Editor's Note:
It is merely fortuitous, of course, that the following epistle from St. Germaine-en-Laye should fall beneath the quite artificial number of thirteen herein. Many consider the number unlucky-perhaps merely because it is uncomfortably just one over the dozen!- but neither Julie nor her “pupils” counted the following events so, I am sure. All turned a fresh page, in fact, just as we are here doing.
My Dearest Caroline,
Pedestrian your account was most certainly not, and I see that you have caught the trick of leaving me in midair, too! Has there been another voluptuous orgy at which I, alas, was not present? Ah well, I shall know soon.
For the nonce I nave some most amusing news and shall not try your patience by coming too slow upon it. I was talking of Jeannette, and so will take my story up again. Was not her Papa well acquainted with Monsieur Pierre Remier, the Minister for Education, I asked? She looked a little bemused at that, but answered yes, and that her Mama and Papa had frequently dined with M. Remier and his wife. Well, my dear Caroline, such were my ideas in that moment that I could not resist conveying a great part of them to Jeannette, who is not so dim that she herself did not recognise certain “dangers” in the unwonted intrusion into my domain of quite unwanted and soi-disant Inspectors.
“How to prevent them?” she asked and bit her lip in expectancy of some ingenious reply on my part. “A word with the Minister?” I suggested, which caused her to laugh and exclaim “Oh!” in pleased surprise. I admit to some daring on my part in venturing to draw her into my plans, but there are times, are there not-and as we all experience-when one must take small risks on this score. I could not in all conscience have gone behind her back and sought the indulgence in the matter of her Papa, who, in any case, I little knew save for one visit here on his part when I first received Jeannette. “Do you… do you wish me to…?” came from Jeannette and then she fell quiet. I merely nodded, but then said, “What a capital idea it would be! After all, we would then have official recognition and-er-patronage. If, that is, things are handled in the right way.”
How tentative I sounded-but how delicate was the position with her, for Jeannette having all her perceptions present immediately divined much of what I had in mind-to wit that a certain seduction should take place. Adventure bubbled in her, as I hoped it would. “I shall write to Papa and say that you would like to meet the Minister?” she asked. I chewed on that, I do confess I did, and after due deliberation answered, “No, my dear. Better to ask your Papa to visit here, for he may otherwise think it but a quaint idea of yours. I will prepare a pleasant lunch, discourse with him, and then we shall see what may transpire.” “Oh! But I need not be here? At least, not at the lunch?” Jeannette exclaimed. I well understood her confusion over that and agreed. “It will come better from me if we are alone,” I said, which pleased her much for then she would not be directly involved. Well-so it was. Georges Dinet- Jeanette's father-appeared very pleased to present himself upon receipt of my letter and was no doubt more than merely curious to “see inside” again! Of course, I prepared all well and had a little table laid for us in my drawing room. So much cosier, I thought! On a whim, I had Dorothy to serve us, explaining to him in part her position but also adding with a touch of fine finesse, I thought, that she was but a novice. His eyes took in many sneaking glimpses of her, you may guess! I had her most prettily attired in a simple brown wool dress that quite clung to her petite curves and, perhaps, betrayed the fact that she was wearing little enough beneath. Very pleased to be flattered by his attentions, Dorothy returned his every glance, although with shyness. “A novice?” he could not help but echo while partaking of some chicken-very cordon bleu! “A matter of age, Monsieur,” I began, at which he invited me to call him by his Christian name, the which I did. Teasingly, I did not bother to finish my sentence, for it is always best to let them ask, for by this means one is not seen to solicit questions nor to betray anything that is not requested. “Ah, yes, of age,” said he and waited for me to speak, but I did not, being seemingly engaged in enjoying my Piesporter, which, being a German wine, indicated perhaps a lack of patriotism on my part, but it is so very nice! My silence spurred him on. “Some-er-subjects she does not take?” he asked. I appeared hesitant to reply, but finally did so. “There are occasionally certain disciplines I am bound to apply here, Georges.” (Well enough did he know this, of course, since his own daughter was incumbent, but tactfully pretended to forget.) “Dorothy has not yet been birched nor strapped,” I went on, “but she has sufficient liveliness about her that she may not need too much, nor more than does Jeannette now- nor half a dozen of my girls,” I added quickly. “She does not?” he asked, and left it quite open to me to guess who he was talking about!
