Editor's Note:

A revealing episode indeed! Madam evidently fancies herself as a descriptive writer, and not without good reason.

As to Maude's Papa, he was clearly pot as dour and prim as one might have expected from the brief references to him by his wife. One must wait and see, however, as to what matures in his respect, for we may now return to those other industrious correspondents whom we interrupted for a brief return to Madam's establishment

My dearest Nina,

Indeed I shall tell you my news after the wondrous explosion of your own! I must confess that had my Mama been as bewitching and curvaceous as yourself, I too would have followed in Matthews naughty pursuits in feeling up to her knickers. Frank was wise not to discourage such illicit pleasures, for I am sure he will soon enough have his own with Maude. But it is of course of her Mama of whom you wish to hear. Dear Adelaide-she does not even yet know what a treasure she is! I have a great problem in concealing your letters, as you may well understand, for she is ever inquisitive as to my doings and literally dotes on me. This, however, is what I wished in all respects, so will not complain about it. Immediately after writing to you last, I broached again to her the subject of which I previously wrote and told her of my heartfelt desire to watch her being fucked. Amourous as she was in that moment, her reaction weakened but a little. How could I wish it, she moaned, while tossing her bottom fretfully to the working of my digit. I implored her to forgive my “strange desire,” for by so saying I intended to excuse myself afterwards. “I could never,” she moaned and sought to silence me with her sultry lips while I brushed my fingers up and down her furred cunt, making her belly twitch adorably as I brought her to a point of coming. “I would fuck you first, and then another. Your quim will foam with sperm,” I murmured. Adelaide shook her head, unspeaking, little knowing that within few hours-on that very evening, in fact-the event would take place. I will not, dear Nina, bore you with all my manoeuvres vis-a-vis Ralph. It involved my keeping Adelaide out of the house for a while, which was not too difficult since I simply took her to dinner! During our absence, Ralph entered the house with a key I had given him and secreted himself in the bedroom adjoining my own. He is younger than myself-but thirty-four, to wit-and is possessed of a fine and lusty weapon, which I would beg you to taste some time! The dear fellow had to wait but half an hour upon our return, refreshing himself meanwhile from a brandy flask and a plate of oysters that I had left most appropriately, I thought, for his delectation! As to Adelaide, she had feasted and wined so well- I plying her with extra liqueurs-that she was perfectly ready to accompany me straight to bed. I had not watched her dress on this occasion before we went out. Passing my hand around her gorgeous bottom, and above, as we ascended, I was pleased to find that she was wearing a short form of corset with long suspenders to her stockings.

Having a very slightly plumpish but very well-curved figure, she looks at her most enticing when attired in these garments only, as I told her when we entered the bedroom. “You still think me beautiful?” she laughed excitedly while we found our way, kissing, to the bed.

“Of course. Could the day ever come when I would not? Remove your dress, your chemise, your drawers, my love, and let me fuck you thus in corset “and stockings,” I abjured her. “Yes, my darling, you shall see me thus and have me thus,” she replied romantically and so undressed while I in turn rapidly stripped and displayed as fine and firm an erection as I am ever likely to have. “How excited you are!” she teased while pushing down her drawers, her eyes positively glowing at the sight of my upstanding tool. I assured her that only she could make it so, but thought it best not to add that the idea of what was soon to be excited me even more! My stiff cock prodded against her belly as she came slowly to me, her drawers abandoned. Our embrace was long and sweet, I cupping the warmly throbbing mound of her quim while she fondled my pego. Long did I keep her so swaying in my arms-longer than I normally do-until my fingers had all but brought her to a point of coming. Her knees sagged. Her tongue lolled in my mouth. “Put it in me,” she begged, “Oh, do not make me wait!”

