… was I rolling along at a good clip, backward, on the road that was supposed to lead us to the highway? It was a large road, more reminiscent of an esplanade, and crisscrossed in all directions by vehicles bearing down at full speed …
There were four of us in a rented car, P., J., a strong tall Englishman we didn’t know, and me. The Englishman was driving. We were going to join the front, to go fight …
“No, that was in a Truffaut film …”
Near Auxerre, we reach the highway. We can see it in front of us, beyond a wide gate: it’s a wide, straight road that an uninterrupted tide of whirring cars is crossing from right to left.
For the moment, we’re in some sort of drugstore; we don’t have time to stop to eat. At most, I manage to steal a few bits of sugar.