I slept soundly and did not awaken till the following morning, but when I did so, it was to find that Lord Harry held one of my hands fondly in his, while with his remaining one he played with my cock.
As soon as he saw me open my eyes, he gave me an affectionate morning greeting and asked if I had slept well. I replied that I had, very well indeed.
With the new day, I began to feel a warm friendship for my host, and the experiences of the preceding night softened themselves in my recollection so that I upbraided myself in thought, that I should ever have been nervous or frightened. There had been no occasion for it, as Lord Harry had uniformly exhibited the greatest kindness towards me, while when I came to review the whole circumstances calmly, I saw that I need not have felt surprise, considering that Rutherford and the Duke had told me about their relative and the hints they had let fall concerning him.
Shortly after I awakened, the room door opened and two good looking Japanese boys clad in richly embroidered kimonos, entered, bearing on silver trays a morning repast of rosy rolls and cakes and warm milk.
After this, my host took me to the bathroom, which was a large apartment furnished and decorated with considerable luxury. Here we found the two Japanese lads, also an English chap, very handsome, with clear blue eyes and curling hair of purest gold.
Lord Harry told me that the young man had been with him since his parents died. His name was Jack.
I was waiting for them to leave the room, so that I might bathe, but apparently they were in no hurry to go. Then it occurred to me that my host was about to ask me to bare myself before them all. The idea was not altogether pleasing and the red entered my cheeks again.
I turned a last look at the three boys and then glanced at my host, but he averted his eyes and directed his gaze at the trio, who as if understanding the unspoken command, threw off their robes. The two Japanese boys advanced to me, unfastened my dressing gown and drew it off. I neither offered resistance nor made protest, only experiencing a degree of injured modesty at being thus exposed before them.
Jack fetched a large pot of soap, a dish of hot water and a big brush, like an overgrown shaving brush, and went on to cover my body with thick layers of soapy lather, which Ko San and Takura rubbed in with their hands.
I felt some humiliation at being manipulated in this way, for Takura and Ko San held no part of my body sacred from their touch. They continued to pull about my legs and arms in all ways to suit their convenience, while Jack seemed to take an impish delight in paying attention with his soap brush to my belly and buttocks, thrusting his instrument right into the furrow of my bottom, lifting my cock while he lathered my balls, and generally acting in an abandoned way, laughing gleefully all the while, but I could not help finally entering into the spirit of the thing, and joining in the mirth myself.
When I had been thoroughly washed and dried, Lord Harry, who had in the meantime performed his own ablutions, brought me a superb kimono of embroidered Japanese silk lined with fur, and slippers edged with fur were placed on my feet.
My host begged me to accompany him to the Hall. I rose to do so, but was rather startled to find that my robe had no fastenings. Apparently I was not to be allowed even to hide my nakedness.
When we reached the Hall, we sat down till the servants came to announce that the mid-day meal was ready. This was plentiful and of excellent character, and each course served up to me consisted of numerous platters piled high with dripping meats, juicy poultry, tasty breads and rich sauces. I ate heartily, watching with glee as the butlers unveiled and served each helping, while the young men also waited in attendance.
When I felt I was well-stuffed and could not eat another bite, I declined the third helping of pheasant I was offered with a stifled hiccough.
“What is the matter, Master Charles?” said Lord Harry as he looked up from his meal. “Does the food I have prepared for your enjoyment not agree with you?”
“Oh no, my Lord,” I cried, rubbing my belly for emphasis. “It's just that I have eaten more than my fill and simply cannot indulge myself a single morsel more.”
“Nonsense, Charles,” chastised Lord Harry. “You are a growing young man, are you not? I order you to finish your luncheon and do so with haste, or you shall be the victim of my displeasure.”
“Yes Sir,” I said, only slightly alarmed. The twinkle in Lord Harry's eye bespoke his good humor in this game, and sparked me to wonder what his punishment could be if brought to bear.
Having gorged myself upon the fowl, I leaned back upon my chair, but then released an audible moan when the smiling butler placed a heaping plate of bread pudding before me in the former platter's stead.
“Oh, please, Lord Harry!” I cried. “Have mercy. I could not possibly eat this pudding, though I am certain it's delicious. Why, I am so full that if I eat one thing more, I should positively burst!”
