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Acton, Lord 115

Adam Bede (Eliot) 327

Adventures of Tom Bombadil, The (Tolkien) 25, 60, 265, 278, 280-1

‘Adventures of Tom Bombadil, The’ (poem, Tolkien) 60-1, 65, 269

Aeneid (Virgil) 121, 123

After the King (ed. Greenberg) 318

Alcuin 180, 182, 187, 259, 293

Alfred, King 131, 133-4

allegory viii, 160-8, 174, 187, 188, 199, 204, 219, 289, 308

autobiographical xxxiii, 265-77, 296-304

Alvíssmál 20

America 284-5

anachronism xxviii-xxix, 6-7, 9, 11, 23, 29, 36, 37, 39, 46-7, 60, 117, 176, 235

Anatomy of Criticism (Frye) 221

Ancrene Wisse 270

Andersen, H.C. 12

Anderson, Douglas A. 24, 264, 265, 278

angels 259-60

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 92

Animal Farm (Orwell) vii, xxii, xxiii, 115, 308

‘Annals’ (Tolkien) 228, 232, 236

Annotated Hobbit (Anderson) 24, 25

antiquarianism 86, 112, 159, 169

Antony and Cleopatra (Shakespeare) 203

‘Aotrou and Itroun’ (Tolkien) 293-4

applicability xxxi, 164-71, 173-4, 188, 196, 205

Aragorn 72-3, 78

archaism xxxi, 18, 43, 69-70, 75, 169, 224, 324

Arthurian legend 283, 284

Asbjørnsen & Moe 12, 22

Atlamál 22

Attila the Hun 176

Auden, W.H. 147, 192

Axel’s Castle (Wilson) 307

Balrogs 85-7

Bard 39-40, 41, 45

Barfield, Owen 122

barrow-wights 61

barrows 61, 97, 175-6, 179

Battle of Maldon, The 92, 150-1, 294

‘Battle of the Eastern Field, The’ (Tolkien) 236

Battle of the Goths and Huns, The 34

‘Bear and the Water-carl, The’ 47-8

Bede’s Death-Song 267

Beorn 31-2

Beowulf 28, 39, 62, 85, 88, 115, 146, 169, 183, 283, 315

Beowulf criticism 103, 162-3

eucatastrophe in 215

and fairy-tales 14, 47

preliterate ancestry of 234-5

as literary source 31, 32, 36, 42, 49, 94-6, 99, 278, 286

religion in 179-82

Tolkien’s 1936 lecture on xi, 40, 121, 149, 161-3, 179, 235, 261, 265, 267, 270

Bible xxv, 209, 234, 239, 240, 241

‘Black Bull of Norroway, The’ 206

Black Riders 66-7, 124

Blackwelder, Richard 72, 122

Bliss, Alan 267

Bloomsbury group 158

Boethius 130-1, 133-6, 141, 142, 144, 157, 179, 214, 325, 328

Book of Lost Tales (Tolkien) 2, 48, 195, 227, 232, 247, 249, 251, 255, 261, 262-3, 268, 278

