed. Incompetent and foolish priests could be found, of course, but there was no general debasement or corruption of the clerical office. More men and women were now in religious orders than at any time in the previous century, and after the invention of printing came a great flood of devotional literature. In the years between 1490 and 1530, some twenty-eight editions of the Hours of the Blessed Virgin were issued. The religious guilds, set up to collect money for charity and to pray for the souls of the dead, had never been so popular; they were the institutional aspect of the religious community.
There were eager reformers, of course, who wished for a revival of the Christian spirit buried beneath the golden carapace of ritual and traditional devotion. It is in fact a measure of the health of the Church at the beginning of the sixteenth century that such fervent voices were heard everywhere. In the winter of 1511 John Colet stepped into the pulpit, at his own cathedral church of St Paul’s in London, and preached of religious reform to the senior clergy of the realm. He repeated his theme to a convocation of clergy in the chapter-house of Canterbury. ‘Never’, he said, ‘did the state of the Church more need your endeavours.’ It was time for ‘the reformation of ecclesiastical affairs’. The word had been spoken, but the deed was unthinkable. What Colet meant by ‘reformation’ was a rise in the quality and therefore the renown of the priesthood.
He despised some of the more primitive superstitions of the Catholic people, such as the veneration of relics and the use of prayer as a magical charm, but he had no doubt on the principles of faith and the tenets of theology. On these matters the Church was resolute. In May 1511 six men and four women, from Tenterden in Kent, were denounced as heretics for claiming among other things that the sacrament of the altar was not the body of Christ but merely material bread. They were forced to abjure their doctrines, and were condemned to wear the badge of a faggot in flames for the rest of their lives. Two men were burned, however, for the crime of being ‘relapsed’ heretics; they had repented, but then had taken up their old opinions once more. The Latin secretary to Henry, an Italian cleric known as Ammonius, wrote with some exaggeration that ‘I do not wonder that the price of faggots has gone up, for many heretics furnish a daily holocaust, and yet more spring up to take their place’.
The career of Ammonius himself is testimony to the fact that the Church was still the avenue for royal preferment. This was a truth of which Thomas Wolsey was the supreme embodiment. Wolsey arrived at court through the agency of Bishop Foxe, the lord privy seal, and seems almost at once to have impressed the young king with his stamina and mastery of detail. By the spring of 1511 he was issuing letters and bills directly under the king’s command, thus effectively circumventing the usual elaborate procedures. He was still only dean of Lincoln, but he was already advising Henry in affairs international and ecclesiastical.
He had the gift of affability as well as of industry, and was infinitely resourceful; he did what the king wanted, and did it quickly. The king’s opinions were his own. Wolsey was, according to his gentleman usher, George Cavendish, ‘most earnest and readiest in all the council to advance the king’s only will and pleasure, having no respect to the case’. He was thirty-eight years old, and a generation younger than the old bishops of the council. Here was a man whom the young king could take into his confidence, and upon whom he could rely. Wolsey rose at four in the morning, and could work for twelve hours at a stretch without intermission. Cavendish relates that ‘my lord never rose once to piss, nor yet to eat any meat’. When he had finished his labours he heard Mass and then ate a light supper before retiring.
Wolsey therefore became the instrument of the king’s will, and no more forcefully than in the prosecution of Henry’s ambitions against France. In November 1511 Henry joined a Holy League with the pope and with his father-in-law, Ferdinand of Spain, so that they might with papal approval attack France. Henry longed for war, and of course an excuse for combat could always be found. In this instance the incursion of French troops into Italian territories was cited as the reason for hostilities. In the following month a Christmas pageant was devised for the king at the house of the black friars in Ludgate, in which were displayed an artificial lion and an antelope. Four knight challengers rode out against men in the apparel of ‘woodwoos’, or wild men of the forest. It was a spectacle in praise of battle. A few months later it was decreed by parliament that all male children were obliged to practise the skills of archery.
Contrary advice was being given to the king at this juncture. The bishops and statesmen of the royal council advised peace against the hazard and cost of war with the French. Many of the reformist clergy were temperamentally opposed to warfare, and regretted that a golden prince of peace should so soon become a ravening lion of war. Colet declared from the pulpit of St Paul’s that ‘an unjust peace is better than the justest war’. Erasmus, the Dutch humanist then resident at Cambridge, wrote that ‘it is the people who build cities, while the madness of princes destroys them’.
Yet the old nobility, and the young lords about the king, pressed for combat and glory in an alliance with Spain against the old enemy. Katherine of Aragon, who had assumed the role of Spanish ambassador to the English court of her husband, was also in favour of war against France. In this she was fulfilling the desire of her father. It was an unequal balance of forces, especially when it was tilted by Henry’s desire for martial honour. He desired above all else to be a ‘valiant knight’ in the Arthurian tradition. That was the destiny of a true king. What did it matter if this were, in England, the beginning of a run of bad harvests when bread was dear and life more precarious? The will of the king was absolute. Had he not been proclaimed king of France at the time of his coronation? He wished to recover his birthright.
In April 1512 war was declared against France; a fleet of eighteen warships was prepared to take 15,000 men to Spain, from where they were to invade the enemy. In the early summer the English forces landed in Spain. No tents, or provisions, had been prepared for them. They lay in fields and under hedges, without protection from the torrential rain. The season was oppressive and pestilential, a menace augmented by the hot wine of Spain. The men wanted beer, but there was none to be found.
It also soon became apparent that they had been duped by Ferdinand, who had no intention of invading France, but merely wanted his border to be guarded by the English troops while he waged an independent war against the kingdom of Navarre. His words were fair, one English commander wrote back to the king, but his deeds were slack. Dysentery caused many casualties and, as a result of disease and poor rations, rumours and threats of mutiny began to multiply. In October 1512 the English sailed back home. ‘Englishmen have so long abstained from war,’ the daughter of the emperor Maximilian said, ‘they lack experience from disuse.’ The young king had been dishonoured as well as betrayed. Henry was furious at the hypocrisy and duplicity of his father-in-law, and seems in part to have blamed Katherine for the fiasco. A report soon emerged in Rome that he wished to ‘repudiate’ his wife, largely because she had proved incapable of bearing him a living heir, and to marry elsewhere.
Yet he refused to accept the humiliation in Spain, and at once began planning for a military expedition under his own leadership. He would lead a giant campaign, and emulate Henry V in the scale of his victories. Henry summoned his nobles, and their armed retainers, as their feudal master. The days of Agincourt were revived. He soon restored Thomas Howard to his father’s title of duke of Norfolk and created Charles Brandon, his partner in the jousts, duke of Suffolk; the two warlords were thereby afforded sufficient dignity. If he were to imitate the exploits of the medieval king, however, he would need men and materials. Wolsey in effect became the minister of war. It was he who organized the fleet, and made provisions for 25,000 men to sail to France under the banner of the king. Henry now found him indispensable. He was made dean of York, another stage in his irrepressible rise.
The main body of the army set sail in the spring of 1513, followed a few weeks later by the king. He landed in Calais with a bodyguard of 300 men and a retinue of 115 priests and singers of the chapel. His great and ornate bed was transported along the route eastward, and was set up each night within a pavilion made from cloth of gold. The king had eleven tents, connected one with another; one was for his cook, and one for his kitchen. He was escorted, wherever he walked or rode, by fourteen young boys in coats of gold. The bells on his horse were made of gold. The most elaborate of the royal tents was decorated with golden ducats and golden florins. He was intent on displaying his magnificence as well as his valour. Henry had allied himself with the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I, whose nominal empire comprised most of central Europe, but he also wished to claim imperial sovereignty for himself. He had already caused to be fashioned a ‘rich crown of gold set with full many rich precious stones’ that became known as the Imperial Crown; it would in time signify his dominion over the whole of Britain, but also over the Church within his domain.
The fighting in France itself was to a large extent inconsequential. In the summer of 1513 the English forces laid siege to the small town of Thérouanne in the county of Flanders; a body of French cavalry came upon them, exchanged fire, and then retreated. They rode away so hard that the encounter became known as the battle of the Spurs. Henry himself had remained in the rear, and had taken no part in the action. It was not a very glorious victory, but it was still a victory. When Thérouanne itself eventually submitted, the king’s choristers sang the Te Deum.
