Paul Gable
Mom_s licking pet

Chapter One

"No! Down Rex! Bad boy!"

Joyce Wilson slapped down at the large gray and white German Shepherd, backing up until her buttocks were pressed against the sink's edge. What on earth was wrong with that animal? He had been rubbing strangely against her leg while she was sitting at the table sipping coffee, licking her ankles, pawing at her thighs. Joyce had noticed that strange behavior growing worse during the past few weeks.

"Maybe he's hungry," she said to herself, brushing away several stray blonde hairs from her face and glancing at the wall clock. A shudder passed through her cunt, taking her breath away, forcing her to hold tightly onto the edge of that sink.

"Damn, damn!"

That awful, tingling itch! It was getting worse, intensified by this big dog! Oh, she should have listened to her good friend Ann Dennis and bought a gun for protection. That damned animal was more trouble than he was worth. First, he ate Joyce and her daughter Debbie out of house and home. Second, he kept chewing up things, grabbing hold of their panties or nylons and running around the house with them in his powerful jaws. Days later Joyce would find her underclothes torn to shreds or stuffed under the couch or living room coffee table. When she picked them up the woman felt a strange tremor race through her body, seeming to concentrate in her cunt. Why should she feel nervous, aroused when she touched that shredded piece of clothing?

For a while Joyce simply pushed such thoughts and questions out of her mind. She had more important things to do. After her husband Brad had died in that automobile accident four years ago, Joyce had had her hands full in raising Debbie. Thank God the insurance plus early pension took care of most of the expenses. But still there were bills a part-time job could not pay for.

"Stop it!"

Rex was lapping the soft spot behind her knee. Joyce closed her eyes, biting down her lower lip, fighting down the electric-like surges of lust spasming through her pussy. It was so hot, so wet, so mushy down there between her legs! Why was she breathing so hard? Her chest was tight while her mouth turned dry as cotton! As she moved away from the sink counter she gasped, feeling the sexy wet rub of her swollen cuntlips against one another. She stopped, sucking in another deep breath, trying to keep her balance. The dog was right behind her, snuffing at her legs, now actually raising the hem of her dress and sniffing up to her… no, it couldn't be happening! Things like that just didn't happen.. at least not to people like her!


Joyce's voice broke as she wheeled around and backed up, slapping Rex right on the snout with her hand. The dog barked, shrank back, his tail dropped between his hindquarters. For a wild second Joyce thought he, was going to leap on top of her and tear out her throat. No, she had bought him as a large puppy, had trained him, loved and fed him. Surely the dog wouldn't turn on her, kill her in her own home.

Her slap seemed to cool down the Shepherd. He turned around, whimpering through his nose and trotted off to another part of the large house. Joyce sighed, feeling her muscles grow limp as the animal disappeared for the moment. She ran her icy fingers through her hair, glancing at the wall clock again. Seven-thirty! She had been home from her part-time job at UCLA's graduate library for nearly an hour and she hadn't put dinner on. Debbie would be coming home soon from her volunteer work at the county hospital. Joyce smiled, wiping her forehead with the back of one hand and trying to ignore that concentrated burning itch still making itself felt between her shivering legs. Debbie had become the ideal daughter, helping her out at home, doing well in school, and now helping out in the hospital as a candy-striper. She smiled, glad she had sacrificed so many years to the raising of her daughter. And now… now she was standing in the kitchen, fully dressed, thinking about how lovely the animal's tongue had felt on her thighs!

Dear God, what was happening to her? She staggered to the doorway, holding onto the molding and breathing hard. It had been long? oh so long since a man touched her. During the time since her husband had been killed Joyce sacrificed her own pleasures for those of her daughter. And now she was paying the price for it.

Maybe if I shower, she thought, feeling a little better. The animal wasn't around. The slap she'd given Rex had cooled his ardor for the moment. Afterwards, she'd have to think seriously about giving the dog away. Surely she couldn't be expected to keep a German Shepherd that might try to mount her or her daughter at any second!

Mount! The thought of having that dog coupling with her, of having anything or anyone mounting her, made Joyce shiver with lust. Her pussy was ripe, dripping with juices, swollen at the seams. The hot furry bundle between her legs moved, actually moved like some live little animal as she walked through the darkened livingroom toward the stairs.

When she reached them Joyce stopped, curling her fingers tightly around the handrail and inhaling deeply. She had to stop this nonsense. Nothing was going to happen if she didn't encourage it. The dog couldn't rape her. That was just silly nonsense. And then the woman was aware of two bright eyes shining close to her. Rex was there, watching her, studying her as she swayed drunkenly against the stair handrail.

"Oh, no," she said with a shuddering sigh, closing her eyes and feeling her cunt burning as if someone had poured burning gasoline on it. A rush of wild thoughts spun through her mind. Her daughter wouldn't be home for some time. Who would know if she "slipped" a little and let the animal have his way?

"Oh, God!" she moaned.