Book of Merlyn (White) xxxi, 120

Bookworm xx

Boromir 72-3, 78

Brill 59, 64

British Academy xi, 161

Brogan, Hugh 224

Brooks, Terry 319, 323

Burchfield, Robert 2

Burgess, Anthony vii, 308

Carey, John 308

Carpenter, Humphrey x, xi, 265, 266, 267, 270, 271, 309

Catch-22 (Heller) 128

Catholicism xi, 175, 176, 179, 267, 293, 309

‘Celestial Omnibus, The’ (Forster) 314

Chamberlain, Neville 165

Chambers, R.W. 62, 162

chance 108, 144-5, 157, 325

Cherwell, River 63

Children of the Sun, The (Green) 316

Chretien de Troyes xviii

Christ I 257

Christianity 205, 210

calendar 208-9

concept of evil 130-1, 134, 141, 179-80

in Lord of the Rings 175-7, 187

Lord’s Prayer 141-2

myths 179-82, 206, 212-14, 219, 238-9, 258-60

Tolkien’s xi, xxxii, 130, 134, 150, 309, 317

‘City of the Gods, The’ (Tolkien) 278, 279

class 309, 311

Clute, John xxv

Colour of Magic, The (Pratchett) xxv

Coming Up for Air (Orwell) 219-20

Comus (Milton) 17, 200, 202, 203-4, 214

Connolly, Cyril 316

Conrad, Joseph 107, 128

contemporaneity xxvi, xxxi, 115-17, 124-7, 128, 142, 157, 159-60, 169, 328

Council of Elrond xiv, xxix, 68-82, 100, 103, 105, 114, 124, 126

courage 28-9, 147-55, 157

‘Covenant, Thomas’ series (Donaldson) 321-2

Crankshaw, Edward 53

cultural contrasts and parallels xxix, 90-102, 171

Curry, Patrick 309

Dante 179

D’Ardenne, Simone 271

Davidson, Avram 325-6

De Consolatione Philosophiae (Boethius) 130-1

Dead Marshes 216-18

death, themes of 247-8, 254

Defending Middle-earth (Curry) 309

Denethor 98-100, 169, 171-4

Denham Tracts, The 3, 46, 318, 326

depth xxxii, 48-9, 56, 68, 84, 102

Deutsche Mythologie (J. Grimm) 13, 229, 257

Dickens, Charles xix, 56, 324

Don Quixote 222

Donaldson, Stephen vii, xxv, 321-2, 323, 326

Doughan, David 297

Douglas, Gavin 121, 123, 128

Drabble, Margaret 313, 318

dragons 36-7, 58

Dublin Review 266

Duggan, Alfred 134, 306, 316

Dungeons and Dragons xxv, 142

Dunsany, Lord xxiv

Dvergatal (Tally of the Dwarves) 15, 17, 32, 149

dwarves xiv, 12, 13, 14-17, 70-2, 170, 175, 229, 241

‘Earliest Silmarillion, The’ (Tolkien) 227

Eddic poems, see Elder Edda

Eddings, David xxiv, 326

Eddison, E.R. xxiv

Edward the Confessor, King 193

Elder Edda 14, 15, 28, 32-3, 36, 180, 244, 278, 324, 325

elegy 97

‘Elf-hill’ (Elverhøj) 89

Eliot, George 327, 328

Eliot, T.S. 128, 312, 313, 314

Elrond xiv, 69-70, 78

elves 12, 34-5, 89-90, 196, 211-12

and angels 260

in Germanic tradition 228-9

of Silmarillion 34, 227, 229-30, 237-8, 242-4

songs of 200-2

Encyclopedia of Fantasy (Clute & Grant) xxv

Enemies of Promise (Connolly) 316

England 176, 193, 199

lost legends of 231-4

post-war 167-8, 219, 221

Englishness 9-11, 18, 23, 59-62, 64, 91, 151, 175

‘Enigmata Saxonica Nuper Inventa Duo’ (Tolkien) 26

Ents 88-9

environmentalism 89, 168, 171

Éomer 100-2

‘Errantry’ (Tolkien) 277

Essays (Tolkien), see Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays

Essays in Criticism 156

eucatastrophe 206-12, 215, 223, 276, 282

evil ix, 66, 112-60, 148, 165, 251

Boethian vs Manichaean xxxi, 130-42, 214

Christian concept of 130-1, 134, 141, 179-80

as literary theme xxix, 119-20, 128, 317

and power 115-17

and Ring xxxi, 112-19, 135-43, 157

and shadows 128-9, 135

wraiths as embodiment of xxxi, 121-8

Exodus (Old English poem) 85, 162, 270

Fáfnismál 36-7

fairy-tale viii, xxv, 12-17, 47, 48, 121, 230

elements of, in The Hobbit 19, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29

literary ancestors of 13-15

Tolkien’s essay on206, 211, 219, 223, 240, 247

Fairy-Tales (Grimm brothers) xxxiv

fantastic vii-viii, xix

fantasy genre vii-viii, xix, 221-5, 240, 263, 299-303

emulators of Tolkien xvii-xviii, xxiv-xxvi, xxxiv, 261, 318-26

and evil 116, 121, 157

heroic fantasy xvii-xviii, 221, 320

and reality xxii, 156, 327-8

traumatized authors of viii, xxix-xxxi, 156

Faramir 100, 101-2

Farmer Giles of Ham (Tolkien) xxxiii, 2, 25, 58-9, 146, 211, 265-6, 289-92, 296, 303

