Глава 8

4 июля 2000 г. 04:20

Они сидели в аэропорту. Ждали объявления на посадку. Лена снова села рядом с Олегом. Взяла его под руку. Крепко прижималась, словно это он улетал, а она не хотела его отпускать. И сидевшая напротив теща с трудом скрывала свое удивление. Дети тихо сидели чуть в сторонке. Было тягостно. Все молчали.

И потом когда объявили посадку Лена долго не хотела уходить, мол, посидим еще… А когда все-таки подошли к дверям, она попрощалась со всеми, расплакавшись, с Олегом — последним… И дети тоже сами не свои… и Валентина Федоровна и Леша… А потом они вошли внутрь и Олег долго еще ловил их глазами в проеме двери. А потом они стояли втроем и ждали когда пассажиры сядут в самолет, наблюдая в окно. Валентина Федоровна плакала, Леша тоже вытирался платком — по мужски, украдкой и молча…

Они видели как автобус, сделав крюк, медленно подкатился к самолету. Пассажиры вышли на летное поле и столпились у трапа. И Олег все пытался разглядеть в предутренних сумерках в этой толпе маленькие фигурки своих детей и Лены.

А потом все дела утряслись и пассажиры стали подниматься в самолет по очереди, навсегда скрываясь в его недрах.



1982. Зима. Ночь после танцев. Продолжение прогулки.

Шел третий час ночи. Снег приятно хрустел под ногами, на улице было по прежнему пусто. На Красном проспекте выключили свет. Но все равно было светло и уютно в лунных лучах. Они по прежнему шли и о чем-то увлеченно разговаривали, даже и не пытаясь останавливать совсем редкие в это время машины.


От Тэда

My most treasured Yelena,

I am sorry that I forgot twice to call you. Of course it was very stupid of me. I regret very much that you worried about me and that you felt bad that your mom could see that.

You are mistaken when you imagine that I live wild night life, and you do not speak honestly when you say that you believe I will always do the same. You have known me for two and a half years. I do not appreciate it when you choose to forget everything about me except the last thing which offended you. It is no way to show love.

Again… I wish that you will understand that I am very sorry for not calling you when I stayed out late two nights ago. I hope that eventually you will be able to remember who I am and what I am like as a person.

Nothing in all the world will cause me to abandon you! Of course we want your health to be good. To live a long and happy life. But never fear that I will refuse you if some part of your health is not good. Here, when we take the vows of marriage we say, "I promise to love and cherish you in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, in good times and bad, until death parts us." I don't know what we swore to in the Russian wedding ceremony because I did not understand any of what was said. However, when I placed the ring on your finger and whispered, "with this ring, I thee wed"… my intention was (and still is) to love you through all things. "In sickness and in health." You are mine and I am yours… we are joined in love and nothing will keep us apart so long as the spark of life and love still lives in us.

I believe we will have a long and happy life together. But no matter what happens, I will be here for you and we will face all together. Da? Of course da!

Write me about your business with selling the apartment and buying tickets. I will be very happy when you have tickets!!!!!!!

Let me know what you find out about this passport stuff and I will tell you about flight information.

I will try to call the realtor today and see if she has any more info on houses. I am waiting to here from the appraiser… but if I don't here from him in the next couple days I will schedule an appraisal with someone else.

Love ya!!!!!!!

Ted От Лены

Hello Theodore Earl St.Mane!..LOL

It is funny…will you always call me now Yelena when you be angry with me? My day went good. After pleasant conversation with you I went to wash dishes and very soon Irina came to visit me. She brought presents for me and Alena and congrulated us with past women's holiday. I presented gift her also. We drink tea with cake and told, told, told a lot. It was good time because I didn't see her from time when I came from Moscow…we only told by phone. She went to home 7.30p.m and I with Alena acompany her to the bus. Then I with Alena went to the post office to pay phone bills and bought in the store food for supper. Just now we finished supper which I cooked very fast. All is o'k here. I hope you will have good day also.

