KARA SAT ON THE porch, smoking, like she had been doing most of the day. She could not paint. She could not do much of anything. She had gone on a long walk that morning, trying to dispel Ginny from her thoughts. Little good it had done. She had been with her all day and she acknowledged the desire that still licked at her lower regions.

She vowed she would not see Ginny again. At least, not alone. Last night, she had come so close to losing herself in Ginny’s soft mouth. She had wanted to touch her. She had wanted to pull her to the forest floor and make love to her. Only Ginny’s frightened eyes had stopped her from taking what she wanted.

And of course, Ginny had no idea how close she had been. Kara wanted her with a passion that surprised even her. Ginny’s body had been soft, yielding and responsive. Ginny’s body had begged to be touched and she probably didn’t even know it herself. Only the look in her eyes had stopped Kara.

And then she was angry. Angry that Ginny had been afraid. Angry for wanting her. Angry that Ginny had made her want her.

"Jesus. Is she straight or what?"

Yes. Of course she was. She had merely been curious. Experimenting, maybe. Sex wasn’t great with Phil, or so she had hinted. Maybe she was just trying to find out how it would feel if she kissed a woman.

Well, Kara didn’t want any part of it. She was too damn old to get mixed up in this kind of game. She didn’t need it. She needed to work. She would go out sketching, every morning and every evening, until she had enough ideas to put to canvas and she would get the hell out of here and go back to Seattle.

Where it was safe, she added.
