I am grateful to David Bratman, Patrick Curry, Verlyn Flieger, John Garth, Carl Hostetter, Jane Johnson, John Marino, Charles Noad, and Joseph Pearce, who have read sections of this book in draft, sent me advance copies of their own work, corrected many errors, and much improved what remains. For any errors of fact or judgement still present I am wholly responsible. I am grateful also to Greenwood Press (an imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., Westport, CT), who have allowed me to re-use some of the material in my article in their collection J.R.R. Tolkien and his Literary Resonances: Views of Middle-earth, edited by George Clark and Dan Timmons; to Turku University Press, who have given the same permission as regards parts of my article in Proceedings of the Tolkien Phenomenon, edited by Keith Battarbee; and to the editors of the volumes just mentioned.