Editor's Note:
How many of us have not wished sometimes that we might listen at certain keyholes, or even peep within, to our profit? There is a veritable witchcraft in letters such as we have been perusing, for in all effect they permit us to do both, and without harm to those to whom we listen, which is surely as important as anything may be. On first coming upon this collection and in commencing to scan the many sheets, I wondered whether we might lose sight of Madam's establishment in all the brouhaha of events elsewhere. Fortunately this was not the case, as I discovered, and is now seen again here.
My darling Julie,
Such a bubbling visit from Monica-and oh, the news she brought to me of Maude and her Mama-all of which she says she has conveyed to you in detail, as I hope she has. What indelicate events, and how delicious! Adelaide, I gather, relapsed for a week or two into quietness and had no pleasurable activities whatever. But then-seeing all about her fair and undisturbed- she gathered confidence and has even made a short return to Nina's where she was once more feted. However, as to that it is another story. For the moment my thoughts are with Sylvia, and it is about her that I ask your advice. The sweet girl appears to have suffered a curious relapse. Upon arriving home, she became moody-as I understand-and would not let anyone touch her, and has remained so since. She is quite out of spirits, and so much so that I have been minded to ask you for a certain of a little liquid that you confided in me was dispensed by you into the wine of certain visitors in order to enliven them. What do you think? Sylvia is capable of so much fun and it is such a pity. She converses quite naturally, I might say, but has taken to dressing up her dolls again-at her age!
I await your word, and-perhaps-a little glass phial?
Your loving Caroline
Dearest Caroline,
No, my pet, NO “little glass phial”! I reserve such for awkward gentlemen or (very occasionally) recalcitrant or interfering female relatives of a fairly mature age. Of which more to follow! It is not so very unusual for girls to suffer the kind of “relapse” you describe. Sylvia was ever eager, as you know, and perhaps a little too much so. You must recall that on her one and only “occasion” here, she was fortuitously blindfolded. I have known females who prefer this, and may have chanced upon such a case in her respect, though I do not think for a minute she will continue in this way. I knew a lady once who quite adored having her wrists bound and being blindfolded-not knowing who her rider was to be, or pretending not to know. In such a condition she would first be led about the room, stumbling a little here and there as I believe she liked to, for it made her seem “helpless,” which she was not, for a sincere cry from her would have brought her immediate release. After being “paraded,” and hearing others coming quietly into the room to watch (whether it was her own boudoir or drawing room, or in the house of another), she would be laid on her tummy on a suitable couch or bed and then her bare bottom-for she was always rendered naked to her shoes and stockings for such events-gently “striped” with a thick silken cord such as one finds used for bell-pulls and such. Her derriere thus being enervated and stirred, she would be turned this way and that and tickled up a lot, endeavouring as she did to maintain a silence herself all the time.
After half an hour or so of such preparatory doings, she would be laid on her back or made to kneel and then be well pumped. Occasionally she took two cocks in this manner, one after the other.. Her husband, I might say, was pleased to observe these “displays” and might let another do the tickling and teasing before he himself fucked her and then put her up to the other man, or vice versa. In all other respects the lady was quite normal and one would never have guessed at her curious whims. I have tried such myself, by the way, and have occasionally found such a game to be quite enchanting when one is in the mood! I am sure, though, darling, that I have nothing to teach you in this respect, but as to Sylvia it is another matter. I suppose it might be said that, having been returned to her domestic surroundings, she is afraid to enjoy that which she wants to enjoy.
Here she was in entirely female company-except for two very naughty occasions of which I advised you. She was therefore able to expand on her fancies and fantasies and even to be guided to the practise of them under my instruction. There perhaps lies the clue, dear Caroline.
