THE CORE OF a fully functioning tower maintains an isochronic/isotemporal barrier of approximately nine hundred nanoseconds. This temporal “dislocation” effectively provides the points of energy polarity which generate the raw power fed to the converter system …
The dislocation also provides a barrier against the operating impingement of the physical energy transfer/generation/entropy laws of the spatio-temporal coordinates of the systems hereafter described …
This impingement effect is illustrated by more than ten local years of observation. No tower in which the isochronic/ isotemporal barrier has failed [failure being defined as a barrier separation of less than 150 nanoseconds, with an error margin of three percent] has ever functioned again in the spatio-temporal coordinates in which this world is currently situated ….
Tower cores have been run continuously without shutdown for the operating life of a Mirror Ship. The longest known continuous operation documented prior to the spacetime shift translocating the colonizing/planoforming expedition … was eighty-seven elapsed standard Anglo-Rationalist years.
Given that a standard storage cell [model CD-3A] discharges power at the same amplitude as before the transspatio-temporal shift, but for more than quadruple the previous duration, and that power amplitude requirements/ discharges from various powered end-use equipment [i.e., electrocell carriers, motor/dynamos, laselectroburst rifles, antipersonnel electrolasers] varies by user, locale, and even spatio-temporal planetary locales, accurate determination of tower core life is unlikely.
Consequently, despite considerable depletion of technical personnel and transport equipment, in the interests of pragmatism and maintaining a viable colonial structure with the infrastructure necessary to adapt to the local parameters and paradigms, as described in Section IV, the remaining tower cores have been located in physical circumstances that would appear as most conducive to their continued and uninterrupted operation …
Maintenance can be accomplished on the secondary systems [see Section V], as well as the energy transfer and conversion systems, since these are located outside the core, and the power transfers are accomplished by field manipulations and impingements. Such maintenance should be held to an absolute minimum, however, since macular cellular degeneration has already been observed among personnel with high exposure within the operating confines of the basic system, in contravention of previously established principles and tolerances …
Maintenance Manual [Revised]
Cyad, 15 A.F.