Father Christmas Letters, The (Tolkien) 265

Fellowship of the Ring, The (Tolkien) 9, 51, 90, 109, 117, 254, 262, 269, 306

Finn and Hengest (Tolkien) 267, 270

Finnegans Wake (Joyce) xxiv, 261

Finnsburg Fragment, The 97

Fire and Hemlock (Wynne Jones) 319

‘Firiel’ (Tolkien) 280, 288, 296

Flieger, Verlyn 232, 297, 303

Folio Society xx-xxi

‘Footsteps of Ælfwine, The’ (Flieger) 232

Forester, C.S. 6

Forster, E.M. 158, 312, 314

Freudianism 136, 158

Frodo, myth of 182-7

Frye, Northrop 221, 223

Gandalf xiv, 17, 74, 79-80

Garner, Alan xxv, 322-4

‘Gest of Beren and Lúthien, The’ (Tolkien) 227

Glóin 70-1, 78

goblins 12, 87-8, 121

Golden Key, The (MacDonald) 296

Golding, William vii, viii, xxiii, xxx, 116, 120, 156, 240

Gollum, death of 143-4

Gondor 98, 100, 102, 176

Goodbye to All That (Graves) xxviii

Gordon, E.V. xi, 14, 22, 83, 196, 197, 294

Gordon, Ida 197, 204

Grant, John xxv

Graves, Robert xxviii, xxx, xxxi

Great Divorce, The (Lewis) 296, 314

Green, Martin 316-17

Green, Roger Lancelyn 297

Greenberg, Martin 318

Greer, Germaine xxii, 310, 318

Grimm, Jacob 13, 229, 244, 257

Grimm, Jacob & Wilhelm xv, xxxiv, 12, 13, 15, 17, 231

Grundtvig, Nikolai xv, xxxiv

hags 62

Haigh, Walter 8

‘Halfling House, The’ (McKiernan) 318

Hammond, Wayne 264, 265, 278, 285

‘Happy Mariners, The’ (Tolkien) 278, 279

Hardy, James 3

Hastings, Battle of 92

Haus-und Kindermdrchen (Grimm brothers) 13

Heller, Joseph xxx, 128, 159

Hengest 57, 232

higher criticism 233, 235-6

Hill, Joy 304

Histories (Livy) 233-4, 255

History of Middle-earth (Tolkien) xxvii, xxxii, 34, 53, 227, 228, 264, 268

see also under titles of individual volumes

History of the Lombards (Peter the Deacon) 286

‘Hoard, The’ (Tolkien) 278

Hobbit, The (Tolkien) 151, 170, 211, 223, 230, 299

anachronisms xxviii-xxix, 6-7, 9, 11, 23, 29, 36, 37, 39, 46-7, 60, 286

authorial voice 18-21

clash of styles 39-45

and fairy-tales 12-17, 19, 21, 22, 23

names 15-17, 55, 58

philological fictions 29-39

poems 56-7

publication of x, 52-3, 287

structure of 20-1, 29, 39

success of xxiv, xxvi, 49, 52, 226

themes 278

writing of xxvii, 112-13

hobbits 261, 318, 327

anachronism in 6-7, 9, 11, 23, 26, 29

characteristics of 3, 5, 9-10, 21-2, 28-9, 44, 151

etymology of 46-7

and genre 222

literary function of xxviii, 47-8

middle-class Englishness of 7-11, 18, 23, 41

names of 8, 182-4

poetry of 188-91, 195, 201, 203, 205

and religion 175, 178

source of 2-3

Hobbits, Halflings, Warrows and Wee Folk 318

‘Hollow Men, The’ (Eliot) 128

‘Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm’s Son, The’ (Tolkien) 151, 265-6, 293, 294-6

