THE ENVELOPE WAS THIN AND could only hold paper. It had an address on it...

Missy Featherton

219 Madison Street Apt 5E

NY, NY 10002

I didn’t think Adelora knew how hard she was chewing on the bottom of her lip as I carefully peeled the envelope open. The sight inside gave me chills. I looked back at Sgt. Bethany Powers. She was moving in on me with the baton.

“Get on the ground Farrow. Let us take a look at that.” Detective Anderson pulled his gun on me for the first time. I dropped to the ground staring up at a spiderweb of high voltage cables and the first royalty check I’d ever seen or held. It was made out to Missy Featherton for A Greater Truth.

“These cops have something against you?” Adelora lay next to me, anxious and twitching. Ignoring her, I chewed the envelope to pieces careful to keep the address engrained in my head. I started next on the paystub, but Sgt. Bethany Powers jammed the thick baton between my teeth before I got half of it down. Detective Anderson shoved his fingers in my mouth to pull out what was left.

“Got anything Anderson?”

“Only scraps. Fucking animal devoured it.” Detective Anderson nonchalantly palmed the address. Arms twisted behind me, cuffs clicked on my wrists.

“We’re bringing you in. Destruction of evidence.”

“Where is she Farrow? Spit it out and we’ll let you go.”

“Tell us and we’ll race you there.”

“We know you know. Don’t waste our time.”

The sun stayed in our faces. The air just kind of hung there. Adelora was breathing heavily. I could tell she was trying to calm herself down, but it backfired. I tried to grab her hand, but she pushed it away. This wasn’t a courtroom. Nobody even pretended there were rules out here. Then there was a long silence. The kind that could only be followed by brutal violence. Gun butts, boots, batons, and fists. The two detectives did what they had to do to get the truth. Years of practice and training. Sgt. Bethany Powers kicked Adelora so hard, her boot shot out into the open air. The black thigh high soared towards me. Maybe I could’ve ducked in time. Maybe I just had to know how the black leather felt against my skin.