Such girls (even ladies indeed as we have to some extent seen in the case of Adelaide) feel perfectly safe when they are told to do what they wish to do. One may call this a trick of the mind, or what-I do not know. There is also the question of pride, my dear. I always inculcate pride into my girls. Perhaps she was badgered into putting herself up too soon-whether on the journey or on arrival. One does not know. Perhaps she became jealous of Alison's sudden advancement in the cause. Who can tell? Were I to be present with her now, all problems would be resolved. She would follow the lead that I would give her and would feel comforted to do so. Have you not come across such? I am sure you have! Do not counsel her or “have talks” with her. They may only irritate. She is like the lady I have just mentioned, and does not wish to speak, at the moment, of that which she wants. Have her in her room and blindfold her. If she asks what you are about when you produce a suitable kerchief or cloth, simply say, “We are going to play a little game, like Blind Man's Buff”-as you call it in England.
She will take to that, I am sure. Such will provide the perfect excuse for her. Then take her wrists and bind them loosely. If again she asks what is to do (I am perfectly certain that, alone with you as she will then be, she will make no great ado about the matter), say merrily that you are playing “captives,” or some such word that perhaps better fits in with English games. Add, as you do this, “Is this not how Madam used to play?” Sylvia will then better understand what is to do, and the mention of my name will be of some assistance, I know. Praise her much also, and say that I, too, did so, the while that you are then putting her skirt up and taking down her drawers-for I am sure from what you say that she wears them again now! Be sure your preparations are all made beforehand-which is to say that by whatever device you have concealed a birch, strap or cane beneath her bed beforehand, and that her stallion is standing by, though perhaps before this he may have deliberately given outward every sign of leaving the house. Your mind must work in all directions! Thorough preparation allows all to proceed smoothly. The lock of her bedroom door should be discreetly oiled so that she does not hear it open again while you are attending to her. Though I have mentioned the cane, I advise against it in these circumstances. It is not my preferred implement by any means, as I am sure you know, for it tends to be too harsh, and only the most skilful, who know how to skim it across an offered orb, should employ it. Better the strap, I believe.
There is sure to be a broad and well-used one in the stable, if nowhere else. If you find it not supple enough, lay it in oil overnight and then have it wiped and polished dry the next morning.
You can always say that it is for your luggage trunk, if you wish!
Strap her bottom slowly and without undue force. Indeed, allow a small interval between each stroke, and murmur pleasingly to her ears all the time. Praise her rondeurs, the whiteness of her limbs. Tell her as jovially as you wish how “naughtily” her pussy peeps when her bottom is put up. At the sixth stroke or so (and laying the leather full across her cheeks but never, as I say, harshly), undo her bodice.
Your intention is to spur her on and not in truth to punish her. She will divine her “fate” once you have exposed her titties. You may even bend beneath her briefly and suck her nipples before warming her bottom a little more. Have a signal prepared between yourself and her waiting stallion. Perhaps you may cough, or utter a certain word, in any event, he must be at the ready. On knowing the trigger about to be pressed-as it were- he must enter silently and rear up immediately on the bed with his cock at the ready. Let him not be over-lustful or hasty, but thread her slowly by whichever route. The thought must ever be imposed upon him beforehand that Sylvia's pleasure is paramount.
Once the prick is in, she will not struggle, I know. Indeed, I am sure she will come very quickly after such careful preparations! Let not a word be said during the bout-and certainly none coarse. The moment he has filled her to the brim (and that after not less than two minutes), he should sink down with her and keep his pego in so that her bottom is well cuddled into him. You may then deftly remove her bonds, but not her blindfold. Remove yourself then. Say nothing to her afterwards, but observe closely how long it is before he quits her bedroom! For his part he should ask her softly-after due care and caressing-whether she wants the blindfold on or not. If she does not answer, he should remain locked with her until his forces have recouped themselves (as I am sure they will!) and then pump her again, though this time on her back and she well beneath him. During this second course (which I am perfectly certain Sylvia will not resist), he may gently remove that which blinds her eyes and bring himself to much adoring kissing of her lips. You know my principles. Young ladies should know that they are adored. I do not send them back to be the mere slaves of men, but to know the ways of pleasure and to be cossetted and, yes, thoroughly spoiled! Nor are they to continue to be birched or strapped unless they wish it, though some do! No pupil of mine has ever proved finally recalcitrant, as witness the case of Maude! I had tickled her imagination just sufficiently here for her to be converted where otherwise she would have resisted and squealed the house down. Nina is much to be thanked for the way she handled her and will, I trust, continue to indoctrinate such promising young ladies as have the misfortune not to come to St. Germaine-en-Laye! My advice to you will be taken well, I know It may be that by some hint or another, Sylvia may wish to repeat the process. One must judge such things as they come. Do what you can to take her to bed with you on the evening of the day when she first receives her stallion's sperm.
