KARA STOOD LOOKING out over Puget Sound, unseeing, as the ferry took her to Seattle. A party. She didn’t feel like a party. She didn’t feel much like anything, but Marsha had talked her into it. A bunch of their old friends would be there, she had said.

"Big deal," Kara muttered. She glanced to the west, the sun still hanging on, dipping into the sea as it fought with the clouds that brought a slow drizzle. And the colors were magnificent. But she could find little joy in them this evening. She turned her face away and cupped her hands, flicking a flame to her cigarette.

She drove through the wet streets, thoughts of Ginny crowding her mind and she pushed them all away.

"Jesus, look at you," Marsha said, drawing Kara inside. "You look like shit."


"I mean it. When’s the last time you’ve eaten?"

Kara shrugged, slipping another cigarette between her lips. Marsha watched her, concern showing on her face. "I’ve never seen you this way, Kara. I’m worried about you."

"Please," Kara said and rolled her eyes. "I’m fine."

"Why don’t you call her?" Marsha asked gently.

Kara shook her head. "No." She took a deep drag off her cigarette. "I’m extremely happy being miserable."