Homer xxv, 234, 314

horns 215-16, 218, 220

Hostetter, Carl 200, 231, 232

Hot Gates, The (Golding) 116, 156

Huns 176

Icelandic 103, 244, 253

‘Imram’ (Tolkien) 283, 287, 288, 302

Ingeld 181, 183-4, 187

Inheritors, The (Golding) vii, 116

Intellectuals and the Masses, The (Carey) 308

interlace xxix, 103-11, 146, 157, 172, 174, 313, 328

invention xxix, 49, 84-5

philological 29-39

Ionian Mission, The (O’Brian) 27

Iron Dragon’s Daughter, The (Swanwick) 326

irony xxix, 110, 157, 174, 221-2, 313

J.R.R. Tolkien: A Biography (Carpenter) x, 265, 266, 270, 271

J.R.R. Tolkien: A Descriptive Bibliography (Hammond & Anderson) 264, 265, 278

Jacobs, Joseph 12

James I, King 193

Jeffreys, Susan xxi, 305, 308, 318

Jordan, Robert 326

Joyce, James xviii, xx, xxiii, xxvi, 261, 310-12, 313, 314

Kalevala xv, xxxiv, 64, 244, 250, 255

Kay, Guy Gavriel 326

Keats, John 278, 281

Kerr, Gordon xx

Ker, W.P. 162, 294

King Edward’s School xi, 44, 236

King Lear (Shakespeare) 187, 289

Kroeber, Theodora xxx

‘La Belle Dame Sans Merci’ (Keats) 278, 281

Laketown 39, 42

Lancashire Fusiliers x, 41, 45

Lang, Andrew 12, 206

language ix, 224-5, 324, 325-6

Biblical 209, 257, 258

and evil 126-7, 128

invented xiii, 230-1, 313, 325

Northern dialects xii, 8, 72

Tolkien’s views on xiii-xiv, 315

see also philology

‘Last Ship, The’ (Tolkien) 280-1, 285, 296

‘Later Quenta Silmarillion, The’ (Tolkien) 228

‘Lay of Earendel’ (Tolkien) 268

‘Lay of Leithian’ (Tolkien) 255-6

‘Lay of the Children of Húrin, The’ (Tolkien) 249, 251

Layamon’s ‘Brut’ 25

lays 233-4, 236, 262, 289, 293, 296

Lays of Ancient Rome (Macaulay) xxxii, 233, 234-5, 277, 289

Lays of Beleriand, The (Tolkien) 53, 227-8, 233, 238, 249, 251, 255

‘Leaf by Niggle’ (Tolkien) xxxiii, 265-77, 279, 282, 297-8, 302, 304, 313

Leavis, F.R. 156, 317

Leeds University x, 8, 83, 227, 302

legend 188

Le Guin, Ursula vii, xxx, xxxi, 120, 128

Lewis, Alex 303

Lewis, C.S. 121, 155, 217-18, 252, 270, 285-6, 296, 317

as critic of Tolkien 65, 83

on Freudianism 158

on nature of evil 127, 130, 131, 133, 134, 141, 159, 180, 239, 317

on pagan beliefs 258, 293

Space trilogy 285-6, 287

as traumatized author xxx, 120

Limbo 179, 212

Lindisfarne 180-1, 183, 184

Livy 233-4, 235, 255, 262

locality 59, 60, 62, 65

‘Lonely Isle, The’ (Tolkien) 278, 279

Lönnrot, Elias xv, xxxiv

‘Looney’ (Tolkien) 281, 282, 285, 288, 294

Lord Foul’s Bane (Donaldson) 321

Lord of the Flies (Golding) vii, xxiii, 116, 240

Lord of the Rings, The (Tolkien) 282, 285

allegory and applicability xxxi, 161-74

chronology 106, 325

cultural contrasts and parallels 90-102

eucatastrophe in 207