Treat her with devotion and with admiration, as I know you will. Say little of the day's events except perhaps some passing phrase such as “Wasn't it nice!” Persuade her, if you wish, that you have done the same in your own recent youth. At some stage then-perhaps within a week or two-effect a trio with her. That will embolden her more, She is, I believe, a voyeuse par excellence and will much delight in seeing your own adorable bottom working to the cock. Affect on that occasion to be a little “tipsy” even, for that will add to the merriment of the occasion. I will say no more. Perhaps I have said more than enough! You are quite capable of doing all this without my advice, but perhaps only desired to be nudged into proceeding. How frank I am-but you know me well for that trait. If you tell me that it has not succeeded then I shall be, as you say, “all at odds and ends”!
Write soon, but not too soon for I wish to hear all.
Your loving Julie
Editors Note:
An interval of two weeks obtained before Caroline wrote again. When she did, it was (inevitably perhaps) to announce full success of the venture.
Dearest, dearest Julie,
Yes! It worked! But of course you knew it would, and I will not pretend other than that your advice was exactly what I wished to receive. How very right you are that we all so often need to be urged! You described so exactly what would pass that I scarce have need to detail the first occasion. All was done step by step, as it were, and-when finally prepared-Sylvia received his cock with scarce a murmur. I expected her, upon his full entry into her pretty quim, to wriggle her assent. In fact she remained placid all the while and barely a movement of her hips! Their mutual pleasure was, even so, quite divine. On the ejection of his sperm, Sylvia mewed softly and received all. I departed, as you instructed, though not without a lingering glance at her flushed cheeks and the way her rosy bottom moulded perfectly still but tightly into his belly. Outside the door I waited and listened. I had counselled him to say not overmuch once her cunny had milked his powerful juices, and in this he was wisely obedient. During this interval of quiescence, he held her unbound wrists down gently to her sides, which I believe she liked. Upon caressing her bared titties, he turned her face (all this told to me afterwards by him) and kissed her unresisting mouth. He was not long in returning to a fine state of virility. I heard the bedsprings tinkle and sensed that Sylvia was being laid on her back. A few gasps and murmurs came from both. The bedsprings sounded louder. The soft moans of pleasure that she uttered did not escape my ears. This second course lasted a full four or five minutes, so well did they enjoy! Upon his finally reappearing, Dick indicated to me by gestures that Sylvia was sleeping, or apparently so. I left her to her own devices and did not see her for an hour, when she reappeared fresh as a daisy and wearing a different dress.
That night I asked her gently and with apparent hesitation (for which I should surely receive a laurel wreath!) whether I might cuddle her in bed, or so I put it. Sylvia nodded without saying a word. I left her to prepare herself for bed and then entered the darkened room, casting off my nightgown to the floor and slipping in naked beside her. The soft light in her eyes seemed virtually to glow as does that of fireflies, for she lay with her head on her pillow gazing up at me as might an angel. I kissed her, found her mouth receptive and plunged my tongue within, drawing up her nightdress as I did so.
How hotly she wriggled! “Do you like it?” I asked, meaning all sorts of things. “Yes!” she replied instantly and opened her legs to receive me. Her satiny belly squirmed beneath my own. The moisture of her quim was utterly delicious against mine. Our tongues worked.