“You shall be well fucked tonight, my pet,' I replied in all truth and with that bore her back upon the bed where we quickly accommodated ourselves, I between her stockinged thighs but with my body raised a little so as to tease her more. “Do it,” she wheedled. “Ask me first to fuck you, for such words sound adorable from your lips,” I replied, knowing all the while that Ralph would be now within hearing of us, for I had left the bedroom door ajar. “Fuck me,” she mumbled and tried to draw my knob into her slit, but I would not have it so. “Tell me that you wish to have a spermy cock up your cunt,” I whispered. “Oh! Oh, Edmond, the rude things you make me say!” “Say it!” I insisted and allowed the crest of my weapon to rub alluringly about her cuntlips. “I w… w… want a spermy cock in my cunt,” she murmured, eyes half closed. Still she tried to draw me in, wriggling her fleshy bottom impatiently. “Spermy cocks. Say that you wish to have spermy cocks in your quim,” I husked. Her eyes closed completely. Her face shook from side to side. “No,” she mumbled. At that, I thrust her lush thighs wider and inserted my knob just between the rolled lips, making her jerk. “You will say it, my love, before I sperm you,”

I said and took her chin and brought her face full under mine.

“Noooo!” she whined, for still the barriers of her old primness held. At that-and such was my endurance for the cause!-I rolled from her and turned my back on her as though pettishly. “What, Edmond, what? Oh, what is it?” she cried and flung her arm about me, rubbing her furred quim against my buttocks. “You will not say it,” I said, giving a deliberate slurring of apparent moodiness to my tone.

There followed then a brief silence while she continued to hug me from the rear. Then to my delight a small voice murmured in my ear, “I will. I will then if you really want me to.” I rolled about immediately and was on her once more. Her eyes sparkled with love. Her arms embraced me. Drawing up her knees she brought my pego to glide halfway up into her hairy slot. “Go on,” I gritted. “I w… w… want spermy cocks up my cunt. Oh, Edmond you have made me say it!” she bleated and then uttered an insensate gasp as my rod sheathed her to the full and her belly quivered divinely under mine.? “Let mine then be the first to sperm you tonight, dearest,” I murmured.

“Wha-aaaart?” she began, but already I had begun to shunt my engine back and forth and she was lost to the delirious sensation.

You have ever told me, dear Nina, that every act of love and lust should be carried to its final end, and thus it was. A torrent of sweet obscenities poured from my lips as I worked her. I praised her ardent bottom, her bouncing tits, her thighs, her calves and the warm clutch of her cunt. Her fingers dug into my back; her bottom bucked.

“Spermy cocks, my love, and mine the first,” I groaned. “Yes, oh yes,” she answered in full passion. Were the barriers frailer now or did her words fly over them, I wondered? I would soon know. It was I who was to make the real sacrifice. Her belly rippled and I felt her come. Her hot mouth blathered under mine. In such moments how divine it is to tutor and coax a beautiful but well-mannered lady into following one along the paths of joyous “obscenities,” as they are stupidly called! Thus did I inveigle Adelaide until she had moaned out almost all that I wished to hear. Her mind was totally in some otherness. I, beholden to my own plans, monitored myself with care despite my apparent rage of eroticism. I pumped her faster, pretending to be on the point of coming and thereby inducing her to spill again.

Her cuntlips tightened a little around my indriving tool as she did so. “haaaar!” she shuddered. I quivered deeply, pretending to inject my come, and then groaned out her name twice over. It was the signal upon which Ralph had waited. I doubt that Adelaide even heard him enter. His naked feet appeared to make no sound upon the carpet while I, by fervently raining kisses on her neck, had made her turn her face away. “Come, darling, come over my cock as I have just done in you,” I husked. Her legs straightened, her fingernails dug into my back. The moment could not have been more perfect for the enterprise.

I heaved my back a little, breaking her grip on me and keeping her face well averted from Ralph, who stood, cock stiff and waiting, by the bed. In all the maze of her sensations, Adelaide could never have dreamed him there-nor anyone indeed! In a flash I had drawn out my still-throbbing erection and rolled from her, and all this so adroitly that before Adelaide could recover from the sudden loss, Ralph was upon her. Ah, what a cry she uttered! Her stockinged legs kicked, but all too late. I had left the pillarbox open, so to speak! With a single urging of his lusty tool, Ralph was embedded in her deep. “No! Oh, my God!” Adelaide shrieked, his belly by then being flat upon her own and his swollen eggs nesting tight to the underswell of her bottom. Her hands clawed the air, her knees threshed like a marionettes while Ralph of deliberation held her so, as fully corked as ever she might be. “Mur-mur-mur-mur!” she sobbed wildly, for that- my dear Nina-is the closest I can get to the sounds she uttered! “Oh god, who is it? No, Edmond, no! Oh, get him off!” she uttered madly, and bucked her bottom to such effect that she was in all truth already fucking with him. Her hands made then to claw his back-so wild were her emotions. Violence, as you have frequently said, my dear, must never be used, but in such circumstances I had no recourse but to kneel up, seize her wrists and draw them over her head.