evil in 112-60

Foreword 161, 163, 164

genre of 221-3

influence of xxiv-xxvi, xxxiv, 318-26

invention in 82-90

names in 57-60, 62

plot development 65, 67, 90, 114, 118, 135

poetry in 188-91, 195, 200-1

Prologue 59

publication of x-xi, xvii-xviii

and religion xxxii, 174-82

sources 56-65, 82-4, 94-6, 112

structure of xxix, 50-6, 102-11, 157, 325

writing of xxvii, 53-4, 66, 266, 287

see also under titles of individual volumes

Lórien 196-9

Lost Road, The (Tolkien) xxxiii, 122, 227, 278, 283-9, 313

Lothlórien 89-90

Love’s Labour’s Lost (Shakespeare) 195, 328

luck 27-8, 143-7, 155, 157, 173, 251, 325

Luther, Martin 210

Macaulay, Lord xxxii, 233, 234-6, 255, 262, 277, 289

Macbeth (Shakespeare) 192-4, 195, 254

MacDonald, George 12, 296

McKiernan, Dennis 318

magic 193-4, 196, 200

Maginot Line 166, 168, 174

Malory, Sir Thomas 158-9

Mandeville, Sir John 171

Manichaeanism 134-8, 141, 149, 157, 213, 295

Manlove, Colin 117, 118, 143

maps 58, 59, 65, 68, 102

Marie de France 293

Mark, the 91-2

Martin, George R.R. 326

Masson, David 134, 141

Maxims I 93

Meduseld 99-100

memorials 97, 155-6

Mercia 59, 91-2, 169

Mere Christianity (Lewis) 130, 131, 134, 258, 293

Middle English xii, 34, 89, 270

Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare) 196, 205, 211

Milton, John 17, 129, 130, 180, 186, 200, 202-4, 213, 285, 310, 314

mimesis, high and low 221-2, 223, 224, 256, 263

Minas Tirith 99-100, 213, 218

Mirkwood 33-4

Mr Bliss (Tolkien) 265

Modern Fantasy (Manlove) 117

modernism xvii, xxxi, 142, 171, 309, 312-18

Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays, The (ed C. Tolkien) xvi, 149-50, 162, 179, 206, 211, 236, 240, 241, 291, 296, 299

Moore, G.E. 158

Moorman, Professor 63

morality 132-3, 147, 174

Morgoth’s Ring (Tolkien) 228, 285

Muir, Edwin 147-8, 154, 155, 158, 159, 224

Murray, Robert 144

myth 85, 160, 221-3

Christian 179-80, 206, 212-14, 238-9

and fairy-tale 12, 13

as mediation of contradiction 179-82, 284

myth of Frodo 182-7

myth of stars and trees 202-6, 210

mythic timelessness xxxii, 188, 192, 196, 200, 210

Norse 150, 180

Tolkien’s English mythology 231-3

Tolkien as mythologist xvi, xxxii, 201, 256, 313, 315

‘Mythopoeia’ (Tolkien) 293

‘Nameless Land, The’ (Tolkien) 197, 278, 279

names 15-17, 55, 57-60, 62, 84, 169-70, 182-4, 242, 303-4, 325

see also place-names

nationality 230, 231

see also Englishness

Neave, Jane 10, 57, 60

New Glossary of the Dialect of the Huddersfield District (Haigh) 8

‘New Lay of Sigurth, The’ (Tolkien) 278

New York Times xiii

Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell) vii, xxii, xxiii, xxxi, 119, 168

