The Holocaust. Selected Documents in Eighteen Volumes / Ed. J. Mendelsohn. - Vol. 10. - New York, London, 1982; The Einsatzgruppen Reports. Selection from the Dispatches of the Nazi Death Squads' Campaign against the Jews, July 1941 - January 1943 / Ed. Sh. Spector, Y. Arad, Sh. Krakowski. - New York, 1989. Анализу донесений посвящена книга английского исследователя Р. Хедлэнда «Донесения убийц», изданная в 1992 г. (Headland R. Messages of Murder. A Study of the Reports of the Einsatzgruppen of the Security Police and the Security Service 1941-1943 / R. Headland. - London-Toronto, 1992).