“Ho-ho-ho! Edmond, how could you?” Adelaide sobbed, but I detected even then a note of surrender in her voice. The dear lady had come but twice and was quite capable of doing so thrice again, as she often has when I have ploughed her. I had quitted the saddle most cunningly when she was in mid-point of expelling her liquid treasures, so to speak, and knew well enough despite all her wild endeavours and cries that Nature would soon enough take its course. “No-ho-ho!” she continued to bubble on as the steady smacking of their bellies sounded in the room. Her wrists writhed in my grip but could not find release.

Her eyes sought mine wildly, her mouth open as she sobbed. Tears pearled down her cheeks and yet I knew them in my heart to be not of tragedy but a pleasure she resented still. “My God, how lovely she is! What a tight, hot cunt!” uttered Ralph, who now began pouring kisses on her thorny nipples, ramming his charger back and forth. I had told the dear fellow, of course, that he would have to monitor his forces as I had mine, for I had not yet spilled myself-and to a purpose. I bent. A furious shaking of Adelaide's head ensued until at last I succeeded in capturing her lips. “Oh no, Edmond, no!” Even then she was able to sob her cry, and yet I felt her legs no longer weaving. Her bottom jerked rather to accommodate Ralph than to unsaddle him. “Blub-blub!” she choked under my seeking mouth, much as a schoolgirl might when first being put to the cock. “Let him. Come, darling, come-flood his cock with your divine juices, O my Princess!” I husked romantically. At those words she appeared to soften a little. Her mouth no longer sought so madly to escape my own.

I stroked her cheek. Her tongue touched mine and then retreated as though recognising its own lewdness. I stroked her cheek. Her warm sobs flooded in my mouth. The faint slurping sound that came from between their hot loins told me of her secret pleasure. Adelaide was coming yet again! “My love, my love!” I murmured. Her head fell back upon the pillow. Her wrists no longer sought release. “Oh, Edmond!” she choked, but her bottom worked the faster to him then.

“Take his cock, my pet, and then you shall have mine again. Come, feel how stiff it is for you!” I released her nearest arm with caution. Mewing and gasping, she at last allowed her fingers to be drawn around my cock. “My Queen!” I croaked, thus elevating her in the ranks of royalty! Her eyes closed. Still holding my prick, though loosely, she began to pant. Her eyes closed. “Fuck her well, Ralph; she will take you now,” I said, and knew it to be true. I released her other arm cautiously. It wavered and fell again behind her head. I knelt up again, her arm extending so as not to lose hold on my cock. “How beautiful you look,” I uttered, and meant it truly.

“What a superb fuck she is! Adelaide, darling, give me your lips, your tongue!” implored Ralph. His face descended then full over her own for the first time. Adelaide's lovely visage twitched and jerked for a moment, but then to my perfect delight she surrendered. I moved backwards on my knees and raised her own. They were slack and unresisting. Coarse sounds of pleasure issued from the throats of both as I brought her stockinged legs to wind about his waist, watching with delight-as I was then able to-the urging of his glistening tool in and out of her mossy channel. Their pantings sounded louder.

Easing one hand beneath her hot, plump bottom, I cautiously inserted the tip of my forefinger in her rosehole and moved it back and forth.

It would make her come again, I knew. “Oh my God, I am coming in her!” choked Ralph, at which Adelaide's legs distinctly tightened about his waist. The barriers were down at last! “Do so, old fellow, for she is to be well-spermed tonight,” I rejoined, at which he gave a violent shudder, thrust his prick up her to the full and literally juddered upon her divine curves as he spilled jet upon jet of hot sperm up her cunt. For long moments they quivered and clung together as the last of their essences were distilled. I gave her then no quarter. Scarcely had he at last withdrawn than I in turn was upon her again. “Edmond!” she moaned and then absorbed my tongue. I was not too long at her, I fear, for the excitement was too intense and in but a minute her well-creamed quim received its second libation such as made her claw my back with pleasure. Drowsily we sank down then. Adelaide hid her face and trembled like a bird. Most tactfully Ralph then extinguished the gaslight and came together with us on the bed. Immediately that he did so, and all of our three naked bodies huddling in delicious concourse, Adelaide put on her shyness once again and hid herself to me, face to my neck. I stroked her hair and praised her overmuch, used not obscenities but sweetness then.