How could she have even thought of something like that? This was becoming serious. Perhaps she should go see a doctor, have him prescribe… what? What could he give her, a good hot fuck? Fucking! Yes, that was what she needed, a good lay to take care of all those erotic dreams she'd been having lately.

The dog was swarming around her legs again. She felt his damp nose on her right calf. Then nothing, quickly followed by that awful nose halfway up her right thigh. Her cunt snapped shut like the shell of a clam, clamping down on thin air. Joyce shivered, feeling her clit tremble, pop up and vibrate like a tuning fork. Her flesh crawled while sweat broke out on her forehead and under her arms. She was aroused all right. There was no sense in denying the obvious. What she had to do was get out of there before this flirtation turned into something far 'more serious.

"Back, Rex, let me go!"

Joyce found the strength to start moving, climbing the stairs, panting almost as heavily as the German Shepherd. Oh, how her cuntlips rubbed sexily together as one leg stepped in 'front of the other. Her clit felt like a small burning jewel, glowing so brightly surely the dog could see it under her flowing dress.

"STOP!" she commanded.

Joyce was at the top now. Down the long darkened hallway was her bedroom and the bath. Her bare feet sank comfortably into the thick piling. Yes, she managed to have a nice home for her and her daughter. And now it was being threatened by her sick perversion, this wild thing rising in her, responding to the dog's arousal. She slapped downward again. But Rex was smart, remembering the blow he'd received minutes ago in the kitchen. He ducked back, his tail now sticking straight up in the air and wagging playfully back and forth. Why did the sound of his heavy breathing arouse her so? Why did his presence make her flesh crawl, make her cuntal walls knot up in sexual ties while juice trickled maddeningly through her cuntal thicket? Joyce felt the way she used to feel when Brad called her to bed, his thick-muscled arms draped over the sheets, that knowing smirk on his lips while his dick tented up the sheets between his legs. And now, now she was feeling something similar and with a damned dog!

"Oh God, no, no!" she cried.

She put both hands to her face, pressing the tips of her fingers against her forehead. She was sinking into depravity, feeling what even the lowest whore in Hollywood rarely felt. Gathering strength once more, the woman dropped her hands and started walking briskly down the corridor. Rex was behind her, finally moving between her swiftly moving legs and bumping the underside of her cuntal mound. Joyce gasped, turning and trying to kick at him. But the German Shepherd backed away again, swirling behind her easily. Suddenly the woman felt his hot breath on her inner thighs. It was so strange, making her feel giddy.

She fell against the wall, her right shoulder sliding down. No, she couldn't fall to the floor. Then she would be vulnerable. That awful dog could do what he wanted then, fuck her like… oh, yes, fuck her like the bitch she was!

Desperately Joyce fought to keep herself upright, digging her nails in the soft plaster while straightening her knees. He was just a dog. Perhaps he was a little more playful than usual, but he was still only a dog. Perhaps he didn't know what he was really doing. Perhaps this was all in her mind. She had to climb into the shower, turn on that icy water once more and direct the spray at her pussy. That would end any feelings of lust for a while.

"Rex, get… back!" she ordered.

The darkened hallway spun around like a tunnel in some ride. He pressed behind her, licking her now, lapping at the softness behind each knee. Oh, how good it felt to have something warm and wet touching her like that, sending rays of goodness flashing through her belly and into her pussy pit. Joyce folded her hands over her waist and pressed hard against her belly. She doubled over slightly, gasping for breath, feeling her nipples scratching deliciously against the stiff material of her bra. For another wild moment the woman thought of taking off her clothes, of lying down there in the dark corridor and letting Rex lick her. She'd heard of some women who did that. Were they any better than she? They were probably alone, frustrated, without men. They raised dogs to service them the way others hired gigolos to… ohhhh, what was she thinking of? That was horrible, sick! Of course she wouldn't let Rex touch her that way.

A strange buzzing echoed in her ear as Joyce staggered down the hall, her hands stretched in front of her. She stumbled forward like a blind woman, the dog swirling between her legs, making walking difficult.

"Ohhhhhh, Rex!" she moaned.

It was so strange. The animal's nose was shoved hotly against her cuntal mound again. She could feel the nylon of her panties being shoved up between her puffy labes. It felt so delicious having that wet silky material rubbing against all the folds and hollows of her pussy. And behind it she could feel the softness of the dog's snout, feel his breath shuddering against her cut.

Why was she so weak? Her body was trembling as if someone had attached an electric wire to it. That wonderful swelling ball of sexual heat in her belly told her she was approaching orgasm. Could it be possible? What could she think of herself if she were to cum with the dog? How could she possibly look at herself in the mirror, knowing she had… done that awful, terrible thing?

"This is horrible!" she gasped, her words sounding lost in that large dark hallway.

She could smell herself now, actually smell her cunt as the juices flowed from her hot, hairy hole. The dog seemed to like that odor. She could feel him trembling against one leg, could hear his breathing catch, then become more shallow, more rapid as he licked deliciously at her pussy. Why should she stop him? They were alone. The house was dark.

