Chapter Eleven

"Good dog!"

Joyce was gasping, feeling strange chilly flashes shoot up and down her thighs while her nipples poked out and twitched. She could feel his cock sliding out from his sheath. Trembling, she reached down and pulled at the loose skin in a way she thought would excite him. She was right. The big animal whined, then lapped at her wrists, moving his tongue back and licking himself. The woman let go, trembling, shivering with lust, with revulsion at herself. She was actually toying with an animal, something she did rarely with her own husband when they were together! She and Brad… yes, they had had one hell of a marriage-both in and out of bed. And it was all to end… like this!

Rex was nosing her thigh, then dragging his tongue up along her throbbing cuntal mound. The outer pussylips peeled back as blood filled them. It was wonderful. Joyce was already forgetting it was an animal who was licking her. She always forgot quickly. It was the hunger, the excitement that made her forget.

She pulled her cuntlips far apart with her fingers so the hot, slick tongue could touch every inch of it. She'd finally managed to excite him. And yet, even though he was doing what she wanted, she felt something was missing. Oh, why couldn't it be harder? Joyce took the dog's head and pulled him against her. Her juicy cuntlips clicked around his nose. But now she found she was doing more than just opening herself to Rex; Her own fingers were straying into her cuntal slit. She plowed the slippery folds apart and let her nails cut into the softness.

"Ohhh!" Joyce gasped. Her head was spinning. The dog was starting to edge his teeth against the hollows of her thighs. Then he licked against her cunt again and she shivered. Arching her back up from the bed, the woman pushed two fingers into her cunt and searched around. Yes, yes, she needed something strong and hard and long exciting her pussy. But what, what could she have, what could she find?

The thought that there was no man around to help her brought a whimpery gasp from her throat. Roughly she grabbed the fur around Rex's neck and pulled the animal's snout into the seeping cuntal pit. Something to fill herself with! Fingers weren't any good now. She was beyond that. She needed something that went beyond simple licking, touching.

"Oh Rex… Harder!"

The animal had become interested in her seeping cunt at last. He was concentrating his lapping there. Each time he pushed his tongue down into the steamy cuntal folds Joyce tried hard to imagine a cock. Yes, a real cock, a man's cock, a dick something like the one she imagined hung down from. that doctor's groin! It was unfair, terribly unfair her inexperienced daughter should land something like that while her mother lay naked and writhing on a bed, serviced by her pet dog!

The animal was growling, gouging roughly around the puffed edges of her pussy. His back started humping as his instincts took over and started guiding him. Joyce sucked in a ragged breath.

"Oh, God, God forgive me," she whispered to herself, raising herself up from the crumpled pillow. Tucking one knee under the other Joyce rolled over, finding herself on her hands and knees. The weight of her tits pulling at her chest excited her. She felt her nipples grazing the wrinkled topsheet, felt her chest tightening while her nostrils flared with excitement. She was a bitch, a bitch about to be mounted by her master, a dog!

She was spreading her thighs, her legs pushing out, her cunt burning, dribbling juices. The tickle was wild, excruciating.

Paws scratched at her asscheeks. Then she felt his furry belly slide over her buttocks, felt his forelegs wrap tightly around her sides while his hindquarters pressed up against the backs of her knees. No, she couldn't think too hard about what was happening. Just think of cunt, cunt and cock, cunt and cock!

She moved her shapely ass up and down, dipping it, raising it, then angling it out for the big dog. Something brushed her crack, something hot and slick. Yes, she was moving on the fringe of something terrible. But oh, she needed a fuck, needed…

Joyce felt a little of it, felt the red bony barb penetrate her cunt. No, no, she couldn't go through with it. There were limits even she had to respect. She was crawling forward, swatting at the confused, whining animal. She tossed him over on his side and off her body. She had come so close, so damned close to degrading herself! Panicked and burning with desire Joyce grabbed her dressing gown off the floor and threw it around her shoulders. Her tits rose and fell on her chest as she stood staring at the animal. A warm trickle of her cuntal juice ran down the insides of her thighs, making her frustration that much more intense.

Rushing out of the room she started for the bathroom when Joyce heard a loud pounding on the door. That other doctor! Oh, and she was going to answer the door like this? The bell rang, jangling her frazzled nerves. She gathered the gown around her, rushed to the end of the hall and checked the mirror. Her face was still flushed with lust. But surely he wasn't going to stay, going to notice her. Slowly descending the stairs, Joyce managed to regain control of herself when she reached the bottom. Through the curtains she could make out the shape of a large built man.


God, he was almost a carbon copy of the first! Tall, thickly built, black hair, his dark eyes sparkled with merriment, sexuality! Joyce felt her nipples poke out and was aware he was staring at them through the flimsy material of her gown. A rush of powerful feelings, already aroused by the dog, tore through her cunt.

"Is Debbie here?" the man asked.

"Uh, no, I… that is, she and your friend… you are the doctor, right?" Joyce felt a little out of sync. "They left… already."

It was so hard talking. She heard Rex barking in the background.

"Do you mind if I come in. I just want to phone the hospital. Then I'll be on my way," he said.