I then apprised him of the visits of the two inspectors, and more plainly said how such might create certain difficulties. “In respect, that is, of many confidences I hold,” said I, and was much pleased with the phrase, which was at once as open and yet as subtle as his own question had been. “Ah no-exactly,” he replied and appeared to give the matter as much attention as he was giving to our little feast. A dire thought then appeared to strike him for he asked with as much casualness as he could muster whether the inspectors had asked the names of girls. “But one-Dorothy,” I assured him and then, to add a little spice to the moment, apprised him of how she had addressed me and of the Inspector's subsequent confusion. This caused him to laugh quite in relief! “Have no fear. I believe the Minister will be at once flattered and amused to be asked to make a visit in person-and, besides, I have a certain sway with him. He is much taken with my wife. We are all good friends, you see,” he told me. I could have clapped! Dorothy then returning-for she quite loved this particular chore-I made an excuse to absent myself for a short while and gave her a little wink. Minx that she is, or soon will become, I found them chatting happily on my return, and Georges' cheeks a very pleasant pink. I have no doubt that she had said a few things to him that had quite intrigued him. Jeannette had greeted him briefly on his arrival but had since disappeared, which was as well.
Telling Dorothy that she might go and join the others, I of deliberation changed my mood a little-knowing men! Seating myself on the sofa, I indulged in a Turkish cigarette and indicated, by such subtle movements as I knew he wished to see, that he might join me.
“All will be well?” I asked in the manner of a woman who is a trifle agitated. His hand laid itself upon my thigh. “I shall see that he is well received,” I added with such a trace of hopefulness in my voice as he expected, or wished, to hear. “I am sure that you will, my dear,” Georges replied, and I knew then that we were come closer to the matter of his own heart's increasing desire. “Shall you just yourself accompany him?” I asked cautiously, though guessing well his answer and so putting a certain intonation in his voice that he took it- as was intended-as an invitation. “It would be best, I am sure,” he answered and then, placing his arm about my shoulders and bringing my lips quite close to his, murmured, “Do not fret yourself.”
“I shall not-not so long as you are here,” I said and was then indulged by him in such a kiss as would have made my head swim had I not been plotting in my head all the while! Indeed, he began to rumple up my skirt, which, though little did he know it, was perfect for the changing mood, for I fretfully thrust it down again as a shy young girl might. Slipping my tongue a little into his mouth while grasping his too-eager hand, I said, “Not yet. The visit must be a private little affair, do you not think? The Minister may wish to meet at least one of my girls and- er-question her, as you may, too.” The perfect means of compromising both then came to me, but I said nothing of it then. “Private, yes,” he replied thickly and fumbled my garters through my skirt, but I stood up as one who fears to be disturbed, and said so. “Dorothy may yet rush in. On your return I shall arrange things differently,” I said and affected to be much disturbed by his caresses so that he knew better than to approach me closer once more. “Next Thursday, perhaps. I was in any event going to dine with him then,” he offered. I turned to him and smiled as might a woman who is saved from slipping in a river! “The evening, yes, it would be best. The girls will be discreet, I promise that, Georges. There shall be no stinting of pleasure, if such is called for. He may wish… but then I do not know his ways…” I let my voice break of a purpose as one who is uncertain, shy. I believe I acted my part quite perfectly, for he then joined me at the window and ventured an arm about my waist. “Have no fear in suggesting what you will. We are alone here for the moment, Julie.” On his saying this, I endeavoured to flush a little, but am not sure that I succeeded! “He may wish… he may wish,” I stumbled, “to see for instance my method of disciplining, that is to say… ” “Go on!” he urged. “With a strap, or with the birch. I do not belabour them hard, you understand-Jeannette will vouch for that-but only…”