Ralph, as I knew, would not be overlong in producing the full length of his pleasure stick again. Quiet as we all lay in the dark, I felt Adelaide at last give a tremulous jerk. Holding her arms pinned to her sides, I reached behind and parted the rumptious cheeks of her bottom.

“Goooo!” she choked and began to struggle, though briefly enough for in a trice Ralph had his knob full nestling up her hole. Bubbling sounds came from Adelaide as, thus held, he invaded her ripe bottom slowly. Judging him to be almost full in, I took her face and brought her wobbling lips to mine while gently cupping her thickly-tufted quim. “Noooo!” she moaned, but meant it not! A small, gritting cry escaped her as Ralph's cork was fully inserted and there held.

“Let him sodomise you, Adelaide,” I murmured, even though he was in the very act of doing so! Incomprehensible words escaped her lips in moans. Her bottom jerked and then was still. Ralph now it was who pinned her arms while I, adjusting my position, brought my own corker up against her lips. At that, Ralph began to work her. As I told you, he is a truly lusty lad. How curious that she should have tried to resist this lewd and lovely act, and yet she did! Whimpers issued from her, as if she had forgotten how to speak. Her lips compressed themselves mutinously against my knob, whereat I pinched her nose and, so causing her mouth to open, urged my cock within until I felt the lustrous wetness of her tongue beneath its stem. The breath hissed through her nostrils as I released my grip. “Suck, my darling, suck-receive us both,” I urged her. Loosing her arms and taking a steely grip on her hips, Ralph then began to pump her vigourously while her warm breath flowed over my prick. “Glob!” she choked, but then no longer resisted. I felt the delicious suction of her mouth and urged my tool gently back and forth within the perfect O formed by her sultry lips. At that she snorted more and worked her hips to Ralph. Ah, my dear, what a coming we had of it, all three of us! My sperm flooded over her tongue even as his spouted up her bottom. I felt her raining tribute on my fingers then. She, sucking harder, extolled my every drop as she did Ralph s, I swear. Turning her on to her back afterwards, I felt a distinct puddle of warm come under her fulsome orb. “Leave me!” she moaned, pretending sleep. I motioned then to Ralph who, like the gentleman he is, departed as quietly as he had come. With his going, Adelaide turned and nestled into me, murmuring, “Oh, what has become of me?” “You have been well pleasured, my pet, and have yielded sweet returns. Was it not delicious? Were you not superb?” “You made me; I hate you! Oh, let me go to sleep!” she whined, but would not speak again, her head bowed to my shoulder while I caressed her all about, praised her anew.

The latter was perhaps my salvation, for though she fretted at the contact of my hands, she did not move away from me and throbbed her way into the sweet dreams, I am sure! I will not tire you with the events of the morning that followed. At first she cried and then was silent. I attempted playfully to smack her bottom, but she would not have it and pushed me rudely away. “Go away, go away!” she repeated and has been cold and distant with me ever since. Has then my plan failed? How could a woman receive such pleasures and prove a dullard yet? How amazing such creatures are! You will admonish me perhaps for my hastiness or crudeness in the matter. I long to hear from you and feel indeed defeated when I should be victorious! Hasten to write-if only of this- and to give me your advice!

Your forlorn Edmond

My dear Edmond,

Forlorn indeed! Or so you say. I must, of course, congratulate you on your success and the smooth plan of yours whereby dear Adelaide was brought to such delight, as she obviously was. Make not the error, my dear, of believing all females to be fundamentally wanton- as all males would wish them to be. One must first explore the possibilities, as you yourself did, then coax, explore, and coax again until full fruition is achieved! If, that is, it can be achieved. With some women who are naturally close, tight and prim by nature, it can never be. Pray do not let your heart sink. You have no need to. In but one night you have all but completed the conversion of Adelaide. Do not now attempt to hasten matters further, nor be put out by her coolness to you.