The English infantry and cavalry moved on to besiege Tournai, a much bigger prize that Edward III had failed to capture in the summer of 1340. It fell within a week of the English arrival. Henry established a garrison in Tournai and strengthened its citadel; he also demanded that Thomas Wolsey be appointed as bishop of the city. Three weeks of tournaments, dances and revels marked the victory in which the courts of Maximilian and Henry freely mingled. The king then sailed back to England in triumph.
Yet the cost of the brief wars was enormous, comprising most of the treasure that Henry VII had bequeathed to his son. Wolsey persuaded parliament to grant a subsidy, in effect a tax upon every adult male, but this proved of course unpopular and difficult to collect. It became clear enough that England could not afford to wage war on equal terms with the larger powers of Europe. The French king had three times as many subjects, and also triple the resources; the Spanish king possessed six times as many subjects, and five times the revenue. Henry’s ambition and appetite for glory outstripped his strength.
The true palm of victory, in 1513, was in any case to be found elsewhere. The Scots were restive, and ready once more to confirm their old alliance with the French. It was feared that James IV was prepared to invade England while its king was absent on other duties. And so it proved. Katherine herself played a role in the preparations for battle. She wrote to her husband that she was ‘horribly busy with making standards, banners and badges’, and she herself led an army north. Yet the victory came before she arrived. James IV led his soldiers over the border but, under the command of the elderly earl of Surrey, the English forces withstood and defeated them. James himself was left dead upon the field, and John Skelton wrote that ‘at Flodden hills our bows and bills slew all the flower of their honour’; 10,000 Scots were killed. The torn surcoat of the Scottish king, stained with blood, was sent to Henry at Tournai. Katherine wrote to her husband with news of the victory, and declared that the battle of Flodden Field ‘has been to your grace and all your realm the greatest honour that could be, more than if you should win the crown of France’. Henry was truly the master of his kingdom.
All in scarlet
Richard Hunne was a wealthy merchant whose infant son Stephen died in the spring of 1511. The rector of his parish church in Whitechapel, Thomas Dryffield, asked for the dead baby’s christening robe as a ‘mortuary gift’; this was a traditional offering to the priest at the time of burial. Hunne declined to follow the custom. A year later he was summoned to Lambeth Palace, where he was judged to be contumacious; he still refused to pay what he considered to be an iniquitous fee. When he entered his parish church for vespers, at the end of the year, Dryffield formally excommunicated him. ‘Hunne,’ he shouted, ‘you are accursed, and you stand accursed.’
This was a serious matter. No one was permitted to engage in business with Hunne. He would be without company, because no one would wish to be seen with an excommunicate. He would also of course be assigned to the fires of damnation for eternity. Yet Hunne struck back, and accused the rector of slander. He also challenged the legality of the Church court that had previously deemed him guilty. The case then entered the world of law, where it remained suspended for twenty-two months. In the autumn of 1514 the Church authorities raided Hunne’s house, and found a number of heretical books written in English. He was taken to the Lollards’ Tower in the west churchyard of St Paul’s where in the winter of that year he was found hanged. The bishop of London declared that the heretic had, in a mood of contrition and guilt, committed suicide. Hunne’s sympathizers accused the Church of murder. In the words of John Foxe, the martyrologist, ‘his neck was broken with an iron chain, and he was wounded in other parts of his body, and then knit up in his own girdle’.
Even before Hunne’s corpse was being burned at Smithfield, as a convicted and ‘abominable’ heretic, a coroner’s inquest was convened to judge the manner of his death. In February 1515 the jury decided that three clerics – among them the bishop of London’s chancellor, William Horsey – were guilty of murder. The bishop wrote immediately to Thomas Wolsey and called for an inquiry by men without bias; he told Wolsey that Londoners were so ‘maliciously set in favour’ of heresy that his man was bound to be condemned even if he were ‘as innocent as Abel’.
The king then ordered an inquiry, to take place at Baynard’s Castle on the north bank of the Thames by Blackfriars, where the bishop of London took the opportunity of condemning the members of the jury as ‘false perjured caitiffs’. Henry then intervened with a decision to pardon Horsey and the others; he instructed his attorney to declare them to be not guilty of the alleged crime. Horsey then left London, and travelled quickly to Exeter. This might have seemed to be the end of the matter.
Yet there were important consequences. Three years before, in the parliament of 1512, a bill had been passed requiring that ‘benefit of clergy’ be removed from those in minor orders convicted of murder; the ‘benefit’ had meant that clerics would be tried in Church courts and spared the penalty of death. Minor orders represented the lower ranks of the clergy, such as lector or acolyte. In the charged circumstances of the Hunne affair, this measure acquired new significance. The abbot of Winchester now declared to the Lords that the Act of 1512 stood against the laws of God and the freedoms of the Church. The text upon which he preached came from the First Book of Chronicles, ‘Touch not mine anointed’.
Henry Standish, warden of the mendicant friars of London and one of the king’s spiritual advisers, disagreed. He asserted that no act of the king could be prejudicial to the Church, and that the Church effectively came under the king’s jurisdiction. A fundamental issue was raised. Could a secular court call the clergy to account? Could a temporal leader restrain a bishop ordained by God? Standish was summoned to appear before a convocation of the senior clergy, to answer for his opinions, and he appealed to the king for protection.
A great conference of learned men, including all the judges of the land, met at Blackfriars in the winter of 1515 and after much deliberation took the part of Henry Standish; they accused the senior clergy of praemunire, by which was meant the appeal to a foreign court or authority. The foreign authority, in this case, was the pope and the papal court. Thomas Wolsey – made a cardinal only three months before – offered a formal submission to the king, and asked him to submit the case to Rome. This might seem an oddly inappropriate response, but it is likely that Wolsey and the king were working together. All now waited for the king’s verdict. It was time for Henry to give judgment in the affair of Henry Standish.
He addressed an assembly of lawyers and clergy at Baynard’s Castle in November and made the following declaration. ‘By the ordinance and sufferance of God we are king of England, and the kings of England in time past have never had any superior but God alone. Wherefore know you well that we shall maintain the right of our crown and of our temporal jurisdiction as well in this point as in all others.’ The opinions of Standish were upheld.
This could perhaps be seen as the first movement of the great reformation of the sixteenth century, but the king was saying nothing new. The Statute of Provisors, in 1351, spoke of the ‘Holy Church of England’ in the reign of Edward III as distinct from ‘the pope of Rome’. Richard II, at the end of the fourteenth century, was declared to be absolute emperor within his dominion. In 1485 Chief Justice Hussey declared that the king of England was answerable only to God and was superior to the pope within his realm. In fact Henry VII had repeatedly challenged the status of the Church by citing senior clergy for praemunire; he made it clear that he did not want another sovereign power within his kingdom, and in the appointment of bishops he preferred lawyers to theologians. The pope did not intervene.
It was perhaps odd that in his letter to Wolsey the bishop of London should accuse his flock of being altogether heretical, but under the circumstances it was a pardonable exaggeration. The bishop was simply adverting to the fact that among Londoners there was a long and persistent tradition of anti-clericalism. There had always been calls for the Church to be reformed or to come under the command of the king, and the clergy had been under attack from at least the fourteenth century. The parliaments of the 1370s and 1380s wished to remove clerics from high office, and in the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 the archbishop of Canterbury was beheaded by the mob. The clergy, high and low, were accused of fornication and adultery; they spent their time hawking and hunting; they wore their hair long, and they lounged in taverns; they carried swords and daggers. It was a familiar litany of complaint, taken up in an earlier century by Chaucer and by Langland. Yet such abuse, such strident denunciations, were natural and inevitable in the case of an ancient institution. The Church of Rome was always in need of renovation and renewal.
The king had spoken, on a winter’s day in Baynard’s Castle, and Wolsey knelt before him. Yet the prelate had already become mighty. In the autumn of 1515, at the king’s urgent request, Pope Leo X had conferred the red hat of a cardinal upon him. From this time forward he dressed in scarlet. He was the king’s cardinal rather than the pope’s cardinal, however, and thus could only assist the cause of royal supremacy. At the end of this year Wolsey was also appointed by Henry to be his new lord chancellor, the leading minister of the realm and holder of the Great Seal. He dominated the council of the king. All dispatches, to local justices or to ambassadors, now passed through his hands. No act of policy could be formulated without his active engagement. No senior post could be filled without his intervention. ‘Were I to offer to resign,’ he said, ‘I am sure neither the king nor his nobles would permit it.’
