OUTSIDE LORN’S INNER study, the first cold rain of fall splats on the ancient blued-glass panes, and chill radiates from the glass far, far older than Lorn-or than Majer Maran, who lounges in the single chair across the table desk from Lorn.

“You have had some time to consider the message in which I conveyed the sentiments of Commander Meylyd.” Maran’s blue eyes express concern. “Those are also the sentiments of the Majer-Commander in Cyad.”

Despite the headache engendered by the storm outside, Lorn returns the smile with one equally warm. “I appreciated that you made the effort to make matters clear. When one is spending most of his days patrolling the ward-wall and attempting to contain the Accursed Forest’s creatures and efforts with far too few lancers, one has a tendency to forget that there are other concerns.”

“You have indeed grasped the difficulties facing the Mirror Lancers and Commander Meylyd,” Maran says warmly. “He and the Majer-Commander must ensure that all lancer officers, especially captains who command patrol companies, carry out their duties in a way that is harmonious with the distinguished reputation of the Mirror Lancers, and that their enthusiasm for the accomplishment of their individual duties and the well-being of their lancers does not create a situation at variance with the higher goals of the Mirror Lancers. Youunderstand that, and it is indeed rewarding to work with such a perceptive officer.”

“I doubt that I am that perceptive,” Lorn demurs, “and for that I have welcomed your instructions and advice.”

“You have obviously considered in great depth my earlier suggestions, Captain,” Maran observes, “and I look forward to telling Commander Meylyd that there will be no more reports of creatures that have escaped from the Accursed Forest to plague and disturb the people of Cyad. In fact, I will be assuring him that you have gone to great lengths in using the traditional methods of patrolling to make sure of such.”

“Second Company will be employing all the truly traditional means at its disposal to carry out the instructions you have conveyed,” Lorn replies.

“The Commander will be most pleased.” Maran’s seemingly endless smile is replaced with an expression of mild concern. “There is one other matter.”

“Yes, ser?” Lorn responds in a tone of respect.

“We were all so disturbed to hear of the death of senior squad leader Olisenn. He was experienced and well-respected.” Maran touches the end of his short and trim mustache. “I suppose that an accidental death from a misaimed firelance was one of the few ways such an experienced lancer could have died.”

Lorn nods. “It’s always the things you don’t prepare for, I’ve discovered, Majer, that are the ones that are the most dangerous. That accident was something that none of us anticipated, and that could not have been foreseen. I have been reviewing approach plans to ensure that nothing of that sort will occur again in Second Company.”

“You make it sound as though one must be prepared for everything.” Maran laughs warmly and gently. “No lancer officer can prepare for everything. No matter how hard he works, there will always be surprises. That’s what makes life interesting.” The laugh is followed by the warm smile that Maran always bears. “Still, your efforts under slightly strenuous circumstances have revealed that your emphasis on preparednessmay indeed bear welcome fruit, and we look forward to your future reports.”

“Have you and Commander Meylyd had a chance to consider the replacement lancer request which accompanied my last reports?” Lorn smiles off-handedly. “I understand that you and the Commander have much to consider, but since you are here in Jakaafra …”

“Ah … yes.” Maran nods knowingly. “You will receive replacements at the turn of season, some three eightdays from now, as will all the ward-wall patrol companies. The Commander would wish that we could have fully reinforced Second Company, rather than only return you to three-quarter strength, but trained lancers are becoming more scarce. And you have been dealing with the Forest without … permanent … casualties for the last half season, excepting the unfortunate accident with senior squad leader Olisenn. But that was not a result of the actions of the Forest creatures.”

“We have been fortunate,” Lorn admits. “It would be best to be at full strength, but we understand all the many requirements that the Mirror Lancers and Commander Meylyd and you must address.” He raises his eyebrows. “The barbarians? Are their depredations …?”

“We are not informed of such, but I would surmise so.” Maran’s smile widens, and he stands. “I fear I have little else to add.”

“You have been most kind and helpful,” Lorn responds as he also stands.

“Oh … and Captain Lorn, I must tell you again that Commander Meylyd will be most pleased to learn of your success in containing the Accursed Forest with the traditional methods. He looks forward to your continuing success with such.” Maran’s smile and blue eyes remain warm.

“As do we,” Lorn replies, adding after a slight pause, “Will you be staying at Jakaafra tonight?”

“Alas, those higher duties call, and I will be returning to Westend with the Engineers’ firewagon, so that I may attend Commander Meylyd tomorrow.” Maran offers a last smile. “I do appreciate your concern for my comfort and welfare,and I would that you know I feel the same for yours.”

Lorn bows. “A fruitful journey, Majer.”

“It has been, Captain Lorn, most fruitful.” The majer returns the bow before he departs.
