Chapter Two

"Horrible! Awful! Get away!"

But Joyce didn't really mean it. The dog opened his mouth wide and pressed his fangs into the flesh of her left inner thigh. He wasn't biting. He was only showing her he was boss, that he could manipulate her any way he chose. It was awful realizing that this animal could almost think the way a man does. She shivered, sucking in a ragged breath. Rex let go for a second, then bit higher on her thigh. Her nerve ends were overstimulated, over-loaded with the rush of feelings assailing her body.

What did it matter anyway? Why was she so concerned with her damned pride? What did pride have to do with this? She was horny, a horny woman who hadn't had a man touch her for four years. And now this animal was going to take care of that horrible burning itch driving her half mad! Spreading her thighs for Rex, she sobbed, rolled to her side on the bed. The sloppy nylon twisted, pulled into a small rope that fell to the side and exposed her swollen labes.

"Ohhh…ughhhh…" she groaned. Rex barked with excitement. He lunged at the glistening tender surfaces that had been peeled open. Joyce didn't try to fight him now. The animal was too strong, was trying to overpower her now. He gouged his claws against her thighs, plunging his long nose up and down against the slick folds of her cunt. She could see that her own juice was wetting the fur around his mouth. His black nostrils glistened with her heat. Joyce threw her head from side to side, feeling her long blonde hair stick to her dampened cheeks and forehead. That wonderful rush of sexuality was going through her cunt once more. The woman tightened her rump, prancing it wildly over the bed, then letting the muscles relax as she breathed heavily and unevenly.

"Fuck, fuck… "she chanted.

No, she didn't want the dog to do that! No, she didn't think she could handle a doggie fuck. She kept her legs straight, spread for the animal, but the knees remained stiff as he kept on licking. She pointed her toes out, fanning them until they cramped. That wild, hot tickle was becoming worse, turning into an excruciating ache. She was building steadily toward an orgasm. And yet Joyce couldn't quite grasp the meaning of it all. What was this about? Why was she turning onto this filthy dog, to this… oh, God, to this German Shepherd?

"Good, soooo good… " she panted, as she pushed one hand down to see how wet she was. When Joyce moved her fingertips to the edge of her swollen cuntal mound she could feel Rex's tongue lapping her knuckles, making her fingers shake again.

The young woman backed up, swinging her legs over the animal's proud head until her feet touched the carpeted floor. Standing up, bracing herself against the wall, Joyce reached down and pulled her jersey over her head. She felt the slight tug the garment made against her tits and shivered. Everything touching her now aroused her. Reaching back she fumbled for her bra strap, then sighed as she felt the elastic bands loosen around her shoulders. In a moment her thunderous thirty-eight-inch tits swung free, the hard nipples twitching with excitement.

In another moment her skirt was gone, a heap of crumpled, spit-stained material on the floor. Climbing back onto the bed, Joyce lay with her legs widely spread apart, her head propped up on one fluffy pillow. This was wild, awful, perverted! Never in her life had she thought of doing something like this. Even now it seemed unreal, like one of those awful erotic dreams she'd been having. Now in the dark she was making one of those dreams come true.

How she burned down there between her legs! The dog was back on top of her in a second, lapping her cunt. Then he started growling, angered by the barrier her panties now presented him. He grew bolder, wrenching his head as if he'd captured another animal. She felt his sharp teeth nip at her panties, tearing them from her body. It was the last shred of clothing to go from her body, the last shred of pride she had left. Now the woman was open to him, completely exposed to whatever he wanted to do.


The white panty-silk hung in shreds at her ass and over her belly. Joyce could now feel the velvet wetness of her pussy exposed, could feel the inner surfaces of her cunt rubbing together as she wormed on the bed. Rex had his paws on her thighs now, his powerful head dropped into her cuntal thicket while his shoulders jutted out. In the dark his body resembled something straight from hell. He was whining, wiggling his strong body back and forth as he serviced her on the bed.

"God, yes, yes!" she screamed.

Joyce was shouting, clawing at the bed, feeling herself rocketing up, up into the heavens. She was giving in quickly to the animal and her baser instincts. Yes, yes, she was opening her cunt up to him, letting her knees fall apart. The dog was going wild, knowing now she wouldn't be fighting him any more. His tongue slopped over the tender inner flesh of her thighs. Each lick he gave over her thighs and pussy brought lovely, wonderful moans from her throat. Her knees raised up a little more. She heard her cuntlips unstick and peel back.

Rex lapped at them. He nuzzled his black snout between her cuntlips. In a flash Joyce knew the dog was tasting her. Smell and taste were an animal's most sensitive senses. Gently his long pink tongue sucked around her inner cuntlips, petted her clit. Joyce shuddered with a wild fever. It was unreal. She was making it with a dog, fucking around with an animal when all these years she was so careful not to encourage men to touch her! What a lousy little hypocrite she had been!

The dog was now resting on his belly between her thighs. She could feel that wonderful tongue lapping again and again over her cunt, could feel his hot breath blowing through her tight pussy curls.

"Ughhhhhooooo!" she howled.

