Chapter 51

As soon as the dispatch cutter from Kiel threw lines ashore, Renzi stepped on to the quay, aware of the changed atmosphere of the capital. Everywhere was noise and commotion. In place of stolid placidity, people hurried purposefully, some hailing each other excitedly.

The Amalienborg was close and he quickly found his apartment. ‘Lady Farndon, how is she?’ he demanded of Jago.

‘Well, m’ lord,’ he replied imperturbably, ‘she’s stayin’ with Frow Rosen at the Frederiksborg Castle.’

It was a relief. Away from it all in the country, with king’s guards and friends, she was in no danger.

‘I’ll need to bathe and shave this very instant. And set out my court undress.’

As he lay back in the ornate marble tub Renzi reviewed his options.

There was no royal pennon atop the Christian VII palace so he was not in residence there, but where?

He decided to have Jago send out one of the Danish staff to hear the street gossip. If he did not learn anything in that way, he would go to Joachim Bernstorff, who, no doubt, had received word from his brother by the same dispatch cutter that had brought himself. It reminded him of his late mission to Constantinople with another fleet menacing offshore, but the resemblance stopped there. In Turkey he had had no control over events and had been swept along in a spiral of horror. Here it was another matter: unbeknown to the Danish, the armada would not stir from its anchors unless it received specific word from himself.

He had time to persuade Frederik to another course, but the fleet could not wait indefinitely. The proud regent might by now have had second thoughts about the price of defiance and if he could make a compromise palatable there was a chance. He must be found.

But Jago came back with word that on the streets there were contradictions and rumours that were useless.
