Chapter 40

‘Cecilia, my dear.’

‘Nicholas – I thought you were at your words again.’ Cecilia rose from her household accounts and kissed him lightly.

‘I was, and untimely interrupted.’

‘That Jago again!’ Cecilia frowned. She’d never taken to Eskdale’s under-steward. ‘You must get rid of the man, he’s-’

‘Not at all. My dearest, we have to talk. Time presses.’

‘Oh?’ she said, with unease.

‘I … I’ve had a visitor. From London. I’m needed again.’

Her hand flew to her lips. ‘You didn’t say yes – did you? Please tell me you didn’t!’ Her eyes filled.

‘This is of vital importance, and I’m told your husband is the one most suited for the mission.’

She blinked back the tears. ‘Dear Nicholas! There are times when I feel you’re too honourable for this world. Of course you must go.’ She stiffened. ‘And take me with you this time!’

Renzi shook his head sorrowfully. ‘Darling, this affair is at the highest level there can be. My wishes are not to be consulted in this, you see.’

‘Oh. When will you go at all?’ she said, in a small voice.

‘The carriage is waiting.’

‘No!’ she gasped.

‘For myself alone.’


‘You will follow later in the barouche.’


‘I said, it is out of my hands, Cecilia. Your presence has been specifically desired and I could not refuse them.’

‘You’re a perfectly horrid man, Farndon!’

‘Probably, dearest. But this time you’ll be at my side in an occasion that I can say is of royal moment and of no hazard to be noticed.’


He put his finger to her lips. ‘Later. Do direct our baggage be prepared for a court reception and audience in a land … said to be like our own climate. For only three weeks or so, shall we say? Oh, and your Hetty will no doubt be grateful for the airing. I must go now.’
