Chapter 22

I'LL ADMIT, when I hung up the phone, my pulse was racing a little, but I felt relieved as well. I thought that Ron Burns would probably back me up on this, but you know what? I didn't even care.

An hour later I was dressed and ready to go be a tourist. “Who wants to have breakfast with Goofy?” I called out.

The hotel offered “character breakfasts,” and it seemed like a good way to channel our energies right back into vacation mode. A little corny for sure, but sometimes corny is good, real good, keeps everything in perspective.

Jannie and Damon came into the suite's living room, both of them looking a little wary I held out two fists, fingers up.

“Each of you pick a hand,” I said.

“Daddy, we're not babies anymore,” Jannie said. “I'm eleven. Have you noticed?” I put on a shocked expression. “You're not?” It brought out the kind of laughter I was looking for.

“This is serious business,” I told them. “I'm not kidding. Now, pick a hand. Please.”

“VThat is it?” Damon asked.

But I kept mute.

Jannie finally tapped my left hand, and then Damon shrugged and pointed to the right.

“Good choice.” I turned it over and unclenched my fingers. Both kids leaned in for a closer look.

“Your pager?” Damon asked.

“I just turned it off. Now Nana and I are going to wait out in the hail, and I want you two to hide it somewhere. Hide it good. I don't want to see that thing again, not until we're backinD.C.”

Both Jannie and Damon began to whistle and cheer. Even Nana let out a whoop. We were finally on vacation.