Joyce didn't dare think of what was happening to her… not really. Of course she realized the animal was touching her, breathing on her, licking her. Of course she knew what she was doing. But still the blonde managed to blot out the horror of the situation. The hunger of her body was forcing all moral thoughts that might have haunted her out of her mind. Now the only thing that seemed real was the aching pleasure between her legs and from the dog's tongue. She was possessed by the desire, this feeling. Her hands reached down to her flat belly, searching for the dog's pointed nose. She felt with her fingers at the steamy mess between her thighs. Oh, it felt so good having the dog's tongue loving her. The way he licked at her palms and fingers made her gasp with delight.

Joyce moved her ass up, giving the dog more of her cunt to nibble at. He sensed her growing excitement and whimpered through his nose. Now he was licking the rounded bottom of her asscheeks, laving it with spit. He lapped back into the split of her buttocks, back to the tiny tight knot of her shitter. She felt so wet all over. The insides of her thighs, her butt, her cunt were all covered with hot spit. When Joyce managed to shove herself up on her elbows, the shock of what was happening hit her full force.

The woman tried to fight up through the red haze that had settled over her brain. She tried once again to shove the dog away from her.

"No, bad boy, bad doggie. Come on Rex, leave me alone. Oh, please.

But nothing could deter the powerful animal from his object. Joyce's arms trembled, her finger curled once again back behind his furry pointed ears. She humped her back, pressing her swollen cunt up against his muzzle. That pink tongue drove up and down her crack. It felt so good, so shamelessly good. Her clit burned from the steady lapping friction. The places between her toes and fingers tickled. She fanned her fingers out along the animal's neck, raising her feet from the groaning bed. Slowly, panting more heavily than ever, Joyce inched her knees back until they were against her big tits. She let them sag apart, the knees finally touching the wrinkled bedspread. Every tiny hollow of her pussy was peeled back now, every inch of her snatch surrendered to the sex-hungry dog.

Was there no decency, no shred of pride left in her? No, no, nothing! Nothing except a wild thirst for a cum was left in the panting woman. Joyce gasped and babbled as Rex nuzzled her, soaking her cunt with his spittle. She brought her feet together at the sides of his big head, rubbing him with her toes.

It was too late for her to stop. Wild emotions flew through her head. Lights started popping in front of her. Joyce knew what all this meant. She was close to cumming, close to blowing apart on the bed. And it was all because of an animal, her damned dog bringing her off. Oh, if her daughter could see her now…! And yet somehow the thought of her shocked face brought a smirk to her lips. Yes, she would be surprised, surprised to see her wonderful mother fucking a dog, spreading herself wide open to a wild animal!

The woman worked her ass around in frantic circles. She was crying through her nose, sounding more like a dog than Rex.

"Fuck, fuck-!" she yelled.

For a brief minute, Joyce wondered if the neighbors could hear her. What on earth would they think was going on in that house? She giggled, her laughter turning into a groan when the dog touched her clit once more. Rex's licking now seemed to be everywhere at once. The more she moved, the more pleasure he seemed to bring to her. If only she could have that sensation of being fucked, of having something hard and thick and long reaming out her cunthole. But that was out of the question.

Whatever her feelings, whatever her lusts, Joyce could never bring herself to have a dog's cock inside her. It was just too much, too much for her to think about at this point.

"Ugnhhhoooooo!" she screamed.

She was close, dangerously close. Joyce tilted her cuntal hole up, felt the dog's tongue rimming her, petting her clit so tenderly that she felt she was going to go through the ceiling.

She was shivering, feeling as if she had some horrible kind of fever. Her cuntal walls spasmed. She could feel her clit quivering, feel the big muscles in her ass cramping. She kicked her feet high. Rex slowed down his rubbing friction, tilting his head and staring at her.

"No, don't stop!" she breathed.

The dog sensed her tension and nuzzled again between her wet cuntlips. She felt the membranes fill with blood. If a man's dick were in her she would be milking it now. The thought hurried her to her cum. She pitched on the bed, bucking her ass against the dog's parted jaws. His teeth were cutting her slightly. That acute sensation brought a groan from her throat. Oh, she couldn't take this much longer. The headboard banged against the plaster, cracking it as Joyce whirled and bucked her way into climax.

"Unnnghhhhooooonooooo!" she howled like a bitch.

The world seemed to crash into her cunt as Joyce yelped and jerked, her legs kicking up and out, then scissoring down tightly around the big dog's neck. Whipping her legs against the bed, hugging Rex's body, she felt that mad, keen throbbing pleasure finally boil over. Again and again her pussy clamped shut, trying to trap his licking tongue. Rex was fast, snarling into her pussy, drilling his tongue into her hot hairy hole, then pulling it out before those sensitive muscles snapped shut.

Again and again her pussy contracted. The final throbbing hurt drove her half mad with pleasure. She could hear the slick clicking sounds of the dog's furry mouth on her cunt. It sucked and clicked with each movement she made.

And she couldn't stop moving! It was wonderful, wild. Her moans, her crazed squirming seemed to set the animal off into a wilder fury. He made a strange noise-a kind of whining growl that made her open her knees even wider. She wriggled her ass over the coverlet, feeling the smooth material tickling the sensitive flesh surrounding her asshole. Oh, how she was juicing herself, wetting down the dog's snout and her inner thighs.