“Peter!” Lord Harry interrupted sharply, “see to it that Master Charles finishes his pudding, for if he does not, then he shall receive a spanking before all in attendance because he did not finish his meal.”
The tall black South African stepped up to the table, took my spoon and shoveled a small portion of the pudding toward my lips. I kept them shut and upturned slightly at the edges, placing an air of mischief into my demeanor. I saw Lord Harry's game, or so I thought. If he wished to see a spanking take place, then he would get one – though an edge of fear did creep into the back of my mind, as I had not received one of these among so many strangers.
“I see that my guest defies me,” said Lord Harry. “Very well, then, so be it. You may proceed, Peter.”
Before I could utter another word, my stuffed and overfed body was turned bottom side up and my robe was pulled harshly to one side, revealing my firm, nude buttocks to prying eyes all 'round me. I was then draped over Peter's great thighs and made to be prone in one swift motion. My hands were bound with rope at the wrists behind me, and this frightened me, but I soon forgot I was tied when Peter's large and sturdy hand came down with a sharp slap to my rump, and this was the first of many.
Lord Harry looked on, grinning widely as I succumbed to Peter's repeated stinging slaps to my blushing buttocks. Though the spanking smarted badly and heated my behind a great deal, I also felt my cock stir and flare as it rubbed against Peter's hard thighs and seemed to absorb the exquisite fire being laid into my rear. The great black man seemed to know the effect his spanking had upon me intuitively, and yet he continued to heighten his attack. Fairly soon, tears were running down my cheeks and I was forced to cry for mercy. “Please, Peter; please Lord Harry, I give in! I shall eat all my pudding if you cease this punishment.”
Peter let me up at Lord Harry's bidding, but did not untie my wrists from behind me. Instead, he spoon fed me the last of the pudding, taking care to dry my cheeks and make certain not a crumb was dropped.
Afterwards, when the utensils had been taken away, but before the cloth was removed, Lord Harry said, “We must have a final course of sweet,” and he directed Peter to take off my robe. When he had done so, I was laid at full length upon the table, my legs slightly raised, my knees bent as far apart as possible. My host then told me to remain in this position, and with a spoon, he smeared my cock and balls and the adjacent parts of my thighs and belly with a plentiful coating of a rich, thick Oriental conserve. This he applied himself to lick off, with the greatest relish, not stopping till he had cleared away every particle with his tongue, and indeed, keeping on after all had gone.
Not content even then, he uncovered the head of my member and put another large spoonful on this and all around the sides, under the knob, also licking this off. And when this was over and I expected at last to be released, more of the conserve was smeared along my sides and upon my breast and belly and cock, and each of the three young men present took a turn in licking and nibbling it off. As they descended upon my hard cock and my swollen, aching body, there upon the oaken table, my reeling mind brought me back to that evening with Cecil, Lord Henry and Gaston de Beaupre, when all those men surrounded and all but devoured that beautiful golden boy. Now it was my turn, I mused, even as I was brought to a glorious spend and sent hot sperm shooting across the tablecloth and into the preserve still left upon my thighs.
Only after this was I untied and allowed to resume my robe, and as I did so, I said, “I have known of that before. It is called baton de sucre, is it not?”
Lord Harry smiled and replied, “That is certainly a very appropriate name, though I do not happen to remember hearing it before. How did you get acquainted with this?”
I told him and he listened with much interest, saying that he should get me to relate more of my adventures to him.
He gave me a volume from a bookshelf and I seated myself in an easy chair by the fire, while he sat down by a desk and began to write.
Jack placed himself on a cushion at my feet and, throwing my gown wide open, commenced to play with my cock and balls. I softly thrust him away and pulled the edges of my robe together, but Lord Harry was observant and, shaking his finger at me, told me to occupy myself with my book and let Jack do as he liked. The boy handled my prick as he listened, pulling and bending my cock this way and that, covering and uncovering the head, tickling my balls and stroking and caressing my thighs, belly and bottom.
Lord Harry wrote for a long time, then rising, he took a chair on the opposite of the hearth from me. Calling Jack to him, he made him kneel on a hassock in front of his chair and presented his cock to him to suck, which Jack did with great gusto.
When the moment came for him to discharge, he held Jack's head between his legs and his hands and told him not to swallow the liquid but to keep it in his mouth.