"Unghhhhhhh!" she groaned.

This was all an unfortunate accident. He was a dog, an animal that couldn't help itself. How could she hate him, want to kill him?

"Bad doggie, bad… ughhhhhh…"

The animal's tongue lapped noisily, deliciously at her crotch. Joyce felt the damp nylon being stretched away from her cunt, felt the surface of the dog's hot tongue graze one exposed cuntlip. Gasping from the unreal tickle, Joyce shoved her hands down to cover the exposed membranes. Rex kept on, licking at her fingers, wetting down her trembling, whitened knuckles.

"No, no, you… you just can't…"

She turned back, raising one hand high in the air. Surely he would back down with the threat of another blow to the snout.

But instead the big German Shepherd just stood there, his glowing eyes staring up at her, his sides heaving in and out while his breath wheezed through his nostrils. In the dark Joyce could see his long, hot tongue hanging from one corner of his mouth. How she trembled, how she actually lusted after that… that wonderful animal!

Rex went right through her defenses. He was under her, pressing up, his paws scratching almost painfully at her legs. Joyce found herself backed into a corner, her legs pushed apart, her skirt rising up, up to her waist while the dog was leaning heavily against her. There was a sudden, scalding pressure as his powerful tongue peeled her cuntlips apart. That touch almost brought the gasping woman to her knees! The animal was growling low in his throat, his eyes glittering like glowing coals. One wet lick rubbed over her clit. Joyce's knees shook, threatened to bend completely while the woman bit blood from her bottom lip. What was she letting happen? Had she lost her mind completely? It was a dog, a god-damned dog! Nothing seemed real any more. She thought once again of those women who let dogs lick them off. She had heard vulgar jokes about that sort of thing,. something men made up to degrade the image of women.

Rex pressed harder. She felt her buttocks press tightly against the wall. There was nowhere for her to run. She was in the supposed safety of her own home. And yet there was no way the terrified, confused woman could get this animal off her.

"Oh, stop, stop… ', she pleaded.

If only she could get to the bathroom, her bedroom, somewhere where she could close the door and lock in behind her. But her body refused to respond to her will. Instead Joyce remained propped up against the wall, her head rolling from side to side while the dog was bracing his forepaws against her chest, then sliding back down and sticking his nose up her skirt and mouthing her pussy.


It was silly. Why should she think the dog could understand her cries, her pleas. She felt her asscheeks rubbing from side to side against the wall. Oh, she was actually encouraging the dog to lick her, increasing the. friction by moving her thighs. Somehow she managed to get the strength to raise her hand another time. She pushed herself forward, staggered awkwardly toward the bathroom. Again she felt his body bump hers, felt his tongue lapping at her ankles. It was becoming so hard for her to breathe!

Somehow she managed to get to her bedroom, holding onto the door, then swinging in.

Before Joyce managed to shut the door Rex bounded in, scampering around her ankles once more.

The woman held her hands to her head again, sobbing, trying to figure out a way she could escape this terrible animal.

"No, no!" she protested.

She backed away, the backs of her legs hit-ting the bed. Toppling backward, her hands flung to either side, Joyce landed squarely on her ass and back on the large king-sized bed. Rex was on top of her in a second, his snout pushing up her hem, his legs braced between her widely splayed thighs.

Why should she try to fight it any more? He would only keep pursuing her until she had to throw him out of the house. It was dark, they were alone. The only sounds in the big house now were her heavy breathing and the German Shepherd's steady cunt lapping.

"Mmmmmmmmmm!" she moaned.

Now that she had abandoned herself to the licking, Joyce found her ass moving from side to side over the wooly cover. Her fingers clawed at the bedspread, her arms still stretched out crucifixion style from her body. Yes, it was wonderful, one wet surface rubbing against another. She couldn't be expected just to lie there without feeling anything. She was human, a woman who hadn't had any kind of sexual stimulation for nearly four years. And now that wonderful snout was shoved up tight against her cunt. Even if it was a dog's mouth it still felt soooo good. For a moment, Joyce had the distinct impression she was losing her mind.

The dog backed up, his tongue moving along her inner thighs, making the flesh there flash hot and cold alternately. Joyce was rubbing her legs against the cover, rolling her head from side to side, trying to suck in enough air to feed her writhing body.

"Yessss!" she hissed.

Rex was trying to reach her drenched panties. His tongue stretched, brushed over the narrow band of nylon protecting her pussy from his touch. Ohhh, it was wonderful, wonderful! Unbelievably she moved down on the bed, shoving her thighs forward. The dog saw her sudden surrender and went crazy. He whimpered, moving the long tip of his nose from side to side. It was like being fucked… well, almost! Joyce's eyes widened, her nostrils flared as that snout pressed against her inner cuntlips, forcing them wide apart. Joyce heard another barking in the distance. Dogs! She was surrounded by dogs! There was no escape, nowhere to run to except into that set of paws now pinning her down against her own bed!