Noad, Charles 228

Norse, see Old Norse

Nostromo (Conrad) 107

‘Notion Club Papers, The’ 284, 287, 288, 313

nuclear weapons 163, 164,

nursery-rhyme 25-6, 47, 58, 232, 277, 289

O’Brian, Patrick 27

Observer 4, 24, 147, 158, 306, 308

Old English xii, xxviii, 30-2, 39, 60, 83, 88, 91-2, 93, 145, 169-70

mythology 89, 150, 183, 228

poetry 24, 97, 129, 150

proverbs 115

Old Man of the Mountains 171

Old Norse xii, 30-1, 39, 55, 324

literature 16, 20, 25, 27, 28, 31, 61-2, 244

mythology 89, 150, 153, 180, 183-4, 228

‘Old Walking-Song’ 188-91

‘On Fairy-Stories’ (Tolkien) 206, 211, 219, 223, 240, 247

Once and Future King, The (White) 116, 159

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch (Solzhenitsyn) 312

‘Ones who Walk Away from Omelas, The’ (Le Guin) xxxi, 120, 128

orcs 33, 86, 87-8, 121, 131-3, 136, 171

Orwell, George xxii-xxiii, 76, 127

and English 11, 168, 219-20, 308

evil in xxxi, 115, 119, 317

as fantasy writer vii, viii

as traumatized author xxx, 120

Out of the Silent Planet (Lewis) 286, 287

Oxford 62-3

Oxford Companion to English Literature (Drabble) 313, 318

Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names 63

Oxford Magazine, The 60, 61

Oxford University x, xi, xxviii, 265, 269-71, 273, 302

Tolkien’s Valedictory Address xvi, 299

paganism 180-2, 185, 187, 213, 215, 258-9

Paradise Lost (Milton) 129, 159, 180, 204, 213, 285

Pearce, Joseph xx, xxi, 309

Pearl 196-7, 199-200, 204-5, 207, 270, 279

Percy, Thomas 234

Peregrine Secundus (Davidson) 326

Perelandra or Voyage to Venus (Lewis) 159, 180, 217

Peter the Deacon 286

philology xi-xv, xvi, 14, 29-39, 292, 302-3, 311, 325

Pictures by J.R.R. Tolkien 268

place-names xiv, 15, 57-9, 62-5, 91-3, 182, 289

Plato 283


ancestor-poems 277-8

in Tolkien’s fiction 56-7, 97, 188-91, 195, 200, 201, 203, 205, 223, 325

Tolkien’s xxxiii, 57, 60, 197, 200, 236, 265, 277-83

polls, popular xx-xxiii

postmodernism 309

Potter, Beatrix 46

power 115-17

Pratchett, Terry vii, xxv, 17, 224

‘Prince Prigio’ (Lang) 206

Principia Ethica (Moore) 158

Prose Edda (Snorri) 180, 255, 258, 262

‘Quenta Silmarillion’ (Tolkien) 227, 237, 255, 268

Question of Time, A (Flieger) 298

Rammas Echor 165, 168

Rateliffe, John 285, 287

reality xxii, xxxi, 57, 59, 65, 107, 125, 156, 315, 327-8

religion ix, 174-82

ancestor-worship 178

and evil 130-1

resurrection 177-8

Tolkien’s xi, xxxii, 130, 134, 141, 150, 302

Return of the King, The (Tolkien) 57, 97, 103-6, 257, 260

Return of the Shadow, The (Tolkien) 54, 55, 56, 66

Reynolds, R.W. 227

Riddermark 93, 98, 102

riddles 23-5, 26, 36, 129, 169, 232, 277

Riders of Rohan 54-5, 91-2, 94-8, 100-1, 175-6

Ring xxxi, 112-19, 135-43, 147, 157

Ringwraiths, see wraiths

Road Goes Ever On, The (Swann, song-cycle) 201, 202

Road to Middle-earth, The (Shippey) xxvi, xxvii, 255, 278, 289, 308

Roberts, Mark 156, 157, 308

Rohan, Michael Scott 326

Roland 215

Rollright Stones 211

romance viii, xviii, 103, 221-3, 224

Rome, ancient 234-5

Ronald, Amy 313

Roverandom (Tolkien) 265

Rowling, J.K. 224

Ruodlieb 14

Russell, Bertrand xxx, 158

saga 103

Saga of Hrafnkel Priest of Frey, The 22

Saga of Hrolf Kraki, The 31, 32

Saga of King Heidrek the Wise, The 25, 34, 262

‘Sagas of the Kings’ 43

Salu, Mary 271

Sarehole 167, 170

Saruman 75-6, 126-7, 169-71

Sauron Defeated (Tolkien) 276, 284, 287, 288

Saxo Grammaticus 184, 215

Sayers, Dorothy 317

Scott, Sir Walter xxxiv, 234

Screwtape Letters, The (Lewis) 127

‘Sea-Bell, The’ (Tolkien) 281-2

‘Seafarer, The’ 288

Senior, William A. 321, 322, 326

shadows 123, 128-9, 135, 253-4

Shakespeare, William 14, 17, 192-6, 200, 203, 205, 310, 328

Shaping of Middle-earth, The (Tolkien) 227

Shire 59-60

poetry of 188-91, 195, 200, 201, 203, 205, 223

Scouring of 166-8, 219-20

Silas Marner (Eliot) 328

Silmarillion (Tolkien) xxxii, 53, 56, 144-5, 226-63, 284, 311

Beren and Lúthien, tale of 254-5

Eärendil, tale of 256-60

elves in 34, 227, 229-30, 237-8

family history in 242-6

human involvement in 247-56

imaginary sources of 236

language in 230-1

literary model for 262

poetry in 278-9

publication of 226, 264

structure of 247

summary of 237-8

Túrin, tale of 249-54

writing of xxvii, 2, 226-8

sin, original 241—2

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (ed. Tolkien & Gordon) xi, 14, 49, 59, 82-3, 153, 155, 196, 215, 236, 255, 265, 270, 289, 294, 315, 325