In his command of domestic and international affairs, he needed much subtlety and dexterity. The death of Ferdinand of Spain in February 1516, and the succession of his grandson Charles at the age of sixteen, posed delicate problems of balance and influence. Charles’s own titles bear evidence of the complexities of continental politics. He had been nominal ruler of Burgundy for ten years, and assumed the crown of Spain as Charles I; three years later, he became ruler of the Holy Roman Empire as Charles V. His lands, in the south and centre of Europe, comprised the Habsburg inheritance that would dominate English foreign policy for the next hundred years. Another young monarch also claimed the ascendancy. Francis I had assumed the crown of France in 1515, at the age of twenty, and within nine months he had taken an army into northern Italy and captured Milan. This was a feat that Henry could only dream of accomplishing.
On May Day 1515, Henry asked for details about Francis from a Venetian envoy. ‘Talk with me awhile,’ he said. ‘The King of France, is he as tall as I?’ There was very little difference. ‘Is he as stout?’ No, he was not. ‘What sort of legs has he?’ They were thin or ‘spare’. At this point the king of England opened his doublet, and placed his hand on his thigh. ‘Look here. And I also have a good calf to my leg.’ He said later that Francis was a Frenchman, and therefore could not be trusted.
Until the death of Henry these three young monarchs would vie for mastery, or at least temporary supremacy, and the international history of the time consists of their moves and countermoves. There were treaties and secret agreements, skirmishes and wars, invasions and sieges. Europe became their playing field. In their respective courts, hunts and jousts and tournaments became the theatrical expression of power. But when three young men fight, the results are always likely to be bloody.
The emergence of these three powerful sovereigns also altered the whole balance of European power and, in particular, led inevitably to the relative decline in the authority of the pope. The power of kings was considered to be supreme, dominating Church and nobility. Charles and Francis were always to be engaged in contention, since their territories were adjacent one to another, and it was Henry’s part to derive maximum benefit from their rivalry. They were not always engaged in open hostility, however, but tried to benefit from convenient betrothals and dynastic marriages. The birth of a daughter to Henry, on 18 February 1516, at last gave him a pawn in the great game. Nevertheless, Princess Mary was a severe disappointment to her father; he had hoped and prayed for a son and heir, but he disguised his dismay. ‘We are both young,’ he said, ‘if it be a girl this time, by the grace of God, boys will follow.’ In this he was mistaken.
In the spring of 1517 a bill was posted upon one of the doors of St Paul’s, complaining that ‘the foreigners’ were given too much favour by the king and council and they ‘bought wools to the undoing of Englishmen’. This helped to inspire the riots of ‘Evil May Day’ in which the radicalism or insubordination of the London crowd became manifest. At the end of April a preacher had called upon Englishmen to defend their livings against ‘aliens’, by whom he meant the merchants from Florence and Venice, from Genoa and Paris. Wolsey had sent for the mayor on hearing news that, as he put it, ‘your young and riotous people will rise and distress the strangers’. A disturbance of this kind was deeply troubling for an administration that had no police force or standing army to enforce its will.
The mayor denied any rumours of sedition but on the evening of 30 April 2,000 Londoners – with apprentices, watermen and serving men at their head – sacked the houses of the French and Flemish merchants. They also stormed the house of the king’s secretary and threatened the residents of the Italian quarter. Wolsey, wary of trouble despite the assurances of the mayor, called in the armed retainers of the nobility as well as the ordnance of the Tower. More than 400 prisoners were taken, tried and found guilty of treason. Thirteen of them suffered the penalty of being hanged, drawn and quartered; their butchered remains were suspended upon eleven gallows set up within the city.
In a suitably elaborate ceremony the other rioters, with halters around their necks, were brought to Westminster Hall in the presence of the king. He was sitting on a lofty dais, from which eminence he condemned them all to death. Then Wolsey fell on his knees and begged the king to show compassion while the prisoners themselves called out ‘Mercy, Mercy!’ Eventually the king relented and granted them pardon. At which point they cast off their halters and, as a London chronicler put it, ‘jumped for joy’.
It had been a close-run thing, but there is no disguising the real scorn and even hatred between the court and the citizens. The nobility distrusted and despised the commonalty, a feeling returned in equal measure. It was believed, with some reason, that the bishops and the clergy took the nobles’ part; the city’s animus against them would play some role in the religious changes of later years. London itself had the capacity to stir riot and breed dissension, and was a constant source of disquiet to the king and his council.
Two or three weeks after the riots, a distemper fell upon the city and the country. In the early summer of 1517 a fever, accompanied by a profuse and foul-smelling sweat, began its progress. It was accompanied by sharp pains in the back and shoulders before moving to the liver; lethargy and drowsiness ensued, with a sleep that often led to death. Swift and merciless, it became known as the sweat or the sweating sickness; because it seems only to have attacked the English, in cities such as Calais and Antwerp, it was called ‘sudor Anglicus’ or ‘the English sweat’. It was also called ‘Know Thy Master’ or ‘The Lord’s Visitation’. Tens of thousands died. A physician of the time, Dr Caius, described how it ‘immediately killed some in opening their windows, some in playing with children in their street doors; some in one hour, many in two, it destroyed; and at the longest to them that merrily dined, it gave a sorrowful supper’. A chance encounter in the street, a beggar knocking at the door, a kiss upon the cheek, could spell death.
The houses themselves might harbour the pestilence. Erasmus complained that the floors of English dwellings were covered with rushes that harboured ‘expectorations, vomitings, the leakage of dogs and men, ale-droppings, scraps of fish and other abominations not to be mentioned’. Whenever there was a change in the weather, vapours of foul air were exhaled. In the streets the open sewers rolled their stagnant and turbid discharge down to the Thames.
In the summer of that year Thomas Wolsey himself fell sick of the sweat, with many of his household dying. Yet he was robust and determined. He could shake off any sickness without permanent injury to his strong constitution. On his recovery he made a pilgrimage to Walsingham; when he had faced death, he had made a vow to pray at the shrine of Our Lady there, a replica of the house in Nazareth where Gabriel had appeared to Mary. After he had meditated and fasted, he continued with the business of the realm.
In the spring of the previous year he had spoken at length, to Henry and to the council, of the inefficiencies and enormities in the administration of justice. He was not a lawyer and had no training in the law, but his intelligence and self-reliance easily surmounted any doubts about his ability. He had decided, with the king, to reinforce the procedures of the law by means of a body known as the Star Chamber; in its judicial capacity, the king’s council met in a chamber the roof of which was studded with stars.
Under the stars the lord chancellor could question and punish, in particular, the great ones of the realm. ‘I trust,’ he wrote, ‘to learn them next term the law of the Star Chamber.’ He punished lords for maintaining too many retainers, and knights for ‘bearing’ (bearing down on) their poorer tenants; he investigated cases of perjury and forgery; he regulated prices and food supplies, on the understandable assumption that scarcity might provoke riot. One of the principal functions of the chamber was to suppress or punish public disorder. He investigated the behaviour of the sheriffs. In the previous reign the Star Chamber had heard approximately twelve cases a year; under the direction of Wolsey it heard 120 in the same period.
Wolsey had his own court, too, known as the court of Chancery. This was a civil rather than a criminal court, where disputes over such matters as inheritance and contract were resolved. The plaintiffs could state their case in the vernacular, and defendants were obliged to appear by means of a ‘subpoena writ’. It was an efficient way of hearing appeals against judgments in common law. It also provided a method by which the cardinal could keep a tight grip upon the business of the land. Wolsey went in procession to Westminster Hall each day, with two great crosses of silver carried before him together with his Great Seal and cardinal’s hat; he dressed in crimson silk with a tippet or shoulder cape of sable. In his hand he carried an orange, hollowed out and filled with vinegar, pressed to his nose when he walked through the crowd of suitors awaiting him. ‘On [sic] my lords and masters,’ his attendants called out, ‘make way for my Lord’s Grace!’ John Skelton described his behaviour in the court of Chancery itself:
And openly in that place
He rages and he raves
And calls them cankered knaves …
In the Star Chamber he nods and becks …
Duke, earl, baron or lord
To his sentence must accord.
He was resented by those whom he punished, but his ministrations seem to have been effective. In the late summer of 1517 he wrote to Henry with a certain amount of self-congratulation on the blessed state of the realm. ‘Our Lord be thanked,’ he said, ‘it was never in such peace nor tranquillity.’