Continue to give her the assurances of her love-or, if you are as wise and cunning as I believe, play cool with her in turn, for that will fret her and she will surely turn back to you again. When she does, dear Edmond, do not overdo your role, nor speak to her too lustfully.

In bringing her to passion again as you surely will any night now, speak playfully and gently of what passed, continue to tell her of your abiding passion, and do not fail to say how madly bewitched Ralph was with her. Such treatment will mollify her much. In such circumstances as yours are now, take hold of your natural passions and do not let them run away with you. You have told me enough to know of her that she is by nature a passionate creature who requires, however, her lusts to be given the patina of romanticism. And why not? She will secretly preen herself at the thought of Ralph's adoration, despite the circumstances in which he mounted her. Tell her, if you wish, that he longs to see her again, but in the same breath take caution to say that you have advised him that she may not desire it. It is your ego that is hurt-not her desires. There are pretty games to be played with such as Adelaide, by which I intend only such as she will eventually appreciate and so make herself a full member of our little circle. I pray you bring her here next weekend, but leave all to me. I have to exercise my little colts now-by which of course I mean Matthew and his brother. Frequently since last writing to you, Matthew has found opportunities to press himself against me in some wise and beg a kiss or two from his “dear Mama.” I have but to let his hands stray once again, though, and know what will happen-nor, I confess to you, would I be able to resist. I intend that not to happen, or not as yet, at least. I swear the darling boy frigs himself much in secret now after what has passed, and for this he can scarce be blamed.

Frank, with whom I discuss all, has said that he sees no harm in it if I “milk” the boys occasionally, for otherwise one of the maids may do it, and no fortune will come from that. Matthew has such large, romantic eyes for his age, and I am sure will seduce Adelaide beautifully, for from all you have told me of her appearance, he will think her much like me, which will truly make his eager cock stand up.

Am I not wicked? You know I am. But to my other news. I was about to say major news, but regard Adelaide as just as important as her daughter, Maude. Franks impatience-as you may well imagine-has been brimming over. In the days following my last intelligence to you, I nurtured Maude carefully and twice smacked her bare bottom, though as much playfully as stingingly. On the second of these occasions-I having surprised her in her nightdress-I drew her into the bed with me. “Is it not nice?” I asked her and caressed her warm orb, which she now lets me do after I have attended to it. She mumbled into my shoulder that she did not know-and “not to know” is always the best of signs, my dear. By degrees, despite her many tremulous starts and jerks, I wreathed her nightgown up to her armpits and caressed her titties. “How hard your nipples get when I spank you, but it is the usual thing with young ladies,” I said while licking all around the adorable tips in a way that made her arch her back with pleasure. My other hand, I need hardly say, was by then engaged under her moist nest. “Oh?” Maude answered doubtfully, but could not stop herself wriggling. I spread her legs a little wider, and when as usual she tried to close them, gave one a little smack. They immediately opened again. You see, cherie, I am training her well. “That is why you were sent to Madame's, to be made ready for the world- ready for the cock, my love. That is what your Papa and Mama wish, for all young ladies come to it and may do so nicely, as you are doing. Your cunny will drink at the fount of desire tonight, my love.” “What do you mean?” she moaned, though knowing perfectly well. Such girls love to have all manner of naughty things said to them whereby they can contain their consciences in believing that they are being persuaded against their will when in fact one is but the trigger to the bullet.

“I mean that you are to be spermed, my pet-and how better than by your Uncle Frank?” (for so I have taken to calling him with her). At that she made very feebly to start up, but I smothered her mouth with my own and brought our tongues to touch. “No, he must not! Oh, please!” she moaned, but could not help herself for my fingertip had brought her to the point of coming. Both observing and feeling all the signs of fluttering and pulsing in her, I refused her that immediate pleasure and withdrew my hand from between her legs. “If you do not, I shall strap you, Maude. Why think you that Madame birched all her girls, as you told me that she did?” “Dunno,” she whined and pressed herself to me, I raising my nightgown so that our cunts and bellies touched. “You do understand very well, Maude,” I told her sternly, “for it is to encourage them to come on to the cock, and once they have, then their pleasures are divine. Do you not think your Papa and Mama were not conscious of this when they sent you there?”

