Chapter 9

Next morning the inaugural meeting of the Dunlochry Treasure Company took place, Tobias Stirk in the chair and secretary Brian McFadden recording. There being no others present they came quickly to the business before the meeting.

‘Equal shares – equal rhino,’ Stirk stated. ‘All them in favour?’

‘If it means if a cove puts in more pewter an’ he gets back more’n the other’s share o’ the cobbs, I’m agin it!’

‘No, mate. Chair says as we all puts in the same. Them as hangs back loses their share.’

‘How much-’

‘I’ve a bit put by, if ’n you’s short. Now we votes. All in favour?’


‘Carried. So y’r boat comes in wi’ Maid o’ Lorne. Rest of it is-’

‘Hold, y’ scallywag. If your boat’s in that means Jeb Stirk has t’ be in on it too. Can’t sail her else. Does he get shares?’

‘Does yourn Wee Laurie get shares? No, cully. Boat ’n’ crew all the same – one share.’

Chair then called an intermission. After pots had been duly refreshed the meeting came to order.

‘So what’s next up?’

‘We go get the treasure!’

‘Not s’ fast, Toby! If we goes and-’

‘It’s Mr Chair.’

‘Bugger Mr Chair! I’m sayin’ as how I stand t’ lose everything once ye sees where it is. What’s to stop ye crackin’ on one night an’ liftin’ it all for y’r self?’

‘Ye’re a chuckle-headed ninny, Laddie, but you’ve a fine heart. If ’n that was m’ lay I could’ve asked y’r little skinker where ye went that had a wreck in a cave, right? We got to be in it as muckers or we’ll get nothin’, savvy?’
