in a big room behind a glass wall
looking out above water
the color of green oblivion
how ferryboats waddle from quay
to fog-written islands in the bay
mirrored in pane the vague figure
of a naked man as he waits
now and then the veil blows away
and a bone city on distant mountain coast
flickers fleetingly
flits and flattens again
to an imagined memory
where is my love my love
on either side the soaring gray metropolis
of concrete and shine and neon thoughts
along streets the trees in a still
fire of fall
a few cars soundless and wet
sometimes a pedestrian with mouth of cold breath
a dog on a leash
a crow flutters by and later a gull
storied debates around the nature of being
and for what will man be held to account
the rush of voices
as the heart bears its shout
where is my love my love
on the edge of this continent
of forest and snow
by the end of the world
at the hem I say
of a dark ocean
where whalefish roam
to hollowly sound their despair
in waterlogged waiting rooms
if one were to let darkness flood
who would identify the corpse
who fold the shroud like a wing around absence
what name as solitary password
will be pinned to the waterlogged heart’s hollow
a crow flies by and later a gull
where is my love oh where is she now