“Yes?” His voice could not have been more eager. “Or perhaps we only sit and talk,” I ventured lamely, all the while-to his unknowing-drawing him on. “By no means, by no means,” he half choked! “Oh, very well. I thought perhaps the suggestion too bold, but sometimes I suppose one must come to the- er-point. Their bottoms are bared for exercise, you know. I could allow him just a little peep.” “He would require that, I am sure,” Georges responded, over-eagerly! “And you, dear Georges? I would not want to keep you out of it. Oh, we shall see!” I murmured as if much flustered and knowing not quite what to do. “Your… your suggestion is excellent, pray follow it,” he urged. I bit my lip, half smiled and said, “You think so? It is not too forward? Very well. But only two girls. I shall put the rest to bed.” “Excellent, excellent!” He all but clapped, and turned me to kiss him, but again I urged discretion. “Wait until Thursday-then, perhaps,” said I at which juncture Dorothy-who I am perfectly sure had been listening to all through the door-made another entrance and caused us to move apart. Her timing was exquisite, bless her, for it permitted me to slowly usher my visitor out and leave him all a-glow and dazed! Well, already my wrist is getting very tired with this recital, dear, but should I stop now then you would have no more truck with me, I am sure! So then to the evening and its events. My two chosen girls were instructed and the rest despatched to their dormitories with naughty books and bottles of wine! Indeed, I even locked their doors, not trusting them, but wishing no other involvements on this score.
Monsieur Remier was a little portly, but by no means repellent, and was exquisitely attired as Georges himself was. They had-rather in the fashion of women!-made themselves up well for the event and from a small, expectant gleam in the Ministers eyes I knew well enough that Georges must have dropped him a few hints on the way. Even so, you will appreciate that I had no wish to open my doors to become the Madame of a bordello and toned my conversation in such a way that both quite stood in awe of me. Georges, indeed, must have vaguely wondered that he had ever succeeded in kissing me! “One has to be so careful. That is why I normally allow NO males here, at all,” I said, and made slightly biting reference then to the visits of the two Inspectors. “Without warning,” I added. Georges and M. Remier then exchanged glances wherein, I swear, were said a thousand silent words! “A nonsense, of course. It shall not happen again, Madam. Of that I assure you,” the Minister said and looked most authoritative as men do when they wish to put on airs. I also knew the purpose of his saying that and nodded and looked pleased. “As for yourself, Monsieur-and indeed for Georges, since he has brought you here-but no others, positively no others, it is a different matter,” said I, and dispensed the last of the visible wine. The hour by then was close to nine and I felt, immodestly perhaps, that I had judged it right, our bellies full and intentions wicked-unspoken as they were! Folding my napkin, I pretended to give a little start. “Oh, Messieurs, I had quite forgotten, do excuse me. There are two of my young ladies awaiting attention-for a little naughtiness, you understand? If you will excuse me…” I rose, went to the door and then gave every appearance of hesitating and cogitating upon some matter or another.
“Given* your presence, Monsieur,” I said, addressing the Minister, “I would not wish you to think me too hard in my ways. The girls are but lightly disciplined here and have learned to take their admonitions bravely. If you were to see for yourself, you would know me blameless in such matters, but then on the other hand I would not wish to embarrass you.” A perfect “Herrumph!” sounded from his throat. He rose, and I may say did so a trifle unsteadily in his excitement. “I-er-not at all, my dear. In my-er- rather remote position of office it is rare enough that I am able to come upon the practicalities of education. That is to say, of the older girls,” he rather stumbled. Georges, too, had risen. They both looked as expectant as young boys who, promised strawberry tarts, wait for the pantry door to open! “I do of course understand,” said I sympathetically and moved as if shyly through the door, saying as I did so, “It is just along the corridor.” Well, you see, Caroline, I did NOT offer a direct invitation, did I? It was up to the “dear chaps” themselves to follow or to remain, but you may have no doubt that they chose the former course and followed me along like footpads, quietly! I could hardly suppress my laughter, and fortunately kept my back to them as I entered the gymnasium. A soft scuffling preceded my