Moth Flight ran. She could hear Wind Runner and Gorse Fur calling, but her eyes were fixed on the moth’s great, green wings. She had to chase it. The moth wanted to show her something. She just knew it!
The ground sloped steeply beneath her paws and she skidded, straining to keep her balance as she bounded down the hillside where the moor dropped into the valley.
The sun, burning orange on the peaks of Highstones, made a halo around the moth, illuminating its great wings as it fluttered above the ground.
The coarse grass of the moor turned soft as it dipped toward the valley, growing lush as the land flattened. Suddenly Moth Flight felt hard stone beneath her paws; the stench of the Thunderpath touched her nose. She paused, wary.
The moth paused too, wheeling in the air and flying back toward her. It swooped above her head.
It’s beckoning to me! She knew the moth wanted her to keep following.
“I’m coming!”
The moth began to head away, moving toward fields beyond the Thunderpath. A breeze lifted it, swirling it sideways.
Moth Flight leaped, paws outstretched, hoping to touch its soft wings.
As she arched her back, straining to reach it, hard muscle slammed into her flank and knocked her rolling across the black stone of the Thunderpath.
Surprise flared through her as she tumbled onto the grass verge on the far side. A roar exploded in her ears and wind tore at her fur. The foul stench of a monster swept over her, burning her throat, as grit pelted her flank. Wailing in terror, she screwed up her eyes and flinched from the stinging shower.
“Moth Flight!” Gorse Fur’s voice sounded in her ear as the monster’s roar faded.
She scrambled to her paws, blinking open her eyes.
Gorse Fur stood beside her, his gaze almost black with shock. “You could have been killed!”
She stared at him, numb.
“You were standing in the middle of the Thunderpath!” Fury flared in Gorse Fur’s eyes. “Didn’t you hear the monster coming?”
Moth Flight blinked at him, struggling to make sense of what had happened. “I was chasing the moth.” Hadn’t he seen it? She turned her head, scanning the hedge beside them. Where had it gone?
Paws thudded over the Thunderpath. Moth Flight glimpsed her mother and Dust Muzzle racing toward them.
“You rabbit-brained fool!” Wind Runner scrambled to a halt, bristling with rage.
Dust Muzzle’s eyes glittered with horror. “If Gorse Fur hadn’t knocked you out of the way—”
Wind Runner didn’t let him finish. “You could have both been killed!”
Moth Flight saw fear in her mother’s gaze. She stiffened, cold dread rippling beneath her pelt. She had never seen her mother frightened before.
“Are you hurt?” Dust Muzzle leaned forward, sniffing at Moth Flight’s pelt. The young tom’s gaze flicked toward Gorse
Fur. “Are you both okay?”
Gorse Fur blinked reassuringly. “We’re fine,” he promised.
Wind Runner’s gaze burned into Moth Flight’s. “No thanks to you!”
Moth Flight backed away, suddenly scared. “I’m sorry.” She began to tremble. Gorse Fur and I both could have died! And it was my fault!
The ground swayed beneath her paws.
“You’ve always been irresponsible!” Wind Runner’s sharp words cut through her jumbled thoughts. “Losing Slate’s kits, getting lost collecting plants when you should have been hunting. We’re used to that. But you’ve never been this reckless! You’re not just a danger to yourself! You’re a danger to your Clan!”
“I’m s-sorry.” Guilt welled inside Moth Flight, rising in her throat until she could hardly speak.
“You’ve worn that word out today!” Every hair on Wind Runner’s pelt stood on end. “Sorry doesn’t bring back cats from the dead! WindClan would be better off without you!”
Moth Flight hardly heard Dust Muzzle’s gasp or the gentle words of Gorse Fur as he tried to calm his mate.
“No one was actually hurt,” he soothed.
Moth Flight’s heart seemed to crack in her chest. Wind Runner is right. She was a danger to her Clan. What if Silver Stripe had been killed by a badger? Or Black Ear carried away by a buzzard? What if Gorse Fur had been killed by a monster as he tried to save me?
As she backed away, her vision blurred. What have I done?
She stared at her family, her chest too tight to breathe.
“Where are you going?” Wind Runner yowled.
“I need time to think,” Moth Flight struggled to speak. “I need to be by myself for a while.” Unsteadily, she turned and headed for the hedge beyond the grass verge.
Gorse Fur’s mew rang behind her. “You can’t just go off by yourself!”
“Don’t try and stop me!” she wailed. She slid beneath the hedge and began running. Shallow ridges of soil stretched before her and she raced over them, her paws slipping into the furrows and tripping over ridges. But she had to keep going.
She had to get away!
“Come back!” Wind Runner’s call echoed from beyond the hedge. “Sulking won’t help!”
I’m not sulking! Moth Flight’s thoughts whirled as grief stormed inside her. But you’re right! I am a danger to my Clan.
I don’t deserve to be with you.