GINNY LAID IN BED for a long time, waiting on sleep to come. She draped one arm across her eyes, wanting to hide from the humiliation she felt. What Kara must think of her. She was a tease, she admitted. Nothing but a damn tease. But it wasn’t intentional, she thought. It wasn’t. She had simply lost control. In Kara’s presence, she seemed to do that a lot.

Had Kara’s mouth really been at her breast or had she imagined it? Yes, and her nipples hardened now at the thought of it. For a moment, she had simply lost herself in Kara’s touch. For a moment, she had just let go and let her feelings have full reign.

But she had come to her senses, thank God, and Kara had stopped when she asked her to. What was it that she wanted from Kara? What did she need from her?

"I want to make love with her," Ginny whispered. "I do. I want all of her."

She turned her head into the pillow, willing these feelings to go away. She didn’t want to want Kara. She didn’t want to have these feelings for a woman.

But she did. She couldn’t deny them any longer. It was driving her insane. Tomorrow, she would go to her. She would go to Kara and beg her to make love to her if she had to. Kara had wanted her tonight, Ginny knew that. She could feel that, see that in her eyes. Maybe Kara could give her the release that her body craved.