"Of course," Joyce answered, backing away. How she blushed as he brushed by her. When he turned and stared back at her, Joyce found herself returning his gaze. They were looking at one another too long. The minute passed the bounds of simple casual propriety. Joyce knew every passing second was making the situation heavier with tension. It was then she realized her breathing had become labored.

"The phone?"

The words didn't make sense to her. Her cunt was burning so badly, aroused by the other doctor, then the dog, now this man. She didn't know him, didn't even know his name! And there she was, about to open shamelessly to him if he so much as raised one eyebrow!

"By the way, I'm Jack," he said, extending one hand.

"Joyce… uh, Mrs. Joyce Wilson," she said, taking it.

Oh, why had she done that? The touch of that man's hand made her weak. Had he smelled her hot cunt. Joyce felt she couldn't get her breath. She put one hand to her chest and closed her eyes.

"You okay? I'm a doctor. Here, let me help you," he said, supporting her by the shoulders. Oh, his hands were so hot and strong. She knew what was happening, how this would probably end, and yet couldn't stop it she would be fucking her daughter's friend. What a laugh! She would have laughed out loud if arousal weren't choking her half to death!

They were sitting down, Jack next to her with a smile on his face.

"The phone?" she asked, her eyes riveted to his.

He didn't answer. Oh, this had gone too far.

"What are you doing?"

He dropped his head to her neck, kissing her there, sliding his tongue down to her throat. Joyce giggled. She knew she had to be going crazy, or becoming a nymphomaniac.

"No, this can't happen. I don't know you. You're my daughter's friend. You… you're a complete stranger. I… I can't…"

But Joyce couldn't check her own movements. He was opening her gown, letting the silk cling to her stiff nipples. She felt him sliding a hand under the silk, grazing his fingers over her panting belly. She was trembling now, her ass squirming on the sofa, her thighs spreading for his touch. When his right forefinger slid into her flooding crack, she groaned loudly, throwing back her head, letting the young resident kiss her mouth, sliding his tongue then down her throat to her tits where he sucked on one nipple, then the other. Like mother, like daughter, Jack thought to himself, sure he wasn't going to be joining his friend his afternoon.

"I want you, but not here," Jack said, pulling away.

"I can't walk, just can't… " Joyce said weakly.

Scooping her up in his arms, Jack moved up the stairs, directed by Joyce. She was woozy, remembering only glimpses of what happened next. He was stripping in her bedroom, that wonderful sound of a man's trousers sliding down hairy legs filling her ears. Soon he was on top of her, that long thing she'd spotted a few seconds ago pressing against her cuntal slit. It was as if someone had touched a burning poker to her clit. She trembled, thought she would cum, felt herself racked by terrible spasms as Jack dry fucked her.

For a second the woman worried about Rex. But he wasn't there. He had tired of her, trotted off somewhere in the house. Besides, what did she need an animal for now? She had this wonderful man on top of her!

"Ohhh, what are you doing to me?"

He was rolling her over until she was like a bitch to be mounted, in the same position she'd been in moments earlier when Rex was sliding onto her ass.

"I like it this way, baby, like it…"

Joyce shivered, images of the dog slipping into her mind as Jack knelt behind her, working his fingers along the insides of her thighs. He was playing with her pussy, scraping the insides of the walls with his fingernails. Ohhh, how she was flooding sexual butter. She was burning down there and her tits ached for another touch. As if reading her mind Jack looped one hand around her belly and fingered her hanging tits, ending by pinching her nipples. She growled, bobbing her ass back and forth.

"Ohhhhh fuck, fuck!" she moaned.

Jack raised his eyebrows, not believing he'd found a mother/daughter act.

She felt his cock drive along the seepy velvet lining of her cunt. His dick was so huge, so… wonderful! Shards of delight flashed through her mind and body as the woman tossed her head back and forth. She owed this man nothing. She didn't even know him. And yet they were giving one another maximum body pleasure.

"Ohhhh, it's going so deeeeeeeep!"

"Baby, baby, this is better than any fuckin' picnic," Jack commented, holding tightly onto her while he drilled the rest of his cock into her sucking, cramping cunt.

Joyce had to agree. As her pussy clutched into knots of excitement, she could hear the dog scratching and whining at the door. No more. No more of that. Now he was going to be odd man out. Fucking. A man was fucking her, a friend of Debbie's. Well, her daughter would just have to find another friend!

He fucked deep again, the only thing touching her being his cock and fingers. He had them hooked around her hipbones. Joyce wriggled in his grasp, feeling herself whirling around in a vortex of lust.

"Fuck, fuck!" she cried, tossing her head from side to side.

How strange this was all ending! First nothing but dreams, then the dog, and now… now this wonderful stranger. Nothing would ever be the same. She was free now, free of all her hangups, of all feelings that stifled her sexuality. There was this man and there would be others. Debbie would just have to accept the fact that her mother would date. And why not? She had given her life to raising her daughter. And now it was her turn to live!

"Ohhhhhhh, fuck me!" she cried, wriggling her ass frantically.

"All afternoon, baby, all afternoon," Jack crooned as he skewered her cunt one more time, juice and cum bubbling down her trembling white thighs.