In this year, too, Wolsey established an inquiry into the causes of depopulation in the counties of England. The countryside had been changing for many generations, so slowly that the alteration had not been discernible until it was too late to do anything about it. By the time that the enclosure of land by the richer or more efficient farmers was recognized as a manifest injustice, it had become a simple fact that could not be reversed. A society of smallholders gave way to one of large tenant farmers with a class of landless labourers. So it is with all historical change. It proceeds over many decades, and many centuries, before becoming irrevocable.
Many tracts and pamphlets were written in the sixteenth century concerning the evils of enclosure. Thomas More’s Utopia is in part directed against it. The enclosed land was used for the rearing of sheep rather than for the production of crops. More wrote that the sheep were now eating the people rather than the reverse. One shepherd took the place of a score of agricultural workers in the process, thus leading to the depopulation of large parts of the countryside. A bishop wrote to Wolsey that ‘your heart would mourn to see the towns, villages, hamlets, manor places in ruin and decay, the people gone, the ploughs laid down’. When labourers were not needed, they moved on. The simple houses of the rural tenantry, once abandoned, were dissolved by wind and rain; the walls crumbled, and the roofs fell, leaving only hillocks of earth to show where they had once stood. The village church might become a shelter for cattle. Yet it was hard, then and now, to identify the causes of this decay. The distress of the early sixteenth century may have been caused by a series of bad harvests and a steadily growing population, for example, rather than a suddenly accelerated rate of enclosure. A population of approximately three million was below the peak of the early fourteenth century, but it was increasing all the time.
Enclosure itself had been a fact of farming ever since the fourteenth century, when the ‘pestilence’ or ‘black death’ took a large toll upon the population. With the lowered demand for corn, the land had to be put to different uses. Fields lying idle were cheap, also, and a steady process of purchase began that continued well into the eighteenth century. There were barters and exchanges between farmers, with the wealthiest or the most resourceful getting the best of the bargain. Many of the once open fields were enclosed with hedges of hawthorn. It was estimated that the value of enclosed land was one and a half times that of the rest. The process could not be prevented or halted. It came to a crisis, as we shall see, a generation later.
The state of the realm was still very largely the state of an agricultural society. It was comprised of freeholders and leaseholders, customary tenants and labourers, all owing allegiance to their lord. Their houses were grouped closely together, with the fields stretching around them. It was a society immensely susceptible to the vagaries of the weather, where one bad harvest could spell disaster.
In what had always been a world of tradition and of custom, the previous ties of the manor system were now giving way to the new laws of the market. Custom was being replaced by law and contract. Communal effort was slowly supplanted by competition. ‘Now the world is so altered for the poor tenant,’ one contemporary wrote, ‘that he stands in bodily fear of his greedy neighbour – so that, two or three years before his lease ends, he must bow to his lord for a new lease.’ The larger farmers wished to sell their produce to the rising populations of the towns and the cities; the smaller farmers were reduced to subsistence agriculture, by which they ate what they grew. Land was no longer the common ground of society, the management of which entailed social responsibilities. It had become a simple investment. So the customary rent for a tenant was replaced by what was known as the ‘rack rent’ or market rent. The process was very slow and very long, not really coming to an end until the eighteenth century. Yet the communal farming of the past, with its own cooperative rituals and customs, was not destined to endure. In this respect the movement of agriculture may be compared with the movement of religion.
There is indeed an affinity. The common fields along the coastal plains of Westmorland and Northumberland, for example, harboured an attachment to the old religion. The corn-growing villages of East Anglia and eastern Kent, engaged in the commercial production of food, were committed to the reform of faith. It seems clear enough that religious radicalism prospered in the eastern counties, and was held back in the north and in the west. Yet there are so many exceptions and special cases that even these generalizations are susceptible to doubt. The eastern part of Sussex espoused the new faith, for example, while the western part supported the old. It can only be said with some degree of certainty that the time of the ‘new men’ was approaching.
In 1517 or 1518 some Cambridge scholars began to meet at the White Horse tavern in that city where, like undergraduates before and since, they debated the intellectual issues of the time. The pressing matters of this time, however, were all concerned with religion; it was at the heart of sixteenth-century debate. Some of these scholars, with all the ardour of youth, were attracted to new and potentially subversive doctrines. Reform was in the air. Some of them wished to return to the simple piety of the movements known as the Poor Catholics or the Humiliati; they wished to eschew the pomp and ceremony of the medieval Church, and to cultivate what was called devotio moderna, ‘modern devotion’. Others wished to return to the word of the Scriptures, and in particular of the New Testament.
The published work of Desiderius Erasmus had already brought a purer spirit into theological enquiry. While Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity at Queens’ College, Cambridge, he completed a Greek and Latin translation of the New Testament which seemed destined to supersede the old ‘Vulgate’ that had been in use for a thousand years. Erasmus, by an act of historical scholarship, brought back something of the air of early Christian revelation.
He believed that the rituals and the formal theology of the Church were less important than the spiritual reception of the message of the Scriptures; an inward faith, both in God’s grace and in the redemptive power of His Son, was of more efficacy than conformity to external worship. ‘If you approach the Scriptures in all humility,’ he wrote, ‘you will perceive that you have been breathed upon by the Holy Will.’ By means of satire he also attacked the excessive devotion to relics, the too frequent resort to pilgrimages, and the degeneration of the monastic orders. He rarely mentions the sacraments that were part of the divine machinery of the orthodox faith.
He never advanced into heretical doctrine, but he was as much a dissolvent of conventional piety as Luther or Wycliffe. Without Erasmus, neither Luther nor Tyndale could have translated the Greek testament. He also entertained the hope that the Scriptures would be freely available to everyone, an aspiration that, at a later date, would be deemed almost heretical. One of the scholars who attended the meetings in the White Horse tavern, Thomas Bilney, declared that on reading Erasmus ‘at last I heard of Jesus’. Bilney was later to be burned at the stake.
Erasmus has conventionally been described as a ‘humanist’, although the word itself did not appear in this sense until the beginning of the nineteenth century. In general terms humanism, or the ‘new learning’ at the beginning of the sixteenth century, concerned itself with a renovation of education and scholarship by the pursuit of newly found or newly translated classical models. It brought with it a profound scepticism of medieval authority, and of the scholastic theology that supported it. The new learning opened the windows of the Church in search of light and fresh air. The somewhat commonplace anti-clericalism of the Lollards had become outmoded in an age of constructive criticism and renovation, and it seemed likely that the universal Church would be able to renew itself.
In the autumn of 1517 Martin Luther spoke out, lending a more fiery and dogmatic charge to the general calls for reform. He was close to Erasmus in many respects, but he quickly moved beyond him in his assertion of justification by faith alone. Faith comes as a gift from God to the individual without the interference of rituals and priests. The Church cannot, and should not, come between Christ and the aspiring soul. A person saved by the sacrifice of Christ will be granted eternal life. Grace will lift the soul to heaven. For those not saved by faith, the only destination is the everlasting fire.
In a series of pamphlets Luther attacked the beliefs and hierarchies of the orthodox faith. The pope in Rome was the Antichrist. There were only two sacraments, those of baptism and holy communion, rather than the seven adumbrated by the Church. Every good Christian man was already a priest. Grace and faith were enough for salvation. The words of Scripture should stand alone. ‘I will talk no more with this animal,’ Cardinal Cajetan wrote after conferring with him in 1518, ‘for he has deep eyes, and wonderful speculations in his head.’
Luther had been read and discussed in Cambridge ever since the monk had nailed his ninety-five theses to the door of the castle church in Wittenberg. The White Horse tavern was nicknamed ‘Germany’ as the Lutheran creed was discussed within its walls, and the participants were known as ‘Germans’. They were, however, an eclectic group; among them were Thomas Cranmer and William Tyndale, Nicholas Ridley and Matthew Parker. Two of them became archbishops, seven became bishops, and eight became martyrs burned at the stake. This was an exhilarating, and also a dangerous, time.
The reading of Luther deepened the instinctive beliefs of some who debated in the White Horse. The doctrine of justification by faith alone has no parallel in Wycliffe, but many of the other anti-clerical doctrines had been expressed for the previous two centuries. Never before, however, had they been shaped with such cogency and coherence. The pulpit of the little Cambridge church of St Edward, King and Martyr, became the platform from which preachers such as Thomas Bilney, Robert Barnes and Hugh Latimer proclaimed the new truths. Faith only did justify, and works did not profit. If you can only once believe that Jesus Christ shed His precious blood, and died on the cross for your sins, the same belief will be sufficient for your salvation. There was no need for priests, or bishops, or even cardinals.
