The end of school was approaching with quick steps, and as I heard all around me speaking with joyful anticipation of how they would spend their holiday weeks, a spirit of gloom, which I could not shake off, would settle on me.
Jimmy had written to Lord Harry Marmot, as he said he would do, but only to learn that his uncle was away in the East and would not return for some months. This disappointment was a severe one to me as I had settled my hopes on this visit, which Jimmy had painted in forecast in such glowing colors, and now I saw nothing before me but a wretched vegetation of some seven or eight weeks at home, which would be all the more repelling in its somber dullness, after my taste of the living found of life at school.
Rutherford, de Beaupre, Jimmy and all were in a better state than I was, and the more I strove to overcome my despondency, the greater it become.
Though I tried to conceal my feelings, the dimmed brightness of my temperament could not but be apparent and my companions did their best to console me. Bob extracted a confession from me, of course, about the cause, and undertook to try and get me invited to his house, but he was not going home for the first part of his vacation as his family was in Scotland, so even in this direction I could not look for immediate relief.
At last the fatal day came when I had to bid goodbye to my comrades, and I do not mind confessing that my eyes were rather watery as I found myself alone in the railway carriage on my way home.
The word had no affectionate associations for me, and called up no pleasurable feelings, as I reflected upon it. There would be no smiles to welcome me, and I might have been going into a weary exile rather than to my father's house, for all the joy I experienced at the prospect.
A servant awaited me at the station, but his was a new face and I only recognized him by his livery, so that even my first impression was not calculated to dispel in any way the dismal forebodings of my mind.
As I expected, my father's manner towards me displayed no change. Beyond a few curt words, he never spoke to me, and after the dinner hour, he retired to his library and left me to myself.
The housekeeper, Mrs. Dennison, however was more kind, and made me tell her of my doings since I was away. I spent the remainder of the evening in her sitting room, glad of someone to talk to, and she told me that Mr. Percival had written a letter to my father praising me very highly and stating how pleased he was in every way with my progress.
Mrs. Dennison was, of course, perfectly well aware of how my father regarded me, but she had far too much tact to touch upon this subject. She only wished to make things more comfortable for me, as far as she was able, and I shall ere remember her gratefully for this.
The first few days of the vacation passed in abject misery, but then my natural buoyancy of character began to assert itself, and I took more interest in my surroundings, visiting all the well known haunts of my childish days, swimming and rowing on the lake, or going for long rides.
It is due to my father's memory to say that he imposed no restrictions on me, and allowed all my wants to be provided for, although he held aloof altogether from my society.
The smart little bay cob, Crusoe, which Jenkins, the head coachman, had got leave to get for me twelve months before, was still in the stable looking sleek and well groomed, and I passed many hours on his back, cantering over the level grasslands of the park, or trotting down the leafy lanes accompanied by Saunders, my special favorite among the grooms.
I was very popular with the servants, the whole of whom inwardly sympathized with me, and blamed my father greatly for his unnatural disposition toward me.
I received several letters from Rutherford and though I was glad to hear from him and to know that he was enjoying himself so much at the place in Perthshire where they were said to be staying, the perusal only made me feel the more dissatisfied with my own lot.
The Duke and de Beaupre also wrote to me in the friendliest way possible, and I warmed to them more than ever for their kind remembrance, but all the time I was unhappy in my desolateness, and the days dragged on with leaden feet.
I think I should have sunk into the worst state of utter dejection but for one or two incidents which served to enliven me a little, and afforded food for interest.
One day as I was rambling aimlessly about the house, seeking something to occupy myself with, I turned my steps towards the domestics' quarters, which was the only part of the place where any signs of life were apparent. As I neared the servant's hall, I heard the sound of a scuffle followed by laughter.
Curious to know what was taking place, I walked noiselessly to the door, which was ajar, and through the crack on the hinge side, I could see plainly into the interior. The sight which met my eyes was one which I had scarcely looked for, but it was sufficiently interesting to make me remain, watching it.