Sir Orfeo 34-5, 255

Sisters of the Sacred Heart Convent, Roehampton 279-80

Skaldskaparmál (Snorri) 16

‘Sketch of the Mythology’ (Tolkien) 227

Skírnismál 32-3

Slaughterhouse-Five (Vonnegut) vii, 120, 121, 128

Smaug 36-40

Smith, Arden 232

Smith of Wootton Major (Tolkien) xxxiii, 265, 296-304

Snorri Sturluson 16, 180, 184, 228, 255, 258, 262, 292, 324

socialism 167-8, 171

Solomon and Saturn 24, 25, 129

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr 312

‘Some of Tolkien’s Narrators’ (Thomas) 19

‘Song in the Orc-tower’ 201

Songs for the Philologists 265, 277, 302

Sonnenkinder 306, 309, 316-17

‘Staircase in Surrey, A’ (Stewart) 271

Stewart, J.I.M. 271

‘Story of Kullervo, The’ (Tolkien) 227

Strandloper (Garner) 322

Studies on Words (Lewis) 155

style of 39-45, 223-5

Sutton Hoo 97

Suvin, Darko xxii-xxiii

Swann, Donald 201

Swanwick, Michael 326

Switzerland 215

Sword in the Stone, The (White) 116

Sword of Shannara, The (Brooks) 319-20

Tacitus 176

‘Tally of the Dwarves’, see Dvergatal

technology 170-1, 174

Tempest, The (Shakespeare) 17, 196

tension 86-7

Teutonic Mythology (Grimm), see Deutsche Mythologie

Thame 58-9

Théoden 98-100, 171-3, 178

Thomas, Paul Edmund 19

‘Thomas the Rhymer’ ballads 89

Thorin 42-4

Times, The 2 Times Educational Supplement xxiii

Times Literary Supplement 134, 306

Tolkien, Christopher 53, 54, 176, 227, 228, 247, 255, 261, 262, 268, 326

Tolkien, J.R.R.:

as academic ix, xi-xvi, 141, 265, 269-73

autobiographical allegory xxxiii, 265-7

critical hostility towards xix-xxii, xxxiii, 11, 118, 147-8, 156, 158, 305-9, 316-18

emulators of xxiv-xxvi, xxxiv, 318-26

life x

literary career 1, 264-5, 310

literary methods 268-9

as painter 268

personality of 267-8

poetry of xxxiii, 56-7, 60, 197, 200, 236, 265, 277-83, 325

popularity of xvii, xx-xxiv, xxvi, 226, 309

religion of xi, xxxii, 130, 134, 141, 150, 302, 309, 317

Tolkien: Man and Myth (Pearce) xx, xxi, 309

Tolkien Society xxi

Tolkien Thesaurus (Blackwelder) 72, 122

Tolkien’s ‘Legendarium’ (ed. Flieger & Hostetter) 19, 200, 232, 285

Toynbee, Philip 306-7, 308, 311, 313, 316, 318

Travels (Mandeville) 171

Treason of Isengard, The (Tolkien) 54, 55, 108, 277, 296

Tree and Leaf (Tolkien) 266

trolls 12

Two Towers, The (Tolkien) 47, 91, 94-5, 103-6, 132, 201, 263, 320

Ulysses (Joyce) xviii, xx, xxiii, xxvi, 310-12, 314, 316

uncertainty 107-8, 110-11, 157

Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth (Tolkien) 67, 227, 259

‘Narn i Hîn Húrin’ 249, 251-2, 254, 261, 268

writing of xxvii

Unknown xxiv

Unwin, Rayner 53, 65, 226, 268

Unwin, Sir Stanley xviii, xxx, 25, 53, 56, 63, 65, 227-8, 256, 261, 287, 318

Uttley, Alison 46

Vance, Jack 326

Vichy France 166, 174

Virgil 234, 235, 262

Völuspá (The Sybil’s Vision) 15, 16

Vonnegut, Kurt vii, viii, xxx, 120, 121, 128, 158, 159

‘Voyage of Earendel, The’ (Tolkien) 247

‘Walking-Song’ 189

Wanderer, The 97

War of the Jewels, The (Tolkien) 228, 249

wargs 30-1

‘Waste Land’ (Eliot) 314

Watership Down (Adams) 308

Waugh, Auberon 316

Waugh, Evelyn 316

Weird Tales xxiv

Weirdstone of Brisingamen, The (Garner) 322-4

Wells, H.G. vii, viii

West Midlands x, 59, 91-2, 167, 169, 195, 197, 199-200, 204, 233, 270, 322

White, T.H. xxx, xxxi, 116, 120, 158-9

White Horse of Uffington 92

Williams, Charles 285, 317

Wilson, Edmund 307, 308

Windsor 63

Withywindle 62-3

Woolf, Virginia 158, 311

World War I x, xxx, 40-1, 149, 155, 157, 164, 165, 217, 227, 248

World War II 74, 116, 163-6, 296

Worminghall 58-9

Woses 83-4

wraiths 66, 75, 121-8, 130, 135, 138, 147

Wynne, Patrick 200

Wynne Jones, Diana 319, 322, 326

Yates, Jessica 236, 293, 309