In the spring of 1518, at the urgent instigation of the king, Wolsey was appointed as papal legate; he became the representative of Rome at the court of which he was already chief minister. He embodied everything that the reformers abhorred; he was the whore in scarlet. Whenever he made a submission as the pope’s envoy he left the court and then ceremonially reappeared in his fresh role. Yet there was no disguising the fact that the Church and the royal council were now being guided by the same hand. The truth of the matter was not lost upon the king, who would at a later date assert his royal sovereignty over both. Wolsey taught Henry that it was possible to administer and effectively run the Church without the interference of any external power. The king would at a later date, therefore, take over the cardinal’s role and in the process greatly enlarge it.
Wolsey’s status as papal legate gave him additional power to reform the English Church. He began in the spring of 1519 by sending ‘visitors’ to various monasteries in order to record the conditions and habits of the monks, where of course they found various levels of disorder and abuse. The abbot brought his hounds into the church; the monks found solace in the tavern; the prior had been seen with the miller’s wife. This had always been the small change of monastic life, and had largely become accepted as the way of the world. But Wolsey punished the principal offenders and sent out strict regulations or statutes to guide future conduct.
His severity did not of course prevent him from growing rich in his own manner with a collection of ecclesiastical posts. He was in succession bishop of Bath and Wells, bishop of Durham and bishop of Winchester; these were held in tandem with the archbishopric of York, and in 1521 he obtained the richest abbey of the land in St Albans. His tables groaned with gold and silver plate and the walls of his palaces were hung with the richest tapestries. Wolsey was without doubt the richest man in England – richer even than the king, whose income was curtailed by large responsibilities – but he always argued that his own magnificence helped to sustain the power of the Church.
At a slightly later date he suppressed some twenty-nine monastic houses and used their revenues to finance a school in Ipswich and a college, Cardinal’s College, which he intended to build at Oxford. The obscure devotions of a few monks and nuns should not stand in the way of a great educational enterprise. He was interested in good learning as well as good governance; indeed they could not properly be distinguished. So the work of the Church continued even as it was being denounced and threatened by the ‘new men’, otherwise called ‘gospellers’ and ‘known men’.
At the end of 1520 the doctrines of Luther were deemed to be heretical and his books were banned. They ‘smelled of the frying pan’, resting on the fires of Smithfield and of hell itself. In the spring of the following year, Wolsey in a great ceremony burned Luther’s texts on a pyre set up in St Paul’s Churchyard. Yet it was already too late to staunch the flow of the new doctrines. The known men were, according to Thomas More, ‘busily walking’ in every alehouse and tavern, where they expounded their doctrines. More was already a privy councillor and servant of the court. The supposed heretics were present at the Inns of Court where fraternal bonds could be converted to spiritual bonds. They were ‘wont to resort to their readings in a chamber at midnight’. They began to congregate in the Thames Valley and in parts of Essex as well as London. In the parish church of Rickmansworth, in Hertfordshire, certain people flung the statues and the rood screen upon a fire. It was a portent of later iconoclasm in England.
Luther’s books came into the country, from the ports of the Low Countries and from the cities of the Rhineland, as contraband smuggled in sacks of cloth. Yet the tracts did not only reach the disaffected. They also reached the king. On 21 April 1521 Henry was seen to be reading Luther’s De Captivitate Babylonica Ecclesiae (‘On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church’) and in the following month he wrote to Pope Leo X of his determination to suppress the heresies contained in that tract. Wolsey suggested to the king that he might care to be distinguished from other European princes by showing himself to be erudite as well as orthodox. So with the help of royal servants such as More the king composed a reply to Luther entitled Assertio Septem Sacramentorum, ‘In Defence of the Seven Sacraments’.
It was not a brilliant or enthralling work, but it served its purpose. The pope professed to be delighted by it, and conferred on Henry the title of Fidei Defensor, ‘Defender of the Faith’. It was not supposed to be inherited, but the royal family have used it ever since. Luther composed a reply to the reply, in the course of which he denounced Henry as ‘the king of lies’ and a ‘damnable and rotten worm’. As a result Henry was never warmly disposed towards Lutheranism and, in most respects, remained an orthodox Catholic.
The pope died two months after conferring the title upon the king, and there were some who believed that Wolsey himself might ascend to the pontificate. Yet the conclave of cardinals was never likely to elect an Englishman, and in any case Wolsey had pressing business with the Church in England alone. His visitations of the monasteries were only one aspect of his programme for clerical reform. He devised new constitutions for the secular or non-monastic clergy and imposed new statutes on the Benedictine and Augustinian monks. He guided twenty monastic elections to gain favourable results for his candidates, and dismissed four monastic heads.
In the spring of 1523 he dissolved a convocation of senior clergy at Canterbury and summoned them to Westminster, where he imposed a new system of taxation on their wealth. Bishops and archbishops would in the future be obliged to pay him a ‘tribute’ before they could exercise their jurisdictions. He proposed reforms in the ecclesiastical courts, too, and asserted that all matters involving wills and inheritances should be handled by him. The Church had never been so strictly administered since the days of Henry II. The fact that, in pursuit of his aims, Wolsey issued papal bulls, letters or charters sanctioned by the Vatican, served further to inflame the English bishops against him.
Yet he was protected by the shadow of the king. Wolsey was doing Henry’s bidding, so that his ascendancy virtually guaranteed royal supremacy. There was no longer any antagonism between what later became known as ‘Church’ and ‘State’; they were united in the same person. At this stage, however, the question of doctrinal reform did not arise, and Wolsey paid only nominal attention to the spread of heresy in the kingdom. He was concerned with the discipline and efficiency of the Church, and in particular with the exploitation of its wealth.
Wolsey’s role as papal legate involved other duties. It was his responsibility as the pope’s representative to bring peace to the Christian princes of Europe, as a preliminary to a united crusade against the Turks. In matters of diplomacy the cardinal was a master and through 1518 he continued negotiations with Maximilian of the Holy Roman Empire, Francis of France and Charles of Spain. Their representatives came to London in the autumn of that year and swore a treaty of universal peace that became known as the Treaty of London. The cardinal had engineered it, and the cardinal took the credit. There was a passing allusion to the possibility of a crusade and the pope was named only as comes or ‘associate’ in the negotiations. ‘We can see,’ one cardinal wrote, ‘what the Holy See and the pope have to expect from the English chancellor.’
The English chancellor was in the ascendant. In the fourteen years of his authority as lord chancellor he called only one parliament. When the Venetian ambassador first arrived in the kingdom, Wolsey used to declare to him that ‘His Majesty will do so and so’. The phrase then changed to ‘We shall do so and so’ until it finally became ‘I will do so and so’. Yet he was always aware of where the real power and authority lay; he remained in charge of affairs as long as he obeyed the king’s will. The achievement of the cardinal, with the Treaty of London, was also the triumph of his sovereign. The king’s honour was always the most important element in foreign calculations. Henry himself seemed pleased with the accomplishment. ‘We want all potentates to content themselves with their own territories,’ he told the Venetian ambassador, ‘and we are satisfied with this island of ours.’ He wrote some verses in this period that testify to his contentment.
The best ensue; the worst eschew;
My mind shall be
Virtue to use, vice refuse,
Thus shall I use me.
Yet he was considerably less contented when, in February 1519, the Holy Roman Emperor died and was succeeded in that title by his grandson Charles of Spain. At the age of nineteen Charles was now the nominal master of Austria, Poland, Switzerland, Germany and the Low Countries as well as Spain itself; he thus decided the fate of half of Europe.
The three young kings now engaged in elaborate ceremonies of peace that could also be construed as games of war. In the summer of 1520 Henry set sail for France in the Great Harry, with a retinue of 4,000, on his way to meet the king of France. He sailed in splendour, and the place of their encounter became known as the Field of Cloth of Gold. The Vale of Ardres, close to the English enclave of Calais, had been decorated with pavilions and palaces, towers and gateways, artificial lakes and bridges, statues and fountains that gushed forth beer and wine. Henry was arrayed in what was called ‘fine gold in bullion’, while Francis in turn was too dazzling to be looked upon. Masses were combined with jousts and feats and wrestling matches, with the celebrations lasting for seventeen days. The event was described as the eighth wonder of the world. A rich tapestry had come to life. The importance of treaties lay not in their content but in the manner of their making. They were expressions of power rather than of amity.