Two of the housemaids had got hold of Joe, the boy who helped doing the light work below stairs. As I looked in on the group, I saw the two maids pick up Joe and lay him on the long table in the middle of the room. He struggled to get away, but they were too strong for him, and held him down in spite of his resistance. With a great deal of giggling, they opened his breeches and laid bare his cock.
Walter, the under-footman, was also present, looking on with much amusement. He laughed as the maids unbuttoned Joe's trousers, and telling them to wait a moment, he went to a shelf and fetched a pot of blacking. Dipping a little brush in this, he swabbed it all over Joe's member, while the two girls shrieked with merriment as they kept him fast during the time that this was being done.
They released him the next minute and he sat up and regarded his soiled cock with a rueful face, casting reproving looks at his late assailants, who only replied with broad grins.
I did not wait to see any more, but the following day I saw Joe as he was walking down the Elm Avenue which led to the lodge gates, and I smilingly told him what I had seen.
He colored up and seemed to be nervous, and soon he got communicative.
“Those girls, Nellie and Alice, are always up to something,” he said, “but I believe Alice is the worst. They won't let me alone and are always at some game. They do it all the time, as they are too fond of it, but I hate being pulled about by a lot of girls.
It's nothing to have your cock taken out. I couldn't count all the times that I have had it done to me. The boys at Warburton used to think nothing of it. When we were playing in the fields, someone would say 'lets cock him' and they would drag you down and have it out before you could do anything. Lots of times when I was going home, chaps pulled down and 'cocked' and sometimes by girls, for they are just as bad as the boys.
“There was a little path between two big walls, and we used to call this 'cocking lane' because it was a place for it. When we came out of school, two or three big chaps used to wait for us. They would take us one by one and pull out our cocks and spit on them. But later on we used to take another way to avoid them.
“Alice comes from Warburton, and one night I was coming down this lane and came across her talking to two chaps. She was a saucy girl and she caught me and said something as I went by. I pulled myself away and began to run. She shouted to the fellows with her to catch me, and they came after me and brought me back.
“'Lets pull his breeches down,' she said.
“'There you are, Alice,' one of them said, 'he is safe enough now. We'll see that he doesn't kick.'
“With that, the hussy clapped her hands, laughing, and took my trousers right down, unbuttoning my jacket as well.
“She was not satisfied with this, so she got the chaps to dip me into a pool of muddy water with my bottom, and while they did that, she put her hand in and splashed it all over my cock and belly.
“She hasn't forgotten about this. When I came up to the Manor House, she told the other people about it. I was in the scullery once, helping her to wipe some dishes. Walter was there and she was telling him all about it. I wonder if he's got the marks still?' she said.
“'Shall we look?' asked Walter.
“'Yes, we will,' she cried, and they got hold of me and let down my breeches. He held me while she looked at me and pulled out my cock with her wet hands.
“Walter is rather fond of her. I caught them one day in the pantry. He had his arm around her and was trying to get his hand under her clothes. I gave a shout to frighten them and then slipped off into the servants' hall. When I saw Walter, he shook his fist at me and swore he would pay me back. In the afternoon I went over to the stable and found Walter there.
“As soon as he saw me, he remembered the affair of the morning and made a dart for me. I ran up towards the stairs, but before I could reach them, I was caught by one of the grooms, who asked Walter if he wanted to get me.
“Walter told the other what I had done, making a lot out of it, so as to get them to side with him. They undressed me and tied me up to a beam. Then Walter got a bucket of flour and water and pasted me all over with a big brush.
“While the stuff was wet, they threw a lot of chaff and chopped straw over me, and this stuck to my skin, and I dare say make me look funny. They let me wash myself, but I can tell you, I did not feel comfortable for a few days afterwards.”
Joe's information served to excite my interest.
I looked him over thinking perhaps he would help divert me in my bored state. Upon inspection, he did not prove ill-looking at all. In fact, he was rather darkly handsome, reminding me a bit of Gaston de Beaupre whom I missed very dearly. He had broader shoulders than Gaston, and longer hair, as the peasants in these parts wear it, but it was every bit as silky and black as Gaston's. He had strong workman's legs and narrow hips. I could tell by his stories of trouble that he was as yet quite innocent of the pleasures of the flesh. I was tired of wanking off each night, and upon regarding him as pleasing, I hatched a mischievous plan. “Joe, have you ever had your cock pulled on?” I asked innocently.