entrance, not to say a clink of glasses as the two chosen recipients of the strap hastened to put themselves dutifully in position. Making certain by a quick glance around that their wineglasses had been hidden, I left the door half open-almost making silent play, as it were, that I knew not of the immediate presence of the two men, who at that stage did not venture in but merely peeped. I had arranged things such that they would see one bare bottom and one blindfolded head. Yes-I had remembered dear Sylvia and how she was. Blindfolds seemed appropriate; they would be seen by Georges and the Minister as betraying shyness, which I may say they actually did! I had had trestles brought in for this exercise, which is to say the kind that are often used in pairs for sawing wood. The two girls were each bent over one, face to face and with an interval of but a couple of feet between them. Having their comfort well in mind, each had a cushion under her tummy! I did not, of course, glance back to the half-open door but simply picked up my best-loved strap, which, as you know from long experience, is some four inches wide and quite supple with all the use it has had these past few years! “Now, girls,” said I in my best schoolmistress fashion, “you have both been a little naughty today and deserve what you are about to get. You know, however, that I never castigate you without reason and that I always require your assent. You will therefore clasp the bars beneath you firmly and indicate by nodding that you are willing to receive your dues.” I was by then within scorching distance, as it were, of she who had her naked globe uplifted well towards the door. Her stockinged legs were straight (naught but a rolled-up petticoat was otherwise worn) and her ankles were some eighteen inches apart in what I term the “regulation distance” for, as you well know, I abhor attending to a girl whose thighs are tight together. It offers no promise at all! The door creaked a little then and I knew it to have been surreptitiously opened a little more to provide a better view for both the spectators. The luscious orb that faced them must have aroused them no end. Its cheeks were chubby and inrolled tightly, the polished surfaces creamy and flawless, save for an appealing dimple on one side. Beneath, the open-leg position offered up a tempting view of two rolled, pouting lips but half concealed within a nest of curls. As to the other girl, who faced them, they could see but the back of her head, her deeply bent back, and just the appealing top of her gleaming derriere, as well as two globing tits that had half escaped the neckline of her petticoat. Both my girls nodded. Well-naturally!
At the first smack! of the leather, she whose bottom faced towards the door uttered a little squeal, wriggled her hips and then again was still. The strap had left a splurge of pink across her snow-white derriere. I took my time, and-stepping forward and around-attended to the next with two broad sweeps that brought soft yelps from her. That splatting of the leather sounded loud. I had no doubt that two erections were already in existence, but coyly dropped my eyes and looked not towards our visitors. SPLATT!
Scra-aaaack!-I decided to accord each nubile maiden two at a time and did so with finesse. “YEEEK!” “NEEE-OW!” both squealed, and writhed their hips appealingly. I shall not, however, dwell upon this particular aspect of the evening's pleasure. I knew my girls-knew how they would warm to it-and how moist their pussies were by the sixth stroke across their ardent derrieres. Each squirmed so appealingly that I was sure that trouser buttons were already nigh on bursting just beyond the door! My next move was the most difficult, but I had thought much of what to say. I let the strap drop lazily and walked straight to the door. The girls-as previously instructed by me-did not move, but quivered and uttered “broken sobs” delightfully.
“You see, gentlemen,” I murmured very softly, “that I do not treat them cruelly. Their bottoms are hot, but not unduly so. You may, if you so wish, examine for yourselves. I must be absent for a while on other things. Forgive me, will you?” In so saying, I brushed past them (too stricken with desire were they to move!) and trailed my hand as if by accident across the bold projection in Georges' trousers.
Goodness, how stiff he was! “Ah!” he croaked. The Minister's eyes bulged. The encounter of my own with them was brief but promising enough. As I exited so they entered softly and I closed the door-not “going,” as you will guess, but to my peephole in the adjoining room.
