Merrick and I were chewing down on some Hot Dogs, washed down with Bud, after The
Jets had yet again been handed their ass.
That expression made me smile and Merrick, snapped
‘Us losing, that amuses you?’
Phew, he had an edge. You never knew when it might show. I said
‘Jesus, take a fooking breath, I’m not your enemy, I was tickled by the expression.’
He reined it in, then let out a tight breath, said
‘Sorry buddy, I’m wound tight as a freaking Sunday Rabbi.’
Like I was supposed to know what fook that meant?
Went with
‘Anything I can help with?’
He took a sharp bite out of the dog, looked at it, said
‘Jesus, the fuck I’m eating.’
Slung it in a perfect arc into a litter bin. He washed it down with the Bud, reached in the
cooler, pulled out two, twisted the caps, handed one over, said
We’d been hanging out for almost two months now, cementing a solid friendship with
sports, music, the brews. We shared a bond in that neither of us were, exactly team
players, we didn’t need a chorus of disapproval to know who we were. An unlikely
friendship in just about every way but it seemed to be cooking. The case, the one he’d
originally mentioned had never been mooted since.
Being Irish, one thing you know, bad shite isn’t going away, you just have to wait and
sure as Mass, it will come slithering down the path.
It was about to.
He drained the brew, the guy could drink for Ireland and he asked
‘Remember the case I mentioned, the child stuff?’
Like you could forget such a blasphemy, I said
He took another kid.’
Jesus wept.
He reached in his cargo pants, took out a sheet of paper, handed it over, didn’t look at me.
I read
…………………….Yo, Jewish
…………………Taking over your deadbeat partner’s case?
………………….Here is a head start for you.
And chuckle, the kid gave me some serious head, I digress, on West 59th, Corner of 7th
and 8th, an old brownstone, second floor, kiddies delight.
Isn’t this fun kike?
One more sweet fang to savor then I’ll have me one of yours, the boy, twelve? little out
of my age group so I’ll do him quick.
Here’s a clue yah dumb Shamus……..clowns to the right……………..
…………………………Two much.
My stomach lurched. I asked
‘You call the cops?’