“Only by Walter and Alice, and they hurt it!” he cried.
“Pull it out and I will show you a way in which it can be yanked without hurting. In fact, it will afford you a great deal of pleasure if you let me show you.”
“Oh! No sir!” he exclaimed and pulled away from me.
I decided to be patient with him, and I said smoothly, “Well then, come here and have a yank on mine. Your stories of 'cock lane' have given me a regular cockstand.” And with that, I reached out and grabbed his hand, bringing it to my crotch. He instinctively obeyed me and gave it a squeeze or two. Judging by the deftness of his touch, I'd say that he'd had plenty of wanks on his own. But then he reddened in the face and turned and ran.
That night I had lascivious dreams of Joe's dark flesh mingling with my own. I dreamed that I forced my cock into his virgin asshole, and though he cried out, he writhed with pleasure underneath my stabbing thrusts with my cock. I woke determined to have him, as I found that I had actually come in my sleep, so great was the pleasure of merely dreaming of fucking him.
I was returning from a ride that afternoon and Joe approached me as if to help me dismount as I arrived in the stable.
“Hullo Joe!” I greeted him.
“Let me help you, sir,” murmured Joe as he reached up toward me.
I nodded and allowed him to unseat me, taking note at the way he handled my posterior as I jumped down from the horse, “Thank you, Joe.”
“You're most welcome, sir,” said Joe, and he added, “You have grown a bit since you have come back home, I've noticed. It wears well on you if I may say so.”
“If you mean I've become fat and lazy since I've been here, you're right indeed, Joe,” I grinned. “Perhaps you will help to put me into better form. I'd bet I should learn a lot from a man as hard and strapping as you.”
He just looked down at the ground shyly. Upon glimpsing his handsome face and compact and well muscled body, I felt my cock stir, immediately fuelled by the images from my nights' dreaming.
“Come closer Joe. I can hardly see you.” Joe approached and when he looked up from the ground, I could see a sly grin had come across his full lips.
“Let us compare ourselves,” I went on, drawing upon an idea that would have made de Beaupre proud, “that I might become inspired to maintain my slipping shape.”
Joe held up his arm and bent it at the elbow for me to feel the width and firmness of his biceps through his shirtsleeve. The sensation was that of touching and squeezing smooth stone layered over with the softest of cotton fabrics. I tested his other arm and shoulder to equal satisfaction. “Now give my own poor arms a squeeze, though I am afraid they hold a dim light to your own.”
“Oh, Sir Powerscourt,” said Joe as he drew his hands down upon my shoulders and over the upper part of my arms. “You do yourself a disservice with your modesty. Why, a few days of hard work here about the farm – and away from your father's line of sight – and your great limbs shall be easily bigger and harder than my own.”
“Do you really think so?” I said as I moved my hands to the button at the collar of his shirt. “But what of this superb breast of yours? Take down your suspenders while I open your shirt to make my point. You breast is a tailor's dream, that's for certain. Do you see how wide and firm it is this way, and how well-defined these pectorals are? It is small wonder the girls at the manor throw you upon tables and strip your bare!”
“Oh sir! You flatter me so,” said Joe as he blushed, bare-chested, and then swallowed my bait. “But let us see your own body beneath that riding jacket. I would bet it is just as handsome as you say is my own, if not more so.”
This young man who had so recently haunted my nights' dreams was now cheerfully setting to work undoing the buttons of my shirt, even as I pulled my riding jacket away and tossed it to the side. Tugging the tails from my pants and spreading the clean fabric away to reveal my corpus to his critical eye, he paused there gazing at me, unknowingly sending electrical thrills into my loins.
“Hmm, you may have softened a bit after all, Master Charles,” said Joe as he slid his hands from the tight and firm expanse of my chest down to the plump flesh which had freshly accumulated 'round my waist and over the muscles of my belly. “We shall take care of that, and in no time at all, I promise.