Ah, that you had been here, my pet! Their progress towards the waiting girls was as slow and wondering as men who wade through water. Coming upon the nearest with her bottom of roses and cream ready and uplifted, they appeared to hesitate, bemused. I held my breath! An awkwardness obtained, and then Georges-as though mesmerised by the first of the warm and wondrous offerings-moved his hand rather jerkily and touched the glowing orb. His mouth opened. He appeared rigid in all respects! His fingers lingered, touched the swelling cheeks, then dipped beneath. His “victim” wriggled, but otherwise moved not. I had schooled them well! The Minister stood and gazed at all as might another who sees a man digging for gold, then spies a nugget. “Yes,” he said in a flat tone and appeared as in a daze. Then, moving stiffly, he betook himself to she whose bowed head faced towards him, though not for long! “I-er-I must-forgive me,” Georges croaked out and, removing his finger (very moist!), made immediately to push his trousers down. “AH!” the Minister said, and followed suit! Oh my goodness, what fervent cocks were displayed! “Ooooh!” uttered each of my angels as she received the knob. Mouths open, cheeks full flushed as much as were the girls' proud bottoms, both of the entranced males entered their pricks as in a dream right up both quims and held them there. A righteous and a lustful scene indeed! I swear that the males had never done the like before (in the sight of another, that is), but nothing could delay their efforts now. They bowed their heads and each began to pump. My girls squirmed their bottoms most adorably, huff-puffed and moaned and whimpered, but betrayed me not. “My god, my god!” gasped Georges and pumped the faster. “Mmmm! Mmmmm! Mmmmm!” the girls hummed like little busy bees who are about to receive their honey. True, they gave some coy signs of resistance, but no more than to churn their bottoms about, which, so far from dislodging the throbbing entrants, merely served to embed them further. The trestles creaked a little, but otherwise all was well! With each pumping movement the gentlemen's trousers subsided and descended until they were about their ankles. The smacking of bellies to bottoms sounded very juicily, as you will understand (and will envy me the hearing and the sight of!). Both the Minister and Jeannette's Papa made such noises-you may imagine!-as indicated their delirious enjoyment. Their balls swung back and forth as did the girls' hips. All was deliciously fluid and in rhythm and made more peculiarly thrilling by the general absence of words. What need of words when the music is beautiful? Heads hanging so that their hair all but brushed the floor, each girl's cheeks were delightfully as deep a shade of pink as their bottoms had been, and this of course from the virile attentions that were being accorded them. They grimaced pleasurably, they whimpered, they mewed-these sounds of complete surrender merging in symphonic delight with the groans and grunts of their two stallions. Then as the men bent their knees a little more-the tendons straining in the backs of their legs-first one blindfold began to slip, and then the other. I had anticipated this, with all the jogging back and forth, and most naughtily had done it to a purpose. She who was being reamed by Jeannette's Papa lost hers first-which is to say that it slipped quite slowly down her nose. Then the other's descended, too. For a moment, since all were riding up to their longed-for peaks and the honeypots were about to trickle forth and gush, both my girls continued keeping their heads well bowed, but then as if by a silent signal (which I had not rehearsed with them, but knew must happen), each lifted her shoulders slowly and gazed open-mouthed and flushed not only at each other but at the “riders” to their rears. AH! (Are you about to guess? But I swear you will get it the wrong way round!) Georges-whose sperm was in that moment already spurting up his embedded cock-found himself gazing over the bowed back of his young Venus straight into the eyes of Jeannette!
This visual encounter was immediate on both sides! “Goooo!” gasped Jeannette, though whether solely because she found herself staring open-mouthed at her panting parent or because the Minister was in that moment injecting her with his lubricious offering is difficult to say. “P… P… P… P…!” she began to moan.
“Gee-gee-gee-Jean-nette!” stammered he, though this was scarce a time for conversation since he too was emitting his manly juice, and I had no doubt at all that the sweet girl was also sprinkling. Her teeth gritted, her eyes closed and opened again while her Papa could do naught else but gaze hot-eyed on her the while he endured the sweet agonies of the mutual crisis to which all were called. Their faces must have swum before each others eyes and Jeannette, I noticed, could not but help continuing to shunt her supple hips back and forth as though to extract every creamy spurt and blob and drop from her amourous assailant. What then would you have done, sweet Caroline? I had of course already made up my mind upon the matter since the outcome had never been in doubt. I moved from my peephole-feeling not a little wriggly myself-and lingered for a few moments, giving all four combatants enough respite. Moving then with measured steps, I left the small adjoining room and quietly entered the gymnasium. There, as I had thought might be, the two gentlemen had covered themselves up, though the girls had remained unmoving! At my entrance both the Minister and Georges turned slightly pale-if, that is, one can do so while remaining flushed! You will divine what I mean. Their expressions were taut, confused, to say the least. The Minister would have had no more problems in identifying his companion's daughter than Georges had had himself. As to the other girl… no! It was not Dorothy! Certainly not! She was one whom you have not met, but would much like to. Her name is Cynthia and this was but her second sperming. In receiving her first, in England, she had struggled and squalled no end and so had been sent to me. You will judge from her performance that she has learned much better by now.