Yet there were secret dealings behind the arras. Even before Henry sailed to France, Charles of Spain had arrived at Dover, to be greeted by Henry himself. Charles was escorted with great ceremony to Canterbury, where he met his aunt Katherine of Aragon for the first time. Three days of dancing and feasting also included hours of negotiation. After meeting the French king at the Field of Cloth of Gold, Henry moved on to Calais, where he colluded once more with Charles. All their plans were against France. Henry himself wished once more to claim the French crown as part of his inalienable birthright.
On these same summer nights, when sovereigns slept in their pavilions of gold, the London watch was searching for ‘suspected persons’. They reported that a tailor and two servants played cards and dice until four in the morning, when the game was forcibly suspended and the players mentioned to the constable. In Southwark and Stepney, in pursuit of ‘vagabond and misdemeanoured persons’, the watch found many ‘masterless men’ living in ragged tenements. Ten Germans were taken up in Southwark. An ‘old drab and a young wench’ were found lying upon a dirty sheet in a cellar; on the upstairs floor Hugh Lewis and Alice Ball were ‘taken in bed together, not being man and wife’. Anne Southwick was questioned in the Rose tavern at Westminster on suspicion of being a whore. Carters were found sleeping against the walls of a tavern. Mowers and haymakers, makers of tile and brick, were duly noted as dwelling peaceably in the inns of the suburbs. Men and women went about their business, legal or otherwise. And so the summer passed.
The woes of marriage
Rumours of the king’s infidelities were always in the air. His liaison with Anne Stafford was followed by others, and in the autumn of 1514 he had begun an affair of five years with Elizabeth or Bessie Blount; their trysting place was a house called Jericho in Essex. His entourage was commanded to maintain a strict silence concerning his visits, and the grooms of the privy chamber were obliged ‘not to hearken or enquire where the king is or goeth’; they were forbidden to discuss ‘the king’s pastime’ or ‘his late or early going to bed’. The fruit of the union was born in 1519, and was named Henry FitzRoy or ‘Henry son of the king’; he would eventually become the duke of Richmond. Elizabeth Blount was then duly rewarded with a prestigious marriage, and retained a secure place in Henry’s affections.
Other young women were no doubt installed in Jericho for the king’s delectation, but the next one to be named by history is Mary Boleyn. She had been conveniently married to a gentleman of the king’s household, and under the cover of the court she became the king’s mistress in 1520. Now she is best known as the sister of the other Boleyn girl, but her relationship with Henry lasted for approximately five years. In 1523 he named one of the new royal ships the Mary Boleyn, and two years later he promoted her father to the peerage as Viscount Rochford.
By this time, however, the king had become enamoured of the younger daughter. The date of his first encounter with Anne Boleyn is not known precisely, but by 1523 she had already come to the attention of Thomas Wolsey. Her attachment to Henry Percy, heir to the earldom of Northumberland, was considered to be a step too far; Percy went back to the north, and Anne was expelled from court. Wolsey’s usher, George Cavendish, reports that she was so angry that ‘she smoked’ red-hot with rage. Only after this date, therefore, is it likely that she caught the eye of the king.
Yet he was soon enthralled by her. Her complexion was considered to be ‘rather dark’ but she had fine eyes and lustrous hair; her narrow oval face, high cheekbones and small breasts would be inherited by her eminent daughter. In the early portraits she appears to be pert and vivacious, but at a slightly later date there is evidence of wariness or watchfulness. So many disparate reports exist of her character that it is impossible to form a true judgement. There can be no doubt, however, that she was resourceful and quick-witted; she could not otherwise have survived the life of the court. She loved music and danced very well. It has often been suggested that by charm and persuasion she managed to avoid intercourse with the king until she was certain of becoming his wife, but it is equally likely that Henry himself wished to make sure of a formal union that would render any children legitimate.
All this was known or suspected by Katherine of Aragon, who asked Erasmus to write a treatise entitled De Servando Conjugio – ‘On Preserving Marriage’. She was aware of Henry FitzRoy, and was deeply offended when he was brought to court at precisely the time when it was clear that she could no longer bear children. Henry had in any case turned away from her. She was approaching the age of forty; all her early grace had faded, and the young king of France described her as ‘ugly and deformed’. As a consequence, perhaps, Henry no longer frequented her bed. Most importantly she had failed in her primary duty to bear a son and heir.
Certain doubts had already entered Henry’s mind. He had read the text in Leviticus that prohibited any man from marrying the widow of a dead brother. It declares that ‘thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of your brother’s wife; it is thy brother’s nakedness’, for which the penalty will be that of bearing no children. He had quoted Leviticus in his treatise against Luther, in which text he had also adverted to ‘the severe and inflexible justice of God’. What if his marriage flouted divine decree? In Leviticus itself God speaks: ‘I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague … and ye shall sow your seed in vain.’ God had perhaps denied him a royal heir as a punishment for his sin.
In matters of succession Henry could be savage. He had already demonstrated that the wrath of the king meant death. In the event of the king’s own demise Edward Stafford, third duke of Buckingham, was considered the favourite to succeed him; he was after all descended from Thomas Woodstock, one of the sons of Edward III. He was, therefore, an object of suspicion. In the spring of 1521 the king himself had interrogated the duke’s servants in order to find evidence of treason. It was alleged as the principal charge that the duke had consulted with a monkish necromancer who had told him that Henry would have no male issue and that ‘he should have all’. Buckingham had bought inordinate amounts of cloth of gold and cloth of silver. It was even stated by one of his servants that he had planned to come into the royal presence ‘having upon him secretly a knife’. He was of course found guilty by seventeen of his peers and beheaded on Tower Green. It was widely believed at the time that Wolsey – who was known to Londoners as ‘the butcher’ – had engineered Buckingham’s fall but Henry’s overwhelming need to preserve his dynasty was the root cause of all.
He may have now rested all his hopes on his bastard son, Henry, but there was no precedent for an illegitimate heir to the throne except for the improbably distant Harold Harefoot in 1037. There was always Princess Mary, already given her own court, but there had been only one queen regnant in English history; and Matilda had in fact been known as ‘lady of England’. So a proper male heir would have to be found. Already, then, Henry was contemplating the possibility of a new bride.
Mary could, in the interim, be put to other uses. At the age of two she had been promised to the son of Francis I but then, only four years later, she was formally betrothed to Charles V. What could be more fitting than to be the wife of the Holy Roman Emperor and sovereign of Spain? These were games of war, however, rather than of betrothal.
In the summer of 1521 Henry entered into a treaty with Charles against Francis I, and promised to send a great army of 30,000 foot and 10,000 horse into the French dominion. Yet the stomach for war breeds an appetite for money. That is why Wolsey was soon demanding, and obtaining, new revenues from the Church. In March 1522 he set in motion a great national inquiry to assess the wealth of each individual and the military capacity of every male; it was characteristic of his direct and inclusive style of government. The taxes raised were nominated as ‘loans’, but in fact they were never repaid. Two months later the earl of Surrey, with a large force of men, invaded northern France to no obvious effect. Charles sailed to England and was formally affianced to Princess Mary. On the journey upriver from Gravesend to Greenwich, the emperor’s barges were perfumed with ‘sweet herbs’ to conceal the offensive odours of the Thames.
In the spring of the following year parliament was convened to treat of what Wolsey called ‘the grand invasion of France’ or, rather, to provide the funds for it. ‘There has been,’ a contemporary reported, ‘the greatest and sorest hold in the Lower House for payment of two shillings of the pound that ever was seen, I think, in any parliament. This matter has been debated and beaten fifteen or sixteen days together …’ The tax on the value of land was a precedent never ‘seen before this time’. The Speaker of the House, Thomas More, was able by his powers of calm persuasion to pass the measure.
This was the meeting of parliament in which Thomas Cromwell first came to notice. He was already a merchant and a scrivener, a dyer of cloth and a moneylender, his various employments testifying to his skill and facility in the affairs of the world. He would soon also enter Gray’s Inn as a lawyer. In his speech to his colleagues he volunteered ‘to utter my poor mind’. He urged the king to stay in England and not to risk himself by campaigning in France; he also argued for caution and vigilance in maintaining the supply lines or ‘victualling’. In conclusion he recommended that Scotland should be the principal target of the king’s army. He used an old maxim, ‘who that intendeth France to win, with Scotland let him begin’.