“But I see,” he added with a whisper, “that some parts of you shall remain hard in even the most trying of times.”
He came very close, and reached down between my thighs and gave my cock a strong squeeze through the fabric of my pants.
“Joe!” I laughed huskily, “Your state of mind has changed considerably from yesterday. What has come over you?” I asked as he continued to grope around my breeches and was reaching inside for my throbbing prick.
“Well, sir,” he replied bashfully, “I just thought that perhaps you were going to trick me like the others. Like Walter and Alice.”
“Oh no, Joe,” I said, pulling him up closer. “I just wanted to have some fun.” And with that I reached down between his thighs to find that his cock was erect as well, and to my pleasure I discovered that he was very liberally endowed.
I let him kneel in front of me, as he seemed to desire to do so, and take out my cock. He fell to looking it over quite curiously, all the while stroking it.
“Let me have a look at yours, Joe. I should like to see it!”
He did not display any objection, but immediately took his cock out and exhibited it to me without reserve. I took hold of his long cock and hungrily began to stroke it, bringing it almost immediately to a stand.
“What will that do?” he asked. He was evidently not used to this operation, curious for a man who was clearly well into the prime of his young adulthood. It would be an added pleasure in store for me by seeing the delighted surprise he would be certain to evince presently.
“Perhaps we can begin our drills now, what say, Joe?” I said, and making him sit down on the turf, I squatted by his side and set about the task I had undertaken.
Pulling the last of his clothing from him, I kissed his teats and his neck, and rubbed my member against his thighs and the flat ridges of muscle at his belly. He experienced a new species of joy altogether as I went on, and expressed himself to that effect more than once. As the end became impending, he was carried away entirely and his eyes sparkled as he caught my hand.
“Stop, sir, stop! What have you done? I can't tell you what I feel like.”
“Oh no!” I smiled, coming closer to him still. “I shan't let you go until I make you come.”
“Ohhhh!” he moaned in a gravelly voice, and relaxed a little, falling backwards. Soon I was leaning over his reclining body as I continued to stroke and rub his throbbing cock. I placed my knees on either side of his hips, and he opened his eyes wide in surprise.
“What are you doing, sir?” he asked with some little dismay.
“I am going to give you unbounded pleasures, Joe,” I replied. I continued to soothe him by still ministering affectionate tugs on his cock and giving his balls a tight little squeeze now and again. I managed to pull my hand away for a moment and quickly lubricated my fingers with some saliva from my mouth. I resumed lightly teasing him, for I did not want him to spend before I had entered his anus with my prick, which needless to add, was raging with blood and desire.
I slyly tickled Joe's asshole with my moist fingers, and he moaned and wriggled down, plunging himself onto my questing touches. I soon replaced my finger with the tip of my cock, and as I leaned forward over him I whispered just as I had in my dream, “I am going to fuck you, Joe.”
“Yes. Yes sir. Anything,” he replied, half delirious with new found pleasure as he writhed like a serpent underneath me.
I readied myself for entry, and with one great shove, I thrust my member into his virgin orifice. I felt a great surge of ecstasy throughout my body as his sphincter muscles tightened around my cock, and he cried out in a yell that was his pleasure mixed with the initial pain of entry. I began to pump furiously, abandoning all discretion, and Joe moved in perfect tandem with my body, rising to meet each push with a groan of pleasure. Suddenly he yelled out and shot a great load of spunk up between our bellies. I soon was following him in his orgasm, and as I shot my load up his asshole, I fell forward and was forced to bite him on the shoulder from fear of screaming in bliss and alarming anyone that might be nearby.
“Oh sir!” said Joe sleepily, “I have never known such… such…” He did not know the words to name his satisfied pleasure. I just smiled and we lay quietly in one another's arms for a time. When I went to withdraw my dagger from its warm sheath, he winced and pulled me closer, placing a salacious kiss right on my lips!
We promised to meet again in this way and enjoy one another's company, though I am sorry to say that this never came to pass. Joe and I did work together at a vigorous regimen, and before too long, I was as lean and strong as I had ever been.