Jack did so, and Lord Harry brought him over to me, ordered me to hold my head back and open my mouth. He then directed Jack to give me a kiss. This the boy did, and putting his mouth against mine, let Lord Harry's sperm mingled with his own saliva, roll down my throat, assisting the operation with his tongue, and gluing his lips to mine, so that not a drop might escape.
“There,” said my host with a laugh, “that is equal distribution of pleasure, is it not? It reminds one of the old proverb about killing two birds with one stone.”
As the days went on, my enjoyment increased. I shall not further particularize my doings. Lord Harry proved a great entertainer and his brilliant and discoursive conversation was always full of interest, while he gave me, as promised, a selection of highly pleasing and instructive books to read.
Soon after Christmas my friends arrived, all in excellent spirits, and eager to avail themselves of the delights of Lord Harry's entertainments and hospitality.
Each knew our host well and therefore no pretence was made, but all were well content to take things as they found them. He would not let the Duke call him Uncle, but insisted on us all addressing him by his Christian name, saying that it put us all on more friendly terms.
“It is not a nice day today,” he said on the afternoon following their arrival. “We will go to the turret room.”
We had only our dressing gowns on. We lay down and our host asked us to take these garments off, so that he might enjoy the sight of our nude bodies.
Presently he called Jack and said something to him. The boy left the room, but soon afterwards returned with the two black men and the Japanese boys. Lord Harry spoke to the butlers and they took off their tunics. Peter lay on the ground and Ko San worked at his member till it was erect. Takura did the same to Paul. Paul squatted down over Peter, bringing his buttocks over the latter's thighs, then Ko San guided Peter's stiffened weapon into the aperture of Paul's asshole, first well moistening both this and Peter's organ with saliva.
Paul now proceeded to rise and fall like a man on horseback, causing Peter's cock to work in and out of his anus, while Takura continued to rub Paul's member up and down and Ko San tickled Peter's balls and chafed his thighs smartly.
The end was not long in arriving. First of all Paul shot out strong jets of sperm on Peter's neck and face and chest, and soon after, Peter made a sign that he was about to come, and when Paul felt the liquid injected into him, he rose up leaving Peter's cock gleaming with the other's emission.
The parts which they had taken had greatly excited Ko San and Takura and each began to pluck at his stiff cock as if it irritated him, seeing which, Jack ran forward. They fell upon him and knelt down, Takura in front and Ko San at his back. Takura began sucking and licking Jack's cock and balls, while Ko San caressed his buttocks with his lips and tongue.
When they tired of this, they rose to their feet and Ko San made Jack kneel over while he inserted his cock in Jack's asshole, then Jack stood up again. Takura put his cock between Jack's thighs, just under his testicles and made him close his legs together as tight as he could.
All three panted and grew hot as their passions increased, and at last Ko San stopped his motions, while Jack called out to us that he felt a moist warmth in his bottom, and we knew that his rear assailant had come inside him. Quickly afterwards, Takura gave one or two hard pushes and then ceased, the hot essence he gave forth trickling down Jack's legs.
They disengaged and Takura knelt and licked off the liquid from Jack's limbs, Ko San followed his example behind; Jack stooped and opened his legs so as to give him better play.
Our host, who watched all, turned to me with a smile and made me lay on my face on the dais with my knees drawn up so as to place my bottom in the most convenient posture obtainable, and he then called Jack, who rushed towards me.
First kissing and licking my buttocks, and lubricating well my hole with saliva, he pushed his cock in. After a short time I began to feel a sensuous emotion as Jack worked his member in and out of the tight passage, and this was aided by Jack fingering my testicles and cock, which rapidly expanded and grew harder.
At length he gave a final plunge forward, forcing his cock to its fullest extent into me, and the boy collapsed on my back, while I felt his hot weapon jump and throb inside of me and became conscious of a sudden hot sensation in my anus.
Presently he got off and, lying down, motioned me to take his cock in my mouth. I at first repelled the idea, but he laughed and urged me. So, in the next moment, I closed my lips on his member.
After a bout of this, Jack got up and started to suck my cock, while Ko San and Takura began to caress the rest of my body. As I felt the ecstasy approach, my belly heaving and contracting, I gasped with exquisite joy, and a mist grew before my eyes.
