Ken Bruen Merrick



………….I’M A MAN………………

I kill children

Whoa…..hold the phones there pal

Don’t get your knickers in a twist and start rounding up the lynch mob

I love kids, I mean, I really do

Boys, between five and six……ah, bliss

You think they don’t love me back

Oh they do

That whimpering they make after, that’s like………purring

Had one cherub, after a particular strenuous workout, he licked my hand


Society is all bent out of freaking shape

They hunt us down, treat us like animals and why, because they cant make that

transcendence, that leap to pure love

And back up compadre, before you start trotting out clichés, an abused child, I object to

the term abused by the way but to stay in your narrow frame of reference, the gospel

is……… abused child becomes an abuser


Kiss my middle aged spreading ass

It doesn’t happen


Fucks sake, focus, pay attention, you might learn something

Mine and yes, once I have them, they are my property, they wont become abusers

I guarantee it

You smirk

They don’t………..

Because I kill them

Every gorgons angelic one of them

How many now

Come on………….you’re counting

Count on this

I’m coming for your little darling


After I’ve imitated them into man love, what on earth can top that so I save them the

search, let them go out…………..on a high

A celestial choir of them, beaming down on me

The disfigurement, bothers you……….yeah?

Call it window dressing

Keep the cops busy

Let them think there’s a psycho out there

Me, I’m the sanest guy you’ll ever meet

That is the scary bit

Get over it

Whoops, gotta hustle, I hear my latest acquisition in the basement, pleading his little

heart out, he wants it, and he sure is going to get it

……………………diary page from The child/man love annals