All was lost in a fever of passion. I could not contain myself! “I shall blindfold you again,” said I, our tongues all liquid to each others. “Yes,” she mouthed simply. “And bind your wrists,” I said. “Yes,” came from her again. I had to sense her mood where you, Julie, might have cajoled and excited her more to more open confession. I thought of your occasional (and very proper) sternness and sought a little to imitate you. “Let us be even more formal, Sylvia, tomorrow You shall wear stockings only, and your pretty boots that button up to just below your knees. I shall attend to your lovely bottom as I did today, but not upon the bed. I shall lead you to the study, bound and blindfolded. There you will bend over the back of a chair and present yourself. I shall strap you first-you understand?” Sylvia did not reply. I did not expect her to-perhaps did not even wish her to, remembering your dictum that “Silence, in the case of young ladies, implies consent.” Our lovemaking was all the more passionate for it. Our tongues never ceased lashing nor our pussies to spill their spurts-or so it seemed!
Utterly exhausted at the last, we slept like babies in each other's arms. Alas, one of Dick's sisters chose to visit the next afternoon, for I had prepared Sylvia for the thought that immediately after lunch would be an excellent time, when our bellies (yes, I did say “our”!) were well-warmed by food and drink. The wretched lady-for so I could not but help think of her-did not depart until after we had taken tea at four. Poor Sylvia was all on edge, though concealed it well. I feared in fact that with her aunts departure she might withdraw from the little arrangement. The carriage having been seen off and our visitor safely gone, Sylvia went up immediately to her room. I followed her, for just as one must strike the iron while it is hot, so one must appease a waiting cock and cunny that are more than an hour over due in their expectations! Sylvia stood with her back to me as I entered and this pleased me, for I said nothing and I knew she expected me so to act. Without hesitation I slipped the blindfold around her eyes and knotted it. She did not stir! I bound her wrists before her and then-oh my goodness!-remembered that she was still dressed! Yes, I can hear you tutting at my silly haste.
Fortunately her dress that day was of the type that unbuttons at the back. I attended to unfastening them. Sylvia has since told me that she wanted to giggle when she knew the mistake I had made! Then to untying her bonds again and undressing her. The wise girl had put nothing on save her gown and a chemise. In but a moment she was rapturously naked to her stockings and boots, her bottom bulbing beautifully and her legs so sweetly curved that I could not help myself but bent and kissed from her waist down to just above her stocking tops. She quivered and uttered a little sound, but otherwise was good. At last then having her ready, I led her out, going before her to guide her along the passageway. How prettily her lips were open, and how flushed her cheeks with expectation. “I shall not strap you hard,” I murmured to her all incautiously. You would have berated me for that! “I do not mind,” she whispered to my thrilled astonishment. She gave a little start as we reached the study door and heard it open. Dick stood very still to one side, clad only in his shirt and with his pecker very throbbingly erect! I could almost hear her listening for his presence as I led her to the chair over the wooden back of which a cushion had been tied to receive her tummy. Only the faintest resistance came from Sylvia as I bent her over it and then-with a little admonitory smack on her firm young bottom cheeks-brought her to part her legs, she turning in her toes most sweetly and so waiting. Dick held his breath evidently, for I heard hot a sound from him. How tempted I was to step back and fondle his erection, but did not dare. Besides, in such circumstances you would have berated me very sternly for that! The strap lay ready to one side, upon a stool. I bent and picked it up and ran the sleek leather across my palm while Sylvia waited. Her legs being of good length, and only an inch or so shorter than dear Monica's, her derriere was “presented” superbly. Of her shoulders and head I could see nothing, save for a flowing of her hair to one side where it spread over the seat. The parting of her legs revealed the saucy peeping of her quim exactly as one wanted.splat! the leather sounded as I coursed it first across her offered orb. Only the slightest retraction of Sylvia's hips betrayed the stinging it afforded her. Her heels teetered and then were still. Scra-aaaack! The second was a little fiercer and left a broad swathe of pink in its wake to contrast with her otherwise creamy skin. “Zeeech!” Sylvia gritted softly, for it was the hardest I had given her. I sensed, however, that she wished it so-wished it to be clear that she was being made to be naughty, just as you have always said. Even Dick, I believe (for he was behind me) winced a little at it, though the bark of the tawse or whatever one may call it is far worse than its bite. I knew very well, as did Sylvia, that I was only warming up the “reception room!” She clearly wished to be a little more vocal on this occasion-perhaps as a subtle invitation?