Meanwhile, my cock was against his teeth and discharging quite a copious flow of fluid into his mouth. When he had taken every drop, he quickly raised himself and, putting his mouth against mine, which was open, he let me have my own essence, and it ran down my throat.
In the passion of the moment, I swallowed it greedily, appreciating the odor and taste, and I licked his lips and thrust my tongue into his mouth in an anxious attempt to obtain more.
Jack and I continued our mutual kissing and tonguing, caressing each other with our hands. Then he lifted his head from me, and inserted his cock between my lips.
I sucked it with avidity and found much pleasure in this, till, to my surprise, some hot fluid exuded into my mouth. I did not refrain from sucking nevertheless, and soon he, with a little laugh, let some more of his warm juice escape from his cock, but still I did not turn away. A little while before, I never should have done such a thing as I was doing, but now I appeared to enjoy the sensation, as Jack at short intervals, squirted little jets of quantity into my mouth and I sailed at the caprice of lubricity which prompted him, as the hot liquid splashed over my tongue and against my palate.
While this had been going on, I had been so engrossed in my own affairs that I had not troubled to observed the doings of the rest of the company. But I now saw that they were all amusing themselves in some way or other.
Bob had procured the ministrations of Ko San, while Takura lent his services to Jimmy. Lord Harry had devoted himself to de Beaupre and had him across his lap, so that he had every opportunity to indulge in a luxury of hand play, and Blackie, in return, held his cock and was rubbing it softly.
Being now unemployed, I could lie at my leisure and watch the lot of them. The sight was so exhilarating that I could feel the deeply pleasurable emotions which all gave me the fullest evidence of experiencing. The scene was over too soon for me, but before very long, Rutherford and the Duke gave way under the young Japanese lads' caresses.
De Beaupre had been kept artfully in suspense by our host, but at last, he too, succumbed, after which Lord Harry, who had held himself back by making Blackie stop his caresses whenever they promised to be too seductive, let himself go and in a few seconds discharged his sperm vigorously, causing Gaston to hold his wanton member straight upwards so that the emission leaped high into the air and fell back in white pools partly on him and on de Beaupre.
We then settled ourselves down quietly and resumed conversation.
“You have a pretty good time at school,” said Lord Harry. “You enjoy yourselves well, from what I hear. You are very lucky to be so well placed. Of course, there is generally a scope for pleasure at schools, but they do not always offer such good opportunities as you find, nor are there undoubtedly a lot of jolly fellows usually gathered together.
“Very often there are two or three prigs present who spoil a good lot of fun. I used to get on all right myself, I thought; but I must confess that I was far behind you. You see, I was at Eton, which makes a difference. There is a certain amount of disadvantage in one of the very large public schools, on account of the different classes of boys there.
“But all boarding schools and colleges are very much alike, and always have been. There is ever the chance for enjoyment if one looks for it.”
He went on to tell us a number of highly spiced anecdotes and as I listened to them, my emotions began to rise again. Jack saw this and sat himself down to play with my cock, which commenced to enlarge itself and turn up its nose until it was erect, when he amused himself by pulling it down and letting it rebound with a thump against my abdomen.
At length, Lord Harry, noting my distress, which was even greater than that displayed by my friends, gave some rapid instructions to the butlers, who came and lay on the divan. Peter placed himself behind me and forced his cock between my legs. Paul lay in front, taking my cock between his thighs, his own stiff weapon being squeezed between our two bellies.
The two black men then began to work vigorously, almost smothering me with their lustful embraces as they pressed against me, making me gasp for breath under the hold of their strong arms. As they labored on, a smile came over Paul's dark visage. Soon Peter discharged, drowning my thighs with his hot emission, while almost right after, I felt a torrent of warm sperm from Paul's member gush over my belly.
“That was what is called in sporting phraseology 'a double event,' Charlie,” said Lord Harry when he had finished, looking at me with a smile into which a considerable amount of fondness entered, for he appeared to have developed a strong regard for me since our acquaintance.
“It might have been a treble event if Charlie had come too,” said Jimmy with a saucy laugh, in which all had to join.
Jimmy was quite right when he said that I had not come that time, which was hardly to be expected, as I had come so not long before; and though matters went on in a very lively and agreeable way for the remainder of the afternoon, none of us seriously attempted to bring on a climax again, Lord Harry being in no way an advocate of too great excess…