“Oh, I don't know! I cannot believe it!” she moaned. The trap of hypocrisy was closing upon her and I believe she knew it. “You cannot believe perhaps that we are pressing our cunnies and titties together, that our bellies are warm and tingling with love and our cunnies moist with desire? Is that the way you will have it, Maude?

Why else would you have been sent to St. Germain-en-Laye? How fortunate you were, and yet I well understand your shyness. You are a very, very special girl, darling, and need individual care. That is why I will bring you on to Frank's cock myself tonight.” “Oh!” she gasped and tried to curl up, but could not, for I held her close.

“You know the truth of what I say, Maude. Make no further pretence. A girl must be broken in just as a young filly must, but whereas the horse might find it irksome, the girl does not, and swirls down into pleasure. Once you have taken Uncle Frank's cock, my sweet, you will yearn for the return of it, but there will be others whose knobs will pulse to enter your portals- or your delectable bottom,” I added, which brought a soft, shrill “Ooooh!” of surprise from her. I have already fingered her there, though, and find her not overtight.

“The first several, Maude,” said I cautiously, or rather in a mood of caution, “may be chosen for you, but thereafter you will be free to enjoy those whom you desire the most and so will have entered into womanhood, not as foolish, dull girls do who have not had your advantages, but as a very pretty young woman who knows what she wants and has all the means whereby to obtain it. You understand now very well what I am saying,” I concluded, whereat-as though he had judged the moment miraculously, though it was entirely by chance-Frank was distantly heard returning home, the which of course made Maude struggle up. “Let me go!” she panted, though I was not too hard put to it to bring her head again upon the pillow. “NO, dear Maude. Were you at the college now you would receive a sharp birching for such wilfulness, and know you would ” “B… b… but there are no gentlemen there!” she sobbed, or made pretence of doing so.

“Tut, tut, what a sillikins you are! You were not so advanced that one could be brought to you. And besides, would you have desired a complete stranger in the saddle? Though it is more likely,” I added solemnly (and no doubt with truth!), “that he would have had it up your bottom first.” “No!” cried Maude, though whether in that moment at Frank's entry into the bedroom or what I had said, one will never know. It mattered not. The die was cast for her. Frank closed the bedroom door and gazed at us both with apparent (and I may say well-modulated) surprise. He had rather usefully already doffed his jacket and cravat downstairs. “What is to do?” he asked, though making not too much show of amazement, for so saying he went to the dressing table and calmly brushed his hair a trifle and tweaked his moustache. “Maude is pretending that she is a duff, but she is not really, as we both know. How proud her Papa and Mama will be of her now! Come, get into bed with us, dear.” “No!” Maude positively shrieked at that, whereat I rolled her over by surprise on to her tummy and awarded her naked bottom a resounding SMACK!-at which of course she yelped! With my next movement, the sheet rolled down, displaying to a delighted Frank her pink and white bottom. “Oh, for shame! Cover me up!” Maude moaned without moving. “You see?” I remarked to Frank while placing one hand firmly in the small of her back so that she might not rise. He, meanwhile, was already doffing his boots, socks and trousers. “Young Annie was the same, but how much she loves it now,” said he, concocting an entirely fictitious person. “I won't!” came a squeak from Maude, while her hands clenched beneath the pillow as if they, too, wished to hide, since her naked derriere could not. “I have told dear Maude all,” I remarked with an air of apparent sadness in my tone. “I shall tell Mama!” cried our young acolyte, this being her last resort in terms of threats. “And proud she will be of you,” I laughed while Frank, divesting himself of his shirt, stood naked by the bed with his prong full up. “I have told her, Frank, that she will otherwise be strapped first-and what will her Papa and Mama have to say when they discover that it was necessary?” “They will think her backward,” he responded solemnly. Thereat, with a wink to me-and I moving suddenly aside-he was upon her back, impressing the big throbbing tube of his cock against her bottom's cleft. At that the first notes of a shriek sounded from Maude, and at that also Frank did that which I had not bade him to and slid his hand beneath her chin to smother off her cries. I made to knock away his hand, in fact, but decided not to. It was as well that I did not, for the ensuing spectacle was delicious.