-“No-woh!” she sobbed as I laid a third one in and literally made her bottom bounce. “Yes, Sylvia!” said I. I had not intended to speak, but the interjection seemed appropriate to her mood. “Goooo!” she choked as then I gave her another, her bottom becoming rosier every second and her hips undulating very saucily. “You will learn, young Miss, to take the cock more freely now,” I said and found myself in wonder that I was seeming to be giving a very poor imitation of you! “I won't, I won't!” Sylvia spluttered and began to sob “most realistically,” as you would say. For good measure-since the entire “game” now invited it-I swished three more into her tight, round bottom and really made it roll. “Oh-woh-woh! Don't make me be naughty!” Sylvia wailed, and I knew her then to be more than ready for the joust. So, evidently, did Dick, for he could wait no longer, poor man! Urging me aside and with her bottom all aglow and ready as it was, he yielded to the wicked perversity of the moment, thumbed her darling cheeks apart and without ado presented his knob to her most secret aperture.
“No-ho!” Sylvia bleated, and pressed her bound hands into the seat of the chair, but did not attempt to rise or buck him off.
“Yes, Sylvia!” he then said sternly and, bending his knees and grasping well her hips, succeeded in entering two inches of his champion in her nether hole. The chair shifted. She made as if to struggle forward! I prevented the venture (if such it was, though I believe it an accident of movement), by moving around before the pair and placing one knee firmly on the seat. It came upon me then to raise my dress, take hold of Sylvia's head and bring her mouth up to my thigh. “Foooo!” she choked, but I knew her well by then and felt her tongue tip emerge against my skin above my garter. By then Dick had ensconced a further length of his erection in her bottomhole, at which she squealed a little, wriggled, then was still. Truly-I swear to you-I had intended this to be a silent and “formal” occasion as I felt in the event you might have wished it. How amusing it would have been to continue in that way, but it was not to be. The devils of desire had overtaken us. I might, of course, have gagged her, but you as a purist would have most certainly forbidden it. Dick's eyes being hot upon me, as I expected them to be in any case in his delirious pleasure, I raised my dress higher and-holding my other leg straight down, displayed the fact that I wore no drawers. A grunt came from him and with a steady pressure of his loins he was embedded in her to the full until her bottom cheeks splurged to his belly. “Oooooh!” uttered Sylvia and, had it not been for her blindfold, I might well have seen her eyes screw up. Such an “Oooooh!” you have of course heard countless times. Alas that one can never bring it to life on paper. It is a sound of satisfaction, of wonder, of delirious delight-even surprise! I reached between us-feeling Dick as I was-and untied her wrists, which were in any event loosely bound (this being, as you yourself would have had it, a silent signal that Sylvia was a voluntary captive) and brought one hand of hers to cup my quim.
But no- he would not have that-would not be seen to be as bold as that! How strange, but how delightfully perverse! She did not, however, endeavour to escape the “imperative” at-and in-her rear. I therefore pressed her mouth once more to my bared thigh in order that she might “sob” against it as she seemingly wished to, for in her mind no doubt this gesture served to allay such conscience as she still obtained. Dick then intervened and in a manner that I realise now was perfectly right. “Let her be. She must take it, and she will-she wants to,” he declared. “I do-oh-don't!” whined Sylvia at that while I dutifully removed my leg from the chair and went around quietly to his side to view the root of his cock just protruding from her gripping aperture. “Be quiet, girl!” thundered Dick then, so that even I was stilled! “Boo-hooo!” came from Sylvia in a broken sob that I just say was well put on, for by then her bottom-hole had so well received his prick that she must have become accustomed to the naughty invasion and its deep throbbing within her. I feared that Dick might say to remove her blindfold, but he did not. Instead, he abjured Sylvia to straighten her legs more and move them more apart. For a moment she did not, was wilful-then obeyed. “There's a good girl,” Dick murmured, and then commenced to plough her furrow, as it were. Each movement of his sturdy loins caused Sylvia's bottom cheeks to smack most thrillingly against his belly. She moaned, she whimpered and she mewed, but kept her legs straight all the same and even bowed her shoulders down the more! Nothing was heard then but their puffing on. Little snorts of pleasure came from both their nostrils.