I clapped my hands in brisk and businesslike fashion, not addressing myself to the gentlemen at all. “Good girls! How well behaved you are! You may rise now while the gentlemen escort me to my drawing room to take refreshments. Tidy yourselves and clothe yourselves. For your valour in the field, my pets, you may quietly join us, if you wish.” If you wish, said I, but then I had told them beforehand to be obedient in all things on this particular evening, though I do admit to having played a wicked trick on Jeannette, for I had not told her that her Papa was coming and had merely said that the Minister would have a male companion. All this suited my purpose well. To Jeannette I could afterwards say that her Papa's arrival had been unexpected, but that I could do nothing thereafter to hinder events. As to the gentlemen, the Minister had threaded Jeannette and, in all effect, Georges had aided and abetted the voluptuous act since he could not deny that he might have known of his nubile daughter's presence. There was no malice on my part in this, of course. I had merely to assure myself that the gentlemen were tactfully “netted” and that their future conduct would be as I wished.
Each took his exit in some confusion, though with a smirk of satisfaction lingering on the lips of each. I dallied a moment with my girls, whereat Jeannette threw herself into my arms all a-quiver and uttered only, “Oh, Madam!” “There, there, dear, how delicious you looked, and you, too, Cynthia. Put on your dresses, draw your stockings tight again, see to your hair, and let us all be cosy,” said I. “But, Madam!” Jeannette's little fevered cry followed me to the door, but I ignored it as I knew I must. In the drawing room I found Georges and the Minister very quiet-indeed, one might say speculative, though as I entered I heard them softly avowing to one another their total discretion at all times. I made no bones about hearing this, either. “That is what I like to hear, gentlemen!
Come, will you not take some port with me? The girls will join us in a moment. You see how delicately I treat them? None of us need have remorse. You saw them strapped but lightly, felt their bottoms warm, discovered not a single weal or mark-is that not true?” I skirted the other “little matter”-well, of course I did. They had no means of knowing that I knew and so to great extent were mollified.
“Indeed, we are content,” Georges said, and with greater truth than I seemingly had cause to believe. “There will be no-er-unwonted visits any more,” the Minister said gruffly and downed half of his glass! “Excellent, Messieurs, though if both or either of you wish to come again then I shall welcome you, as will my girls-but you alone, of course,” I added meaningfully. Each coloured up a little at that but did not look displeased, whereat I turned the conversation to more mundane matters. Then a very hesitant knock sounded at the door. “Entrez!” I called, and in with simpering feet came Cynthia and Jeannette. Georges sat upon a chaise lounge, I in an armchair, and the Minister accommodated as was I. “Do not be shy, girls. Jeannette, would you care to pour, and perhaps refill our glasses? Thank you. Have you greeted your Papa at all? You must, you know. Cynthia, I fear there is not another chair. Pray take your seat upon the arm of the Ministers chair. Good girl!” Cynthia has delicious thighs. They showed through her thin dress as so she perched and crossed her legs, a slight flush in her face. As for Jeannette, she had nowhere else to go but on the chaise lounge next to Georges and there seated herself, armed with a glass, most sedately, gazing at me in much awe. Oh, but I have over-run my time and space.
Forgive me if I fly. There IS a little more to tell, but for the nonce I must keep it from you, though not for more than a week, I swear. How long it takes to write! Oh, that we both had magic pens and could cover twice the pages that we do! No matter, it will keep you in suspense. And now your news of Alison and Sylvia, please!
Devotedly Julie