And as her lust peaked the dog opened his jaws, taking her cuntal mound between his fangs. Shaking her gently, his teeth pressing into her soft flesh, Rex kept his dark-brown eyes fastened on her, watching the woman pitch and yowl on the bed. He shook her gently, those sharp white fangs pressing deliciously into her cumming flesh. He swathed his tongue back and forth, drawing more pleasure from the woman's hot tight pussy.

Somehow she managed to squirm off the bed, kick the dog away and stagger to the bedroom door. Her cunt was still cramping down on thin air. Her legs were so shaky while the room spun dizzyingly around and around. She'd cum with a dog! She'd reached orgasm because a dog touched her… there!

Behind her she could hear Rex yelping. Was he wanting her to stay to help him cum? Did he want her to touch her, to spread her legs again so he could mount her and drive that bony cock into her? She gasped, one hand pressed to the bottom of her throat as she staggered down the narrow hallway to the bathroom. She heard the bed groaning and knew the German Shepherd had jumped off and was pursuing her.

In a second she found herself in the bathroom, the door locked behind her. Leaning against the sink, Joyce curled her fingers around the cold porcelain edge. She breathed in huge lungfuls of air, hardly able to stand. Looking at her lust-swollen face in the mirror she could feel the animal's spittle dribbling down her legs. Oh, God, God, she couldn't blame the dog… not really. The poor thing hadn't done anything wrong. He had natural urges and was satisfying them, something more than she had been doing.

"I can't go on like this… I just can't," Joyce said to herself, resting her forehead against the mirror. Oh, how nice and cool that glass surface felt against her burning flesh! She was gasping, her feet slipping on the tiles. Catching herself before she started sobbing into her hands. What if Rex started making strange moves while Debbie was around. Wouldn't her daughter become suspicious, put two and two together and discover that her mother had been busy fucking dogs?

The thought almost made her laugh. She'd become the butt of every obscene joke in the neighborhood, her daughter running into corners to hide from the shame. No, no, she couldn't let that happen.

Joyce couldn't think straight. She needed a drink. Yes, a drink would help. Lately she'd been having one or two too many, perhaps. But then she'd been under terrible pressure… what with her suppressed sexuality and all. Her fingers trembling on the doorknob, the woman opened the door and stepped out into the hall. No, Rex wasn't there. Feeling herself calming down somewhat Joyce, tiptoed down the hall and peeked into her bedroom. Rex was gone! She grabbed the silken robe that hung behind her door, slipped it over her shoulders and tied the belt tightly around her waist. When she descended the stairs and walked into the kitchen she saw Rex sitting in a corner, half curled up, licking himself. He was lapping at that strange, odd, red doggie cock of his. Joyce shuddered, hurriedly poured some vodka from one of the several bottles standing next to the refrigerator, then left and walked into the livingroom.

He's got to leave me alone, she thought to herself, wondering if she should call the pound or something. No, Debbie was crazy about the animal and she'd ask too many questions Joyce wouldn't be able to answer adequately.

Leaning against the sofa the woman gulped down the strong liquor. Her thighs still had the that warm glow Rex had given her with his hungry mouth. She didn't know any more what was right and wrong. Of course the neighbors and her daughter would brand her as a pervert. But the sky hadn't fallen in, lightning hadn't shot in through her window, slicing her and the dog in two. And it had felt so good, so damned good!

She shivered, putting the cold glass to her lips and taking another sip of vodka. Rex had come into the living room and stood in the doorway looking affectionately at her. It had been less than fifteen minutes since… since that animal had touched her. Already, however, she was wanting to feel that tongue touching her once again, feel that furry muzzle brushing over her slick cuntlips. She closed her eyes, pressing her arms against her sides, feeling her body sway back and forth. Yes, yes, she was becoming sexually aroused about this animal, by his wonderful tongue, by that probing, snuffing snout! Of course she was treading on the thin ice of insanity. People just didn't go around letting dogs…

Joyce moved around the sofa and sat down, keeping her knees pressed tightly together. Rex was in front of her, his forepaws together, his head erect while his pointed ears stood up straight. He seemed to be waiting for something, for a command, some sign of weakness on her part perhaps. Joyce giggled, taking another large gulp of vodka. She was already starting to feel a little giddy. She'd have to watch herself! Debbie would be coming home soon. She couldn't find her like this!

"You can't do this again," Joyce whispered, peering over the drink glass at the animal. Rex knew she was talking to him and whimpered, leaning his head forward, wagging his bushy tail from side to side over the carpeting.

Joyce could still smell her own muskey, sexy cunt. She wanted to whine as Rex whined, feeling her sexual tension building again. She finished her drink and lay her head back, Joyce smiled, feeling her breathing quicken. All she had to do was sit there, not move a muscle while the animal finished her off. She moved to give him some of her cuntmeat, then thought better of it.

"No!" she said firmly, getting up and moving back to the kitchen for another drink. It would be hard fighting off the animal from now on.