Her nether limbs held admirably stiff in what you are always pleased to call “the formal posture.” I quite adored our Sylvia for that. A few seconds more and her voice broke openly with pleasure. “Oooh-er!” she choked, “Oooh-er! Oooh-er!” but never plaintively and full of hope! I would (standing so close to them) have wished him to kiss me, feel between my legs, but he did not. Quite “properly,” perhaps, for their pleasure was entire and concentrated each upon the other in their movements. Movements, yes, for Sylvia's bottom then began to work. I know not whether she intended it, but could not help herself.
Her little cries, no longer pitiful as she had pretended them to be, welled up with eagerness. “Ah! Ah! Ah!” both gasped with open pleasure, each sound very jerky, as you will imagine, and all the sweeter for it. I, spectator to the feast, could only watch, and yet with breathless pleasure at her surrender to his cock. The chair scraped, but I had no need to hold it then, for Dick held back her hips so well that both were complementary in their movements. I could tell by all her quiverings that Sylvia had come several times and wished him silently to fondle her spurting quim, but in the “discipline” of the moment he did not. Perhaps wisely so. Do I see you nod! She was to take him up her bottom and no more. Indeed, no less, as well! He gritted his teeth. The veins at his temples swelled. His face had a look of utter glory, as well it might have done. His bent knees trembled a little and then, by every sign, he came-not least by that soft mewing sound of pure delight that Sylvia uttered as he emitted the long jets of sperm within her gripping hole. He gaped. His face softened. Sylvia's bottom squirmed demandingly, sought every spurt of his encroaching juice, then he faltered in his thrusts, hung over her and cupped her pendant tits. At that, her bottom gave a decided little jerk as though to hold him in! Should I retreat, I asked myself, and heard you (ever-present!) murmur “Yes!” Ah, the sacrifices I have made for nubile maidens such as Sylvia! All is now well, though. That very evening, it was she who became tipsy (of a purpose, I am sure) and not I. Teased not a little by myself, she began to giggle, whereat I pulled up her clothes-this in their drawing room- and showed her thighs. “No!” she laughed, but had no heart to resist. “Make her take her drawers down-then you follow suit,” said Dick, for he insists now on our wearing a nether garment simply for the pleasure of taking our drawers down, or watching us do it.
After much nudging of each other and Sylvia trying to hide her face, we were naked from the waist down and made by Dick to kneel up on the sofa before him with our bottoms bare! I then heard a slithery sound, as Sylvia did, for she gripped my hand, and knew he was producing a straps-so well had he rehearsed himself! Very gently he basted our derrieres at first, chiding us playfully for both being “naughty girls,” then gave us each what I believe some boarding-school girls nowadays call a “sixer.” Oh, it burned! You can well-imagine then that, requiring neither of us to move, he pronged us both, according each six strokes or thereabouts of his cock in turn in our cunnies before-after numerous such plungings of his doughty weapon-he innundated Sylvia's warm nest. There-I have told you all, or almost have, for such details as I have omitted you will well enough imagine, or else they were too mundane to recount. But now to your dear self, for in your last you made fleeting reference to “recalcitrant or interfering female relatives” of whom you were promising to say more. Do tell? Have there been such recently? I am agog to know!
Your ever-adoring Caroline