At the end of the week, I was thoroughly settled down at school and certainly enjoyed it much better than at home, where the surroundings were dreary in the extreme for a boy, particularly when my father's coldness towards me was taken into consideration.

I looked forward with no pleasure to the long holidays which would ensue at the close of the term, and I sincerely hoped that Jimmy would not forget his promise to get Lord Reginald to extend an invitation to me to visit him, for I had little doubt that my parent would not refuse to let me visit him, as in general he was only too anxious to have me away from his sight.

The evenings after retiring to the dormitory were taken up as before, alternately with story telling and more exciting subjects, but I shall not weary the reader any further with a minute catalogue of our doings, and will only stop to give one or two instances which occur more particularly to me.

One night de Beaupre was more at a loss than usual to suggest a scheme for us to pursue. But his inventive mind finally rose to the occasion.

“Have you ever tried the baton de sucre?” he asked.

“No,” we replied, “what is that?”

“Wait a minute and I will show you,” he said. “You remember in that hamper I had sent to me the other day there was a pot of honey, and I brought it up here and put it in my box, so that we could tuck into it whenever we felt inclined. Well, thinking of that put the idea into my head.”

He fetched the pot and said, “Now Bob, you are the eldest, so we will start with you. Lay on the bed!”

Bob did as he was bidden and reclined with his head against a pillow, while sliding his nightshirt up above his thighs, revealing both his flat expanse of belly and his beautiful member. De Beaupre then took out some of the honey with a spoon and held it over Rutherford's groin area, slowly allowing it to drip in a long, golden strand onto the head of his cock. In brief moments Bob's cock was coated with sweet honey, and his excitement with this new game soon became obvious.

“There you are; that's the baton de sucre!” exclaimed Blackie. “Cecil told me how the Parisian coccottes do this sometimes; they are very fond of these sugar sticks. Charlie, you can have the honor of the first trial.”

I went forward, laughing at the quaint conceit; it was a peculiar sensation altogether and the novelty of the idea tickled my fancy greatly. I could not help feeling amused as I licked the sugary stuff from Bob's body, the warmth of which had imparted a strange and indescribable flavor to it.

The substance had slowly run down over the column of his member onto his balls, and I released his cock so as to bestow attention to these lower parts, stopping the flow with my tongue just as it got between his legs and in dangerous proximity to the sheet.

When I had served the situation thus, I returned to his cock, which I took in my mouth, and under my repeated lascivious motions, it rapidly increased its already dominant erectness.

My lips adhered to the glutinous skin and seemed to give me redoubled power of suction and I felt sure that I should soon bring forth an upward spout from the reservoir within.

De Beaupre was impatient, however, and presently said, “Haven't you made him come yet, Charlie? Here, hold up a minute. This will do it, I think.”

I lifted my head and held Bob's member upright while Blackie dropped a huge clot of honey right on the uncovered knob. I watched it grow a moment until it had settled in a smooth and even coat over the distended head, and then once more put my mouth to his prick, rolling my tongue over its surface.

The unmistakable aroma of a man's cock permeated my nose and had an effect on my senses like alcohol on the brain. I appeared to be drinking in the distilled essence of sensuality, so that I might be said to literally taste voluptuousness.

The effect upon Bob was equally keen, being attested by his actions, for he squirmed with pleasure under the ardor I was devoting to him, as I could not travel with my tongue in the usual ease over his member, the stickiness of the skin preventing me, so that I was forced to use more saliva in order to assist matters. I also set my hands to work on his balls and the base of his cock, which naturally aided operations.

The anticipated development ensued in good time, and with a rush, his sperm emptied itself into my ready mouth, a soupcon of the honey was mingled with it as it touched my palate, so that it was truly a love nectar that finally found its way down my throat.

Both Bob and I voted the baton de sucre a great success and a general trial of it was made all around. De Beaupre employed the method on Jimmy and afterwards the latter devoted himself to making the experiment on me, while Blackie reserved himself to the last for Bob's benefit.

In Jimmy's case and in mine, a liberal application of honey was needed before we were taken up into the regions of joy.

It had a remarkable effect in increasing one's sensations as I was well able to testify, and we were unanimously of the opinion that the whole proceedings added yet another bay to de Beaupre's crown.