Cromwell was not enthusiastic about the parliamentary debates. He wrote to a friend that ‘for sixteen whole weeks wherein we communed of war, peace, strife, contention, debate, murmur, grudge, riches, poverty, penury, truth, falsehood, justice, equity, deceit, oppression, magnanimity, activity, force … as well as we might, and left where we began’. He did admit, however, that the Commons had granted the king ‘a right large subsidy, the like whereof was never granted in this realm’.
So, in the summer of 1523, the great enterprise was undertaken. Under the command of Suffolk, Henry’s jousting partner, 10,000 men sailed to Calais. In girth as well as in splendour, he was a good substitute for the king. He had intended to lay siege to Boulogne and thus gain another port for England. But the king and the cardinal urged him to march upon Paris and, with the help of Charles V and other allies, destroy the heart of France. Yet war is fickle. The allies were captured, or surrounded, or fled from battle. Rain, mud and disease reduced the English forces outside Paris, and eventually they were forced to retreat.
In the vortex of this war strange mischances and collisions were destined to occur. The city states of Renaissance Italy, the true cause of the confrontation between Francis and Charles, were put at great peril; Scotland, as part of its old alliance with France, was threatening invasion with the assistance of French troops; and, with the princes of Europe fighting one another, the Turks came much closer to their goal of conquering the eastern parts of that continent. No one could see a path through the wood because, in truth, there was no path. It was a wearisome story of battles and sieges, of invasions and retreats, which left all the participants in approximately the same position as before.
Yet there was to be one more tremor of martial fervour. At the beginning of 1525 the Spanish imperial army won an overwhelming victory at the battle of Pavia, taking the French king prisoner and destroying much of his nobility. In his excitement Henry projected another grand coalition with Spain for the purpose, as he put it, ‘of getting full satisfaction from France’. Charles V was disinclined to share the proceeds of victory; he was now the master of Europe, and felt less need for the support of Henry. Yet the English king continued to dream and to conspire.
He and Wolsey intended to raise money for the further campaign by a forced loan that he called an ‘amicable grant’. There was nothing amicable about it. By virtue of the royal prerogative a tax of a sixth on wealth was demanded from the laity, and a fourth from the clergy. The people of England, however, were tired of a war that was driven only by the desire of the king for honour and glory. War put at risk commerce between the nations of Europe and, by artificially raising prices on basic commodities such as meat and drink, it disturbed the patterns of national trade and industry. Since the soldiers of England were largely taken from the land, their deployment severely affected agricultural prosperity. War may have been in the interest of the king, but it was not waged to the benefit of the country. What was the point, in any case, of invading and conquering France? A ballad-writer wrote against Wolsey:
By thee out of service many are constrained
And course of merchandise thou hast restrained
Wherefor men sigh and sob.
War was bad for business. Much foreign trade was directed through Antwerp, where the major English export was that of manufactured woollen cloth. The Flemish used to say that ‘if Englishmen’s fathers were hanged at the gates of Antwerp, their children would creep between their legs to come into the town’. The trade in manufactured cloth doubled in the course of Henry’s reign, thus lending power and authority to the guild of the cloth exporters known as the Merchant Adventurers. From this period, therefore, we can date the rise of the English merchant. Anything that endangered or disrupted trade was deplored.
So the resistance to the tax was open and sometimes violent: 4,000 men took up arms in Suffolk, and the tax commissioners were beaten off in Kent. The citizens of London refused to pay on the ground that the exactions were unlawful. In Cambridge and in Lincolnshire the people were ‘looking out for a stir’. When the duke of Norfolk asked to consult with the ‘captain’ of the rebels in his own shire, he was told that ‘his name is Poverty; for he and his cousin Necessity have brought us to this doing’.
The risk of another general revolt, like that of 1381, was too great to be contemplated. Such an uprising was about to break out in Germany, where a hell of violence and anarchy descended upon the land; 300,000 rebels took up arms, and 100,000 peasants died. So the king retreated. He issued a proclamation in which he denied knowing anything at all about the tax demands; he then graciously remitted them and issued pardons to the rebels. He had learned a lesson in the limitations of regal power. Yet the cardinal was considered to be more greatly at fault. There was no end, one chronicler wrote, to the ‘inward grudge and hatred that the commons bore to the cardinal’. Henry knew that Wolsey had failed. This was no longer the quiet and joyful country at the time of his accession. And the cardinal, well, he was only one man.
The false stridency of the war policy was further exposed when in 1525 the cardinal began to explore the possibilities of an accord with France against the erstwhile ally of Spain. Charles was now so powerful as to become a menace. A treaty ‘of perpetual peace’ with France was signed in the summer, just six months after the cardinal had proposed a great war against her. Charles V demanded that he be released from his betrothal to the young Princess Mary. All was undone. All must be done again.
Henry was engaged in affairs of the heart as well as those of the battlefield. He had, in his own phrase, been ‘struck with the dart of love’. A new ship was commissioned in 1526, to be named the Anne Boleyn. In the spring of that year the royal goldsmiths fashioned four brooches for him to bestow upon a certain lady. One was formed in the image of Venus, while another was of a lady and a heart; the third was of a man lying in a woman’s lap, while the fourth showed the same woman with a crown. It was noted that in this period he was more than usually boisterous and energetic. The newfound friendship with France was the excuse for any number of revels and banquets and jousts and pageants. In the summer of 1526 Henry hunted with ferocity and passion. He wanted to win the prize.
He had begun to write letters to Anne Boleyn in French, the language of courtly romance. One eighteenth-century historian has described them as ‘very ill writ, the hand is scarce legible and the French seems faulty’. Nevertheless they served their purpose. The first of them was presented with the gift of a buck that the king had killed the evening before, and soon enough another followed in which he thanked her ‘right heartily, for that it pleaseth you to still hold me in some remembrance’. This was not the conventional letter of a king to a royal mistress.
In a subsequent letter he professes himself confused about her feelings, ‘praying you with all my heart that you will expressly tell me your whole mind concerning the love between us’. He then proposes that he will take her ‘as his only mistress, rejecting from thought and affection all others save yourself, to serve you only’. Yet Anne Boleyn had already retreated to her parents’ house, at Hever in Kent, and refused to come to court. ‘I could do none other than lament me of my ill fortune,’ he wrote to her, ‘abating by little and little my so great folly.’ There is no doubt that he had conceived an overpowering passion for her, and she in her turn was doing her best to retain his affection without alienating him. It was a difficult task, and must have brought her close to nervous prostration.
In another letter Henry longed for their meeting which ‘is on my part the more desired than any earthly thing; for what joy in this world can be greater than to have the company of her who is the most dearly loved’. How do you gently refuse a great and powerful king? She sent him a diamond, which was decorated with an image of a lady in her ship. The lady was tossed about on the waves, but the diamond is a symbol of an imperishable and steadfast heart.
Katherine herself was being cast aside. After the treaty with France it was no longer necessary to appease her nephew, Charles V. When three of her Spanish ladies complained of the dukedom given to Henry’s illegitimate son, Henry FitzRoy, they were dismissed from court. Katherine’s letters were being opened and read by Wolsey. The cardinal, or the king, placed spies among her entourage. Wolsey insisted that he should be present at any interview between her and Charles’s representatives. Yet the king’s displeasure was not visited upon the child, who might still become queen of England. Mary now had her own household of more than 300 servants; at dinner she could choose between thirty-five courses. She hawked and hunted; she played cards and gambled with dice.
There was, of course, always the possibility of a son. It seems fair to assume that Henry had at first wanted Anne as a mistress but, after the first infatuation, decided that she should be his wife. With Anne Boleyn as the prospective bride, the future of the dynasty might soon be secured. Without a son, as Henry claimed soon after, the kingdom would be overwhelmed by ‘mischief and trouble’. His doubts about the union with Katherine of Aragon were undoubtedly genuine. He was not acting out of lust for Anne Boleyn alone. If he had married Katherine despite the injunction of Leviticus, to refrain from the widow of a dead brother, he might truly have been cursed. Twenty-four years before, a papal dispensation had been obtained for the union. It was his duty now to have that original dispensation declared null and void so that he could be properly married for the first time. The pope could not, and should not, waive divine law as expressed in the Bible itself. The conscience of the king was the important matter; the word appears in many of his letters as a way of justifying himself to heaven. He once declared that conscience ‘is the highest and supreme court for judgement or justice’. He knew that he was right.