I had spoken of nervous fillies to Maude. She now in all truth became one. Her shoulders quivered, her eyes bulged, her cheeks grew red. She made to buck- and Frank most cunningly permitted her the movement so that his hips rose up with hers and-in a trice- Maude found herself (entirely of her own volition) in a prime posture on all fours with Frank's cock under her downy nest, his hand still clamped about her mouth, and his free arm now strongly encircling her slim waist and holding her up! I needed no further bidding, was up on my knees beside the pair and, groping his weapon, guided its swollen crest against Maude's lovelips. Her efforts to escape her fate then became frenetic, but in bucking her bottom (precisely as with her Mama and Ralph, my dear!), she only succeeded in assuring Franks perfect lodgement, so that with a muffled squeal from her his cock entered her portals and held her already half-corked. “Right in,” I gritted, and with that he afforded her the last virile movement of his loins so that his meaty charger was fully sheathed. My goodness, how her hips wriggled-and in vain! How her head twisted from side to side, but still Frank held her quiet. It was best so, and does no harm provided the chosen girl's stallion is to deal with her lovingly. Thereupon, Frank's other hand slid down across the fronts of her delicious thighs and his thumb began to tickle her clitty. He required no help from me!

His embedded prick moved back and forth quite tentatively and slowly then, easing out some four or five inches and then delving in with such care as she really should have appreciated! Reaching one arm beneath her crouched form, I fondled her titties, which hung down like small, ripe melons. Her eyes closed, opened, and closed again.

Bringing her warm bottom full into his belly again, Frank so held her, moving his thumb the faster while I tickled her nipples. At all this, Maude no longer continued to strain. Her bottom relaxed a little and I saw it do so. Frank, screwing up his eyes, caused me to realise what delicious sensations the tight, silky pouch of her cunt was affording him. “What a little darling she is in all truth. Take your hand away, Frank, for she will let you do it now, I know,” I murmured and, with that, threw myself on my back and sidled my face beneath Maude's. Frank removing his hand in that moment, her mouth found itself sucked upon by mine. Smack! Smack! Smack! came the joyous sound of her bottom bouncing against his belly. “Your first sperming is about to be, Maude, but you must come first. Sprinkle his cock, my love!” so I enjoined her. She moaned, she whimpered, she mewed. Her mouth slobbered petulantly to mine, though I gave her scarce a minute of my company in this wise, and slipped again from under her, aware as one must be that a girl on first being mounted should not be made to feel herself captive, for she may afterwards come to add resentment to pleasure. Frank's nostrils flared. I knew that he would not be long in coming, and would luxuriate more slowly with her afterwards when awarding her a second dosage. I deemed therefore that a departure on my part at this moment would be most tactful. Perhaps even dear Frank was not aware of my slipping off of the bed and quietly taking my exit. Passing along the corridor, I entered Matthew's room, thinking to find him at least drowsy if not asleep. At the appearance of my wraithlike figure, however-garbed as I was in but a white nightgown-he sat bolt upright and ejaculated eagerly, “Oh, Mama!”

I put my fingers to his lips and glided to his bed. “Be quiet, my pet. Are you not asleep yet?” I asked. Taking my seat on the side of the bed, I chanced to let my hand fall upon something that was projecting quite fiercely under the sheet. At that, he started, jerked, looked both guilty and beseeching, and let his head fall back again upon his pillow. “I c… c… cannot sleep, Mama,” he said.

“Can you not? Do you wish Mama to cuddle you?” I rejoined and then (taking great care that my nightgown did not ride up), slipped into bed beside him and drew the sheet over us. My goodness, how his cock thrummed against my belly! I grasped it firmly through his nightshirt, whereat he embraced me fondly. “You will always do as Mama says, will you not?” I asked, while permitting him to rain fervent kisses on my neck. “Oh, yes!” he replied and rubbed the knob of his pego most improperly against my belly. I admit that I could scarce resist the naughty invitation, Edmond, but knew I must, for such young males must be well monitored in their beginnings.

“Be still, Matthew, and let Mama rub it for you, for I have some news for you,” said I. Oh, but heavens! I am forgetting the hour, dear Edmond, and have long over-run my time. Forgive me if you can for this abrupt ending. Advise me only that you are bringing Adelaide!

Your naughty Nina
