Собственные публикации Б. Хэйра по этому вопросу включают: Hare et al. “The Domestication of Social Cognition”; M. Tomasello, B. Hare, and T. Fogleman. “The Ontogeny of Gaze Following in Chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes, and Rhesus Macaques, Macaca mulatta”, Animal Behaviour 61 (2001): 335–343; S. Itakura et al. “Chimpanzee Use of Human and Conspecific Social Cues to Locate Hidden Food”, Developmental Science 2 (1999): 448–456; M. Tomasello, B. Hare, and B. Agnetta. “Chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes, Follow Gaze Direction Geometrically”, Animal Behaviour 58 (1999): 769–777; B. Hare and M. Tomasello. “Domestic Dogs (Canis familiaris) Use Human and Conspecific Social Cues to Locate Hidden Food”, Journal of Comparative Psychology 113 (1999): 173–177; M. Tomasello, J. Call, and B. Hare. “Five Primate Species Follow the Visual Gaze of Conspecifics”, Animal Behaviour 55 (1998): 1063–1069.