So, in the spring of 1527, Henry began his first attempt to have his marriage to Katherine annulled by Pope Clement VII. He told his wife that he was only exploring the questions raised by certain lawyers and theologians, at which point she wept and swore that her union with Prince Arthur had never been consummated. She knew which way the wind was blowing. In May 1527, Wolsey called the king to appear before him and the archbishop of Canterbury in order to discuss the status of the marriage. It was a piece of stage management, the king himself having already determined that the cardinal would declare the marriage null and void. Yet as papal legate Wolsey could not decide the matter without putting the case to the pope. He adjourned the proceedings and declared that he would consult more widely. This was the beginning of all the troubles that led eventually to the break with Rome.
Wolsey was not sure of the identity of the king’s intended bride. He assumed that it would be a diplomatic marriage, perhaps to a female of the French royal house. Anne Boleyn seemed to him to be another court mistress. Yet now Henry went behind his back; taking advantage of Wolsey’s absence on a diplomatic mission in France, he sent one of his secretaries to Rome with the draft of a papal bull allowing the king to marry another and unnamed woman with the blessing and authority of the Church. The king told his secretary that the matter would remain secret ‘for any craft the cardinal or any other can find’. This is a significant reference to his chief minister, suggesting that their early intimate relations had come to an end. Henry now also began to employ scholars and divines to research all precedents, and to press his case in print. At some point in 1527 work began on collecting and collating a set of arguments for the king’s divorce; Henry called it ‘liber noster’ or ‘our book’.
There now ensued a process of endless false starts, vain hopes, obfuscations and delays that left the king confused and demoralized. Katherine of Aragon managed to alert her nephew, Charles V, to the dangers of her situation. Charles’s troops had sacked Rome in May with every form of barbarity, and the pope had become a virtual prisoner in the Castel Sant’Angelo. If the pontiff was at the mercy of Charles, what hope was there of successfully dealing with the marriage of the emperor’s aunt? The matter of the divorce was now becoming part of a much larger action.
In May 1527 the young Princess Mary danced before her father at a banquet. The movement of the formal dance was always construed as an allegory, with the final curtsy seen as a gesture of ‘fear, love and reverence’. In the following month, the king formally separated himself from Katherine’s bed; the Spanish ambassador, no doubt informed by Katherine herself, revealed that the king ‘had told her they had been living in mortal sin all the years they had been together’. She burst into tears, and Henry tried to comfort her by remarking that all would turn out for the best. He also begged her to keep the matter secret, but it was already too late. The reports of the separation soon reached the people. It was, the ambassador said, ‘as notorious as if it had been proclaimed by the town crier’. The people took the side of the wronged wife, of course, and refused to believe that the king would persist in such a ‘wicked’ project. The queen, meanwhile, kept her place at court and sat by her husband’s side on public occasions, when she smiled and seemed cheerful. ‘It is wonderful to see her courage,’ the duke of Norfolk said, ‘nothing seems to frighten her.’
The matter of the king’s marriage was being endlessly debated at Rome. Pope Clement had pleaded ignorance of the canon law to one of Wolsey’s ambassadors, only to be told that the whole of canon law was locked in the bosom of his Holiness. ‘It may be so,’ the pope replied, ‘but, alas, God has forgotten to give me the key to open it.’ By the end of 1527, however, after much prevarication, he agreed that cardinals Wolsey and Campeggio would examine the facts and pass a verdict without possibility of appeal; Campeggio had been chosen because he was the second and inferior papal legate for English affairs. Wolsey at once wrote to him and asked him to hasten from Rome. ‘I hope,’ he told him, ‘all things shall be done according to the will of God, the desire of the king, the quiet of the kingdom, and to our honour, with a good conscience.’ He then crossed out the last four words. The cardinals of the Church always had a good conscience. The pope, still in thrall to Charles, had already commanded Campeggio to weave infinite delays so that no verdict on the king’s marriage would ever be given. The cardinal assented, and began to make plans for a very slow progress towards England.
At the beginning of 1528 Anne Boleyn wrote to Wolsey to thank him for ‘the great pains and troubles that you have taken for me both day and night’. In a second letter she stated that ‘I am most bound of all creatures, next the king’s grace, to love and serve your grace’. It is clear that she and Henry now intended her to be queen. Yet not all was what it seemed. Three months after his arrival in England Campeggio wrote to Rome that the cardinal ‘is actually not in favour of the affair’; he ‘dare not admit this openly, nor can he help to prevent it; on the contrary he has to hide his feelings and pretend to be eagerly pursuing what the king desires’.
In private conversations with Campeggio, Wolsey simply shrugged his shoulders. ‘I have to satisfy the king,’ he told him, ‘whatever the consequences. In time a remedy will be found.’ It may be that Henry was beginning to suspect Wolsey. In this period he began to show his chief minister’s letters to other members of his council, among them the father of Anne Boleyn. Wolsey was falling into a trap from which he would never be able to extricate himself. There was one occasion, in 1528, when it was recorded that the king ‘used terrible language’ to the cardinal, leaving Wolsey unhappy and uncertain. When the cardinal named a new abbess for a certain convent, despite the protests of the king at the choice of candidate, Henry wrote him a bitter letter in reply to his excuses. ‘Ah, my lord, it is a double offence both to do ill and colour it too … wherefore, good my lord, use no more that way with me, for there is no man living who more hates it.’ The words might also be construed as a more general warning.
In the spring of 1528 the royal family spent some time together at Wolsey’s house, Tyttenhanger, near St Albans. Princess Mary described it as a happy occasion. Yet in this year it was reported that the marriage between Henry and Anne Boleyn was ‘certain’ and that the preparations for the wedding were already being made. Wolsey wrote at this time that, if the pope did not comply with the wishes and desires of the king, ‘I see ruin, infamy, and subversion of the whole dignity and estimation of the see apostolic’. In this, at least, he was proved to be right.
Into court
The threat to the papacy also came from other quarters. Luther’s tracts, smuggled into England after he was denounced as a heretic, were followed by William Tyndale’s translation of the New Testament. Tyndale was a young cleric who had become disillusioned with the pomp and power of the Church; he was ascetic and scholarly by nature, and was instinctively attracted to the purer faith associated with the Lollards and the ‘new men’ who were even then in small conventicles proclaiming Lutheran doctrine.
He had found no employment in London, after he migrated there from Cambridge, and had travelled to Germany in quest of a more tolerant atmosphere. It was here that he translated the Scriptures from the Greek and Hebrew originals. It was said that his passage was assisted by German merchants who were already imbued with Lutheran learning.
Once he had arrived in Wittenberg, he began his task of translating the Greek into plain and dignified English, in a language that the ploughman as well as the scholar could understand. The more orthodox clerics, however, believed that the Scriptures were too sacred to be left in the hands of the laity and that any interpretation of them should only be under clerical supervision. They also believed that the key words of the Greek were in themselves holy, and would be profaned by translation.
It was here that Tyndale most transgressed, by altering the meaning of certain important concepts. ‘Congregation’ was employed instead of ‘church’, and ‘senior’ instead of ‘priest’; ‘penance’, ‘charity’, ‘grace’ and ‘confession’ were also silently removed. Tyndale later remarked that ‘I never altered one syllable of God’s word against my conscience’, but it was clear enough to the authorities that his conscience was heavily influenced by the writings of Martin Luther. In effect Tyndale was exorcizing the role of the Church in spiritual matters and placing his faith in an invisible body of the faithful known only to God. He also included a translation of Luther’s ‘Preface to the Epistle to the Romans’, and one young man, Robert Plumpton, wrote to his mother that ‘if it will please you to read the introducement, you shall see marvellous things hid in it’. The English Bible came as a sensation and a revelation; its translation was an achievement beyond all the works of ‘new’ theology and pamphlets of anti-clerical disquisition. It hit home, as if God’s truth had finally been revealed. The Bible was no longer a secret and mysterious text, from which short phrases would be muttered by priests; it was now literally an open book.
The book had been published in the free city of Worms, on the Rhine, and soon after found its way to England where it was secretly distributed. Copies were being sold for 3s 2d. This was the book that the bishop of London described as ‘pestiferous and pernicious poison’ and, in the winter of 1526, it was solemnly burnt in St Paul’s Churchyard. For the first time in London the Scriptures were consigned to the fire. The prelates would have burnt Tyndale, too, if they could have caught him. The bishop of London bought and burned the entire edition on sale in Antwerp, the principal source of supply, only to discover that he had merely put money in the pockets of the printers and stimulated them to publish another edition.